时间:2019-03-11 作者:英语课 分类:欧美人文风情


 Hey guys, welcome to Off the Great Wall. I'm Dan. 嗨大家,欢迎来到 Off The Great Wall。我是 Dan。

And I'm Yi. 而我是 Yi。
We told you guys about the legend of Chang'e, the Lady of the Moon before. 我们之前告诉过你们嫦娥的传说,那个月亮上的女人。
And a lot of you guys asked us about her companion, the Jade 1 Rabbit, and how it came to be. 然后你们之中许多人询问我们关于她的同伴,玉兔,以及它是怎么成为玉兔的。
So, here it is. 所以,这不就来了。
A long time ago in ancient China, there was a god called Wu Gang. Wu Gang's job in the heavens was to create divine medicine. 很久很久以前在古代中国,有一位叫吴刚的神。吴刚在天庭的工作是制作仙药。
And the most common of which was the pill of immortality 3, which all immortals 4 have to take every thousand years to remain immortal 2. 其中最常见的就是长生不老药,那种药所有神祇每千年都必须吃来保持长生不老。
During a trip to Earth, Wu Gang gave a few pills of immortality to humans. 在一趟去凡间的旅程中,吴刚将几粒长生药丸给了人类。
Because of this, the Jade Emperor was furious, and punished Wu Gang by making him cut down a massive tree. 因此,玉皇大帝勃然大怒,并藉着让他砍一棵巨大的树来处罚吴刚。
There was a twist though. 但这之中却有个花招。
The tree was a magical laurel tree, and whatever Wu Gang cut from the tree, it would just grow right back. 这棵树是一颗有魔力的桂树,无论吴刚从树上砍下什么东西,它都会就立刻长回。
Thus Wu Gang was condemned 5 to cut this tree for all of eternity 6. 因此吴刚被判砍这棵树直到永远。
The Jade Emperor needed someone else to man Wu Gang's post as divine medicine maker 7. 玉皇大帝需要另一个人来担任吴刚作为仙药制造者的职位。
He wanted to find someone who was trustworthy, responsible, and extremely honest. 他想找一个值得信赖、负责任,并且全然老实的人。
The Jade Emperor thought that humans are too smart and easily corrupted 8. 玉皇大帝觉得人类太过聪明而且容易堕落。
So he decided 9 to choose an animal for the job, and sent three divine beings down to Earth to take on the task of finding such an animal. 所以他决定选一只动物负责这工作,并派三位神仙下凡人间执行寻找这种动物的任务。
These three divine beings decided to conduct the search in a forest. 这三位神仙决定在一个森林进行搜寻。
They transformed themselves into three old men and sat in the middle of the forest and begged in a loud voice. 他们把自己变成三个老人坐在森林中央然后大声请求。
"Please, help us. We are lost and have not eaten anything for three days. We are too weak to move, “拜托,帮帮我们。我们迷路了而且已经三天没吃任何东西。我们太虚弱无法移动,
so please bring us some food." Many animals heard their cries and rushed to see what was happening. 所以请带给我们一些食物。”许多动物听到他们的叫喊,并匆匆跑去看发生什么事。
Three animals, in particular—the fox, the monkey, and the rabbit—were most sympathetic, 特别有三只动物──狐狸、猴子和兔子──最富同情心,
and went into the forest to search for food for the men. 于是它们跑进森林寻找食物给老人们。
The fox found some cassava, the monkey found some fruits,  狐狸找到些树薯、猴子找到些水果,只有兔子没找到任何食物,
only the rabbit did not find any food even though it searched throughout the forest. 即使它搜遍了森林。
When the rabbit came back to the old men and saw them eating the fruits and cassava, 当兔子返回老人们身边,并看到他们吃着水果和树薯时,
it felt very bad that it did not find them any food. 它感到很抱歉因为它没给他们找到任何食物。
So, the rabbit jumped into the fire to sacrifice itself, so the old men could eat it. 于是,兔子跃入火推牺牲自己,这样老人就可以吃它了。
Oh my God! So the rabbit committed suicide? 我的天!所以兔子自杀了?
Rabbit suicided. 兔子自杀了。
Oh my God! It's so selfless of it. 天啊!它太无私了。
This is definitely not a children's selflessness. No, it's not. 这绝对不是一种儿戏的无私。不,这不是。
So anyways, the three divine beings were so touched by the rabbit's selflessness that they decided to bring it back to heaven. 总之无论如何,三位神仙深受兔子的无私感动,于是他们决定将它带回天庭。
The Jade Emperor heard about the rabbit's actions and was convinced that he had found his next divine medicine maker. 玉皇大帝听到兔子的举动,并确信他已找到他的下一任仙药制造者。
The rabbit worked very hard to learn how to create divine medicine, and soon mastered the skills, 兔子非常努力地学习如何制造仙药,且不久就掌握技巧,
making the emperor so happy that he decided to make the rabbit fur snow white with a dazzling heavenly glow. 这使玉帝十分喜悦,并决定使兔子的毛变得雪白,且有着耀眼的神圣光辉。
The rabbit fur was so white and smooth, just like precious jade, 兔子的毛皮如此雪白滑顺,就像珍贵的玉,
which is why other divine beings started to call the rabbit the Jade Rabbit. 这就是为何其他神仙开始叫兔子“玉兔”。
I thought jade was supposed to be green. 我以为玉应该要是绿色的。
No. But there is such thing as bai-yu, which is white jade as well. 不。但是有种东西是白玉,也就是白色的玉。
Well, it exists. 好吧,但它真的存在。
One day, the Queen Mother of the West King looking for the Jade Rabbit and asked for a few extra pills of immortality. 有一天,西王母娘娘去找玉兔,并要求更多长生不老药。
The Jade Rabbit told the Queen Mother that each immortal can only receive one pill every thousand years, 玉兔告诉王母娘娘每位神每千年才能得到一颗药丸,
and the Jade Emperor forbad any additional pill be given. The Queen Mother was very upset and said, 而且玉皇大帝禁止任何额外的药丸被分送出去。王母娘娘十分生气,并说:
"What are you afraid of? You think that I will give these pills to mortals?" “你在怕什么?你是觉得我会把这些药丸给凡人吗?”
The Jade Rabbit did not dare to refuse the Queen Mother and gave her the extra pills. 玉兔不敢拒绝王母娘娘,给了她额外的药丸。
A short time later, the Jade Rabbit heard that the Queen Mother gave the pills to Houyi, who was a mortal, 不久之后,玉兔听到王母娘娘把药丸给了后羿,他是个凡人,
and was afraid that trouble will soon befallen. 就害怕灾难不久会降临。
One day, enraged 10 Jade Emperor came to the Jade Rabbit. 一天,震怒的玉皇大帝来到玉兔那。
As the heaven shocked, the Jade Rabbit fell on its knees and confessed that it gave the extra pills to the Queen Mother of the West out of fear, 当天庭震动,玉兔双膝跪地,并坦承是它出于畏惧给了王母娘娘更多药丸,
and would therefore accept any punishment the emperor deemed. The Jade Emperor saw that the Jade Rabbit admitted its mistake, 因此将接受任何玉帝觉得它该受的惩罚。玉皇大帝看玉兔承认自己的过错,
so he asked the rabbit to determine a fitting punishment for itself. 于是他就叫玉兔替自己决定一个适合的惩处。
The Jade Rabbit thought about this and knew that it was responsible for Chang'e, now living in the lonely Moon Palace. 玉兔想想,然后知道它该对嫦娥付出责任,她现在住在凄凉的广寒宫内。
So the Jade Rabbit told the emperor that the punishment should be that the Jade Rabbit will also go live in the Moon Palace with Chang'e and be lonely forever, 于是玉兔告诉玉帝那惩罚应该是,玉兔也会去和嫦娥住在广寒宫,并永远孤寂,
and also continue to make medicine. The Jade Emperor thought this was a great idea. 但也还是会继续制药。玉皇大帝觉得这是个好主意。
And this way, no divine beings can have access to the Jade Rabbit and the pill of immortality. 如此一来,不会有神仙可以靠近玉兔和长生不老药。
So, how did the Jade Rabbit think that it was responsible for Chang'e living on the moon? Explain. 所以,玉兔怎么会觉得自己该对嫦娥住在月亮上负责?请解释。
Well, if you remember, Houyi was the guy who received the immortality pill from the Queen Mother of the West, right? 嗯,如果你记得,后羿就是从王母娘娘那得到长生不老药的人,对吧?
And see, Houyi's wife is Chang'e, and Houyi, who received the pill did not actually get to eat it. His wife did. 然后你看,后羿的妻子是嫦娥,可后羿,拿到药丸的人其实没能吃到药。是他的老婆吃的。
And then, she, you know, flew off onto the moon and lived in the Moon Palace so she's now lonely. 于是她,你知道,就飘到月亮上并住在广寒宫,所以她现在孤孤单单的。
And of course, I don't think that the rabbit is responsible, but it really blames itself. 但当然,我不觉得兔子有责任,但它真的很内疚。
So now, it's like the faithful companion of Chang'e. 于是现在,它就像是嫦娥的忠实伙伴。
I see. And we see them together all the time now. 我懂了。然后我们现在常常看他们在一起。
One plus one does equal two. 一加一的确等于二。
Chinese legends are very much like the Greek legends, if you guys have ever, you know, read the Iliad. It's like, 中国传奇和希腊传说十分相似,如果你们曾经,你知道,读过伊里亚德(希腊史诗)。这就像是:
"Wow, this relationship with this, you know, it's really complicated and everyone's related to everybody." “哇,这个和这个的关系,你知道,这真的很复杂而且每个人都和每个人有关连。”
Right. So, you know, if you want to check out the story about Houyi and Chang'e, 是的。所以,你知道,如果你想看看关于后羿与嫦娥的故事,
you can check out the video we already made, and it'll explain the details in there. 

