新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 10a
时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册
<TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
||<1>survival |n. |[U] state of continuing to live or exist |生存;幸存
|| ||survival of the fittest |适者生存
|| ||For the poorest people, life was merely a matter of survival. |对最穷的人来说,生活只是争取活命。
||<2> <em>bomber</em>|n.|[C] an aircraft that drops bombs |轰炸机
|| ||The invasion on land was supported by bombers in the air. |地面进攻得到轰炸机的空中配合。
||<3>accent|n.|[C] a way of saying words, showing which country or which part of a country one comes from |口音;腔调
||||His accent was so strong that I couldn't understand a word he was saying. |他的口音很重,说的话我一句不懂。
||||I knew from his accent that he was from the South. |从他口音可以听出他是南方人。
|@|<4>sorrow|n.|[U] a feeling of sadness |悲伤,悲痛
||||His heart ached with anger and sorrow. |他悲愤交加,心痛不已。
||||The sorrow she felt over the death of her husband was almost too much to bear. |她简直难以承受失夫之痛。
||<5>suffering |n.|[C, U] mental or physical pain or problems |痛苦;问题
|| ||Reporters described the suffering they had seen in the war zone. |记者向人们描述了他们在战争地带所见的人们的苦难。
|| ||It caused her immense mental suffering. |这件事使她精神上极度痛苦。
|@|<6>ancient |a.|having existed for a very long time |古老的
|| ||The ancient city was bombed out during the war. |这座古城在战争中被彻底炸毁了。
|| ||People living in this valley still follow their ancient customs. |居住在这个山谷里的人们现在还保持着古老的风俗。
||<7>endure |vt. |bear pain, suffering, etc. for a long time |忍受,忍耐
|| ||We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport. |我们不得不在机场忍受航班9个小时的延误。
|| ||He endured three years in prison for his political beliefs. |他因政治信仰遭受了三年监禁。
|| |vi.|last for a long time |持续;持久
|| ||The author of the book did not survive, but his book endured. |作者已逝,但他的作品长留世间。
|| ||The spirit of man will endure as long as people believe in being good. |只要人们相信善,人类的精神将长存。
||<8>raid|n.|[C] a sudden short attack |突袭;袭击
|| ||The air force has carried out a low-level bombing raid. |空军实施了一次低空轰炸袭击。
|| ||We made a raid on the enemy. |我们对敌人发起了突袭。
|||vt. |suddenly attack a place |突袭;袭击
|| ||The soldiers raided the enemy camp. |这些战士袭击了敌人营地。
|| ||The post office was raided late at night. |深夜邮局遭到了袭击。
|@|<9>channel |n. |1. [C] an area of water that connects two larger areas of water |海峡;航道
|| ||the English Channel |英吉利海峡
|| ||We tried digging a channel to lower the water level but that didn't work. |我们试着挖了一道沟渠以降低水位,可是没用。
|| | |2. [C] a television station |电视频道
|| ||Shall we watch the news on Channel Four? |我们看四频道的新闻好吗?
