The most popular toys this holiday season, as you know, if you're a parent, are zhu zhu pets. They're little robot hamsters that move around or something and there're people going crazy for them. Zhu zhu pets are manufactured in China, and over the w
Your mom is so stupid. She locked herself in the motorcycle. I kicked her out. How get-out! How get-out! How get-out! Your mom is so fat. All of her relationships are long distance. Those jeans are looser in your mom. I know, I've warned your mom. Yo
A father and son finally reunited. David Goldman left his hotel just after sunrise this morning in Rio early at the US consulate for the transfer he has waited five years to see. The Brazilian family holding his son Sean delivered him including in th
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine. MSNBC host Chris Matthews analyzing President Obamas address on Afghanistan at West Point Tuesday night, referred to what Matthews interpreted as a lack of excitement from the cadets in the au
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- 2009-01-19&01-21 我同情以色列
- 2009-02-13&02-15 谷歌定位or被定位,你愿意么?
- 2009-02-07&2009-02-09 脉搏快有问题?
- 2009-02-28 Jimmy Kimmel大营救
- 2009-03-04&05 Uncle Barney秀魔术
- 2009-03-01&03 Jimmy Kimmel大营救幕后花絮
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- 2009-01-13&01-15 布什任内最后一年的回顾
- 2009-01-25&01-27 奥巴马的希望
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- 2009-02-16&02-18 本尼西奥演绎切格瓦拉的真实故事?
- 2009-02-19&02-21 晚育,与时间的较量?