时间:2019-01-18 作者:英语课 分类:世界名人故事之政界精英


 Business “Angel” Engels 商贾“天使”恩格斯

When the financial crisis took off last autumn, Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital", 去年秋天金融危机爆发之际,
originally published in 1867, whooshed up bestseller lists. 卡尔.马克思的《资本论》(1867年初版)一度蹿升至畅销书榜首。
The first book to describe the relentless, all-consuming and global nature of capitalism had suddenly gained new meaning. 仿佛突然间,这部最先描述资本主义冷酷无情、吞噬一切及全 球扩张的本性的巨作再度重获新生。
But Marx had never really gone away, whereas Friedrich Engels 其实,马克思从未真正离开。而弗里德里希.恩格斯,
the man who worked hand in glove with him for most of his life and made a huge contribution to “Das Kapital” — is almost forgotten. 这个伴随他大半生且对《资本论》诞生贡献巨大的挚友——却几乎已被世人淡忘。
A new biography by a British historian makes a good case for giving him greater credit. 英国史学家的恩格斯传还原了一个更值得尊重的恩格斯。
The two men became friends in Paris in 1844 when both were in their mid-20s, 他们于1844年在巴黎成为至交,两人彼时年龄相仿,均为二十四五岁。
and remained extremely close until Marx died in 1883. 他们的亲密友谊一直延续到马克思辞世时的1883年。
Both were Rhinelander’s but came from very different backgrounds: 虽然都是莱茵人,但他们的家庭背景却并不一样:
Marx’s father was a Jewish lawyer and turned Christian; Engels’s a prosperous Protestant cotton-mill owner. 马克思的父亲是一名犹太人律师,后来改宗,成为基督徒;恩格斯的父亲则是一位信奉新教的成功的纺织厂工厂主。
Marx studied law, then philosophy; 马克思研习法律,随后是哲学;
Engels, the black sheep of his family, was sent to work in the family business at 17. 恩格斯则作为一名“败家子”,17岁时就被迫去打理家族生意。
While doing his military service in 1841 in Berlin, he was exposed to the ferment of ideas swirling around the Prussian capital. 1841年在柏林服兵役期间,他经受了普鲁士首都天空之上的各种激荡思潮的洗礼和冲击。
Next, he went to work for the Manchester branch of the family business, 随后,他动身前往家族企业,曼彻斯特分厂上班。
Manchester’s “cottonpolis” in the mid-19th century was a manufacturer’s heaven and a working man’s hell,  19世纪中叶的曼彻斯特号称全球的“棉都”,被视为厂商的天堂,工人的地狱。
and it provided an invaluable lesson for Engels: 正是在这里,恩格斯发现了一条颠扑不破的铁律:
that economic factors were the basic cause of the clash between different classes of society. 经济因素是导致社会各阶级之间发生冲突的基本原因。
By 1845, when he was just 24, he had not only learnt how to be a successful capitalist; 1845年刚满24岁,恩格斯不仅学会如何成为一名成功的资本家,
he had also written a coruscating anti-capitalist work, 而且还写就了一部熠熠生辉的反资本主义作品
“The Condition of the Working Class in England\ which charted the inhumanity of modem methods of production in minute detail. 《英国工人阶级状况》。此书揭露了现代生产方法中所暗含的残暴和冷酷,笔法极为细腻。
Engels left Manchester to work with Marx on the “Comm-unist Manifesto” 恩格斯后来离开曼彻斯特,与马克思共同着手创作 《共产党宣言》。
and the two of them spent the late 1840s crises-crossing Europe to chase the continental revolutions of the time, ending up in England. 19世纪40年代晚期,他们马不停蹄地在欧洲来回穿梭,以便近距离考察正在这块大陆上展开的革命运动,两人最终在英国落脚。
Marx had started work on “Das KapitaF, but there was a problem. 马克思开始创作《资本论》,却无法全身心投入其中。
