时间:2018-11-27 作者:英语课 分类:VOA中级美国英语



在这一课里, 我们要学习的是助动词 should, s-h-o-u-l-d, should 跟 must,m-u-s-t, must 的用法. 我们也要看看这两个助动词的否定式 should not也就是 shouldn't 和 must not 也就是 mustn't 在意思上跟 don't have to这个词组有什么分别. 首先我还是请两位英文老师给你念一段对话, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和声调.

F: Peter, can you help me for a minute?
M: Yes, what do you want me to do?
F: Will you take the garbage 1 out?
M: Do I have to do it now?
F: Well, you don't have to it now. But don't forget to do it today.
M: All right. I really must go now; otherwise 2 I'll be late for school.
F: You have an exam 3 this morning, don't you? You mustn't be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.

好, 现在我们再把刚才那段对话用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听:

F: Peter, can you help me for a minute?
M: Yes, what do you want me to do?
F: Will you take the garbage out?
M: Do I have to do it now?
F: Well, you don't have to. But don't forget to do it today.
M: All right. I really must go now; otherwise I'll be late for school.
F: You have an exam this morning, don't you? You mustn't be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.

在彼得跟他母亲的这段对话里, 有几个句子用了我们今天要学的助动词 should, must 跟它们的否定式 shouldn't, mustn't 还有 have to 跟 don't have to 这两个词组, 现在我请老师把包含了这些词的句子用慢速度再念一遍给你听:

M: Do I have to do it now?
F: You don't have to.
M: I really must go now.
F: You mustn't be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.


好了, 现在该作练习了. 首先我们来学怎么用 should. 这个字是用来劝告别人应该做些什么事. 比方有一句话: "天冷了, 你应该穿毛衣," 这句话, 你可以这样说: It's cold. You should wear a sweater.
好, 现在我们给你多举一些例子. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: It's cold. You should wear a sweater.
F: It's cold.You should wear a sweater.
M: Peter is late. He should ask his father for a ride.
F: Peter is late. He should ask his father for a ride.
M: Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again.
F: Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again.
M: Kate is hungry. She should eat something.
F: Kate is hungry. She should eat something.
M: Your room is messy 4. You should clean it up.
F: Your room is messy. You should clean it up.

好, 现在我们换一个方式作练习, 先由老师说一句话, 比方: "下雨了!" It's raining. 接着老师给你一个词组: "带雨伞" carry an umbrella 请你用 should 这个字来完成句子, 所以答案就是: "下雨了, 你应该带雨伞". It's raining. You should carry an umbrella. 好, 现在我们开始练习. 在你作完句子之后,请注意听正确的答案.

M: Peter is a good player 5.
M: join the team
F: peter is a good player. He should join the team.
M: Henry is tired.
M: take a rest
F: Henry is tired. He should take a rest.
M: Kate is thirsty.
M: have a glass of water.
F: Kate is thirsty. She should have a glass of water.
M: Your shirt is dirty.
M: change into a clean one
F: Your shirt is dirty. You should change into a clean one.
M: It's raining.
M: carry an umbrella
F: It's raining. You should carry an umbrella.

刚才那组练习你都作对了吗? 下面我们来练习 should 的否定式 should not. 这两个字可以简缩为 shouldn't, 意思就是劝人不要做什么事. 我们作的是换字练习. 老师先念一句话, 接着老师给你一个新的词组, 请你把新的词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: You shouldn't spend so much money.
M: drink so much coffee
F: You shouldn't drink so much coffee.
M: buy so many records 7
F: You shouldn't buy so many records.
M: go to so many movies
F: You shouldn't go to so many movies.
M: drive so fast
F: You shouldn't drive so fast.


下面我们来学另外一个助动词 must. 这个字表示必须作某件事情, 没有其他选择. 比方有一句话: " 亨利要上飞机了, 他非有飞机票不可 ", 这句话英文可以这么说: Henry is going 8 on an airplane 9. He must have a ticket. 现在我们给你多举一些例子. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 还是请你听一遍, 重复一遍.

