时间:2019-02-02 作者:英语课 分类:阅读空间



This female-led reboot attracted criticism well before the film was even made–with its co-writer Kate Dippold telling The Telegraph that “They said it was the worst movie ever before I’d written a word.”When the original film came out 32 years ago, it too was poorly received and only became a cult 1 hit over time. As BBC Culture’s critic Nicholas Barber argues, “the fans who insist that the Ghostbusters should be male have misunderstood the classic comedy they claim to revere”. The characters “were a different breed of hero…out-of-shape academics in crumpled 2, slime-smeared jumpsuits”.
This time around, the academics in jumpsuits are played by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones; there are cameos from original cast members including Sigourney Weaver 3, Dan Ackroyd and Bill Murray. Director Paul Feig once again teams up with McCarthy and Wiig after his 2011 hit Bridesmaids, and addressing the backlash, he has said:“I think the cast is so good, and they can stand in the footsteps of who came before.” On general release from 12 July.
Café Society
Woody Allen’s latest feature opened the 2016 Cannes Film Festival to mixed reviews–but drew praise for its performances. Set in the 1930s, it stars Jesse Eisenberg as a New Yorker who moves to LA and falls for his uncle’s secretary (Kristen Stewart). According to BBC Culture’s critic Nicholas Barber,“ Stewart has the glow of a bona fide 1930s bombshell while retaining her characteristically sheepish, down-to-earth persona”, while“Eisenberg is one of the most natural of Woody proxies”.
The Times calls him “an Allen mini-me, an Allen avatar. From his hunched 4, put-upon shoulders to his nervous, rapid-fire delivery, Eisenberg gives us vintage Woody”. Despite being criticised for not matching the director’s best works, the film was described as “gentle, whimsical and sumptuously 5 shot” by The Independent, which claims that “even if Allen’s energy levels may be dipping, he still knows just how to mix the comedy and the pathos 6.”Released 14 July in Thailand, 15 July in the US and 21 July in Russia.
Tale of Tales
“Once upon a time there were three neighbouring kingdoms each with a magnificent castle, from which ruled kings and queens, princes and princesses. One king was a fornicating libertine 7, another captivated by a strange animal, while one of the queens was obsessed 8 by her wish for a child.”The billing for Tale of Tales gives a clue as to the timbre 9 of a film populated by “sorcerers and fairies, fearsome monsters, ogres and old washerwomen, acrobats 10 and courtesans” –played by a strong ensemble 11 cast that includes Salma Hayek, John C Reilly, Toby Jones and Vincent Cassel.
A loose interpretation 12 of the tales of the Italian poet Giambattista Basile, it’s a worthy 13 addition to the recent glut 14 of fairy tale films: BBC Culture’s Rebecca Laurence believes it presents a fresh angle. According to The Times, “The adult fairytale is a freakish, hybrid 15, disturbing creature, mostly forgotten in these days of Disney sanitisation, but Tale of Tales resurrects the genre 16 with surreal humour and gothic horror.” Released 3 July in Germany, 6 July in Switzerland and 28 July in New Zealand.
Toni Erdmann
“Based on a really brilliant script, you have a comedy of manners and of family life at the same time–and then it is brilliantly acted,” Verena Leuken of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung told BBC Culture’s editor Matthew Anderson at the Cannes Film Festival, where Toni Erdmann was one of the favourites to win the Palme d’Or. At its first press screening in Cannes, the film was greeted by critics with laughter and spontaneous applause, and it’s since been showered with five-star reviews.
Telling the story of a father (Peter Simonischek) who disguises himself as a‘life coach’to get closer to his daughter (Sandra Hüller), a busy corporate 17 strategist, it’s the third feature in 13 years from German writer-director Maren Ade.
Time Out praised it for a“sly evocation 18 of the absurdities 19 and banalities of modern life”, while The Telegraph said that“The film’s sweetness and bitterness are held so perfectly 20 in balance, and realised with such sinew-stiffening intensity 21, that watching it feels like a three-hour sports massage 22 for your heart and soul.”There is plenty to provoke thoughts among the laughs, too.“It has some serious things to say about family dynamics 23, about the pressures that professional women face, and how working too much can hollow us out,” says Anderson. Released 14 July in Germany, 15 July in Austria and 21 July in Switzerland.
