名校励志英语演讲 90:如何实现你的梦想
时间:2019-01-18 作者:英语课 分类:名校励志英语演讲
Whatever happens happens now, so live your life where the action is — now. And one more thing: If you're going to be on television, don't call your friends and tell them to watch until after you've seen it.
Don't do anything that 30 years from now you'll look back at and say, "Oh, my God, why the hell 1 did I do that?!" I wish I had a nickel 2 for every time I heard someone start a sentence with, "If only, when I was younger, I would have...." So I did a little informal 3 survey for you, and I found out that, amazingly, all these people had the same regret. When they graduated from college, sadly, they bought furniture.
This probably needs a little explanation. Right at this moment in your life, you are in a unique position that you may never ever be in again. You have nothing to lose. Everything you have acquired 4 of value is locked inside you. If you have a dream, now is the time to pursue 5 it, before you buy furniture.
I was one of the lucky ones. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with no employable skills, unless you count jury 6 duty. It meant I had to start from scratch 7 and figure out where I fit in. I didn't have money, but I could afford to fail, and there were many failures. But I found out what I was good at. I found something I loved. And now I have furniture — lots of furniture.
杰里·朱克出身在威斯康辛州,密尔沃基,他从肖而伍德高中毕业,1972年在威斯康辛大学获得了播音、电视以及电影的学士学位。他早就和兄弟大卫1朱克在亚伯拉罕的肯德基剧院现场表演过短剧,锻造了其表演戏剧的技能。杰里·朱克是著名的导演,曾执导《摇滚校园》(Rock'n'roll High School);《笑破铁幕》(Top Secret!);《人鬼情未了》(Ghost);《亡命夺宝、疯狂世界》(Rat Race),其中《人鬼情未了》被提名为奥斯卡最佳影片奖。
杰里·朱克也是著名的编剧和制片人,其代表作有《笑破铁幕》(Top Secret!)、《空前绝后满天飞》(Airplane!)等等。
- It's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth.从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。
- The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通。
- I got an informal reception.我受到了非正式接待。
- The leaders met over informal lunches.领袖们在非正式午餐时进行会晤。
adj.(尤指靠自己的努力或行动)获得的;习得的;后天的;起初不喜欢但后来逐渐培养的爱好v.获得( acquire的过去式和过去分词 );(使用探测器)捕获(目标);取得;(计算机、机器人等)捕捉
- She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好。
- The company has recently acquired new offices in central London. 公司最近在伦敦市中心弄到了新的办公室。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。
- This is the path that we shall continue to pursue.这是我们要继续走的道路。
- These twelve men are believed to compose the jury.据信,陪审团是由这12人组成的。
- The members of the jury were discharged from their duties.陪审员们被解除了职务。