时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册



  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>

  ||<1>pat    |vt.|touch sb. or sth. lightly and repeatedly with a flat hand |轻拍

  ||    ||The teacher patted the student on his shoulder, encouraging him to try harder next time. |老师在学生的肩膀上拍了拍,鼓励他下次更加努力些。

  ||    ||The little boy felt uncomfortable whenever people patted him on the head. |每次人们拍他的头时,小男孩总是感到不舒服。

  ||    |n.|[C] a friendly act of touching sb. or sth. with a flat hand |轻拍

  ||    ||Jim used to give his dog a pat before he left for work in the morning. |吉姆以前常常在早上离家上班前拍拍他的狗。

  ||    ||My boss gave me a pat on the back to show his satisfaction with my work. |老板在我背上拍了一下,以示对我的工作很满意。

  |@|<2>presence  |n.|[U] the fact or state of being present |在场;出席

  ||    ||Your presence is requested. |敬请光临。

  ||    ||I should have dressed myself more formally tonight. I wish nobody would notice my presence! |今晚我本该穿得更正式些的。真希望没有人会注意到我的存在!

  |@|<3>promising  |a.|showing signs of being successful in the future |有前途的;有希望的

  ||    ||The promising student couldn't go on with his studies because his family was too poor to afford it. |因为家境贫穷无法供他求学,这个本来很有前途的学生无法继续读书了。

  ||    ||I would like to work in a promising company like yours. |我希望在如贵公司一样有前途的公司里就职。

  ||<4>amateur    |a.|doing sth. just for pleasure; not professional |业余的

  ||    ||My elder brother is an amateur photographer, but he really takes very nice pictures. |我哥哥是个业余摄影师,但他拍的照片真的很棒。

  ||    ||The amateur football players meet twice a week for practice. |这些业余足球运动员每周集训两次。

  ||    |n. |[C] sb. who does sth. just for pleasure |业余爱好者

  ||    ||Only amateurs will be allowed to participate in this match. |只有业余爱好者才能参加此项比赛。

  ||    ||Some amateurs can perform at such a high level that even professionals sing high praise for them. |有些业余爱好者表现得非常好,即使那些专业人员都对他们大加赞叹。

  ||<5> <em>skier</em> |n.    |[C] a person who skis |滑雪者

  ||    ||an amateur skier |业余滑雪运动员

  ||<6>session    |n.|1. [C] a period of time used for a particular purpose |(从事某项活动的)一段时间

  ||    ||There will be a question-and-answer session before the final examination. |期末考试前会有一堂答疑课。

  ||    ||Can you get two tickets for the guitar session? |你能弄到两张吉它演奏会的门票吗?

  ||    ||2. [C] a formal meeting |会议

  ||    ||This year's session of Congress was unusually long. |今年国会的会期特别长。

  ||    ||Can you tell me when the next session of Parliament will begin? |你能告诉我议会下一次会议何时召开吗?

  |@|<7>amusing    |a. |able to make people laugh or smile; interesting |有趣的

  ||    ||His amusing answer made all of us laugh. |他有趣的回答把我们大家都逗笑了。

  ||    ||I didn't even smile after he told his joke. I didn't find it amusing at all. |他讲完笑话后我甚至都没微笑一下。我觉得那一点都不有趣。

  |@|<8>lower    |vt.|1. reduce sth. in amount, price, degree, strength, etc. |减少;降低

  ||    ||The price will be lowered from $150 to $100 to attract more customers. |为了吸引更多的顾客,价格将从150 美元降到100美元。

  ||    ||The baby has just fallen asleep. Would you please lower your voice? |宝宝刚入睡,你能声音轻些吗?

