时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:澳大利亚中学英语

[00:00.00]Unit 16              Rewards for LiMeng and Xiaohong
[00:06.19]1.Listen,read and act.
[00:11.15]Have you ever been interviewed by a newspaper reporter,
[00:15.70]or a radio station or even a TV station?
[00:21.16]What would it be like?What questions would they ask?
[00:26.33]How would you answer the questions,especially the difficlt ones?
[00:31.97]Here are two interviews.Let's find out how they do it.
[00:37.85]Interview 1
[00:40.80]This is Andrew Williams from ASA TV Station.
[00:46.37]We're now at Jjohnson Secondary School
[00:50.21]where a special school assembly is being held
[00:54.47]to celebrate some of the special achievements of some students here.
[01:00.24]The Lord Mayor of Adelaide,Mr.Alfred Hrang is the"Guest of Honour"at this assembly.
[01:07.40]Now,we'd like to interview two talented students from China.
[01:13.04]Williams:Hello,Nice to meet you ,LiMeng and Xiaohong.
[01:17.40]Have I got your names correct?
[01:20.95]LiMeng:Yes,fine.Nice to meet you.
[01:24.79]Williams:I hear you are brother and sister from China?
[01:29.03]LiMeng:That's right.We've been here for almost a year now.
[01:33.99]Williams:Today Mr.Huang presented you with a special achievement certificate
[01:39.84]for being chosen in the State Representative Soccer Team.
[01:44.88]That's the under-15 boys state team.My congratulations!Now,how do you feel?
[01:52.14]LiMeng:Thank you.I feel very excited.It's a great honour and also a big challenge.
[01:59.09]I'm looking forward to meeting the new team members and training with them.
[02:04.37]Williams:I've heard that you've been jplaying soccer for a number of years now.
[02:09.12]What have you learned from playing soccer?
[02:12.68]LiMeng:Yeah.I've been playing soccer since I was six years old.
[02:18.03]What have I learned?Fair play,team spirit,good sportsmanship,and lots of things.
[02:25.40]Williams:Thank you,LiMeng.Now,Xiaohong,my congratulations also to you!
[02:32.06]You've been presented with a special achievement certificate
[02:36.73]for winning a $AU 10,000 scholarship.
[02:40.86]Xiaohong:Thank you.I really feel honoured.
[02:44.62]Williams:With this scholarship,you'll be able to study in a special art school,right?
[02:49.95]Xiaohong:Yes,that's what I was told.
[02:53.79]Williams:You must have lots of talents in art,Xiaohong?
[02:58.34]Xiaohong:I don't know about that.But I've been drawing for many years.
[03:03.51]It's my long-time hobby.
[03:06.85]Williams:Just one more question.Do you two feel homesick?
[03:12.13]Xiaohong:Well,a little bit.
[03:15.37]But our home-stay family is so nice and warm that we feel quite at home here.
[03:22.32]Williams:Thank you very much.
[03:25.56]This is another example of the great things Chinese students are doing in Australian schools.
[03:32.72]My congratulations again and keeep up your efforts.
[03:37.78]This is Andrew Williams,reporting from...
[03:42.15]4.Listen,read and act.
[03:47.29]Interview 2
[03:50.45]A local newspaper is also interviewing LiMeng and Xiasohong.
[03:56.02]Let's see what they are talking about.
[03:59.86]Reporter:Now,Mr.Huang asked to speak with you two.
[04:04.53]Is it OK if you share with us what you takled about?
[04:09.08]LiMeng:Of course.Mr.Huang told us that he was very proud of our achievements
[04:15.03]and that he was sure our family would be proud too.
[04:19.47]Xiaohong:He also told us about a famous heart surgeon,Dr.Victor Chang.
[04:25.12]Reporter:Yes.Dr.Victo Chang is highly respected and loved here in Australia.
[04:31.07]The whole country was very sad when he died.
[04:35.51]LiMeng:I really admire what he did.He's a man who never stopped trying.
[04:41.39]Xiaohong:Yeah.He decided 1 to become a doctor at the age of 15
[04:47.03]when his mother died of cancer.
[04:50.69]He followed his dream all the way through.