|| ||She turned to the sports channel to watch the football match. |她调到体育频道看足球赛。
||||3. [C] a method that is used to send or obtain information, goods, etc. |途径;渠道
|| ||One difficulty in the present situation of the two countries is the lack of a proper channel of communication. |两国关系现状的一个难题是缺乏适当的沟通渠道。
|| ||In his work, he found a channel for all his energy. |他在工作中找到了释放自己精力的渠道。
||<10>cast |vt.|(cast, cast) make light or a shadow appear somewhere |将(光线、影子)投射到
|| ||Some doubt has been cast on the future of the business. |有人对公司的前景持有疑虑。
|| ||Her arrival cast a shadow over the party. |她的到来给晚会投下了不愉快的阴影。
||<11>cliff |n.|[C] an area of rock with a steep side, often at the edge of the sea or a river |悬崖;峭壁
|| ||We walked along the cliff edge for a couple of miles. |我们沿着那峭壁边缘走了几英里。
|| ||Don't go too close to the edge of the cliff—you might fall. |别太靠近悬崖的边缘──小心掉下去。
||<12>invade |v. |enter a country using military force in order to take control of it |侵略;侵犯
|| ||Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army. |亚历山大大帝率大军入侵印度。
|| ||Gatherings of armed forces near the border looked like they planned to invade within the next few days. |部队在边境附近集结,看来几天之内就会入侵。
|| |vt.|get involved in sth. in an unwanted and annoying way |干扰;侵犯
|| ||Famous people often find their privacy is invaded by the press. |名人们常常发现其个人隐私受到新闻界的侵犯。
|| ||The motorbikes invaded the calm of the summer afternoon. |摩托车的噪音惊扰了夏日午后的宁静。
||<13> <em>invader</em>|n. |[C] a country, army, etc. that uses forces to enter another country |侵略者;入侵者
|| ||The mountains were once the hiding place for locals escaping the endless stream of foreign invaders. |这些山曾是当地人躲避一批批外国入侵者的藏身之处。
|| ||Any new company is seen as an invader in an already competitive market. |任何一家新的公司都被看成是对原本已竞争激烈的市场的入侵者。
||<14>marshal |n.|[C] an officer of the highest rank in the army |元帅
|| ||Field/Air Marshal |陆军/空军元帅
||<15>surrender |vi. |admit defeat and stop fighting |投降
|| ||They would rather die than surrender. |他们宁死不降。
|| ||He surrendered to despair and finally killed himself. |他陷于绝望,终于自杀。
|||vt. |give up sth. because one is forced to |(被迫)交出;放弃
|| ||Neither side is willing to surrender any of their claims. |双方都不愿放弃自己的权力。
|| ||They surrendered their guns to the police. |他们向警察缴枪。
|@|<16>royal |a.|relating to or belonging to a king or queen |王室的;皇家的
|| ||The law has not yet received the royal approval. |该法律尚未得到御准。
|| ||Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance. |皇权在这个国家只是象征着其历史价值,并没有任何法律意义。
||<17>hammer|vt.|hit sth. |敲打
|| ||I could hear him hammering in the house next door. |我能听见他在隔壁房间锤击的声音。
|| ||Can you hold this nail in position while I hammer it into the door? |我往门里钉钉子时,你能把钉子摁住吗?
|||n.|[C] |锤子;榔头
|| ||To sound the fire alarm, break the glass with the hammer. |发火警警报时就用锤子把玻璃敲碎。
|| ||Hammers are used for hitting nails into wood. |用锤子把钉子敲进木头里。
||<18>daylight |n. |[U] the light produced by the sun during the day |白天,白昼
|| ||I'd prefer to walk home in daylight. |我比较喜欢在日光中步行回家。
|| ||I haven't seen your garden in daylight before. |我以前没有在白天看过你的花园。
||<19>historic|a. |very important and will be recorded as part of history |历史性的
|| ||In a historic vote, the Church of England decided to allow women to become leaders. |英国国教会在一项具有历史意义的表决中决定允许妇女成为领袖。
|| ||More money is needed for the up-keep of the historic buildings. |历史性建筑的保存需要更多的资金投入。
||<20>radar |n. |[C, U] a piece of equipment that uses radio waves to find the position of sth. |雷达
|| ||Even small ships now have radar. |现在连小船都装备有雷达。
|| ||Enemy planes are found on the radar screen. |在雷达屏幕上发现了敌机。
|#|<21>siren |n. |[C] a device for making a loud warning noise |汽笛;警报器
|| ||In big cities you hear police sirens all the time. |在大城市里老是能听到警笛声。
