❤ 模仿文本:It's been said that Daniel's music is pretty much like Henry's. But that's not really the case. After all, Daniel lived on for more than 20 years after Henry's death so he had time to adopt the sort of styles and forms that were really any just becoming popular in England at the turn of the 18th century. Modern forms such as the solo sonata 1 or the da capo aria 2, the Italianate cantata 3.
❤ 译文:有人说丹尼尔的风格很接近亨利。但是事实并不是这样。毕竟,在亨利逝世后,丹尼尔还活了20年,所以他完全有时间接受英格兰18世纪初各类音乐风格和形式的熏陶,当时刚开始流行的现代音乐形式有独奏奏鸣曲,或再现咏叹调,和意式清唱剧等。
❤ 译文:有人说丹尼尔的风格很接近亨利。但是事实并不是这样。毕竟,在亨利逝世后,丹尼尔还活了20年,所以他完全有时间接受英格兰18世纪初各类音乐风格和形式的熏陶,当时刚开始流行的现代音乐形式有独奏奏鸣曲,或再现咏叹调,和意式清唱剧等。