Now on the BBC World Service, our in-depth science show, Discovery, which travels to India, the maths author Alex Bellos goes in search of connections between the great numerical 1 inventions of ancient India and its spiritual traditions. And his goal? To attain 2 nirvana by numbers.
BBC全球服务台现在为您播送的是我们的深度科学节目《探索》,本期带您走进印度,数学先锋Alex Bellos探寻伟大的古印度数字发明与其精神传统之间的联系。意欲何为?以数字实现极乐世界。
Now on the BBC World Service, our in-depth science show, Discovery, which travels to India, the maths author Alex Bellos goes in search of connections between the great numerical 1 inventions of ancient India and its spiritual traditions. And his goal? To attain 2 nirvana by numbers.
BBC全球服务台现在为您播送的是我们的深度科学节目《探索》,本期带您走进印度,数学先锋Alex Bellos探寻伟大的古印度数字发明与其精神传统之间的联系。意欲何为?以数字实现极乐世界。

- The numbers are in numerical order.这些号码是按数字顺序排列的。
- Modern life is numerical.现代生活是数字化的。