|| ||The siren went off in the middle of the night to warn that there was going to be an air attack. |半夜响起了警报,警告人们将有空袭。
|#|<22>wail |vi. |make a long high sound |发出尖叫声
|| ||The wind wailed in the trees. |风在林中呼啸。
|| ||The fire truck sped past, its siren wailing. |消防车飞驰而过,警笛呼啸。
||<23>agony |n.|[C, U] great pain |极大的痛苦
|| ||The people who had been hurt in the bomb explosion lay wailing in agony. |炸弹爆炸中受伤的人们躺在那里,痛苦地嚎叫。
|| ||She was in agony trying to make a decision. |她在努力作出决定,内心十分痛苦。
|@|<24>punishment |n.|[C, U] sth. done to punish sb. |惩罚,处罚
|| ||In cases of sheep stealing, the usual punishment was hanging. |那时如偷羊,通常的惩罚就是吊死。
|| ||Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder. |有些人要求恢复对谋杀罪的死刑。
|@|<25>crash |n. |[C] a sudden loud noise made by sth. falling, breaking, etc. |破裂声;哗啦声
|| ||His words were drowned in a crash of thunder. |他的话被一声雷响所淹没。
|| ||The flower bottle landed on the floor with a crash. |花瓶砰的一声掉在了地板上。
|| |vi. |1. make a sudden loud noise |发出巨响
|| ||Without warning, the door crashed open. |门哗啦一声开了,之前一点预兆都没有。
|| ||The driver crashed the gears. |司机嘭地一声换档。
|| ||2. have an accident in a car, plane, etc. by violently hitting sth. else |猛撞;撞毁
|| ||The plane crashed into the mountainside. |飞机坠毁在山坡上。
|| ||Her brother borrowed her motorbike and crashed it. |她弟弟借了她的摩托车,却把它撞坏了。
|@|<26>spit | |(spat, spat) |
| | |v.|send out small bits of sth. such as fire or hot oil into the air |喷出;喷射
|| ||He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth. |他嘴部挨打后吐出了鲜血。
|| ||She spit out a little saliva on a cloth to wipe the mirror clean. |她在布上吐了一点唾沫来擦净镜子。
|||vi. |force the liquid in the mouth out of the mouth |吐痰
|| ||It is considered rude to spit in public. |当众吐痰是粗野无礼的行为。
|| ||He detested people spitting on sidewalks. |他最讨厌人们在人行道上吐痰了。
||<27>commute |vi.|regularly travel a long distance to and from work |上下班往返
|| ||She commutes from Oxford to London every day. |她每日往返于牛津与伦敦之间。
|| ||It's really tiring commuting from Brighton to London every day. |每天来往于伦敦与布赖顿之间真是累人。
||<28> <em>commuter</em> |n. |[C] sb. who travels a long distance to and from work |每天经很远路程上下班的人
|| ||The five o'clock train is always packed with commuters. |五点钟的火车总是挤满了往返两地上下班的人。
|| ||It has been suggested that commuters should share their cars and give each other lifts. |有人建议通勤者应该合用车辆,让彼此能够搭顺风车。
||<29>suburb |n. |[C] an area on the edge of a town or city |郊区
|| ||They live in the suburb of London. |他们住在伦敦郊区。
|| ||We drove from the middle-class suburbs to the inner city. |我们驾车从中产阶级的近郊住宅区驶到旧城区。
||<30>dairy |n.|[C] a place where milk and milk products are made or sold |牛奶场;乳品店
|| ||He had just left the dairy when he realized he had forgotten to buy cottage cheese. |他刚离开乳品店,忽然想起忘了买乡村干酪。
|| ||The farmer's dairy made a net profit of $750,000 in the previous year. |这个农民的奶牛场前一年的净利润是75万元。
||<31>heroic |a.|very brave |英雄的;英勇的
|| ||He was famous for his heroic deeds during the war. |他因战争中的英勇事迹而闻名。
|| ||We were amazed by her heroic acts. |我们被她的英雄行为所折服。
||<32>resolution |n. |1. [U] the quality of being determined to do sth. |坚决;决心
|| ||His speech ended on a note of resolution. |他用铿锵有力的话语结束了演讲。
|| ||He showed great resolution in facing the robbers. |他面对强盗显得非常刚毅。
|| ||2. [U] the act of solving a problem |解决
|| ||Your information has made the resolution of this problem possible. |你提供的信息已使解决这个问题成为可能。
|| ||We need quick resolution of this conflict. |我们需要很快解决这一争端。
||<33>handful |n. |1. [sing.] a small number (of people or things) |少数,少量
|| ||There's only a handful of people who can do work as difficult as this. |只有少数人能完成如此困难的工作。
|| ||She invited many friends to her party, but only a handful of them came. |她请了许多朋友来参加她的聚会,但只有少数几个人来了。
|| | |2. [C] an amount of sth. that can be held in one hand |一把
