本期内容: The U.S. is expected to broaden its ban on in-flight laptops and tablets to include planes from the European Union, a move that would create logistical chaos on the world's busiest corridor of air travel. The ban would affect trans-At
本期内容: Plant life on both poles is growing rapidly as the planet warms. A new study has found a steady growth of moss in Antarctica over the last 50 years as temperatures increased as a result of climate change. The continued retreat of glac
本期内容: Two likely future British kings were there, along with one of the world's most photographed women, the often-adorable Prince Harry, a multilingual tennis legend and a brash TV reality star. But all eyes were on Pippa Middleton on Satu
本期内容: Shares in electric car maker Tesla have risen after founder Elon Musk said its new Model 3 car would be ready by Friday, two weeks ahead of schedule. The five-seater car - its lowest-cost vehicle to date - had passed all its regulator
本期内容: Men who delay starting a family are more likely to have geekier sons, a study suggests. They were brighter, more focused and less bothered about fitting in - according to the Geek Index devised by King's College London. The mother's a
本期内容: AleadingeconomisthasinadvertentlycausedastormbysayinghepreferredthevoiceontheiPhoneSirivirtualassistanttobemalebecausehefeltthatmadeitmoretrustworthy.NobelprizelaureateSirChristopherPissarides'commentsataconferenceinNorwayattractedfie
本期内容: Walmart, the US biggest retail chain, has been accused of trying to coerce its technology suppliers into shunning Amazon's cloud computing service. Amazon has accused its rival of attempting to bully the IT companies into picking a ri
本期内容: Theworldiswidelyconsideredtobeonthecuspofafourthindustrialrevolutiononewheremachineswillbeabletodomanyofthejobscurrentlyperformedbyhumans,andperhapsevendothembetter.Itisafuturethatpromisesgreaterefficiencyandcheaperservices,butonethat
本期内容: A rise in global nationalism paired with a worldwide drop in oil prices has brought about significant shifts in the global economy over the past year. As a result of these developments, certain destinations that have long been some of
本期内容: WithFather'sDayduetobecelebratedon18June,retailersaroundtheworldaresettoenjoyasignificantboost.ButwhiletheamountofmoneyweallspendonFather'sDaycontinuestogoupeveryyear,itstilltrailsfarbehindMother'sDay.DrLarsPerner,aconsumerpsychologis
本期内容: Ariana Grande is to get honorary citizenship of Manchester under plans put forward by the city council. The council is proposing a new system to recognize outstanding contributions to the city. The US singer is in line to be the first
本期内容: A long-running feud among the family of Singapore's prime minister over the legacy of their father, the country's first leader, has resurfaced. In Facebook posts, two of PM Lee Hsien Loong's siblings accused him of going against their
本期内容: Burberry-bestknownforitstrenchcoatsanddistinctivecheckpattern-hasbeenrevampingitsproductlineandonlinestore,aswellascuttingcosts.Inaddition,itsaidearlierthisyearthatitwasgoingtostopdevelopingitsfragranceandbeautyproductsin-houseandfran
本期内容: Sleepingtoomuchortoolittlecanincreasethelikelihoodofbecomingobese,researchershavediscovered.Thestudyfoundabnormalsleepingpatternsincreasedtheriskofbeingoverweightforthosegeneticallypredisposedtoobesity.Theeffectwasseenregardlessofdiet
本期内容: British Airways suffered a global IT failure, resulting in the wholesale stoppage of flights from London airports on Saturday. Delays and cancellations continued throughout the weekend. BA blamed a power-supply problem for the snafu,
本期内容: Around 500 tons of the oysters are clogging parts of the Scandinavian coast, threatening native species. In jest, Denmark's embassy in China turned to social media, inviting Chinese tourists to eat the shellfish. The post has received
本期内容: Amazon opened its seventh US bookshop in New York on Thursday, drawing a steady stream of selfie-snapping gawkers, tourists and loyal shoppers who reveled in the novelty experience of shopping in person. Opening its first bookshop in
本期内容: In an email to drivers, Uber said adding tipping was the first announcement in its 180 days of change, a program that the company hopes will help it improve its relationship with drivers. Driver pressure will have played a significant
本期内容: Catalonia has moved a step closer to abandoning the long working hours and protracted lunch breaks that have tested Spaniards'powers of endurance for more than seven decades, by adopting an initiative intended to reset people's work-l
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