时间:2019-02-25 作者:英语课 分类:欧美人文风情


 Hey, guys! It's Ro. Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies. 嗨,各位!我是Ro。欢迎再次收看《宅宅怪咖》。

Today I got so many requests to do... 今天我收到很多请求要做...
Rilakkuma bear! Rilakkuma, for those of you who don't know, is a very popular Japanese character, very cute bear. 拉拉熊!拉拉熊,给你们那些不知道的人,是个非常受欢迎的日本卡通人物,非常可爱的熊。
And his name means relaxed bear. And I thought, since I have my pajamas 1 on, 它的名字意思是放松的熊。我想,既然我穿上了我的睡衣,
and I've never made something pancakes before. 我以前也从未做过松饼之类的东西。
I thought, "Let's make Rilakkuma old-fashioned pancakes." 我想:“来做拉拉熊复古松饼吧。”
I can sleep in, and eat some pancake breakfast. 我可以赖个床,吃一些松饼早餐。
Let's get started. The things you'll need will be: salt, baking soda 2, baking powder, milk, flour, regular sugar, 来开始吧。你将会需要的东西有:盐巴、苏打粉、泡打粉、牛奶、面粉、一般的糖、
one egg, butter, a whisk, a big mixing bowl, a sifter 4, 一颗蛋、奶油、一支打蛋器、一个大搅拌盆、一个过筛网,
and to decorate our pancakes we'll be using chocolate chips, and a banana. 然后要装饰我们的松饼,我们会用巧克力豆,还有一根香蕉。
Hi, Ro? It's Rilakkuma, I would like some pancakes. 嗨,Ro?我是拉拉熊,我想要一些松饼。
To start, you're gonna take your big bowl, and your sifter, and your flour. 要开始动手,你要拿你的大盆、过筛网和面粉。这是一杯半的面粉。
This is one and a half cups of flour. And we're just gonna pour it in there, sift 3 it through. 我们就要倒进这儿,过筛它。
And this is just so everything separates. 就是这样所以所有面粉才会散开。
So you're just gonna take your spoon, move all the flour around like that, push it all through. 所以你只要拿你的汤匙,像这样搅动所有面粉,把全部都推过去。
Now you're gonna add three and a half teaspoons 6 of baking powder, and again, you're gonna put it in the sifter.  现在你要加三个半茶匙的泡打粉,然后再一次地,你要把它放进过筛网。
Now I'm gonna add one tablespoon of regular white sugar. Now we're gonna add one teaspoon 5 of salt.  现在我要加一大汤匙的一般白糖。现在我们要加一茶匙的盐。
Oh, oops! It's a little salty. Naah, it's okay. 喔,唉呀。这有点咸。不,这没关系的。
Now, now you're gonna add, oh... Ehh...no, you'll not... Okay, so you do not need this. 所以现在你要加,喔...唉...不,你不会...好的,所以你不需要这个。
Relax bear was a little too tired to read, and this does not make pancakes. We'll put this away. Oops! 放松熊有点过累无法阅读,这不能做松饼。我们要把这放一边。唉呀!