M: Henry is going on an airplane. He must have a ticket.
F: Henry is going on an airplane. He must have a ticket.
M: Kate is going to a formal 10 party. She must wear a dress.
F: Kate is going to a formal party. She must wear a dress.
M: Linda is going to buy a record 6. She must save 11 some money.
F: Linda is going to buy a record. She must save some money.
M: Mary has an exam tomorrow. She must study hard.
F: Mary has an exam tomorrow. She must study hard.
M: Peter has a class at 7 o'clock. He must get up early.
F: Peter has a class at 7 o'clock. He must get up early.
M: Susan doesn't have a car. She must go to her job by train.
F: Susan doesn't have a car. She must go to her job by train.

must 的否定式是 must not, 也可以简缩为 mustn't. 这个词是用来表示一定不应该作的事. 下面这组练习内容都是说彼得在上课的时候不应该作的一些事. 由老师先念一个句子: peter mustn't sleep in class. 接着老师念一个新词组: eat lunch. 请你用新词组把原来的句子改为: Peter mustn't eat lunch in class. 好, 现在我们开始作换字练习. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Peter mustn't sleep in class.
M: eat lunch
F: Peter mustn't eat lunch in class.
M: talk
F: Peter mustn't talk in class.
M: smoke
F: Peter mustn't smoke in class.
M: write letters
F: Peter mustn't write letters in class.
M: look out of window
F: Peter mustn't look out of window in class.
M: listen to the radio
F: Peter mustn't listen to the radio in class.


刚才我们学习了两个助动词 should 和 must, 还有它们的否定式 shouldn't 和 mustn't, 现在我们来学习另外一个意思跟 must 相同的词组 have to. 这个词组也是用来表示非作某件事不可. 比方有一句话: "你非得清理院子吗?" 英文可以这样说: Do you have to clean the yard 12? 另外一句话: "你非得工作挣零用钱吗?" 英文可以这样说: Do you have to work to earn 13 your allowance 14? 好, 现在我们来练习这类句子.由老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新词组, 请你用这个新词组作换字练习. 作完一句就听正确答案.

M: Do you have to clean the yard?
M: practice 15 everyday 16
F: Do you have to practice everyday?
M: go to the supermarket
F: Do you have to go to the supermarket?
M: wash the dishes 17
F: Do you have to wash the dishes?
M: change your clothes
F: Do you have to change your clothes?
M: work to earn your allowance
F: Do you have to work to earn your allowance?

凡是陈述句的主词是第三人称 "他" 的时候, 就应该用 has to. 下面我们要练习这类句子. 老师先用 does, d-o-e-s, does 开头作问句, 请你用 has to 来回答问题. 作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: Does he have to go to New York?
F: Yes, he has to go to New York.
M: Does he have to clean up his room?
F: Yes, he has to clean up his room.
M: Does she have to take the bus?
F: Yes, she has to take the bus.
M: Does she have to drop this course 18?
F: Yes, she has to drop this course.

have to 的否定式 don't have to 跟 has to 的否定式 doesn't have to 都可以用来表示不一定非得作某件事, 而有其他选择. 在下面一组练习里, 我们要多学学这类句子. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 还是请你听一遍, 重复一遍:

M: I don't have to buy records. I can listen to the radio.
F: I don't have to buy records. I can listen to the radio.
M: You don't have to go to the movies. You can stay home and watch television 19.
F: You don't have to go to the movies. You can stay home and watch television.
M: We don't have to take the train. We can take the bus.
F: We don't have to take the train. We can take the bus.
M: They don't have to drink coffee. They can drink tea.
F: They don't have to drink coffee. They can drink tea.
M: He doesn't have to wear a white shirt. He can wear a blue one.
F: He doesn't have to wear a white shirt. He can wear a blue one.
M: She doesn't have to cook. She can go out to eat.
F: She doesn't have to cook. She can go out to eat.


首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说彼得跟琳达兄妹两个人应该帮着作些什么家事才能每星期拿零用钱.

Every week Peter and Linda receive 20 five dollars from their parents. This money is their weekly 21 allowance. It is not a gift. Peter and Linda must work for the family to earn the money. Peter takes out the garbage and cleans the yard around the house. He should do it everyday, but sometimes he forgets. Linda helps her mother with the cooking 22. She also washes the dishes after dinner. Peter and Linda don't have to use their money for food. They use it for their entertainment 23. Sometimes they go to the movies. Sometimes they buy records. Each week they save some of their money to buy something more expensive.

刚才那段文章你听懂了多少? 文章里包含了今天教的语法, 你是不是注意到了? 等一会儿我们会把整段文章再念一遍. 现在我们把今天测验的三个问题先念一遍给你听.

M: What should Peter do to earn his weekly allowance?

M: Does Linda have to use her allowance for food?

M: How do Peter and Linda spend their money?

好了, 现在我们再把刚才那段文章用慢速度念一遍给你听, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案.

