时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:娱乐新天地MV 2006

Mariah Carey--It's Like That

(MV) 'The Emancipation 1 Of Mimi' is the tenth studio album from Mariah Carey and her second for the legendary 2 Def Jam label. Featuring a whole host of guest producers and vocalists including The Neptunes, Jermaine Dupri, Nelly, and Kanye West, the album sees Carey once again mixing pop, R&B, and hip 4 hop 5 with her unique vocal 3 abilities. This re-released version also contains bonus remixes and unreleased tracks.
It's Like That

Lyrics 6

This is, the point when I need everybody get to the dance floor
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
Da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
Like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all) MC

[Mariah Carey:]

[Verse 1:]
I came to have a party
Open up the Bacardi
Feeling so hot tamale
Boy, I know you watchin me
So what's it gonna be?
Purple taking me higher
I'm lifted and I like it
Boy, you got me inspired
Baby, come and get it
If you're really feelin me

Cuz it's my night
No stress, no fights
I'm leavin it all behind
No tears, no time to cry
Just makin the most of life

Everybody is livin it up
All the fellas keep lookin' at us (cuz)
Me and my girls on the floor like what
While the DJ keeps on spinnin the cut
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)

[Verse 2:]
You like this and you know it
Caution, it's so explosive
Them chickens is ash and I'm lotion
Baby, come and get it
Let me give you what you need
It's a special occasion
Mimi's emancipation
A cause for celebration
I ain't gonna let nobody's drama bother me

Cuz it's my night
No stress, no fights
I'm leavin it all behind
No tears (no tears), no time to cry
Just makin the most of life

Everybody is livin it up
All the fellas keep lookin at us (cuz)
Me and my girls on the floor like what
While the DJ keeps on spinnin the cut
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)

Cuz it's my night (it's my, it's my night)
No stress, no fights
I'm leaving it all behind
No tears (no tears), no time to cry
Baby, I'm making the most of life

Everybody is livin it up (I said everybody)
All the fellas keep lookin at us (lookin at us)
Me and my girls on the floor like what
While the DJ keeps on spinning the cut
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)
It's like that y'all (that y'all), that y'all (that y'all)
It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (that y'all)

This is my night

[Fatman Scoop 7:]
Let's Go Now (what), let's go now (what)
Here we go now (what), here we go now (what)
Let's Go Now (what), let's go now (what)
Here we go now (what), here we go now (what)

[Fatman Scoop and Mariah:]
Let's Go Now (what), let's go now (what)
Here we go now (what), here we go now (what)
Let's Go Now (what), let's go now (what)
Here we go now (what), here we go now (what)


4月,《天后再临》(The Emancipation of Mimi)傲然出世,专辑一经发行,便抢占了50 Cent盘踞了6周的公告牌排行榜榜首的位置,玛丽亚·凯莉再度成为炙手可热的焦点人物。

这是凯莉演艺生涯中的第10张录音室专辑,也是一张立志收复失地的专辑,专辑名称的字面原意根据她自己的解释:Mimi是自己的昵称,专辑名则是解放思想和精神的意思。从中我们能够感受到她战胜自己、走出阴影的决心。这张专辑有令人羡慕的制作班底,Jermaine Dupri担纲制作,更有L.A. Reid在幕后的鼎立支持,凯莉参与了所有14首歌的创作,并邀请了一线的流行说唱乐手加盟,打造出5首典型的R&B/Hip-Hop歌曲,占了专辑近四成的篇幅。在节奏强劲的自我宣言式的开篇曲《就像那样》(It's Like That)中制作人Jermaine Dupri亲自上阵与Fatman Scoop一同献声,与以往凯莉转型之后的作品相比,这次凯莉更多的使用了真声,气声和纯粹炫技式的演唱都已经退居次席;Snoop Dogg则出现在有着典型的G-Funk节奏的《说点什么》(Say Something)中,他充满粘性的声音在歌曲的后1/3处才作为主角出现;Jermaine Dupri在《得到你的电话号码》(Get Your Number)中再度出现;Twista参与的《惟一》(One & Only)中配器部分有非常耐听的吉他RiffNelly则与凯莉合作了焦躁感十足的《不安》(To The Floor)