|| ||He took a handful of coins from his pocket. |他从口袋里拿出一把硬币。
|| ||She picked up a handful of snow and threw it at me. |她抓起一把雪朝我扔过来。
||<34>flock|n. |[C] a group of animals, birds, or people |一群
|| ||Police are warning motorists that a flock of sheep has escaped onto the road. |警察在告诫驾车人说有一群绵羊跑到了路上。
|| ||Noisy flocks of visitors came into the buildings. |一群群吵闹的参观者进入了大楼。
|||vi.|gather together in great numbers |群集
|| ||Hundreds of people are flocking to the football match. |数以百计的人正涌着去看足球赛。
|| ||Huge numbers of birds flocked together by the lake. |湖边聚集了一大群的鸟儿。
|★|<35>exhaustion|n.|[U] extreme tiredness |筋疲力尽;疲惫
|| ||She felt ill with exhaustion. |她因过度劳累而感到身体不适。
|| ||They were in a state of exhaustion after climbing the mountain. |他们登山之后感到筋疲力尽。
||<36>smash |v. |break into pieces or break sth. into pieces |打碎;破碎
|| ||The lock was rusty, so we had to smash the door open. |锁生锈了,我们不得不把门砸开。
|| ||The glass dropped on the floor and smashed in to pieces. |杯子掉到地上,摔得粉碎。
||<37>cellar |n.|[C] a room under the ground floor of a building, usu. used to store things |地下室
|| ||She hid herself in the cellar. |她藏在地下室里。
|@|<38>rescue |vt.|save sb. or sth. from danger |救援;营救
|| ||You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. |你使我摆脱了窘境。
|| ||The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat. |救生船将水手们从正在下沉的船上营救了出来。
|| |n. |[C, U] an action of saving sb. or sth. from danger |救援;营救
|| ||Lifeboats accomplish many rescues every month. |救生船每月都要进行多次救援行动。
|| ||We sat together on the cliff, waiting for rescue. |我们一起坐在悬崖上, 等待救援。
||<39>underneath |prep. |directly under another object or covered by it |在...下面,在...底下
|| ||The road goes right underneath the city. |这条路正好通到城市下面。
|| ||They found a bomb underneath the car. |他们在车底下发现了一枚炸弹。
|★|<40>wreckage |n.|[U] the parts of sth. that has been destroyed |残骸
|| ||Wreckage of the plane showered a wide area. |那架飞机的残骸四散坠下。
|| ||Two boats crashed and some people were trapped in the wreckage. |两船相撞,一些人被困在撞破的船只里。
|@|<41>whichever |det.&pron. |used for saying that it does not matter which person or thing is chosen |无论哪个;无论哪些
|| ||Take whichever hat suits you best. |挑选最适合你的帽子。
|| ||Whichever you buy, there is a two-year guarantee. |无论你买哪一个,都有两年的保质期。
||<42>decent |a.|socially acceptable or good |得体的;正派的
|| ||Everyone should have the right to a decent wage and a decent home. |人人都有权得到象样的工资和拥有一个美好的家庭。
|| ||I thought he was a decent sort of person. |我认为他属于那种正派的人。
||<43> <em>decency</em> |n. |[U] moral behavior that shows respect for other people |体面;得体
|| ||He acted with decency. |他行为得体。
|| ||They showed a shameless disrespect for human rights and the norms of human decency. |他们无耻地蔑视人权和人类尊严的准则。
||<44>ally |vt.|help and support other people or countries, esp. in a war |使结盟
|| ||We will both benefit from allying and combining our resources. |我们双方都从我们的资源合并中获益。
|| ||The small country allied itself with the stronger power. |那个小国与强国结成联盟。
|| |n.|[C] a country that agrees to help or support another country in a war |盟国
|| ||the United States and its European allies |美国及其欧洲盟国
|| ||By the end of World War II, Britain faced a widening split with its former allies. |二次大战结束之前,英国与前盟友的分歧日益扩大。
||<45> <em>allied</em> |a. |(A~) |同盟国的
|| ||Allied forces landed in Normandy in the summer of 1944. |盟军部队于1944年夏天在诺曼底登陆。
<TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
||<46>drive off |force sb. or an animal to go away |击退;赶走
|||The army drove off the enemy with much effort and loss of life. |这支部队艰苦作战,伤亡惨重,才击退了敌人。
|||They claimed that they had driven off a major force. |他们声称已经击退了敌方的一支主力。
||<47>be sure of |be certain to get sth. or be certain sth. will happen |一定会;肯定会
|||Can I be sure of a profit if I put my money there? |我把钱投在那儿一定能获利吗?
