模仿文本: Hit on screen, the family speak English, and appear to be British, with the mother played by Naomi Watts 1 and father by Ewan McGregor. When the disaster strikes, the mother and one of the sons are swept inland. In the hours and days that followed, the father and the other two boys search for them, sometimes teaming up with other tourists also looking for friends and relatives. At night, they all share stories.
译文: 在影片里,这一家人说的是英语,看上去也像英国人,娜奥米·沃茨在剧中饰演母亲,伊万·麦克格雷格饰演父亲。灾难来袭时,母亲和其中一个儿子被海水冲到内陆地区。在随后的数天里,父亲和其他几个儿子苦苦寻找他们,偶尔和其他寻找亲友的游客同行,在晚上分享各自的经历。
译文: 在影片里,这一家人说的是英语,看上去也像英国人,娜奥米·沃茨在剧中饰演母亲,伊万·麦克格雷格饰演父亲。灾难来袭时,母亲和其中一个儿子被海水冲到内陆地区。在随后的数天里,父亲和其他几个儿子苦苦寻找他们,偶尔和其他寻找亲友的游客同行,在晚上分享各自的经历。