时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:娱乐新天地MV 2006

Urban Pianist--Daniel Powter

(MTV) "Bad Day," the first single off Daniel Powter's small masterpiece of a debut 1 disc, has been divebombing TV-watching Americans for months. Turn on "American Idol 2" and there it is, accompanying the latest axed contestant 3 off the stage. Switch over to Showtime, and it's on promos for "Weeds." The VH1 video is inescapable. Yet nobody knows who the guy is (a 35-year-old French Canadian, it turns out), and attempts to compare him to other singers inevitably 4 come up short. Powter is poppier than James Blunt, more substantial than Adam Levin, and way less hangdoggish than Train. He is--and there may be no flattering way of saying this--like the late-'70s pop king Leo Sayer: an elastic-voiced and enormously infectious singer who can make you feel like dancing in the space of a few deft 5 keyboard plinks. Powter, the disc, has legs, too: "Bad Day" is as big a bummer as its title suggests compared with the all-out party that is "Jimmy Gets High." "Free Loop" chugs toward its vaguely 6 sad station stop in the most ingratiating way possible, and "Song 6" sucks you in with a groove 7 that won't soon stop doing loop-de-loops around your every thought. Powter to the people--it should have come a lot sooner.
Bad Day


Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Will you need a blue sky holiday?
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(Oooh.. a holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the bling
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong


So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day


丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)这位总是带着毛帽,琴艺精湛,有着浓浓都会时尚感外形的歌手,以充满灵性的假声,在2006上半年横扫美国乐坛。细腻独特的感受力及出色的琴艺,使他总能在平淡无奇的生活中找到音乐创作的素材,由此博得“都市琴人丹尼尔”的美誉。【都市琴人丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)】这张专辑去年率先在美国以外地区发行,旋即欧洲各国就掀起一阵“Bad Day 风”,在法国更是蝉连好几周冠军,在英国金榜上蝉联3周亚军。而当时风头正劲的冠军单曲,就是同门师兄上尉诗人詹姆仕.布朗特的“You are beautiful(美丽的妳)”,蝉连5周。随着歌曲的窜红,“坏天气(Bad Day)”一曲被可口可乐用作欧洲广告片的主题曲。而【都市琴人丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)】的首张同名专辑,也即将在4月中旬于美国发行。早在今年2月初,“坏天气(Bad Day)”就被热门歌曲比赛节目“美国偶像(American Idol)”选为激励在决赛中不幸遭到淘汰的参赛者歌曲,挟着这个节目平均高达3000万人次的收视率狂潮,歌曲以单曲形式在美国发行时迅速窜红,刚发行5周就在全美热门单曲榜[Hot100]与流行单曲榜中飞升至第5名,之后一路高歌猛进挺进亚军位置。但当时冠军宝座仍由狭路相逢的同门师兄上尉诗人詹姆仕.布朗特把持。本周在最新出炉的Billboard流行单曲榜单里,丹尼尔终于以“坏天气(Bad Day)”摘得桂冠,开心地以坏天气打开好心情,一扫之前在2005年欧洲MTV音乐奖最佳新人及全英音乐奖最佳国际突破艺人颁奖典礼上虽被提名候选但却名落孙山的阴霾。【都市琴人丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)】好事成双,同一时间日本也捷报传来,单曲“坏天气”及同名专辑,双双拿下日本国际榜冠军,也让即将在4月中旬于美国发行出道同名大碟的丹尼尔声名鹊起。


不仅“坏天气(Bad Day)”一曲广受欢迎,看过音乐录像带的人也都会被其剧情深深打动而莞尔一笑。很多网友都说,跟几米的《向左走向右走》有点类似。这支音乐录像带的剧情主要讲述这样一个故事:男女主角是在这个大都市当中每天过着日复一日一样生活的上班族,慢慢已经失去对生活的热情。某天女主角心情极端不好,便在地铁里的一面墙上画了一个淋雨的女孩,来宣泄自己的坏心情。而看到这副画的男主角,却调皮地在女孩手中加上一把伞,为她挡去纷飞雨丝。隔天女主角看到这幅画便笑逐颜开,在接连几天的对“画”中,女主角把男主角在墙上留下的问号“?”添加了另一半爱心,将整个图连成一个完整的心型。两人便在一个坏天气里,带着好心情互约见面。

这首在全球掀起热潮的单曲“坏天气(Bad Day)”,道出了都市里上班族对于日复一日机械式的生活缺乏激情的心声。加拿大创作型歌手丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)引发全球乐迷的共鸣。而首张同名专辑【Daniel Powter】有着朗朗上口的特质,感染力极强的节奏,为全球各地不快乐的都市人,开启一扇海阔天空的窗。


  • That same year he made his Broadway debut, playing a suave radio journalist.在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者。
  • The actress made her debut in the new comedy.这位演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。
  • As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。
  • Blind worship of this idol must be ended.对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了。
  • The company will furnish each contestant with a free ticket.公司将为每个参赛者免费提供一张票。
  • The personal appearance and interview of the contestant is another count.参加比赛者的个人仪表和谈话也是一项。
  • In the way you go on,you are inevitably coming apart.照你们这样下去,毫无疑问是会散伙的。
  • Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.技术变革必然会导致失业。
adj.灵巧的,熟练的(a deft hand 能手)
  • The pianist has deft fingers.钢琴家有灵巧的双手。
  • This bird,sharp of eye and deft of beak,can accurately peck the flying insects in the air.这只鸟眼疾嘴快,能准确地把空中的飞虫啄住。
  • He had talked vaguely of going to work abroad.他含糊其词地说了到国外工作的事。
  • He looked vaguely before him with unseeing eyes.他迷迷糊糊的望着前面,对一切都视而不见。
  • They're happy to stay in the same old groove.他们乐于墨守成规。
  • The cupboard door slides open along the groove.食橱门沿槽移开。
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Department of Commerce and Labor
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genus galictiss
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mal de mers
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Poa nemoralis
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twenty-five to
twenty-one (21) cm radiation
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