时间:2018-12-17 作者:英语课 分类:新标准初中英语第六册



[00:00.00]MODULE 3 Now and then

[00:03.88]Unit 1 People are       healthier today.

[00:07.84]Vocabulary and listening

[00:10.33]2 Listen and answer the  questions. Use the  words and expressions 1  to help you.

[01:18.99]3 Listen and read.

[01:22.59]Betty's mum:It's getting            late, Betty.

[01:24.92]Betty:Nearly finished 2!I'm doing a composition:Is life 3 today better orworse than it was 4 50years ago?

[01:35.54]Betty's mum:And what do            you think?

[01:37.61]Betty:I think it's      better.

[01:39.59]The most importantdifference is thatpeople are healthiertoday,

[01:43.85]and they live longerthan they did 6 in thepast.

[01:46.64]Betty's mum:That's true 7.The advantage 8 is that weknow more about medicinetoday.

[01:52.09]We're better atpreventing illness 9.

[01:54.95]But people don't eat aswell as 5 in the past, anddon't take as muchexercise as they did.

[02:01.29]Betty:I suppose 10 that's      because public 11      transport 12 is much      better today.

[02:05.73]Betty's mum:Yes, Iagree. People walk oruse their bikes less 14,and they're lazier 15.

[02:12.31]Faster transport alsomakes more pollution 16.And that makes life moredangerous and lesshealthy.

[02:19.39]Betty:What about work?      People don't have      to work as hard as      they worked 50      years ago.

[02:25.51]Betty's mum:Yes, but noone ever 17 says they havetoo much free 18 time!

[02:29.81]I also thinkschoolchildren todaywork harder than we everdid.

[02:34.36]Betty:Yes, but I really      want to do my      best.

[02:38.33]Betty's mum:Why don't you ask Mrs Lidownstairs? She's seenhow life has changed.

[02:44.19]Betty:That's a good      idea.

[02:46.00]Talking of free time,don't forget I'm goingon the school trip nextmonth, and the theatrevisit.

[02:52.65]Betty's mum:Good! You'llbe more relaxed 19 and lessnervous before yourexams.

[02:57.82]4 Choose the best  answer.

[03:02.01]Now listen again andcheck.

[04:40.50]Pronunciation andspeaking

[04:43.26]7 Listen and notice 20 the  stressed words.

[04:49.06]That's true. Theadvantage is that weknow more about medicinetoday.

[04:55.12]We're better atpreventing illness.

[04:58.07]But people don't eat aswell as in the past, anddon't take as muchexercise as they did.

[05:04.85]8 Underline 22 the words  which you think the  speaker will stress 21.

[05:10.85]Now listen and check. Asyou listen, say thepassage aloud 24.

[05:16.84]Yes, I agree 13. Peoplewalk or use their bikesless, and they'relazier.

[05:23.72]Faster transport alsomakes more pollution.And that makes life moredangerous and lesshealthy.

[05:31.49]Unit 2 We weren't very       rich, but we were       happy.


[05:38.02]2 Read the passage 23 and  write notes about Mrs  Li's answers to the  ideas in Activity 25 1.

[05:46.77]Life in the pastMrs Li is over 70 yearsold, and has lived inBeijing all her life.

[05:55.21]I asked her about lifetoday and in the past.

[05:59.59]Tell me about yourparents, brothers andsisters.

[06:03.55]My parents, my sisterand three brothers livedin a small house besidea restaurant.

[06:11.65]We weren't very rich,but we were happy.

[06:15.40]My sister was the eldestchild and she leftschool when she was only12 to help my mother athome.

[06:23.84]Families have changeda lot since 26 I was young.They were much bigger inthose days.

[06:30.72]Most of my friends hadlots of brothers andsisters. Today mostpeople only have onechild!

[06:38.65]Did your parents havejobs?

[06:41.09]My father went out towork. He was a factoryworker, and he oftenworked 12 hours a day.

[06:48.90]My mum wanted to work.She was a teacher beforeshe met my father.