  • The statue was carved out of jade.这座塑像是玉雕的。
  • He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。
  • The wild cocoa tree is effectively immortal.野生可可树实际上是不会死的。
  • The heroes of the people are immortal!人民英雄永垂不朽!
  • belief in the immortality of the soul 灵魂不灭的信念
  • It was like having immortality while you were still alive. 仿佛是当你仍然活着的时候就得到了永生。
不朽的人物( immortal的名词复数 ); 永生不朽者
  • Nobody believes in the myth about human beings becoming immortals. 谁也不相信人能成仙的神话。
  • Shakespeare is one of the immortals. 莎士比亚是不朽的人物之一。
  • The dull play seemed to last an eternity.这场乏味的剧似乎演个没完没了。
  • Finally,Ying Tai and Shan Bo could be together for all of eternity.英台和山伯终能双宿双飞,永世相随。
  • He is a trouble maker,You must be distant with him.他是个捣蛋鬼,你不要跟他在一起。
  • A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman.家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人。
(使)败坏( corrupt的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)腐化; 引起(计算机文件等的)错误; 破坏
  • The body corrupted quite quickly. 尸体很快腐烂了。
  • The text was corrupted by careless copyists. 原文因抄写员粗心而有讹误。
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
使暴怒( enrage的过去式和过去分词 ); 歜; 激愤
  • I was enraged to find they had disobeyed my orders. 发现他们违抗了我的命令,我极为恼火。
  • The judge was enraged and stroke the table for several times. 大法官被气得连连拍案。
标签: 人文风情
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