尽管凯莉的嗓音已不及巅峰时期那样饱满圆润,专辑中更吸引人的还是她的招牌式情歌:《我们是一体》(We Belong Together)充满对爱的憧憬;灵动的快歌《摆脱它》(Shake It Off)表现的是与旧爱的决绝;《再度属于我》(Mine Again)是我个人比较偏爱的一首带有浓重灵歌风格的曲子;《留住夜晚》(Stay The Night)又是专辑中一首倾情演绎之作,悲伤的情绪撕扯着听者的心;《循环》(Circles)表达了失恋的痛楚;《你的女孩》(Your Girl)则充满了女人对爱的天真幻想和强烈的归属感;专辑的最后一首歌曲《像小鸟般飞翔》(Fly Like A Bird)则表达了凯莉对爱、自由与和平的向往。


“It's Like That”
这是新专辑的首支单曲,在billboard首周取得了no.53的成绩。可以说这是自"loverboy"以来MC成绩最好的一支单曲。与此同时这支单曲还在这个星期登上了most added song to Pop & Urban radio stationsno.1most added song at Rhythm radio across the U.S.no.2。对于这个成绩确实让我吃惊不少。因为电台对MC的单曲从来都是不感兴趣,尤其自"rainbow"以后她的单曲如果不依靠销量的话根本就无法进入排行榜。那么"It's like that"究竟和以往的MC有何不同呢?说的简单一点,这支单曲更流行了,它符合了目前美国正在流行的东西。Hip-Hop已经占领美国流行乐坛两年多了,流行什么就创作什么样的歌曲,迎合市场的口味这是无可厚非的。"It's like that"做到了。但是这又好像不构成MC咸鱼翻身的理由,要知道MC"Butterfly"开始就已经开始转型为R&B/Hip-Hop艺人了,MC和她的黑人哥们儿姐们儿创造了众多将R&BHip-Hop完美融合的歌曲,并且统治了Urban R&B领域很长时间。可惜的是物极必反,为什么"Glitter""Charmbracelet"没有受到欢迎,究其原因一个是歌曲本身毫无新意,还有就是MC固执的气声唱腔。虽然MC深懂流行之道,她懂得如何让一首单曲变得更加迎合市场,但是说实话那两张专辑当中确实很少有哪支单曲有独当一面的本领。虽然气声更加的难唱但显然这是个吃力不讨好的唱法。有了优秀的编曲有了优秀的制作人但是MCR&B+Hip-Hop总给人感觉不是那么的纯正,我想也许就是因为她的嗓音吧。对于R&B/Hip-Hop来说,她的声音当中没有黑人那种free style的感觉,更多的只是一种炫技式的表演,虽然经过优良的制作她把每一次假声安排的都恰到好处。而气声显然和黑人的演唱风格与R&B的精髓背道而驰,当然并不是说要MC有黑人的嗓音或者其他什么,而是她的Urban R&B并没有什么能触动人心的东西,反而让人觉得有些不伦不类。

"It's like that"
则不同。至少它让我产生了“耳”前一亮的感觉。经过Jermaine Dupri这位大师的制作,这首单曲散发出了无尽的魅力。有别于JD以前为MC制作过的单曲比如"The one""Miss you"等等,这支单曲回复了JD本来的风格,这是件很好的事情,因为这就意味着这支单曲更加讨好电台和市场,有可能在排行榜上大展拳脚。聆听这首歌,Hip-HopR&B依然完美的融合在一起,Hip-Hop式的编曲首先就带给大家和以往不一样的冲击力。一段简单上口的旋律不断的在repeat使这首歌听起来很舒服,确实能调动听者的耳朵。同时在编曲中运用合成器的同时又加入了打击乐的成分作为节奏的切分点,使歌曲充满动感,值得一赞。同时歌曲本身的结构也以简单为主,加上简单的编曲,整体给人的感觉与Snoop Dogg前一阵子的冠军曲"Drop It Like It's Hot"有异曲同工之妙。得益于Snoop Dogg前一阵子的轰动效应,现在美国佬儿非常钟爱这种简简单单的东西。但是这首歌最大的亮点还是在MC的演唱上。就像我前面说的,以往MC的演唱缺少了R&R/Hip-Hop风格中的那种神韵,但是这一回不一样。MC果断地摒弃了上两张专辑中大量运用得气声唱法,而直接用自己真实原始的声音去演唱。你会发现MC的中音区域和歌曲融合的非常好,以前那种格格不入的感觉荡然无存。verse的中音有力饱满,bridge用和声的办法制造音墙来提升声音的厚度,chours配合着简单的歌词唱出了Hip-Hop style。这回声音上的转变确实让人耳目一新,绝对是惊喜。在副歌ending的部分MC也展示了她高音区域的实力,但这是建立在与歌曲风格和整体感觉相一致的基础上,所以高音的自由solo并不会像以往一样让我们觉得惊喜,而是觉得更加和谐,这也就是为什么我们在这首歌曲中听不到她的招牌假音的原因。概括地说这次MC没有用矫揉造作的气声,也没有炫技似的狂飙假音,而是用一种简单的方法演唱一首简单的歌曲。整体来说"It's like that"MC的演唱非常不错,可以看出她和Hip-Hop的联系更紧密了,不仅是在歌曲的编排上,在演唱上面也是。

