时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:2008年ESL之餐饮娱乐



11 Eating Junk Food 


to hand (someone) (something) – to give something to someone; to pass something to someone 

* Could you please hand me the phone? Thanks. 

potato chips – a snack made by frying very thin slices of potato in oil and then adding salt and/or other flavors 

* Sebastian always has a sandwich, potato chips, and an apple for lunch. 

burger – hamburger or cheeseburger; a sandwich made by cooking ground beef and putting it inside bread with mustard 1, ketchup 2, onion, lettuce 3, tomato, and sometimes other things 

* Do you want a regular burger or one with bacon and mushrooms? 

French fries – a snack made by frying long pieces of potato in oil and then adding salt 

* Most people eat their French fries with ketchup, but Christian 4 likes to eat them with mustard. 

popcorn 5 – a snack made by taking small pieces of dry corn and putting them over heat until they burst open (explode) into light, white pieces that are usually covered with butter and salt 

* Let’s make popcorn and eat it while watching a movie tonight. 

junk food – food that is not healthy; food that is not very nutritious 

* If you eat a lot of junk food every day, you will weigh too much and not be very healthy. 

to watch what (one) eats – to try to eat healthy foods, usually so that one can lose weight or become healthier 

* The doctor said she must watch what she eats and try to eat less salt. 

to stuff 6 (one’s) face – to eat a lot of something very quickly; to eat too much 

* Katrina stuffed 7 her face at the party and now her stomach hurts. 

tradition – something that is done on the same day, at the same time, and in the same way every year/month/week; something that has been done the same way many times in the past and continues to be done 

* In our family, it’s a tradition to eat Christmas breakfast before opening any presents. 

candy bar – a sweet, rectangular 8 food that usually has nuts, chocolate, and 

caramel in it 

* Do you want a candy bar with or without nuts? 

door-to-door – going to all the homes and/or businesses on a street, knocking on each door to speak with whomever is at home 

* Kumio is going door-to-door, trying to get more people to vote for his cousin. 

duty – something that one should do; something that one must or needs to do 

* The civil engineer’s duty is to make sure that the bridge will be safe.

softy – a person who has difficulty saying no and does whatever people ask him or her to do; someone who is easily persuaded to do something 

* Ask Fritz to do your work for you. He’s too much of a softy to say ‘no.’ 

soda 9 – pop; soda pop; a sweet drink that has many small bubbles 10 

* Soda tastes good, but it is very bad for your teeth because most sodas 11 have a lot of sugar in them. 

pizza – a food made by taking a large, round piece of bread, covering it with tomato sauce, cheese, meats, and vegetables, and baking itin an oven 12 

* We had a delicious pizza with mushrooms, red peppers, and olives 13


1. What is the American tradition that Frank 14 talks about? 

a) Eating and watching football at the same time. 

b) Eating unhealthy foods. 

c) Watching kids sell things door-to-door. 

2. Why is Frank a softy? 

a) Because he is fat from eating too much junk food. 

b) Because he couldn’t say ‘no’ when he was asked to buy candy bars. 

c) Because he ate 10 candy bars at once. 



to hand 

The phrase “to hand (someone) (something)” means to give something to someone or to pass something to someone: “Hand me your pen so I can write down your phone number.” The phrase “to hand (something) to (someone) means the same thing: “Did you hand your wallet to him or did he take it from you?” The phrase “to have to hand it to (someone)” means to admire someone or to think that someone has done something well: “Wehave to hand it to Mariah. Even though she has had a difficult year, she always comes to work with a smile.” Finally, the phrase “to hand (something) in” means to submit 15 or to give something to someone who is in charge, often giving homework to a teacher: “Don’t forget to hand in your homework tomorrow morning.” 


In this podcast, the word “duty” means something that one should or must do: “When his sister died, he thought it was his duty to takecare of her children.” The phrase “to be on/off duty” means to be working or not working at a given time: “She comes on duty at 9:30 gets off duty at 4:30 on Tuesdays.” The phrase “heavy-duty” means very strong and is often used to describe products: “Which heavy-duty cleaner do you use to clean the bathtub?” The phrase “on active duty” means working in the military: “Their son is on active duty in Cuba.” Finally, a “duty on (something)” is a tax on something, or money that must be paid to the government before something can be bought: “This country has a high duty on cigarettes.” 


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants to help Americans eat more healthily. It has “created” (made) a drawing called the food “pyramid” (a triangle with the biggest part on the bottom and thesmallest part on the top) to help people understand which kinds of foods they should eat. People should eat more of the foods shown in the bigger parts of the pyramid and less of the foods listed in the smaller parts of the pyramid. 

