In Enter the Dragon, the first scene in the movie, they have mixed martial 1 arts gloves.Those are almost exactly the same kind of gloves we fight in today.So the gear he used back then is the same year we use today.
"龙争虎斗"中的最初打斗场景 他们戴着综合格斗手套,和我们现在用的手套相差无几,那时他就用上了我们现在才用的装备。
And you see Bruce Lee hit it takedown in go into to an arm bar,which, before UFC, the general public didn't know what arm bar is.
可以看到 李小龙一记后踹马上接反夹臂,而终极格斗大赛之前 大家都对此很陌生。
But now looking back, 30 years back, 40 years back, we're seeing before anyone really knew what it was, he was employing these tactics.And while Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do revolutionized the world of martial arts,his approach to health and physical fitness would change the way other athletes and sports people train their bodies forever.
但现在看来 30年也好 40年也好 公众还不知道 我们还只是见过 而他却已经用于实战了,而当李小龙的截拳道席卷世界搏击界的同时,他的健身健美方式也深深地改变其他运动员。
Martial artists and sportsmen admired him for his physical dexterity 2, power and speed.Philosophers respect him for bridging the philosophical 3 divide between east and west.But here at Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, California,are another group of people who hold Bruce Lee up as inspiration for their community: the bodybuilders.
格斗家和运动员钦慕他 因为他展示了身体柔韧性 力量和速度,哲学家尊重他 因为他融合了东方哲学与西方文明,而这儿 加利福尼亚威尼斯海滩的Gold's Gym中,另一群人也同样把李小龙尊为他们的灵感之源: 健美运动员。
Gold's Gym is the Mecca of bodybuilding.It was here Arnold Schwarzenegger trained, and where many of the world's champion bodybuilders come to hone their physiques.
金色训练场号为健美圣城,阿诺 施瓦辛格曾在此训练 而其他很多健美世界冠军也常来此磨砺体格。
Flex 4 Wheeler was one of the most successful body-builders of his generation,winning numerous titles before retiring in 2002.
弗莱克斯 惠勒是与他同时代的健美运动员中最成功之一,2002年退役之前曾获无数头衔。
Probably two of the biggest things that Bruce Lee was known as far as his physical attributes,one would be his lats, 'cause he has incredible lats, and then also his abs.
同身体条件一样久负盛名 李小龙还另有其二,一是他的背阔肌 简直难以置信 再就是他的腹肌了.
Another thing also would be from the rear, his back.In body-building, we call it Christmas tree.So for a person, you know, having a Christmas tree back in that area is just profoundly unknown or unheard of.
关于他的背肌还有段佳话,健美界中 我们都称为"圣诞树",正常人来说 背肌呈"圣诞树"简直是闻所未闻 见所未见。
- The sound of martial music is always inspiring.军乐声总是鼓舞人心的。
- The officer was convicted of desertion at a court martial.这名军官在军事法庭上被判犯了擅离职守罪。
- You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。
- I'm your inferior in manual dexterity.论手巧,我不如你。
- The teacher couldn't answer the philosophical problem.老师不能解答这个哲学问题。
- She is very philosophical about her bad luck.她对自己的不幸看得很开。