时间:2018-12-31 作者:英语课 分类:有声英文阅读
- 1 有声英文阅读-“泰”好玩!
Basking 1 in the Land of Smiles
What do you look for when choosing a travel destination? We all have our own ideas about what makes a great vacation, but no matter what you are looking for, there is a good chance that you will find it in Thailand. It has something for everyone.
Just 15 years ago, fewer than 1 million people traveled to Thailand every year. Those travelers liked what they found, and quickly spread the word. Today, the polite and hospitable 2 Thais play host to more than 8.5 million visitors annually 3, all of whom are eager to experience Thailand's ancient culture and sample its many attractions.
Adding to its many charms, Thailand is also very affordable 4. Exploring this diverse country can be so inexpensive that many vacationers find that a fun-packed day in Thailand is far less expensive than a quiet night out in their own country.
Perhaps the first delight to seduce 5 even the most discerning traveler in Thailand is its cuisine 6. Thai food is regularly rated as some of the best in the world. Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty of lime juice, lemon grass, or coriander. These help produce dishes that are spicy 7, yet deliciously fragrant 8 with a distinctive 9 tang.
Sampling Thailand's diverse dishes will give you the energy to explore its many sights. The capital, Bangkok, and other older cities are graced with elegant ruins and beautifully decorated temples. In these places, one can wander at leisure and learn about the country's rich artistic 10 heritage.
If you are more of a nature lover, consider heading north to Chiang Mai. There you can find many opportunities to trek 11 into the hills, explore jungles and waterfalls, visit the hill tribes of the area, or experience the once-in-a-lifetime pleasures of bamboo-rafting or elephant-riding.
After all that trekking 12 and sightseeing, you may want to relax and soothe 13 away your aches and pains. Thailand also is a great place for pain and stress relief. Places for massage 14 and reflexology are everywhere, ready to work on your tired body and leave you feeling refreshed. Having a traditional Thai massage can be one of the highlights of your visit.
If lying on the beach is your thing, head for one of the many hundreds of beautiful islands that rest along Thailand's lengthy 15 coastline. The beaches in Thailand are some of the best in the world. They range from packed resort spots with plenty of water sports to quiet, idyllic 16, picture-perfect retreats, where only the gentle sound of the ocean can be heard.
People may leave Thailand and settle back into the hustle 17 and bustle 18 of real life, but the image of Thailand never really leaves them. For this reason, many travelers choose to return again and again to the unforgettable "Land of Smiles".
- We sat basking in the warm sunshine. 我们坐着享受温暖的阳光。
- A colony of seals lay basking in the sun. 一群海豹躺着晒太阳。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- The man is very hospitable.He keeps open house for his friends and fellow-workers.那人十分好客,无论是他的朋友还是同事,他都盛情接待。
- The locals are hospitable and welcoming.当地人热情好客。
- Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.许多候鸟每年到这个湖上作短期逗留。
- They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
- The rent for the four-roomed house is affordable.四居室房屋的房租付得起。
- There are few affordable apartments in big cities.在大城市中没有几所公寓是便宜的。
- She has set out to seduce Stephen.她已经开始勾引斯蒂芬了。
- Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking.巧妙策划的广告会引诱更多的人吸烟。
- This book is the definitive guide to world cuisine.这本书是世界美食的权威指南。
- This restaurant is renowned for its cuisine.这家餐馆以其精美的饭菜而闻名。
- The soup tasted mildly spicy.汤尝起来略有点辣。
- Very spicy food doesn't suit her stomach.太辣的东西她吃了胃不舒服。
- The Fragrant Hills are exceptionally beautiful in late autumn.深秋的香山格外美丽。
- The air was fragrant with lavender.空气中弥漫薰衣草香。
- She has a very distinctive way of walking.她走路的样子与别人很不相同。
- This bird has several distinctive features.这个鸟具有几种突出的特征。
- The picture on this screen is a good artistic work.这屏风上的画是件很好的艺术品。
- These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.外国朋友很喜欢这些美术工艺品。
- We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
- It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
- She can't come pony trekking after all because she's in a delicate condition. 她结果还是不能坐小马车旅行,因为她已怀孕。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas. 我们整个夏天都在喜马拉雅山的山麓艰难跋涉。 来自互联网
- I've managed to soothe him down a bit.我想方设法使他平静了一点。
- This medicine should soothe your sore throat.这种药会减轻你的喉痛。
- He is really quite skilled in doing massage.他的按摩技术确实不错。
- Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles.按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛。
- We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
- The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.教授写了一部有关拿破仑的巨著。
- These scenes had an idyllic air.这种情景多少有点田园气氛。
- Many people living in big cities yearn for an idyllic country life.现在的很多都市人向往那种田园化的生活。
- It seems that he enjoys the hustle and bustle of life in the big city.看起来他似乎很喜欢大城市的热闹繁忙的生活。
- I had to hustle through the crowded street.我不得不挤过拥挤的街道。