The food pyramid has four big parts, one medium part,and two small parts. The first big part is for “grains” (cereals, like wheat, oats,and barley). The USDA says that people should eat “whole grains” (grains that still have the outside part) which are more “nutritious” (better for one’s health) than other grains. The second big part of the food pyramid is for vegetables and the third big part is for fruits. The USDA “recommends” (says that it is a good idea) “varying” (changing) the vegetables and fruits that people eat and choosing ones with many different colors. The fourth and last big part is for milk and “dairy 16 products” (things made from milk, such as yogurt and cheese). The USDA recommends picking (or choosing) low-fat or fat-free dairy products. 

The medium part of the food pyramid is for meat and beans. The USDA recommends picking “lean” (with little fat) meats, like chicken and fish. It also recommends cooking meat in the oven instead of “frying” it (cooking it in oil). Finally, the small part of the food pyramid is for “oils” (fats). The USDA recommends “limiting” (not having very much) oils and picking oils from plants and fish instead of animals.  

You can see the USDA food pyramid at www.mypyramid.gov. 


Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – a; 2 – b 


Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 411: Eating Junk Food. 

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 19 411.  I’m your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. 

Visit our website at eslpod.com. When you go there, youcan download a Learning 20 Guide for this episode that contains all of the vocabulary, definitions 21, new sample sentences using the vocabulary, additional 22 explanations of words we use on this episode that are not explained on the audiofile, cultural notes, comprehension questions, and a complete transcript of everything we say on this episode. 

This episode is called “Eating Junk Food.” It’s a dialogue between Frank and Katie about eating food that isn’t necessarily 23 very goodfor your health but tastes good. Let’s get started. 

[start of dialogue] 

Frank: Hand me that bag of potato chips. 

Katie: Here. You mean you’re still hungry after twoburgers and French fries? 

Frank: Yeah, I am. I’m a growing boy. Where’s the popcorn? 

Katie: I can’t believe we’re eating all of this junk food. I’m supposed to be watching what I eat. 

Frank: Forget about it. Who can watch a football game without stuffing 24 their faces? It’s an American tradition. 

Katie: Where did you get those candy bars? 

Frank: Some kids were selling them door-to-door and I thought it was my duty to buy some. 

Katie: It was your duty to buy 10 candy bars?! 

Frank: What can I say? I’m a softy. 

Katie: I’m getting another soda. Do you want one? 

Frank: No, thanks. But while you’re up, can you hand me the phone? 

Katie: Sure, why? 

Frank: I’m ordering a pizza. 

[end of dialogue] 

We begin with Frank saying to Katie, “Hand me that bag of potato chips.” To “hand” someone something means to give something to someone, to pass something to someone. “Hand me” is a command form; it’s a little informal. If you were being a little more polite, you would say, “please give me,” or “could you please hand me.” If you’re sitting at a dinner table, you may say, “Hand me the salt” to your husband or child. The word “hand” has many different meanings in English; take a look at our Learning Guide for some additional explanations of that term. 

Frank says, “Hand me that bag of potato chips.” Potato chips is an example of “junk food,” food that is not healthy. “Junk” is anotherword for trash, something you would throw away. Junk food describes food that is bad for you, often cheap food. “Potato chips” are made from very thin slices of apotato that are fried 25 in oil; you put them in hot oil and you get potato chips. You put salt on them. In British English, potato chips are called “crisps,” and “chips” means something different in British English. But in American English,“potato chips” is the term we use for this particular kind of junk food. 

Katie says, “Here.” That’s what you might say to someone when you are giving something to someone who is right next to you or in front of you. “Here,” meaning here it is. Then she says, “You mean you’re still hungry after (eating) two burgers and French fries?” A “burger” is a hamburger. It’s a sandwich made by cooking ground beef (from a cow) and putting it in between two pieces of bread, usually adding mustard, ketchup, perhaps lettuce and tomatoes, onions, other things. McDonald’s is the largest restaurant thatmakes hamburgers – that sells hamburgers. They are famous for their hamburgers.“French fries” are a snack that is made by frying long pieces of potato in oiland then adding salt. Once again, you can usually buy French fries at a place thatsells hamburgers. So, Katie is wondering how Frank can still be hungry after eating so much food. 

Frank says, “Yeah, I am” – yes, I am still hungry. Then he jokes, “I’m a growing boy.” When we say someone is a “growing boy,” or a “growing girl,” we mean that they need a lot of energy – they need a lot of food. So, he’s giving this as an excuse. Then he says, “Where’s the popcorn?” “Popcorn” is asnack, something you would eat at, for example the movie theater, whereyou take small pieces of corn – dry corn – and you put them over heat until they open – until they burst open or explode, and you end up with these little white pieces of corn that you can then put butter and salt on. 

Katie then says, “I can’t believe we’re eating all of this junk food. I’m supposed to be watching what I eat.” To “watch what you eat” is an expression that means to try to eat better foods, usually so you can lose weight (ifyou have too much weight) or become healthier. I need to watch what I eat – that’s for sure! 