Now we're gonna whisk all the dry ingredients together. 现在我们要把所有干料搅拌在一起。
Now that we've got all of our dry ingredients together, we're going to make a well with our hands. 现在我们已将所有干料拌在一起,我们要用手做一个井。
So you're just gonna push the flour to the sides to make a hole in the middle. 所以你就把面粉推到旁边,在中间挖个洞。
And then we're gonna add our wet ingredients, our milk, butter and egg. 然后我们要加进湿料,我们的牛奶、奶油和蛋。
I'm gonna first add the egg. And put it right in the middle, where you've cleared some space. 首先我要加蛋。把它放在正中间,你刚刚清出一些空间的地方。
Now you're gonna add one and one-fourth cup of the milk right in the middle, right on top of the egg. 现在你要加一又四分之一杯的牛奶到正中间,在蛋的正上方。
The well is filling up, ah! The last thing I'm gonna add to the middle of the well is three tablespoons of butter. 这口井满了,啊!我要加进井中间的最后一样东西是三大汤匙的奶油。
I just microwaved it. It's melted to be liquid. 我刚微波它。它融化成液体。
Now you're gonna take your whisk, and mix it all together. 现在你要拿你的打蛋器,把它全部搅拌在一起。
Now you're gonna take your batter 7, and we're gonna head over to the kitchen, to the stove. 现在你要拿面糊,然后我们要前往厨房,到炉子那儿。
And we're gonna make some pancakes, 我们要做一些松饼,
and I'll show you how to make the shape of the bear the easiest way I know how. 我会给你看怎么用我所知道最简单的方式做出熊的形状。
All you're gonna need is a pan, and a spatula 8 to flip 9 over pancakes. 你需要的所有东西是一个平底锅,还有一个翻松饼的锅铲。
You're also gonna need a little bit of butter. 你也会需要一点点奶油。
The first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set my heat, my stove heat, to a low temperature. 我要做的第一件事是我要调火,我的炉火,调到低温。
I like to set it on three. That's my magic number. 我喜欢把它调到三。那是我的神奇数字。
Every stove is different, but you just wanna do it at low heat when you're making perfect pancakes. 每个炉子都不一样,但当你要做完美松饼时你就要在低温下做。
While your burner is heating up, we're just gonna take a little bit of butter or margarine, 当你的炉子在加热,我们就用一点点奶油或玛其琳,
whatever you wanna use to grease the pan, just a little bit. 任何你想用来帮锅子上油的东西,只要一点点。
And put it in the pan and work it around, and make sure that there's no excess. 然后把它放入锅中,四处抹,确保没有多余的油。
Now our pan is ready to make pancakes. 现在我们的锅子已准备好可以做松饼了。
And what I'm gonna do is take a tablespoon, and half a tablespoon, and I'm gonna scoop 10 the pancake mix. 我要做的是拿一支大汤匙,还有一支小汤匙,我要舀松饼的混料。
And this is gonna be for the bear's face, and these are gonna be the size of the bear's ears. 这是要做熊脸用的,然后这些是熊耳朵的大小。
You don't need to fill all the way to the top of the half teaspoon. 你不需要一路填满小茶匙。
You can do about three-quarters of the way to make the ears a little smaller if you want. 如果你想,你可以装到约四分之三满让耳朵小一些些。
But this is what you're gonna use, a scoop-and-pour method. 但这是你要用的东西,一个“舀和倒”手法。
I've used squeeze bottles; I've used plastic bags and tried to make the perfect pancake, 我用过挤压瓶;我用过塑胶袋试着去做完美的松饼,
and the best thing that has worked for me has always been the pour. 但对我行得通的最好的东西一直都是“倒”。
Take a scoop, put it in the center of the pan. Take a scoop, and form our little ears. 舀一匙,把它放进锅子中央。拿一匙,组成我们的小耳朵。
You'll know that your pancake is ready to flip when it starts to bubble a lot. 当它开始冒出很多泡泡时,你就会知道你的松饼准备可以翻面了。
Just see a lot of those little air bubbles coming to the top, and you'll know that it's a little fine, 只要看到很多这些小气泡跑到上方,你会知道它快好了,
and you can kind of stick your flipper 11 under there, just to check if it's golden brown, 然后你可以稍微把铲子伸到下面,只是要确认它是否呈金黄色,
and if it is, flip! We just made our first pancake. 如果是的话,翻面!我们就做好我们第一片松饼。
And now we're just gonna make as many more as the batter will allow, 现在我们在面糊量允许的情况下做越多越好,
and then we're gonna go decorate. 然后我们要来装饰。
Now you're gonna take your fresh baked pancakes and put them aside. 现在你要拿起你新鲜出炉的松饼,然后把它们放一边。
And we're gonna decorate their little cute faces, so you're gonna take the banana, open it up, peel it. 我们要装饰他们可爱的小脸,所以你要拿香蕉,打开,剥皮。
And we're gonna make banana pennies. 然后我们要做“香蕉币”。
We're gonna take a knife, cut and make little banana pennies. 我们要拿把刀,切开制成小香蕉币。
