【英音模仿秀】风雨30载 桃李满天下
❤ 模仿文本:This celebration held two weeks ago marked three decades in which thousands of students have been taught cooking skills, not usually the kind of event that draws outside attention. But since the Ballymaloe Cookery School opened its doors in 1983, chances are that in that time you've cooked from a recipe book, eaten a meal, watched a television programme or read a newspaper article on food produced by one of its students.
❤ 译文:这是两星期前的一个活动,为纪念学校三十周年而举办。本来这并不是那种会吸引外界关注的活动,但是自其1983年建校以来,有成千上万名学生曾在这里学习厨艺,你用过的每本烹饪书籍、吃过的每一道菜、看过的每个料理节目、读过的每篇美食报道都可能出自这里的学生之手。
❤ 译文:这是两星期前的一个活动,为纪念学校三十周年而举办。本来这并不是那种会吸引外界关注的活动,但是自其1983年建校以来,有成千上万名学生曾在这里学习厨艺,你用过的每本烹饪书籍、吃过的每一道菜、看过的每个料理节目、读过的每篇美食报道都可能出自这里的学生之手。