"It's like that"
MC近年来不可多得的一首佳作,惊喜很大,但是也有些许遗憾。在这里我们不得不提到美国三人女子组合Blaque"I'm good"。虽然她们从来都没有红过,但是"I'm good"依然是一首R&B佳作。在"It's like that"的编曲部分所营造出的那种气氛和"I'm good"比较相向,原因就是两者都运用了打击鼓点来贯穿始终,只不过"I'm good"的编曲要更复杂更多变一些。最大的遗憾还是在作曲上。当我第一次听"It's like that"时就觉得似曾相识,不仅在歌曲的气氛上在旋律上也是。后来我想起了Blaque。说实话这首歌和"I'm good"的风格确实很像,但是在编曲repeat的部分和在演唱的Verse部分和Chours部分确实有一段旋律和"I'm good"的副歌部分的旋律一模一样,只不过速度上略有放慢。对于我来说这确实是个不小的遗憾。因为当我每一次听到"It's like that"的时候我都会想起"I'm good"中不断重复的那句"I'm good I'm good without you"

"It's like that"
的歌词虽然延续了比较肤浅的调调,但我们能感受到MC这回满满的自信和野心。是的,她很明确地提出这张专辑是收复失地之作。如果说"Through the rain"还是一种自我鼓励的话,那么"It's like that"当中我们确实能感受到MC对这张专辑的期待与信心。MC的新专辑取名为《The Emancipation Of Mimi》,其中MimiMC的小名。很少有歌手会用自己的小名来定义整张专辑,MC也许这回是想让大家看到真实的自我,不仅在音乐上,而且通过音乐也能达到与歌迷心灵的交流吧。

如果说97年的化茧成蝶让MC找到了自己音乐上的方向,那么这一回MC再一次的改变则终止了在Urban R&B风格上的迷失。我们有足够的理由期待MC第二次的化茧成蝶。花蝴蝶第二次的蜕变,绝对不会让我们失望。

1 emancipation
  • We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation. 我们必须唤起他们为其自身的解放而斗争。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They rejoiced over their own emancipation. 他们为自己的解放感到欢欣鼓舞。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 legendary
  • Legendary stories are passed down from parents to children.传奇故事是由父母传给孩子们的。
  • Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。
3 vocal
  • The tongue is a vocal organ.舌头是一个发音器官。
  • Public opinion at last became vocal.终于舆论哗然。
4 hip
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
5 hop
  • The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.孩子们举行比赛,看谁单足跳跃最快。
  • How long can you hop on your right foot?你用右脚能跳多远?
6 lyrics
  • music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hart 由罗杰斯和哈特作词作曲
  • The book contains lyrics and guitar tablatures for over 100 songs. 这本书有100多首歌的歌词和吉他奏法谱。
7 scoop
  • In the morning he must get his boy to scoop it out.早上一定得叫佣人把它剜出来。
  • Uh,one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.我要一勺咖啡的和一勺巧克力的。
adductor tubercle
allocation of common income
anti-vibration device
application entity type
Arethusa bulbosa
at the end of ones rope
Bacillus subtilis
back-alley abortion
carrier break push button
chara foetida a. br.
colo(u)r screen
copper base friction plate
cork products
data set
database organization
Delafield's Fluid
double imbalance
drive-chain guard
dump program control record
emilia sonchifolia javanica
enzyme kinetics
fixed sailing
fort myer
glissade derri?re
historical Marxism
hydrocarbon surfactant type foam
index of program performance
infant mortality
intercostal area
isoptera regularis okam.
keyed clamping
lingual gland
lymphocytotoxicity test
M. A. M.
metal clad switchboard
mixed pulses
mottling of rice plants
non-condensing engine
O Tea
opt-in consent procedure
orthographic view
phase disentrainment
phosphorus chloronitrides
plane cascade
pollen spore
port anchor
processing in production place
quantitative determination
radar plotting board
radices seseli
radioative dating
raised finish
relief troops
retropharyngeal flap transplantation
Rhamnus wilsonii
Roca, Pta.
sea otter fur
semantic features
sex pilus
sodaclase (albite)
software maintenance environment
straight abutment
superficial parotid lymph nodes
target nomination list
technical quality certificate for product
three position signal
wate research
Yagi-Uda array