|||Sophie is sure of good exam results. |索菲对考试获得好成绩很有把握。
||<48>in broad daylight |in the daytime |光天化日之下
|||He was robbed in broad daylight, in a crowded street. |光天化日之下,就在一条熙熙攘攘的街道上,他被抢劫了。
|||Thieves had broken into the door in broad daylight. |小偷在大白天破门而入。
||<49>carry on |continue doing sth. |继续做
|||Carry on the work while I'm away. |我不在时,你继续干你的工作。
|||I shall try to carry on the work in spite of difficulties. |虽然困难重重,但我会把这个工作干下去。
||<50>under control |being controlled or dealt with successfully |受到控制;处于控制之下
|| |It was several hours before the fire was brought under control. |几个小时以后火势才得到控制。
|| |I shall put an experienced teacher in charge of that class, to bring the children under control. |我将派一个有经验的老师去负责那个班,让孩子们规矩点。
||<51>on the air |on radio or television |(广播或电视)播出
|||This channel comes on the air every morning at 7:00. |这个频道每天早晨7点开始播送节目。
|||The interview with the President will be on the air tomorrow morning. |对总统的采访将于明天早晨播出。
||<52>keep sb. from doing sth. |prevent sb. from doing sth. |阻止某人做某事
|||Don't let me keep you from going out. |别因为我而妨碍你外出。
|||I don't want to keep you from your work. |我不想阻止你去做自己的工作。
||<53>watch for |keep looking and be ready for sb. or sth. |留意;密切注意
|||Watch forly our newly improved product, which will be on the market next week! |留心我们新改进的产品吧,下个星期就要上市了!
|||Watch this space for notice of our next sale. |请留意这一版面上有关我们下一次销售的广告。
||<54>put out |make sth. stop burning |扑灭,熄灭
|||Firemen soon put the fire out. |消防队员很快就把火扑灭了。
|||Put out all fires before leaving the camping ground. |离开营地以前要把所有的火熄灭。
||<55>mark down |write down |记下来,写下来
|||I marked down the address that she gave me over the telephone, and took care not to lose it. | 我把她在电话里告诉我的地址记了下来,并且注意把它保存好。
|||Make down every change in the temperature until the fever has gone. |退烧前随时记录体温变化。
||<56>provide for |make plans in order to deal with sth. that might happen in the future |为...做准备
|| |The budget provides for a salary increase after one year. |该预算为一年后工资上调作好了准备。
|| |He studied hard to provide for the final examination. |他努力学习,为期末考试做准备。
<TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
||<57>Atlantic Ocean | |大西洋
||<58>North Carolina | |北卡罗来纳州(美国州名)
||<59>Edward R. Murrow | |爱德华·R.默罗(1908-1965,美国广播记者,二战时曾在伦敦主持哥伦比亚广播公司欧洲部工作)
||<60>Columbia | |哥伦比亚(广播系统)
||<61>Dover | |(英国与法国之间)多佛尔(海峡)
||<62>Goering | |戈林(1893-1946,纳粹德国元帅,战犯)
||<63>Hitler | |希特勒(1889-1945,纳粹德国元首,头号战犯)
||<64>Warsaw | |华沙(波兰首都)
||<65>Rotterdam | |鹿特丹(荷兰西南部港市)
||<66>RAF (Royal Air Force) | |(英国)皇家空军