I don't know if these are actually called "banana pennies," 我不知道这些实际上是不是叫做“香蕉币”,
but that's what my mom called them, so that's what I call them. 但我妈是这样叫它们的,所以我也是这样叫它们的。
After you've got your banana pennies, you're just gonna take one of them, 你切完香蕉币后,你就拿其中一片,
and put them right in the middle towards the bottom of your pancake. 把它们朝向松饼底部放到正中央。
And then you're gonna take two chocolate chips. 然后你要拿两颗巧克力豆。
And instead of facing them up, we're gonna face them down. And push them into the pancake. 与其面朝上,我们要把它们面朝下。把它们推进松饼。
Now to make the ears, you're just gonna take out your knife again, and take one banana penny, 现在要做耳朵,你就再次拿出你的刀,然后拿一片香蕉币,
and you're gonna cut off just one of the ends so that one of the ends is flat. 你只要切掉其中一端,因此其中一端是平的。
And you're gonna stick it on, right there. Ah, he's so cute! We're almost done. 然后你要把它黏上去,就在这。喔,他好可爱!我们快要完成了。
Last thing that you gonna do is I just took a bunch of chocolate chips, put it in a microwave-safe bag with a number two tip. 你要做的最后一件事是我就拿一堆巧克力豆,放在可微波、附有二号挤花嘴的袋子里。
And we're just gonna make his little nose and mouth. It's pretty easy. 我们就要做他的小鼻子和嘴巴。这颇简单的。
You're just gonna put a little circle right in the middle, then draw a little mouth out. 你只要在正中央挤出小圈圈,然后画出小小的嘴巴。
Now we're gonna do the same to all of our little bear pancakes. 现在我们要对我们所有小熊松饼做同样的事。
We finish the Rilakkuma pancakes. I hope that you like it. It was so fun. 我们完成拉拉熊松饼了。我希望你们喜欢。这很好玩。
I have never made pancakes before on Nerdy Nummies; never made breakfasts before, 我以前从来没在《宅宅怪咖》上做过松饼;以前从来没做过早餐,
so this is also first for me, it was very special. They're so yummy. 所以这对我来说也是第一次,这非常特别。它们超好吃。
Old-fashioned pancakes with chocolates and bananas on top. Yum, yum, yum... 有巧克力和香蕉在上面的复古松饼。好吃、好吃、好吃...
Thanks you guys for watching. If you have any other suggestion for any other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know. 感谢各位收看。如果你有任何其他建议给任何其他宅宅怪咖们,请让我知道。
Leave me a comment down below, and I will do my best to make it happen. 在下面留个言给我,我会尽力让它成真。
Okay, thanks guys. Bye bye! 好的,谢谢各位。再见!
Oh God, I'm drowning! Relax bear doesn't care. 喔老天,我淹水了!放松熊才不在意。
Oh no, I feel like murdering bear. With this big knife I feel like I'm murdering bear, like I should go, "Ehh!" Okay. 喔不,我觉得好像在谋杀熊。拿着这把大刀我觉得我在谋杀熊,好像我应该要做:“唉!”,好的。
Oh my gosh. So good. Oh, yeah! 喔我的天。好好吃。喔,耶!

  • At bedtime,I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.睡觉时,我脱去衣服,换上睡衣。
  • He was wearing striped pajamas.他穿着带条纹的睡衣裤。
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
  • Sift out the wheat from the chaff.把小麦的壳筛出来。
  • Sift sugar on top of the cake.在蛋糕上面撒上糖。
  • She sifted thistles through her thistle-sifter. 她用蓟筛筛蓟。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This paper deals with a nitempering process of sifter mesh. 研究了一种筛片的软氮化工艺。 来自互联网
  • Add one teaspoon of sugar.加一小茶匙糖。
  • I need a teaspoon to stir my tea.我需要一把茶匙搅一搅茶。
n.茶匙( teaspoon的名词复数 );一茶匙的量
  • Add two teaspoons of salt. 加两小匙盐。
  • Add 3 heaped teaspoons of sugar. 加满满的三匙糖。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The batter skied to the center fielder.击球手打出一个高飞球到中外野手。
  • Put a small quantity of sugar into the batter.在面糊里放少量的糖。
  • He scraped the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了出来。
  • She levelled the surface of the cake mixtured with a metal spatula.她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。
  • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
  • In the morning he must get his boy to scoop it out.早上一定得叫佣人把它剜出来。
  • Uh,one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.我要一勺咖啡的和一勺巧克力的。
n. 鳍状肢,潜水用橡皮制鳍状肢
  • The seal's flipper is homologous with the human arm. 海豹的鳍肢与人类的手臂同源。
  • It's almost like a flipper action as she kicks down. 她向下踢腿时有鱼鳍的效果。
标签: 人文风情
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Zubayr, Jazā'ir az