Time Out称其“淘气得唤起了现代生活中的谬论和陈腐”,而《每日电讯报》评论“这部影片很好地平衡了甜蜜与苦涩,实现了环环相扣的紧张情节,看这部电影给你带来的精神上的冲击与看一场三小时的体育运动别无二致。”在欢笑声中也引起来许多思考。安德森说:“这部影片有其严肃之处,讲述了如何维持家庭活力,职业女性承担的压力以及过量的工作是如何将我们压垮。”七月十四日在德国上映,七月十五日在奥地利上映,七月二十一日在瑞士上映。
Absolutely Fabulous 24
One of the first comedies to skewer 25 our current celebrity 26 culture, Absolutely Fabulous emerged as a sketch 27 on the show French & Saunders before becoming one of the most successful sitcoms 28 of the 1990s. Some have argued it was best left in that decade–and writer and actor Jennifer Saunders, who stars as Edina alongside Joanna Lumley as Patsy, admits the media landscape has changed.“It is a different beast”, Saunders told The Independent.“The idea of PR now is that anyone can do it. Anyone can review a film, anyone can get their stuff online, so it is a very different world.”
Yet despite that, she believes they have created a story that is relevant today.“I think the film reflects the fact that Patsy and Eddy 29 don’t survive so well in that world because they're not in control of it anymore.” The film has more than 60 cameos, including Rebel Wilson, Jon Hamm, Joan Collins, Barry Humphries, and Kate Moss–according to Saunders, the only person to turn down a role was Barack Obama. On general release from 1 July. (Credit: David Appleby)
The Commune
Thomas Vinterberg (The Hunt, Far From the Madding Crowd) co-founded the Dogme 95 film collective with Nymphomaniac director Lars von Trier, a movement he has compared to a commune. Vinterberg spent part of his childhood in a co-operative household, memories of which form the basis for his latest film.
托马斯?温特伯格(电影《狩猎》和《远离尘嚣》的导演)和 《女性瘾者》的导演拉尔斯?冯?特里尔联合发起一场名叫道格玛95的电影运动,他将这场电影运动比作一个公社。托马斯?温特伯格童年时期中一段时间生活在社区,他的最新一部电影的素材就是基于这段时期的经历。
Set in 1970s Copenhagen, the Commune follows married couple Anna (Trine Dyrholm) and Erik (Ulrich Thomsen) as they experiment with collective living in the house Erik inherited from his father. The Guardian 30 praised Dyrholm for her“emotional and intensely focused lead performance”, while Sight and Sound called it“his finest since Festen…more authentic 31 than many of its predecessors”, and argued:“Vinterberg resists the temptation to dismiss the 70s commune experiment as naive 32, misguided or doomed 33 to failure: while it may not have worked out perfectly for all who tried it, many, he suggests, found it rewardingly supportive and worthwhile.”
Released 15 July in Sweden, 29 July in the UK and 19 August in Poland.
Star Trek 34 Beyond
The third instalment of another rebooted franchise 35 stars Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock, described by The Telegraph as“an emotional shape-shifter, the charmer who might also be dangerous–or the implacably stoic 36 half-Vulcan who’s somehow an amazing friend”. Zoe Saldana (Uhura) co-stars alongside Anton Yelchin (Chekov), in what was to be his one of his final roles–tributes have been paid to the 27-year-old actor, who died after he was pinned against a wall by his car.
In May, the film’s cast mourned the loss of Leonard Nimoy, as Quinto said“In a way I feel like he’s almost more a part of this film than he was of the other two. We were all so cognizant of his absence.”
On general release from 19 July.
Swiss Army Man
Described as“the strangest Sundance film ever”, Swiss Army Man divided critics when it premiered at the film festival in January. Paul Dano (Love & Mercy) plays a man stranded 37 on a desert island; Daniel Radcliffe (The Woman in Black, Harry 38 Potter) is a farting corpse 39 who washes up on shore. The two become friends in what is billed as“a gonzo buddy 40 comedy”, an improbable story that is“proudly scatological”, according to Slate 41.
“The tale of a marooned 42 castaway and the friendly cadaver 43 who nurses him back to health, Swiss Army Man opens as a desert-island fantasy and morphs into a disturbingly intimate buddy movie–hilarious, deranged 44, and always alive with possibility.”It’s the feature film debut 45 of music video directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan, who manage to“create something improbably beautiful out of what could have been a feature-length fart joke”. Released 1 July in the US, 14 July in Australia and 22 July in Estonia.