[04:54.45]Reporter:Yes.He was a great man.
[04:57.93]He saved so many people's lives during the 1980s
[05:03.28]and in the early 1990s until he died.
[05:08.24]Now,what else did Mr.Huang tell you? [05:12.32]LiMeng:He told us that Chinese people have a long history
[05:17.47]of impressive achievements in Australia and encoouraged us to work hard.
[05:23.63]Xiaohong:Yeah.He also mentioned Wilson Wu,a successful businessman and Dr.Anita Mak,
[05:31.36]a senior lecturer at the University of Csanberra.
[05:36.12]LiMeng:We really admire them.I hope we can achieve great things too.
[05:42.18]Reporter:You will if you keep on trying.I see a bright future in front of you.
[05:48.24]Xiaohong:Thank you.We'll always remember these inspiring people and follow in their footsteps.
[05:55.40]Reporter:Thank you very much for your time and once again,my congratulations!
[06:01.35]11.Listen,read and learn[06:06.92]What is a scholarship?
[06:10.29]Scholarships are financial aids
[06:14.44]to help academically able people further their education.
[06:20.08]Every year,many universities and colleges in many parts of the world
[06:26.64]follow a long tradition of ensuring that students get access to these scholarships.
[06:33.48]This allows more students to gain the full benefits of good education.
[06:39.65]A scholarship is a financial award for students
[06:44.51]who want to attend private secondary schools
[06:48.95]or undergraduates who want to study at private and public colleges.
[06:55.50]This financial award or scholarship is given in recognition of
[07:01.43]past or potential academic achievements.
[07:06.58]In most instances,students can only qualify for scholarships
[07:12.74]if they can show that they are in financial need,as well.
[07:18.10]A scholarship usually does not require repayment 2.
[07:23.56]Although most undergraduate scholarships are awarded to full-time 3 students
[07:29.80]at 4-year colleges or universities,
[07:34.35]a considerable number of the scholarships are for students who attend business,
[07:40.59]technical,library,science,art,nursing and vocational schools and 2-year colleges.
[07:50.26]Every year there are millions of scholarship programs out there.
[07:55.69]The key is knowing how to work your way through the ones that you qualify for
[08:02.14]and the ones you do not.
[08:05.62]There are many scholarship opportunities available.
[08:10.16]You should research as many funding sources as you can.
[08:15.75]Many scholarships have similar criteria 4 for their awards.
[08:21.08]By maintaining a high Grade Point Average,
[08:25.52]staying as active as possible in your community and extracurricular activities,
[08:32.37]evaluating and cataloguing your personal and professional strengths,
[08:38.24]and setting future goals for your education and career,
[08:43.81]you will have more chances to get a scholarship.
[08:48.98]Once you are certain that you meet the qualifications to apply,
[08:54.54]you should be careful with the application process by clearly expressing
[09:01.10]and explaining all your qualifying factors.
[09:06.25]It is always a good idea to ask for the assistance of a school advisor,
[09:12.72]counsellor,or professors,when applying for a scholarship.
[09:18.60]You need to start to start to build a network of professionals and educators
[09:24.24]who are willing to advise you,
[09:28.01]write recommendations,proofread your applications and essayds,
[09:33.88]and guide you through the application process.
[09:38.85]You should also know that only about 30 percent of the students
[09:44.49]who apply for funding are awarded a scholarship.
[09:49.48]This means it is a competitive process,so caution must be taken when applying,
[09:56.61]to give yourself the best possible advantage.
[10:01.34]However,failing to get a scholarship
[10:05.49]doesn't mean you won't have a chance in the following year.
[10:10.25]So keep on trying and do not lose heart.You may get a sc holarship someday.

  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
  • I am entitled to a repayment for the damaged goods.我有权利索取货物损坏赔偿金。
  • The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.税务局一直在催她补交税款。
  • A full-time job may be too much for her.全天工作她恐怕吃不消。
  • I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.既要照顾家庭又要全天工作,我不知道她是如何对付的。
  • The main criterion is value for money.主要的标准是钱要用得划算。
  • There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition.参赛的标准很严格。
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