[06:54.76]Looking after us was afull-time job, so shestayed at home.

[07:00.28]Today it's normal 28 formarried women to go outto work, but it was lesscommon in the past.

[07:07.75]My father had 27 the samejob the whole 30 of hisworking life.

[07:12.47]These days people changetheir jobs much moreoften.

[07:17.28]What was life like athome?

[07:19.77]Well, I remember thefamily meals 31, threetimes a day.

[07:25.02]My mother was alwayscooking for us. Weweren't rich but we ateenough.

[07:31.79]And the food was alwaysfreshly cooked--mymother never boughtready-made 32 food aspeople do today,

[07:40.59]so it was much betterfor us.

[07:43.07]And of course 33 we didn'thave television 34, so weplayed games togetherand read a lot.

[07:50.33]I helped my youngerbrother with hishomework in theevenings.

[07:54.68]Where did you meet yourhusband?

[07:56.96]I first met him 60years ago.

[08:00.55]I was carrying someheavy bags on my bikeand I fell 35 off 36! Hestopped and picked 37 upmy bags.

[08:08.68]My parents liked him,and thought 38 he came 39 froma good family so we gotmarried a year later 40. Iwas only 19.

[08:18.97]These days mostcouples meet at work,and they just hope 41 theirparents will be happyfor them if they marry 42.

[08:27.28]Has Beijing changed?

[08:29.85]Yes, there are lotsmore buildings and somuch more traffic 43! Ican't believe 44 the numberof cars on the streets.

[08:39.55]But I suppose it's thesame everywhere. And Iwalk less these days andtake the bus more.

[08:47.13]And do you think life isbetter today?

[08:50.43]Well, I think so. I'mhealthier than I've everbeen.

[08:55.16]We live longer and weeat better. One day I'llbe talking to your owngrandchildren!

[09:03.53]Unit 3 Language 45 in use

[09:07.24]4 Read the passage. Find  three examples of  things that made life  harder in the past  than it is today.

[09:16.78]Dear Christine,

[09:18.53]I was interested 46 to hearabout your schoolproject--the lives ofchildren in VictorianBritain.

[09:25.25]Did you know that mygreat-grandparents grewup in those days?

[09:29.91]Things werecertainly(无疑) verydifferent for them, aschildren.

[09:33.65]In Victorian Britain,thousands of people cameto the cities to work inthe factories.

[09:39.92]By 1851, half thepopulation of thecountry lived in London.

[09:45.64]Instead 47 of greencountryside, peoplelived in very smallhouses,

[09:51.15]very close to eachother, with no space forchildren to play.

[09:56.16]Families in those dayswere quite big.

[09:59.21]Often, there were fivechildren in one family,and they all had tosleep in houses of justtwo rooms.

[10:06.72]A whole street had toshare one outsidetoilet. Can you imaginethat?

[10:12.87]Most of the big citieswere dirty andunhealthy.

[10:16.81]The pollution fromfactories covered 48 thestreets.

[10:20.52]People put their rubbishoutside in the streets.As a result 49, there weremany diseases 50.

[10:27.30]And life was harder forchildren in those times.

[10:30.82]They didn't always go toschool, because they hadto work instead.

[10:35.96]Many children startedwork in factories whenthey were only four orfive years old.

[10:42.27]They worked 12 hours aday, in dangerous andunhealthy jobs, for verylittle money.

[10:49.18]Many were hurt inaccidents from themachines.

[10:53.02]I think my great-grandparents wouldbe very pleased 51 to seethat you and yourfriends

[10:58.79]don't have theseproblems in Londontoday!With loveGran

[11:04.44]6 Listen and complete 52  the table.