  ||    ||2. move sb. or sth. down from a higher position |降下

  ||    ||National flags were lowered to half-mast in memory of this great man. |国旗下半旗以纪念这位伟人。

  ||    ||The old man lowered his hand so that the pigeons could eat the corn out of his palm. |老人把手放低了些,让鸽子能吃到他掌心的玉米粒。

  ||<9>anniversary|n.|[C] a date on which sth. special or important happened in a previous year |周年纪念日

  ||    ||The couple were thinking of a romantic dinner for their wedding anniversary. |夫妇俩正考虑去吃一顿浪漫的晚餐来庆祝结婚周年纪念日。

  ||    ||It will be the 50th anniversary of the foundation of this nation tomorrow. |明天将是这个国家建立五十周年纪念日。

  ||<10>woolen    |a.|(BrE woollen) made of wool |羊毛的

  ||    ||a woolen scarf |羊毛围巾

  ||    ||a woolen coat |羊毛外套

  ||<11>romantic  |a.|relating to feelings of love or a loving relationship |浪漫的

  ||    ||The woman writer is famous for her romantic love stories. |这为女作家因她所著的浪漫爱情小说而闻名。

  ||    ||Everything looked quite romantic under the night sky dotted with thousands of stars. |在繁星点点的夜空下,一切都显得很浪漫。

  ||<12>gratitude |n.|[U] the feeling of being grateful |感激;谢意

  ||    ||I showed my gratitude to Susan by sending her a box of chocolate. |我给苏珊送了盒巧克力以示谢意。

  ||    ||I owe a debt of gratitude to you. I couldn't have achieved anything without your support. |我真得感谢你们。没有你们的支持,我不可能做成任何事情。

  ||<13> <em>perceptivity</em>   |n.    |[U] the ability of being quick to notice and understand |知觉;理解力

  ||    ||You can always sense her perceptivity whenever she makes comments on something. |每次她就某事发表评论时,你总能感觉到她敏锐的洞察力。

  ||    ||The writer is worth admiring for his outstanding perceptivity and memory. |这位作家因其超群的洞察力和记忆力而值得钦佩。

  ||<14>ski    |vi.|slide over snow on skis, as a sport or a way of traveling |滑雪

  ||    ||Salt Lake City will be a good choice if you want to go skiing. |如果你们想去滑雪,盐湖城会是个不错的选择。

  ||    ||We had a great time skiing in the mountains last weekend. |上周末我们在山上滑雪,玩得十分开心。

  ||<15>massive   |a.|large in size, quantity, degree, etc. |大的;严重的

  ||    ||They made massive efforts to carry out the research with limited budget. |他们作了大量的努力,用有限的预算进行着研究。

  ||    ||I was impressed by the massive walls surrounding that ancient city. |环绕古城四周的高大的围墙给我留下了深刻的印象。

  ||<16>fatigue  |vt. |make sb. tired |使疲劳

  ||    ||Having been climbing the mountain for two hours, we all felt fatigued. |我们已经连续爬了两小时的山,都感到很疲惫。

  ||    ||Whenever he felt fatigued, he got angry easily. |他每次感觉疲惫时都很容易发怒。

  ||    |n.|[U] great tiredness |疲乏,疲劳

  ||    ||The girl looked pale with fatigue after the long journey. |长途跋涉之后,那女孩因疲惫而脸色苍白。

  ||    ||I ran for another two kilometers before I stopped because of fatigue. |我在感觉疲惫而停下来之前,又跑了两千米。

  |★|<17>clearing  |n.|[C] a small area where there are no trees, esp. in a forest |(林中)空地

  ||    ||They found a clearing in the forest and took a rest there. |他们发现了一小块空地,在那里休息了一下。

  |@|<18>approximately |ad.   |about; nearly |大约,大概

  ||    ||She has lost approximately 10 pounds since I met her last time. |从我上次遇见她后,她已经减了大约十磅体重。

  ||    ||The train will arrive in approximately five minutes. |火车大概五分钟后到达。

  ||<19>breeze    |n.|[C] a light wind |微风,和风

  ||    ||Colorful flags danced in the breeze. |微风中彩旗飘舞。

  ||    ||The warm spring breeze kisses the earth and the green grass grows. |和煦的春风亲吻大地,绿草儿长了出来。

  ||<20>powder    |n.|[C, U] a kind of substance in the form of very fine dry grains |粉末;粉状物

  ||    ||baby powder |婴儿爽身粉

  ||    ||milk powder |奶粉

  ||<21>fuss    |v.|(about, over) complain over small matters |(因小事)抱怨;小题大做

  ||    ||I'm afraid you're fussing too much about your health. Just follow the doctor's advice and you'll be fine. |恐怕你过于关注你的健康了。听从医生的建议, 你的身体就不会有问题的。

  ||    ||Don't fuss; we will solve this problem for you immediately. |不要大惊小怪的,我们会马上替你解决这个问题。

  ||    |n.|[sing., U] a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about sth. |小题大做;大惊小怪

  ||    ||Why are you making so much fuss over losing 100 yuan? |你为什么对丢了100元钱如此小题大做呢?

