I confess to a bit of a witness for these two squabbling boohoos, though some critics have asked if their navel gazing would be deemed so fascinating if they weren't so well off. Night Waves brought together The Times film critic Kate Muir, and writer Tim Lott to consider the miserable 1 middle-class holiday in film. And I began by asking them, "how sorry we can feel for a smart couple based in Paris who happen to find themselves on a blissful holiday in Greece?"
I confess to a bit of a witness for these two squabbling boohoos, though some critics have asked if their navel gazing would be deemed so fascinating if they weren't so well off. Night Waves brought together The Times film critic Kate Muir, and writer Tim Lott to consider the miserable 1 middle-class holiday in film. And I began by asking them, "how sorry we can feel for a smart couple based in Paris who happen to find themselves on a blissful holiday in Greece?"