Frank says, “Forget about it (meaning don’t worry aboutit). Who can watch a football game without stuffing their faces?” So, Frank and Katie are watching an American football game, which usually takes place on Sunday afternoon. And it is a common tradition to watch the game on television athome and eat junk food, and have snacks while you are watching it. To “stuff your face” means to eat a lot of something very quickly. It’s an informal expression: to “stuff (stuff) your face.” Frank says, “It’s an American tradition.” It’s something that all Americans do on a regular basis – stuff their faces during a football game! 

Katie then asks Frank, “Where did you get those candy bars?”A “candy bar” is a small, usually “rectangular” (long and narrow) food that has nuts, chocolate, perhaps something else on it or in it. There are many famous kinds of candy bars; they’re very popular with children. You can buy them in most stores. They are made with a lot of sugar, typically. 

Frank says, “Some kids were selling them door-to-door andI thought it was my duty to buy some.” So, where did he buy the candy bars?Well, normally 26 you would buy them in a store, but there are many youth groups and schools that try to “raise money,” meaning they try to get money for their school or their organization by selling things. And they go to your house, they knock on your door, and they try to sell you these things. This is very common; it happens to me in my house maybe two or three times a week. To go “door-to-door” means to go from house to house, or from business to business, knocking on each door, asking to speak to the person so you can sell them something. 

Frank says he thought it was his duty to buy some. Your “duty” is something that you are supposed to do, you must do, you need to do. Wetalk about voting in a democracy 27 being your civic 28 duty, “civic” meaning, in this case, what you owe the rest of society – what you owe your country. So, a duty is something you are supposed to do. Of course, Frank is joking here. He doesn’t have a duty to buy candy, but he says he does, probably because he was trying tohelp this school or organization. 

Katie says, “It was your duty to buy 10 candy bars?!” Frank says, “What can I say?” This expression is used when you don’t have a good answer for what the person is asking you. “Well, what can I say?” – I have noexcuse. He says, “I’m a softy” (softy). A “softy” is someone who has difficulty saying no, someone who does whatever people ask him or her to do. 

Katie says, “I’m getting another soda. Do you want one?” “Soda,” sometimes called “soda pop” or, in Minnesota and in some of the Midwestern states, it’s just called “pop.” It all refers a sweet drink that usually has small bubbles in it; we say it’s “carbonated.” Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola – these are all examples of sodas, or as we say back in Minnesota, pop. 

Frank says, “No, thanks (he does not want another soda).  But while you’re up,” meaning since you are already standing 29 up and going into the kitchen – “while you’re up, can you hand me the phone?” Katie says, “Sure, why?” Frank says, “I’m ordering a pizza.” “Pizza” is a very typically Italianfood, made with a large, in the United States usually round, piece of bread thatyou put tomato sauce, cheese, perhaps different kinds of meat on top of, and then you bake it in an oven. Pizza is a very popular type of snack food, especially when you are watching a game – a sporting event like a football game. 

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed. 

[start of dialogue] 

Frank: Hand me that bag of potato chips. 

Katie: Here. You mean you’re still hungry after twoburgers and French fries? 

Frank: Yeah, I am. I’m a growing boy. Where’s the popcorn? 

Katie: I can’t believe we’re eating all of this junk food. I’m supposed to be watching what I eat. 

Frank: Forget about it. Who can watch a football game without stuffing their faces? It’s an American tradition. 

Katie: Where did you get those candy bars? 

Frank: Some kids were selling them door-to-door and I thought it was my duty to buy some. 

Katie: It was your duty to buy 10 candy bars?! 

Frank: What can I say? I’m a softy. 

Katie: I’m getting another soda. Do you want one? 

Frank: No, thanks. But while you’re up, can you hand me the phone? 

Katie: Sure, why? 

Frank: I’m ordering a pizza. 

[end of dialogue] 

It’s my duty to tell you that the script 18 for this episode was written by Dr. Lucy Tse – a real softy! 

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thanks for listening. Come back and listen to us next time on ESL Podcast. 

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse, hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan. This podcast is copyright 30 2008. 