  ||    ||Why is she so excited? She must be making a fuss about nothing again. |她为什么这么激动?肯定又是在为一些无谓的事情大惊小怪。

  ||<22>indifferent |a. |(to) not interested in; not caring |漠不关心的;冷漠的

  ||    ||Seeing his sick mother lying on the bed, his manner was rather indifferent. |看到他生病的母亲躺在床上,他的态度十分冷漠。

  ||    ||Many girls wear skirts in the winter, seeming indifferent to the cold. |很多女孩在冬天穿着裙子,看上去对寒冷毫不在意。

  ||<23>rebel    |vi.|(against) fight against sb. in authority or against an idea or situation |造反;反叛;反抗

  ||    ||The poor rebelled against the emperor but were defeated quite soon. |穷人起来反抗皇帝,但很快就被镇压了。

  ||    ||Her parents wanted her to become a doctor, but she rebelled and went to study in a normal university. |她父母希望她能当一名医生,但她却不听从他们的意见上了一所师范大学。

  ||    |n.|[C] a person who rebels |造反者,反叛者,反抗者

  ||    ||No one would believe that the priest was one of the anti-government rebels. |没有人会相信神父是反政府分子的一员。

  ||    ||Duke is kind of a rebel; he never does a thing the way most people do it. |杜克是个叛逆者;他从来不以大多数人的方式做事。

  ||<24> <em>rebellious</em> |a.|opposing people in authority or rules of behavior |反叛的;反抗的

  ||    ||The experienced teacher knew how to deal with some students' rebellious behavior. |这个经验丰富的老师知道怎样处理有些学生叛逆性的行为。

  ||    ||If you just swear at your boy whenever he does something wrong, he might become more and more rebellious. |如果你儿子每次做了错事后你只是对他加以责骂,他可能变得越来越叛逆。

  ||<25>bachelor  |n.|1. [C] an unmarried man |未婚男子

  ||    ||I don't like the idea of getting married, so I will remain a bachelor all my life. |我不喜欢结婚,所以我会一辈子单身。

  ||    ||She rented a bachelor flat and settled down. |她租了套单身公寓,安顿了下来。

  ||    ||2. [C] a first university degree |学士(学位)

  ||    ||a Bachelor of Science |理学士

  ||    ||a Bachelor of Arts |文学士

  ||<26> <em>low-budget</em> |a.|not spending much money |预算低的;花费不多的

  ||    ||Lucy is planning for a low-budget trip around Europe this summer holiday. |露西正计划今年暑假花不多的钱去欧洲旅游一趟。

  ||    ||Though they are not rich, Lesley set aside some money every month for a low-budget dinner outside, which was a great pleasure for the whole family. |虽然他们并不富裕,莱斯莉每月都留出一点钱大家出去吃一顿花费不太大的晚餐,这对全家人来说都是一件开心的事。

  |@|<27>shift    |v.|change position or direction; move from one place to another |转移;移动;变换

  ||    ||Julie shifted her position slightly and smiled. |朱莉稍微换了一下姿势,笑了。

  ||    ||The emphasis has shifted in recent years. |最近几年重点发生了变化。

  |▲|<28>makeshift |a.|used at the time because there is nothing better |权宜的;暂时的

  ||    ||He couldn't find his way before it got dark, so he decided to find a makeshift shelter for the night. |他无法在天黑前找到路,所以决定先找个临时的过夜之处。

  ||    ||This is just a makeshift plan for the moment; we may work out a better one. |这只是个临时计划,我们可能还会制订更好的。

  ||<29>stack    |vt. |put things so that they stand one on top of another |堆放

  ||    ||The postman was stacking the packages up against the wall. |邮递员正把包裹靠墙堆放起来。

  ||    ||We just moved in, so the floor is still stacked with boxes.|我们刚搬进来,所以地板上还到处堆放着箱子。

