Jameshas known nothing but success, world youth and junior titles before capturingWorld Senior gold in 2011 and then winning the Olympics. Here the Grenadian wasonly seventh, having occupied the bronze medal position off the final bend. Upahead, LaShawn Merritt won back the world title, it was last his in 2009. Soonafter that, he failed a drugs test and was banned for the best part of twoyears.
詹姆斯曾摘得世青赛冠军,2011年世界成年人锦标赛金牌,然后又在奥林匹克运动会中获胜。他只知道成功的滋味。然而本次莫斯科世锦赛,格林纳达选手仅列第七。肖恩•梅里特(LeShawn Merritt)在最后俯身冲刺前占据了铜牌的位置,他迎头赶上,夺回世界冠军头衔。他上次夺冠是2009年。此后,梅里特有一次药检未通过,惨遭禁赛错失了最好的两年。