模仿文本: When the young Denis Thatcher 1 proposes in 1950, just after Margaret has failed to win her first parliamentary seat at Dartford, she tearfully insists that she will "never be one of those women remote and alone in the kitchen doing the washing up."
She has to make a difference to the world. "I cannot die washing up a teacup." The film's final scene shows her, frail 2 and confused, slowly washing the teacup from which she has just drunk her mid-morning cup of tea.
译文: 1950年,当年轻的丹尼斯•撒切尔(Denis Thatcher)向她求婚的时候,玛格丽特(Margaret)刚刚在她首次议会选举中铩羽而归。她哭诉着坚称“她永远不会成为那些掌管着锅碗瓢盆的家庭妇女。"
She has to make a difference to the world. "I cannot die washing up a teacup." The film's final scene shows her, frail 2 and confused, slowly washing the teacup from which she has just drunk her mid-morning cup of tea.
译文: 1950年,当年轻的丹尼斯•撒切尔(Denis Thatcher)向她求婚的时候,玛格丽特(Margaret)刚刚在她首次议会选举中铩羽而归。她哭诉着坚称“她永远不会成为那些掌管着锅碗瓢盆的家庭妇女。"