  |@|<30>sticky    |a.|made of or containing material which can stick to sth. else |黏的;黏性的

  ||    ||The mother asked her boy not to touch her skirt with his sticky fingers. |妈妈让儿子别用黏糊糊的手指碰她的裙子。

  ||    ||Your hand will get sticky if you hold chocolate in it. |如果你把巧克力拿在手里,手会发黏的。

  ||<31>mate    |n.|[C] a fellow workman or friend |伙伴,同伴

  ||    ||workmate |同事

  ||    ||schoolmate |同校同学

  ||<32> <em>teammate</em>|n.|[C] a fellow person in a team |队友

  ||    ||I practiced with some of my teammates every day even after the training session was over. |即使在集训期结束以后,我还是每天和一些队友一起训练。

  ||    ||Dale seems to be good at cooperating with his teammates. |戴尔看来很善于和队友合作。

  ||<33>assert    |vt.|state or declare sth. firmly |断言;声称

  ||    ||Ada asserted that the short man was the one who attacked her that night. |埃达断言那个矮个子男人就是那天晚上袭击她的人。

  ||    ||The man asserted his innocence, but I didn't think he was worth trusting. |那个男人坚持说自己是无辜的,可我认为他不值得信任。

  ||<34>napkin    |n.|[C] |餐巾(纸)

  ||    ||It's important to make proper use of napkin in a formal dinner. |正式的宴会上,正确使用餐巾十分重要。

  |@|<35>swear    ||(swore, sworn) |

  ||    |vi.|(at) curse |咒骂

  ||    ||The boss swore at the waitress when she broke a plate. |女服务员打破了一只盘子,老板就咒骂起她来。

  ||    ||The man swore at the dog barking at him. |男人咒骂着对他吼叫的狗。

  ||    |vt.|make a promise to do sth. |发誓

  ||    ||All soldiers swore to fight for the independence of their nation. |所有的士兵宣誓为国家的独立而战。

  ||    ||The maid swore she would never tell the secret to anybody. |女仆发誓永远不会把这个秘密告诉任何人。

  ||<36>damn    |a.| |该死的;讨厌的

  ||    ||I can't open the damn window. |我打不开这该死的窗户。

  |@|<37>unfair    |a.|not right or just |不公平的;不公正的

  ||    ||It is unfair that all of us got punished for the mistake made by one of us. |我们因为一个人犯错而全体受罚,很不公平。

  ||    ||Angered by the unfair treatment, they asked for an apology. |不公正待遇使得他们很生气,要求对方赔礼道歉。

  ||<38> <em>outburst</em> |n.|[C] a sudden expression of a strong emotion, esp. anger |爆发

  ||    ||Hearing an outburst of weeping from the neighboring apartment, I realized the husband was abusing his wife again. |听到隔壁公寓里传出一阵抽泣声,我意识到那个丈夫又在虐待自己的妻子了。

  ||    ||I knocked at my sisters' room, wondering what had caused an outburst of laughter there. |我敲了敲姐妹们的房门,想知道是什么引起了里面的一阵哄然大笑。

  ||<39>passion   |n.|[C, U] a strong feeling about sth. or a strong liking for sth. |激情;热情

  ||    ||The young couple kissed each other with passion before they said “goodbye” to each other. |那对年轻夫妇深情相吻,然后互道再见。

  ||    ||Working with passion and devotion, Baron got promoted quickly. |巴伦工作热情又投入,很快得到了提升。

  |@|<40>persist  |v. |continue to do sth. in spite of opposition or warning |坚持

  ||    ||I'm afraid he cannot stay here any longer—he simply persists in causing trouble to us. |恐怕他不能再呆在这儿了──他根本就是不停地在给我们惹麻烦。

  ||    ||It seems that you persist in trying to annoy me. What is your purpose for doing this? |看来你坚持要惹我生气。你这样做的目的是什么?