Our Kind of Traitor 46
Ewan McGregor and Naomie Harris star in the latest John le Carré adaptation, produced by Simon and Stephen Cornwell, le Carré’s sons, who also made The Night Manager. The screenplay was written by Hossein Amini (Wings of a Dove, Drive), who is praised by The Evening Standard for making“highly incisive 47 and effective revisions”to le Carré’s 2010 novel:“This is a new, wholly contemporary le Carré film, sumptuously paced and produced, taking in many striking settings, miles away from the drabness so stylishly 48 cultivated in Tomas Alfredson’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy of 2011”. Stellan Skarsg?rd and Damian Lewis co-star as a Russian criminal and MI6 man; according to Entertainment Weekly,“Skarsg?rd saves it; wild and funny and ferociously 49 alive, he’s a crucial bolt of color in all that tasteful gray.”Released 1 July in the US, 7 July in Germany and 21 July in Brazil.

  • Her books aren't bestsellers,but they have a certain cult following.她的书算不上畅销书,但有一定的崇拜者。
  • The cult of sun worship is probably the most primitive one.太阳崇拜仪式或许是最为原始的一种。
  • She was a fast weaver and the cloth was very good.她织布织得很快,而且布的质量很好。
  • The eager weaver did not notice my confusion.热心的纺织工人没有注意到我的狼狈相。
  • He sat with his shoulders hunched up. 他耸起双肩坐着。
  • Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette. 斯蒂芬弓着身子点燃一支烟。
  • The hall was sumptuously decorated. 大厅装饰得富丽堂皇。
  • This government building is sumptuously appointed. 这座政府办公大楼布置得极为豪华。
  • The pathos of the situation brought tears to our eyes.情况令人怜悯,看得我们不禁流泪。
  • There is abundant pathos in her words.她的话里富有动人哀怜的力量。
  • The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.一个酒徒色鬼竟然摇身一变就成了道学先生。
  • I believe John is not a libertine any more.我相信约翰不再是个浪子了。
  • He's obsessed by computers. 他迷上了电脑。
  • The fear of death obsessed him throughout his old life. 他晚年一直受着死亡恐惧的困扰。
  • His voice had a deep timbre.他嗓音低沉。
  • The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.小提琴的音色远比口琴丰富。
n.杂技演员( acrobat的名词复数 );立场观点善变的人,主张、政见等变化无常的人
  • I was always fascinated by the acrobats at the circus. 我总是着迷于马戏团里的杂技演员。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The acrobats' performance drew forth applause from the audience. 杂技演员的表演博得了观众的掌声。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We should consider the buildings as an ensemble.我们应把那些建筑物视作一个整体。
  • It is ensemble music for up to about ten players,with one player to a part.它是最多十人演奏的合奏音乐,每人担任一部分。
  • His statement admits of one interpretation only.他的话只有一种解释。
  • Analysis and interpretation is a very personal thing.分析与说明是个很主观的事情。
  • I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖。
  • There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.没有值得一提的事发生。
  • The glut of coffee led to a sharp drop in prices.咖啡供过于求道致价格急剧下跌。
  • There's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe.西欧的农产品供过于求。
  • That is a hybrid perpetual rose.那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。
  • The hybrid was tall,handsome,and intelligent.那混血儿高大、英俊、又聪明。
  • My favorite music genre is blues.我最喜欢的音乐种类是布鲁斯音乐。
  • Superficially,this Shakespeare's work seems to fit into the same genre.从表面上看, 莎士比亚的这个剧本似乎属于同一类型。
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
n.极端无理性( absurdity的名词复数 );荒谬;谬论;荒谬的行为
  • She has a sharp eye for social absurdities, and compassion for the victims of social change. 她独具慧眼,能够看到社会上荒唐的事情,对于社会变革的受害者寄以同情。 来自辞典例句
  • The absurdities he uttered at the dinner party landed his wife in an awkward situation. 他在宴会上讲的荒唐话使他太太陷入窘境。 来自辞典例句
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
  • I didn't realize the intensity of people's feelings on this issue.我没有意识到这一问题能引起群情激奋。
  • The strike is growing in intensity.罢工日益加剧。
  • He is really quite skilled in doing massage.他的按摩技术确实不错。
  • Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles.按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛。
  • In order to succeed,you must master complicated knowledge of dynamics.要取得胜利,你必须掌握很复杂的动力学知识。
