模仿文本: It's not often corporate 1 giants admit they may be arrogant 2 and say sorry. But that's just what Apple has done. The firm was heavily criticised in Chinese state media for the way it treats its customers in the country. It's now issued an apology on its website. The BBC's business reporter in the United States Samira Hussain has been telling me what the company was accused of doing.
译文: 大公司承认自己骄傲自大并且致歉是比较罕见的,但是苹果公司还真就这么做了。苹果之前因其对待消费者的态度问题,遭到中国官方媒体猛烈抨击。现其已在网上发布致歉信。BBC驻美国商务记者莎米拉·侯赛因将带来关于苹果受到指责的原因的报道。
译文: 大公司承认自己骄傲自大并且致歉是比较罕见的,但是苹果公司还真就这么做了。苹果之前因其对待消费者的态度问题,遭到中国官方媒体猛烈抨击。现其已在网上发布致歉信。BBC驻美国商务记者莎米拉·侯赛因将带来关于苹果受到指责的原因的报道。