  ||    |vi.|continue to exist or happen |继续存在或发生

  ||    ||All kinds of rumors about the high official's divorce persisted for quite a long time. |有关这位高官离婚的种种传闻流传了相当长的一段时间。

  ||    ||The drought persisted for months and people prayed to Heaven for rain. |干旱持续了几个月,人们祈求天神降雨。

  |@|<41>frown    |vi.|make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving the eyebrows together |皱眉

  ||    ||Trying to concentrate on his study, Jim frowned at the noises from outside. |吉姆正努力集中精力学习,外面的噪音让他不快地皱起了眉头。

  ||    ||The boss frowned all the time as he read the financial report of the company. |老板阅读公司财务报告时一直皱着眉头。

  ||<42>billion   |num.|(AmE) |十亿

  ||    ||Currently, China has a population of about 1.3 billion. |中国现今人口约13亿。

  |@|<43>rank    |vi.|have a particular position in a list of people or things |位于...等级(或地位)

  ||    ||Our success in research ranked as one of the greatest achievements in this field. |我们在研究上取得的成功被列为该领域最大的成就之一。

  ||    ||Some high-ranking officials will make an inspection to our university next Monday. |一些高官将于下周一视察我校。

  ||    |vt.|decide the position of sb. or sth. based on importance or quality |排列

  ||    ||All fruits were ranked neatly in the boxes. |水果全都整整齐齐地排列在盒子里。

  ||    ||Ranking the shoes in the shop window, the assistant didn't even look up at me when I talked to her. |售货员正在排列橱窗里的鞋,我和她说话时她都没抬头看我。

  ||    |n.|[C, U] the position or level that sb. holds in an organization;one's social position |职位;社会地位

  ||    ||He held the rank of Chief Executive Officer. |他担任首席执行官一职。

  ||    ||He dreamed of marrying a woman from a family of rank and thus paving the way for him later entering the upper circle. |他梦想着娶一位名门之后,以便为自己日后进入上层社会铺平道路。

  ||<44> <em>ranking</em> |n.|[C] a position on a scale that shows how good sb. or sth. is when compared with others |排名;级别

  ||    ||He has the poorest ranking in his class. |他在班里排名最后。

  |■|<45>indissoluble |a.  |impossible to destroy |坚不可摧的

  ||    ||The tie between these two nations seemed indissoluble for a time, but it broke easily after the dispute. |这两个国家之间的关系一度看来是牢不可破的,但由于这一争端轻易就破裂了。

  ||    ||The indissoluble friendship between us is the thing I value most in the world. |我们之间深厚的友谊是我在这世界上最为看重的东西。

  |@|<46>bond    |n.|[C] sth. that unites two or more people, such as love, a shared interest, etc. |联系;纽带

  ||    ||Though the twins quarrel with each other sometimes, they can always feel a close bond between them. |虽然这对双胞胎有时相互争吵,但他们总能感到彼此密切相连。

  ||    ||That experience resulted in a special bond between the two strangers. |那次经历使得两个陌生人之间形成了一种特殊的关系。

  ||<47>tropical  |a.|relating to the tropics |热带的

  ||    ||Tropical flowers are very expensive in this market. |这个市场里热带花卉卖得非常贵。

  ||    ||Enjoying my winter holiday in a tropical area, I could hardly imagine it had been constantly snowing in my hometown. |在热带地区度寒假的时候,我很难想象我的家乡一直在下雪。

  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>

  ||<48>next to   |beside or very near to sb. or sth. |靠近;接近

  ||       |I put these two pictures next to each other for comparison. |我把两张照片放到一起来比较。

  ||       |The mysterious villa stood silently next to a church. |那栋神秘的别墅静立在教堂旁边。

  ||<49>in sb.'s presence/in the presence of sb. |in the same place as sb. |有某人在场

  ||       |I wonder why this young man always seems nervous in my presence. |我不知道为什么这个年轻人在我面前总显得很紧张。

  ||       |You should be a gentleman in the presence of ladies. |在女士们面前你应该表现得像个绅士。

  ||<50>by no means |(used to emphasize a negative statement) not at all |决不,决非

  ||       |I will by no means tell the secret to him without your permission. |不经你的许可我决不会把秘密告诉他。

  ||       |He is by no means the richest person in this neighborhood. |他决不是这个地区的首富。

  ||<51>count on  |depend on |依靠;依赖;指望

  ||       |You cannot count on others for your own future. |你自己的将来不能指望别人。

  ||       |You can always count on him; he is such a reliable person. |你总能依靠他;他非常让人信赖。