Every week Peter and Linda receive five dollars from their parents. This money is their weekly allowance. It is not a gift. Peter and Linda must work for the family to earn the money. Peter takes out the garbage and cleans the yard around the house. He should do it everyday, but sometimes he forgets. Linda helps her mother with the cooking. She also washes the dishes after dinner. Peter and Linda don't have to use their money for food. They use it for their entertainment. Sometimes they go to the movies. Sometimes they buy records. Each week they save some of their money to buy something more expensive.

现在要请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答以后, 请你听老师说正确答案, 看你答对了没有.

M: What should Peter do to earn his weekly allowance?
F: He should take out the garbage and clean the yard around the house.

M: Does Linda have to use her allowance for food?
F: No, she doesn't have to use her allowance for food.

M: How do Peter and Linda spend their money?
F: Sometimes they go to the movies. Sometimes they buy records

1 garbage
  • Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.垃圾使大小河流遭受污染。
  • Have you taken the garbage out yet?你把垃圾扔掉了吗?
2 otherwise
  • You'd better go now,otherwise you'll miss the train.你最好现在就走,要不然就赶不上火车了。
  • He is noisy,but otherwise a nice boy.他爱吵闹,但在其他方面却是个好孩子。
3 exam
  • I hope to pass this exam.我希望通过这次考试。
  • His exam results were good.他的测验成绩不错。
4 messy
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She found herself in a messy spot.她发现自己陷入了窘境。
5 player
  • She is our best player.她是我们最好的运动员。
  • He is quite a good player.他是一个满不错的选手。
6 record
  • She broke the former record.她打破以前的记录。
  • All the important events are on record.重大事件都有记载。
7 records
n.记录( record的名词复数 );经历;(有关过去的)事实;最好的成绩v.记录,录音,拍摄( record的第三人称单数 );标明;发表正式(或法律方面的)声明;演奏音乐供录制
  • Accurate records must be kept. 必须保存准确的记录。
  • The dial records very slight variations in pressure. 该刻度盘能显示很微小的压力变化。
8 going
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
9 airplane
  • OK.May I know the types of airplane?请问是什么机型?
  • How many times have you traveled by airplane? 你坐过几次飞机?
10 formal
  • The letter is written in a formal style.这封信是用正式文体写的。
  • Today's trend is toward less formal clothing.眼下时尚趋向于穿着随便。
11 save
  • Why didn't you save me?你为什么不救我?
  • We have to save old newspapers.我们得保存旧报纸。
12 yard
  • There is an apple in the yard.院子里有一个苹果。
  • The children are playing in the yard.孩子们正在院子里玩耍。
13 earn
  • Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.现今谋生很容易。
  • I expect it to earn its cost in less than three years.我希望它在3年内赚回成本。
14 allowance
  • My monthly allowance is 50 yuan.我每月的津贴是50元。
  • I have to work to earn my allowance.我非得工作挣零用钱。
15 practice
  • I need to practice more.我要多加练习。
  • Knowledge comes from practice.知识来自于实践。
16 everyday
  • Sweeping the floor is his everyday work.扫地是他的日常工作。
  • He practices speaking English everyday.他每天练习说英语。
17 dishes
n.盘( dish的名词复数 );餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人
  • a pile of unwashed dishes 一堆未洗的碟子
  • The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked. 菜很多,但烧得都不好吃。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 course
  • The college course was then cut to three years.大学学制那时缩短到三年。
  • Of course,I don't always sleep in the afternoons.当然,我并不总是在下午睡觉。
19 television
n.电视(机) [=TV]
  • Do you often watch television?你经常看电视吗?
  • Please turn off the television.请把电视关上。
20 receive
  • He went to the door to receive his visitors.他到门口去迎接客人。
  • I like to receive presents on my birthday.我喜欢在生日那天收到生日礼物。
21 Weekly
  • Are you paid weekly or monthly?你拿周薪还是月薪?
  • He writes a weekly letter to his parents.他每周给父母写一封信。
22 cooking
  • What do you mean,you don't like my cooking?你是什么意思,你是不喜欢我做的饭?
  • I have little knowledge of cooking.我几乎不懂烹饪技术。
23 entertainment
  • The city offers many forms of entertainment.这个城市提供各种娱乐。
  • Playing card is an entertainment.打牌是一种娱乐。
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Our Father
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to wash
turbine scale
United StatesCustoms
Uraria aequilobata
veterinary plastic surgery
vibrating-reed rectifier
water pollution research laboratoy
zeya r.