[12:29.32]Words and expressionsModule 3



[12:42.56]eldest/'eldist/adj.(尤指家里孩子中)     年龄最大的married 29/'m╗rid/adj.已婚的;结婚的

[12:46.18]fall off (从……)跌落get married 结婚couple/'k╘pl/n.夫妻diet/'dai╓t/n.日常饮食

[12:53.31]lead a ... life过(某种生活)disease/di'zi:z/n.(尤指感染导致的)病;   疾病

1 expressions
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 finished
  • We finished up everything there was on the table. 我们把桌上的东西全吃完了。
  • We can certainly have the job finished on time.我们肯定能按时完成任务。
3 life
  • The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
  • At last he knew the meaning of life.终于,他知道了生命的意义。
4 was
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
5 as
  • He got work in a hotel as a waiter.他在一家旅馆找到了当服务生的工作。
  • In the hotel,the old men were drinking away as usual.在旅馆里,这些老人和往常一样喝个不停。
6 did
  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?
7 true
  • He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。
  • I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解一下,是否真有其事。
8 advantage
  • It is of great advantage to me.它对我大有益处。
  • You have the advantage of me in experience.在经验方面,你胜过我。
9 illness
  • I am sorry to hear of your serious illness.得知你重病,我很难过。
  • His illness has taken a turn for the better.他的病有了好转。
10 suppose
  • I suppose he will be back by eight o'clock.我想他八点钟以前会回来。
  • Suppose he can't come,who will do the work?如果他不能前来,谁来做这项工作呢?
11 public
  • Most children go to public school.大多数孩子上的是公立学院。
  • She is shy of speaking in public.她怯于在公众面前讲话。
12 transport
n.运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪、狂喜或狂怒; vt.运输;流放;为强烈的情绪所激动
  • Transport has always been the key to developing trade.运输一直是发展贸易的关键。
  • The books are packed up for transport.书已包扎好待运。
13 agree
  • I totally agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。
  • They could not agree about who should do the work.对于谁该做这项工作,他们意见不一致。
14 less
  • I read much less now than I did at school.我现在看书远比我上学时少。
  • You can't buy the dress with less than 50 yuan.买这件衣服没有50元钱下不来。
15 lazier
adj.无精打采的( lazy的比较级 );不愿工作的;行进缓慢的;没下工夫的
  • Lazy bass line, lazier drums, lush violins, great piano and incomparable vocals. 懒惰的低音线,较懒惰的鼓,饮小提琴,棒的钢琴和无比的声音。 来自互联网
  • The lazier are, the less progress you will make in study. 你越懒,你在学习上取得的进展就越少。 来自互联网
16 pollution
  • Pollution is a big problem.污染是个大问题。
  • The new law will reduce pollution of the rivers.这条新法律将会减轻河流污染。
17 ever
  • Have you ever been to hangzhou?你曾经去过杭州吗?
  • I will be young and strong and beautiful for ever.我将永远年轻、强壮,永远漂亮。
18 free
  • I don't have much free time.我没有多少空闲时间。
  • There really is no free lunch.天下果然没有免费的午餐。
19 relaxed
adj.(人)轻松的;自在的;无拘无束的;舒适的adv.轻松地;自在地;舒适地;随便地vt.(使)轻松( relax的过去式);(使)松弛;放宽;(使)放松vi.松散;松弛;放宽;放松
  • the relaxed ambience of the city 这座城市轻松的氛围
  • She was in a relaxed, confident mood. 她的心态从容而自信。
20 notice
  • Post this notice on the wall.把这个通知贴在墙上。
  • I didn't notice you when you passed by.你走过时,我没有注意到你。
21 stress
  • The roof couldn't bear the stress of the snow.屋顶受不了积雪的压力。
  • My parents lay great stress on honesty.我的父母十分注重诚实。
22 underline
  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
23 passage
  • I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
  • The house has an underground passage.这房子有一条地下通道。
24 aloud
  • He called aloud for help.他高声喊叫救命。
  • Read it aloud before you write it down.抄写前,大声读出来。
25 activity
  • Their activity came to a full stop.他们的活动完全停止了。
  • Do you like the activity?你喜欢这个活动吗?
26 since
  • He's been working in a bank since leaving school.自从毕业后,他就一直在一家银行工作。
