英国学生科学读本 第90期:结实的橡树(2)
时间:2018-12-18 作者:英语课 分类:英国学生科学读本
If we take the acorn 1 out of its cup and soak it in warm water for a few hours, it will split open, 如果我们把橡子从中取出, 放入温水浸泡, 几个小时之后它就会裂开。
and we shall see that it consists of two thick seed-leaves, very much like those of the bean, having a tiny plant between them. 于是, 我们就能够看到两片厚厚的子叶以及中间一个小小的幼苗, 这种结构与豆子非常相似。
The oak lives to a great age. 橡树的寿命很长。
There are a few oak-trees in Britain which are believed to be more than five hundred years old. 在英国, 有些橡树的寿命据说超过了五百年。
But if the wood of the oak is to be used as timber, the tree should be cut down when it is from sixty to one hundred years of age. 然而, 如果要用作木材, 就需要在橡树长到六十到一百岁的时候将其伐倒。
Every year the stem of the oak-tree becomes a little thicker, for a new layer of wood grows all round it just under the bark. 每年, 橡树的茎干都会变得更粗, 因为树皮之下长出了新的一层木头。
When the tree is cut down, you can see a series of rings in the wood extending from the centre of the trunk to the bark. 当我们把橡木砍倒在地的时候就能看见从树干中心向树皮扩散的许多年轮。
Each of these rings marks one year's growth, so that they show how old the tree is. 每一圈都代表着一年的生长, 因此我们能够从中判断树木的年龄。
The wood of the oak is very hard, strong, and durable 2 . 橡木非常坚硬、结实与耐用。
Oak was formerly 3 much used for building ships, but most ships are now built of iron or steel. 以前, 橡树经常用于造船, 但现在绝大部分船只都是由钢铁制成。
This wood is, however, still much used for furniture, and for the strong beams of roofs. 然而, 这种木材依旧广泛应用于家具和房梁。
The bark of the oak is used in tanning, as you have learned in the Lesson on leather. 通过前面一篇有关皮革的文章, 你应该知道, 橡树的树皮还可以用来制革。
Would you not like to grow a little oak-tree for yourself? 你肯定非常愿意在花园里亲手种上一株橡树吧?
If so, you must take an acorn out of its cup, 如果是这样, 你必须将橡子从它的杯状结构中取出,
1 acorn
- The oak is implicit in the acorn.橡树孕育于橡子之中。
- The tree grew from a small acorn.橡树从一粒小橡子生长而来。