1 mustard
  • This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.这肉里应该加点盐和芥末调味。
  • This mustard is hot enough to bite your tongue.这种芥末很辣,你的舌头会吃不消的。
2 ketchup
  • There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.桌布上有一点番茄酱的渍斑。
  • Could I have some ketchup and napkins,please?请给我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?
3 lettuce
  • Get some lettuce and tomatoes so I can make a salad.买些莴苣和西红柿,我好做色拉。
  • The lettuce is crisp and cold.莴苣松脆爽口。
4 Christian
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
5 popcorn
  • I like to eat popcorn when I am watching TV play at home.当我在家观看电视剧时,喜欢吃爆米花。
  • He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花。
6 stuff
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
7 stuffed
adj.充满的;饱的v.塞住( stuff的过去式和过去分词 );把…装进;把…装满;(使)吃撑
  • stuffed animals in glass cases 玻璃柜里的动物标本
  • I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake. 我嘴里塞满了巧克力蛋糕。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 rectangular
  • He put a rectangular box on the table.他把一个长方形的箱子放在桌子上。
  • The equations are written in rectangular coordinates.这些方程是在直角座标系中写出的。
9 soda
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
10 bubbles
泡( bubble的名词复数 ); 泡影; 肥皂泡; (欲表达的)一点感情
  • Bubbles are rising from the bottom of the boiling water. 水泡从沸水的底部升到水面。
  • The incorporation of air bubbles in the glass spoiled it. 玻璃含有气泡,使它质量降低。
11 sodas
n.苏打( soda的名词复数 );碱;苏打水;汽水
  • There are plenty of sodas in the refrigerator. 冰箱里有很多碳酸饮料。 来自辞典例句
  • Two whisky and sodas, please. 请来两杯威士忌苏打。 来自辞典例句
12 oven
  • You put food inside an oven to cook it.你把食物放进烤箱里热一下。
  • She baked bread in an oven.她用烤炉烤面包。
13 olives
n.橄榄( olive的名词复数 );橄榄树;橄榄色;油橄榄
  • We sat drinking wine and nibbling olives. 我们坐在那儿,喝着葡萄酒嚼着橄榄。
  • He sent her two pieces of olives in letter. 他在信中给她夹了两片橄榄树的叶子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 frank
  • A frank discussion can help to clear the air.坦率的谈论有助于消除隔阂。
  • She is frank and outgoing.她很爽朗。
15 submit
  • He was losing the fight but he would not submit. 他战败了,但不屈服。
  • I will not submit to such treatment. 我不甘心忍受这样的待遇。
16 dairy
  • The yogurt sold by this dairy is delicious.这家乳品店出售的酸奶非常好喝。
  • He kept a few dairy cows.他养了几头奶牛。
17 transcript
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
18 script
  • It's easy to identify his script.他的笔迹容易辨认。
  • The script is massaged into final form.这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
19 episode
  • The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.这段经历至今仍深深地铭刻在我的心中。
20 learning
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
21 definitions
定义( definition的名词复数 ); 规定; 清晰(度); 解释
  • Write clear definitions in order to avoid ambiguity. 释义要写清楚以免产生歧义。
  • Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type. 这本词典里的释义是用罗马体印刷的。
22 additional
  • It is necessary to set down these additional rules.有必要制定这些补充规则。
  • I think we can fit in an additional room.我想我们可以再加建一间房子。
23 necessarily
  • More work does not necessarily call for more men.增加工作量不一定就要增添人员。
  • A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.选民必须在18岁以上。
24 stuffing
  • We had a chicken and stuffing, and new potatoes from the garden. 我们吃了只百宝鸡,还有园子里种的新鲜马铃薯。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings. 她已经把饺子馅和好了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
25 fried
  • I ate everything fried.所有油炸的我都吃。
  • I prefer fried peanuts.我选择炸花生。
26 normally
  • I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.我通常在星期六买东西。
  • My pulse beats normally.我脉搏正常。
27 democracy
  • Democracy is based on good will and mutual understanding.民主建立在善意和相互理解的基础上。
  • Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens? 民主制度是创始于雅典吗?
28 civic
  • I feel it is my civic duty to vote.我认为投票选举是我作为公民的义务。
  • The civic leaders helped to forward the project.市政府领导者协助促进工程的进展。
29 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
30 copyright
  • He retained the copyright of his book.他保留此书的著作权。
  • This company has a proprietorship of the copyright.这家公司拥有版权所有权。
anvil tool
apoplectic stroke
at a cost
balancing dynamometer
Bulan I.
cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa
CERN server
coronavirus group i transmissible gastroenteritis virus
corpus trapezoideum
counterpart fund
cushioning ability
Daly Waters
dead-end tie
delayed suture
direct reading scale
distal shield
double v die
flame float
fourier theory
getting evens
glacier lily
glycerin tricaproate
hand grace
height anomaly
hinkie pinkies
homologues (homologous chromosome)
horse radish
inter-call telegraph
inward normal
isolation transformator
king bolt bush
LDP (load double precision)
long-wave coil
mill engraving method
Mobius strips
modes and operations
Mount Nebo
order tree
predesign cost estimate
project management institute
queen of pudding
quince seed
refrigerated ethylene liquid
releasing spear
rupture factor
San Ginesio
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable
shear crush zone
shipping space
single ear lock washer
space database
spiral shape
stone lined
strategy for urban growth
supplementary loan
transcontinental geophysical survey
variable-rate bond
varicosporium elodeae
venturiella sinensis
vertebral plate (or neural plate)
voice coil
vote of confidence