  • I have known him ever since I was a child.我自孩提时代起就已经认识他了。
27 had
  • I just had a good idea!我有个好主意!
  • The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand.这个男孩手上拿一条小树枝。
28 normal
  • He received four years of normal edication at college.他在大学受了四年正规教育。
  • Everything is normal here.这里一切正常。
29 married
  • I heard John got married.我听说约翰结婚了。
  • They got married last autumn.他们在去年秋季结婚。
30 whole
  • It snowed for two whole days.雪下了整整两天。
  • The whole village was sleeping.整个村庄一片寂静。
31 meals
n.餐( meal的名词复数 );进餐时间;一餐所吃的食物;谷物粗粉(用作饲料或加工面粉)
  • Try not to eat between meals. 两餐之间尽量别吃东西。
  • tasty and nutritious meals 既可口又有营养的饭菜
32 made
  • They were not made in china.它们不是中国制造的。
  • The monkey made a long arm for the peach.猴子伸臂去摘桃子。
33 course
  • The college course was then cut to three years.大学学制那时缩短到三年。
  • Of course,I don't always sleep in the afternoons.当然,我并不总是在下午睡觉。
34 television
n.电视(机) [=TV]
  • Do you often watch television?你经常看电视吗?
  • Please turn off the television.请把电视关上。
35 fell
  • I fell to the ground.我摔倒在地上。
  • The young couple fell in love at first sight.这对年轻人一见钟情。
36 off
  • You'd better cool off first.你最好先冷静下来。
  • I need some time off.我需要一些时间休息。
37 picked
adj.精选的,摘下的v.采( pick的过去式和过去分词 );摘;啄;叼
  • I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. 我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。
  • She picked herself up, brushed herself down, and started walking again. 她爬起来,掸掸身上的灰尘,又往前走去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
38 thought
  • It was just a thought.这仅仅是一个想法。
  • She thought he had a cold.她认为他感冒了。
39 came
  • I was surprised why he came here so early.他为什么那么早到这里,我很惊奇。
  • The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
40 later
  • He didn't turn up until half an hour later.半小时后他才出现。
  • This part of the hospital was built on later.医院的这个部分是后来增建的。
41 hope
  • We hope you can come.我们希望你能来。
  • Hope you'll enjoy yourself there.愿您度过愉快的一天。
42 marry
  • I want you for my wife; will you marry me?我希望你做我的妻子,你愿意和我结婚吗?
  • John is going to marry Mary.约翰将要和玛丽结婚。
43 traffic
  • That will help the traffic.这会促进交通状况。
  • He had a traffic accident.他出了交通事故。
44 believe
  • Believe it or not,that's the way it is.信不信由你,反正事情就是这样。
  • I believe what you say.我相信你的话。
45 language
  • Is English a hard language to learn?英语是一种难学的语言吗?
  • Language is a wonderful thing.语言是极好的东西。
46 interested
  • to be interested in wildlife conservation 对野生动物保护感兴趣
  • I told him I wasn't interested, but he wasn't deterred. 我已告诉他我不感兴趣,可他却不罢休。
47 instead
  • She decided to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday.她决定星期日而不是星期一离开这里。
  • Will you go to the party instead of me?你替我赴宴好吗?
48 covered
adj.大量的;有遮盖物的,(尤指)有顶的v.覆盖( cover的过去式和过去分词);掩护;包括
  • His face was covered in blood. 他满脸是血。
  • His clothes were covered in dirt. 他的衣服沾满了污垢。
49 result
  • As a result,he had to leave.结果他只得离开。
  • He was disappointed at the result.他对这样的结果感到失望。
50 diseases
n.疾病( disease的名词复数 );弊端;恶疾;痼疾
  • Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases. 抽烟是引起几种严重疾病的病因。
  • The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases. 这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。
51 pleased
  • She was pleased to hear good news about him.听到他的好消息,她很高兴。
  • Whichever day you come,we will be pleased to see you.无论你哪一天来,我们都很高兴。
52 complete
  • They help him complete his work.他们帮助他完成工作。
  • Please complete the following information.请您完整填写以下信息。
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