He had by then acquired an aristocratic German wife, 那时的他拖家带口,除了一个有着贵族血统的德国太太,身边还有一群孩子。
a clutch of small children and aspirations for a comfortable bourgeois lifestyle, but no means of support. 他渴望过上安稳舒适的中产阶级生活,却又力不从心。
Engels (whose name resembles the word for “angel” in German) offered an astoundingly big-hearted solution:  恩格斯(其姓类似于德语中的“天使”一词)提出了一个完全让人动容的解决办法:
he would go back to Manchester to resume life in the detested family cotton business and provide Marx with the money he needed to change his world-changing treatise. 他愿意重返曼彻斯特,继续从事可恨的家族棉纺生意,为马克思完成他未来的划时代巨著提供经济援助。
For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, 接下来的20年,恩格斯脾气暴躁地苦闷从商,
handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx. 却把他过半的收入交给一个总是嗷嗷待哺且甚为苛求的马克思。
He also collaborated intensively on the great work, contributing many ideas, practical examples from business and much-needed editorial attention. 对于这部伟大作品的问世,恩格斯功不可没,他不但贡献了许多灵感、思想,还能为马克思提供实用的商业案例。另外,之前的文本编辑经验也在发挥着余热。
When at last volume I of “Das Kapital"was finished, he extricated himself from the business and moved to London to be near the Marx family, 当《资本论》第一卷终于写成时,他才得以从生意场上抽身而出,并迁居伦敦,伴随马克思家人左右。
enjoying life as an Economist-reading renter and intellectual. 他很享受这样的时光,作为这部经济学家必读书目的权威解读人和一名知识分子该 有的智力欢愉。
Engels was gifted, energetic and fascinated by political ideas, 恩格斯天资聪慧、精力过人,为诸多政治思想而目眩神迷,
he was nevertheless ready to play second fiddle to Marx. 但他却甘于充当那片“绿叶”。
“Marx was a genius; we others were at best talented,” he declared after his friend’s death. “马克思是个天才,其他人充其量不过略具才情而已”,挚友死后,他这般解释。
Engels’s sacrifices continued after Marx’s death. 马克思离开后,恩格斯的奉献一如既往。
He not only carried on funding the Marx family and their various hangers-on, 他不仅继续供养马氏一家以及围在他们身边驱之不去的众多食 客,
but also spent years pulling together the chaotic notes Marx left behind for volumes II and III of "Das Kapital ". 还花费数年时间尽心竭力地整理马克思未竟的《资本论》第2章3卷的凌乱书稿。
Inevitably there were lots of loose ends which Engels tied up as he saw fit, 这些手稿不可避免会有大量疏漏,他一旦发现,若觉得合适,就会动手修改、补充。
and sometimes the results were more revolutionary than the author may have intended. 有时这种整理编辑的结果使书中的某些观点要比作者的本意更加激进。
In volume III, where Marx discussed the tendency of companies’ profitability to fall and noted that this might lead to the “shaking” of capitalist production, 如在卷3中马克思在探讨公司利润率下降趋势时,他提到这股趋势或将导致资本主义生产的“动摇”。
Engels substituted the word “collapse”,opening up the text to much more radical interpretations by 20th-century Marxists. 恩格斯将这个词替换为“崩溃”。实际上,这也为20世纪的马克思主义者所采纳的更加激进的释经之举埋下伏笔。
When Engels died in 1895, he eschewcd London’s Highgate cemetery where his friend was laid to rest. 1895年,恩格斯病逝,他有意避开挚友长眠于此的伦敦海格特公墓。
Self-effacing to the last, he had his ashes scattered off England’s coast at Eastbourne 一 the scene of happy holidays with the Marx family. 他的谦卑善始善终,他让把他的骨灰洒向英国伊斯勃恩海湾——那个昔日他与马克思一家愉快度假的地方。

标签: 英语短文