  ||<52>on one occasion |once |有一次

  ||       |On one occasion, she wore an improper dress to my birthday party. |她有一次穿了一件极不合适的衣服来参加我的生日聚会。

  ||       |On one occasion, she was robbed when she went home late from the office.|她有一次很晚从公司回家时遭到了抢劫。

  ||<53>come upon |meet sb. or find sth. by chance |偶然遇见;偶然发现

  ||       |I came upon my favorite singer at the airport. |我在机场偶然遇见了自己最喜欢的歌手。

  ||       |We came upon a shabby wooden house in the middle of the wood. |我们偶然发现在树林中央有一所破旧的木屋。

  ||<54>pack into |put in a very small place |塞进;使挤入

  ||       |She was trying to pack everything into the cupboard. |她正试着把所有的东西都塞进小橱里。

  ||       |Believing that she would never come back, Susan packed her belongings into two suitcases and left. |苏珊把她的东西塞进两只行李箱后离开了,相信自己永远都不会再回来了。

  ||<55>take notice of |notice |注意到

  ||       |Have you taken notice of his strange behavior today? |你有没有注意到他今天奇怪的行为?

  ||       |Father seemed to take little notice of my unhappiness and sat down for his supper. |父亲看来没注意到我的不快,坐下来吃晚饭了。

  ||<56>sing out|shout or sing some words clearly and loudly |(大声清晰地) 喊出 (或唱出)

  ||       |We all sang out our wishes for the future at the top of the mountain. |在山顶,我们都大声说出了对未来的期望。

  ||       |Joan sang out her plan, believing that it was much better than others'. |琼相信她的计划比其他人的要好得多,于是就大声说了出来。

  ||<57>point out|tell sb. sth. |指出

  ||       |It has been pointed out that students need more time for relaxation. |已经有人指出学生需要更多的时间休息娱乐。

  ||       |When we drove along the river, the guide pointed out some places of interest. |沿着河边行驶的时候,向导把几处名胜指给我们看。

  ||<58>reflect on|think deeply about; consider carefully |仔细考虑

  ||       |After reflecting on the problem for some time, he worked out a solution and then felt relieved.| 仔细考虑这个问题后他想出了一个解决办法,这时他才感觉松了口气。

  ||       |Each time she reflected on the good old days, she couldn't help complaining about her present difficulties. |每次她想起旧日的美好时光,总禁不住为目前的困境而抱怨。

  ||<59>in advance|doing something before a particular date or event |事先,预先

  ||       |We are always quite full at this season of the year, so we suggest you book a room in advance. |每年的这个季节我们酒店总是很满,所以建议您提前预订房间。

  ||       |We will send you our latest price list so that you can make a study of it in advance. |我们会寄给您最新的价格单以供您事先研究一下。

  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>

  ||<60>Nikolai Petrovich Anikin | |尼克莱·彼德罗维奇·安尼金(人名)

  ||<61>Nagano | |长野(日本城市名)

  ||<62>Salt Lake City | |盐湖城(美国犹他州首府)

access panel
administrator with will
ambiguous file
aorta stenosis
arteriae temporalis superficialis
at a rakish angle
autoindex register
axle stand
cell growth factor
chain floor trolley
chest home freezer
Coastal State Control
Cogeces del Monte
compressed files
concrete pump without a placing boom
dead bat
Diavolo, Mt.
discounted present value criterion
drill for oil
elliptical trainers
engrafted river
estimation of burial time
expert system approach
extent purification
extra-lemon pale
has a great run
hebetudo visus
heterodyne frequency
high tables
Hippoglossus hippoglossus
honkey, honkie
kandelia candel(l.) dmce.
lateral gin-trap
logical driver
magneto optical disk
margo lacrimalis
MBQ (modified biquinary code)
mediastinal fibroma
neobulk cargo
noise voltage generator
non-continuous liner
nursing materials
phenoxymethyl penicillins
physics student
properly primitive binary quadratic form
proven reactor type
psychical analysis
public duty
puts stress on
quick return motion mechanism
radiation resistance furnace
Ramus interventricularis anterior
run-in step
selaroides leptolepis
shout for
single-conical saw
surface rejuvenation
swiveling unloading flap
time-delay startingrelay
undergo treatment
Valley City
varnished cloth insulation
wood-transport by water