  • Dynamics is a discipline that cannot be mastered without extensive practice.动力学是一门不做大量习题就不能掌握的学科。
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款。
  • I used a skewer to make an extra hole in my belt.我用扦子在腰带上又打了一个眼儿。
  • He skewered his victim through the neck.他用扦子刺穿了受害人的脖子。
  • Tom found himself something of a celebrity. 汤姆意识到自己已小有名气了。
  • He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself. 他常和名人在一起, 希望借此使自己获得名气。
  • My sister often goes into the country to sketch. 我姐姐常到乡间去写生。
  • I will send you a slight sketch of the house.我将给你寄去房屋的草图。
n.情景喜剧( sitcom的名词复数 )
  • This is the stuff most stadard TV sitcoms are made of. 这是大多数标注的电视幽默剧所采用的题材。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • In most countries, prime-time Monday night television is dominated by sitcoms. 在大多数国家,周一晚上的电视黄金时段都由连续剧所占据。 来自互联网
  • The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust.汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
  • In Taylor's picture,the eddy is the basic element of turbulence.在泰勒的描述里,旋涡是湍流的基本要素。
  • The form must be signed by the child's parents or guardian. 这张表格须由孩子的家长或监护人签字。
  • The press is a guardian of the public weal. 报刊是公共福利的卫护者。
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
  • Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。
  • It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says.相信他会言行一致,你未免太单纯了。
  • Don't be naive.The matter is not so simple.你别傻乎乎的。事情没有那么简单。
  • The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment. 法庭判处被告长期监禁。
  • A country ruled by an iron hand is doomed to suffer. 被铁腕人物统治的国家定会遭受不幸的。
  • We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
  • It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
  • Catering in the schools is run on a franchise basis.学校餐饮服务以特许权经营。
  • The United States granted the franchise to women in 1920.美国于1920年给妇女以参政权。
  • A stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰然自若。
  • On Rajiv's death a stoic journey began for Mrs Gandhi,supported by her husband's friends.拉吉夫死后,索尼亚在丈夫友人的支持下开始了一段坚忍的历程。
  • He was stranded in a strange city without money. 他流落在一个陌生的城市里, 身无分文,一筹莫展。
  • I was stranded in the strange town without money or friends. 我困在那陌生的城市,既没有钱,又没有朋友。
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
  • What she saw was just an unfeeling corpse.她见到的只是一具全无感觉的尸体。
  • The corpse was preserved from decay by embalming.尸体用香料涂抹以防腐烂。
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
  • The nominating committee laid its slate before the board.提名委员会把候选人名单提交全体委员会讨论。
  • What kind of job uses stained wood and slate? 什么工作会接触木头污浊和石板呢?
  • During the storm we were marooned in a cabin miles from town. 在风暴中我们被围困在离城数英里的小屋内。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Five couples were marooned in their caravans when the River Avon broke its banks. 埃文河决堤的时候,有5对夫妇被困在了他们的房车里。 来自辞典例句
  • Examination of a cadaver is to determine the cause of death.尸体解剖是为了确认死亡原因。
  • He looked down again at the gaping mouth of the cadaver.他的眼光不由自主地又落到了死人张大的嘴上。
  • Traffic was stopped by a deranged man shouting at the sky.一名狂叫的疯子阻塞了交通。
  • A deranged man shot and killed 14 people.一个精神失常的男子开枪打死了14人。
  • That same year he made his Broadway debut, playing a suave radio journalist.在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者。
  • The actress made her debut in the new comedy.这位演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。
  • The traitor was finally found out and put in prison.那个卖国贼终于被人发现并被监禁了起来。
  • He was sold out by a traitor and arrested.他被叛徒出卖而被捕了。
  • His incisive remarks made us see the problems in our plans.他的话切中要害,使我们看到了计划中的一些问题。
  • He combined curious qualities of naivety with incisive wit and worldly sophistication.他集天真质朴的好奇、锐利的机智和老练的世故于一体。
  • Her stylishly short auburn hair was streaked naturally with gray. 她时髦的金棕色短发里自然地夹着几丝灰发。 来自辞典例句
  • She was dressed very stylishly. 她穿着很时髦。 来自互联网
  • The buck shook his antlers ferociously. 那雄鹿猛烈地摇动他的鹿角。
  • At intervals, he gritted his teeth ferociously. 他不时狠狠的轧平。
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