Donny: Hey,吴琼,did you watch the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
WQ: Yes, I did. What about you?
Donny:No, but I heard it was awesome 1. Did you like it?
WQ: 嗯,我挺喜欢的,但是我真替那些跑龙套的觉得累。
Donny: 跑龙套的?you mean the extras or the walk-ons?
WQ: 对, 就是参加表演,但镜头不多的群众演员。还真挺形象的,extra--多余的,walk-on--在台上走来走去的,就是跑龙套的。
Donny: Exactly, but they are very important, as well.
WQ: 赚钱少,工作时间又长,真的很辛苦,而且他们中很多人其实都很多才多艺。
Donny: You're right. As a matter of fact, many famous actors started out as extras.
WQ: 没错,很多大腕儿都是从跑龙套开始。对了,"大腕儿" 美语怎么说?
Donny: 大腕儿是 Big Shot. B-I-G, big, S-H-O-T, shot, big-shot.
WQ: Big shot! 这个好记。唉,我也好想当明星啊!可是以我这样的条件,最多也只能当个替身。那 Donny,替身又该怎么说呢?
Donny: 替身是 "stunt 2-double." Stunt-doubles are used when special skills are needed for a performance, for example, playing the piano, dancing or car racing 3.
WQ: stunt是特技,所以 stunt-double 就是替身。糟糕,这些特技我一个都不会,看来,我连替身演员 stunt-double 都做不成!
Donny: 别这么说,你可以跟我学好美语,做为你的才艺啊!Now let's see what you've learned today.
WQ: 第一,跑龙套的/群众演员是extra 或者walk-on.
第二,大腕儿是 big shot.
第三,替身是 stunt-double.
- The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
- That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
- Lack of the right food may stunt growth.缺乏适当的食物会阻碍发育。
- Right up there is where the big stunt is taking place.那边将会有惊人的表演。