时间:2019-01-10 作者:英语课 分类:高中英语人教版高三


[00:-1.00]1.Who is going to get the money?

[00:-2.00]Clare Flower,Mrs Flower's step-daughter.

[00:-3.00]2.Who visited the detective and why?

[00:-4.00]Tom Goode,Mrs Flower's nephew;

[00:-5.00]he wants the detective to check out Clare Flower

[00:-6.00]and see whether she has the right to get his aunt's money.

[00:-7.00]True or False

[00:-8.00]1.J.J.Coal was a well-known detective in New York.(F)

[00:-9.00]2.Mr Coal's visitor was Mrs Flower's nephew.(T)

[00:10.00]3.Tom's uncle left all his wealth to his only daughter after his death.(F)

[00:11.00]4.Tom's aunt left S4-million in her will to her son.(F)

[00:12.00]5.When Clare Flower was 18,she went to live in Los Angeles.(T)

[00:13.00]6.At the burial 1 service for Tom's aunt,

[00:14.00]a girl who introduced herself as Clare Flower truned up.(T)

[00:15.00]7.The fact that the girl did not know Mrs Flower's pet dog surprised Tom.(T)

[00:16.00]8.Tom wanted the detective to find out if this Clare Flower

[00:17.00]had the right to get his aunt's money.(T)

[00:18.00]9.J.J.Coal was willing 2 to look into the case.(T)

[00:19.00]10.The detective could speak to the family lawyer about the case

[00:20.00]without anybody's permission.(F)

[00:21.00]Note making

[00:22.00]Clare Flower:born in 1966;left home at the age of 18;

[00:23.00]has lived in Los Angeles for the past fifteen years.

[00:24.00]J.J.Coal;famous detective;works in Washington;smoke cigars.

[00:25.00]Clare Flower's father:In this first marriage,he had a laughte

[00:26.00]-Clare;married Tom Goode's aunt in 1971;

[00:27.00]built up a large business during his lifetime 3;

[00:28.00]died ten years ago in 1989;

[00:29.00]left all his money to his wife(Tom Goode's aunt).

[00:30.00]Clare Flower's step-mother:Tom Goode's aunt;married Clare's father in 1971;

[00:31.00]had a pet dog called Klegg;died three weeks ago;

[00:32.00]had left all her money(about S-4 million)to Clare Flower.

[00:33.00]Tom Goode:Handsome;aged about 30;nephew of Mrs Flower.


[00:35.00]1.Why was Tom Goode's aunt wealth?

[00:36.00]Her husband had built up a large business

[00:37.00]and left all his money to his wife when he died.

[00:38.00]2.When did Tom's aunt last see Clare Flower?

[00:39.00]In 1984,when she left home at the age of 18.

[00:40.00]3.Who saw Clare Flower durning the time she has been living in Los Angeles?

[00:41.00]Only Mr.and Mrs.Flower.

[00:42.00]4.Who or what was Klegg?

[00:43.00]Mrs.Flower's pet dog.

[00:44.00]5.What did Tom Goode know about Klegg?

[00:45.00]Klegg was very important to Tom's aunt,Mrs.Flower.

[00:46.00]6.What didn't Clare know about Klegg?

[00:47.00]That it was Mrs.Flwoers pet dog,and had died.

[00:48.00]7.Why does Tome Goode want the detective to look into the case?

[00:49.00]He is not sure about Clare Flower and thinks that something smells funny.


[00:51.00]7.Clare Flower was born in 1966.(1)

[00:52.00]4.Five years later.Clare Flower's father married again.(2)

[00:53.00]6.Clare Flower moved to Los Angeles.(3)

[00:54.00]2.Clare Flower's father died ten years ago.(4)

[00:55.00]8.Mrs.Flwoer died three weeks ago.(5)

[00:56.00]5.When Mrs.Flwoer was buried,Clare turned up.(6)

[00:57.00]3.Tom Goode spoke 4 to Clare Flower.(7)

[00:58.00]1.Tom Goode called on the detective.(8)

[00:59.00]Language points

[-1:00.00]1.And she's left about S4 million in her will to her husband's daughter

[-1:-1.00]by his first marriage.

[-1:-2.00]You'd better leave the matter to Jim.

[-1:-3.00]He has left a number of books with me.

[-1:-4.00]I'll buy the food.I'll leave the cooking to you.

[-1:-5.00]By my watch,it is almost nine o'clock.

[-1:-6.00]You have to express the thought by action.

[-1:-7.00]2.When my aunt was buried,Clare turned up at the service,

[-1:-8.00]and afterwards stayed for tea while the family's lawyer

[-1:-9.00]explained how my aunt's money was to be divided up.

[-1:10.00]turn up

[-1:11.00]Guess who turned up at Mary's wedding.

[-1:12.00]The book you have lost will trun up someday.

[-1:13.00]They have tea at half past four.

[-1:14.00]3.And Clare said,"Did they use to go out a lot together

[-1:15.00]you know,for meals and to concerts and the cinema?"

[-1:16.00]I used to play football at school.

[-1:17.00]Used you to play football at school?

[-1:18.00]I usedn't to play football at school.

[-1:19.00]Did you use to play football at school?

[-1:20.00]I didn't use to play football at school.

[-1:21.00]4.I want you to check out this Clare Flower

[-1:22.00]and see that she has the right to get my aunt's money,

[-1:23.00]because something somewhere smells funny.

[-1:24.00]check out.

[-1:25.00]The engineer checked out the fax machine.

[-1:26.00]Would you please check out the names and numbers?

[-1:27.00]There is something in what he says.

[-1:28.00]Do you want to eat something somewhere?

[-1:29.00]5.He married my aunt in 1971,so Clare would have been five years old.

[-1:30.00]would+v.        would have done

[-1:31.00]The person you mentioned would be Della.Is that right?

[-1:32.00]I thought you would have findished this by now.

[-1:33.00]Jack went to France in 1989.So he would have been married for over ten years.

[-1:34.00]6.Maybe there are some things among your aunt's papers 5,

[-1:35.00]like Clare's school reports,old photographs,and so on.

[-1:36.00]Did you leave any papers in my office?

[-1:37.00]What news is there in the papers this morning?

[-1:38.00]All the examination 6 papers should be handed out before Friday.

[-1:39.00]a piece/shect of paper /three pieces/sheets of paper

[-1:40.00]1.What happens to "Clare"and why?

[-1:41.00]She is taken away by the police;she has pretended 7 to be Clare Flower,

[-1:42.00]but her name is really Hope Darwin.

[-1:43.00]2.Who gets the money in the end?

[-1:44.00]The money is given to an organization for helping 8 the blind called"Helping hand".

[-1:45.00]1.Who was introduced to every one as the lawyer's assistant:

[-1:46.00]The lawyer(probably)introduced the detective with the words"This is my assistant".

[-1:47.00]2.It only remains 9 for me to"

[-1:48.00]The only thing which I have to do now is..

[-1:49.00]3.all the money that belonged to her should come to you:

[-1:50.00]you should be given all the money which belonged to her

[-1:51.00]4.added 10 her signature 11"

[-1:52.00]signed her name on the piece of paper

[-1:53.00]5.you suddenly had a bright idea

[-1:54.00]suddenly you thought of a clever thing to do.

[-1:55.00]6.apart from her step-mother

[-1:56.00]except her step-mother(Mrs.Flower)

[-1:57.00]7.He was smiling hopefully

[-1:58.00]He was smiling and probably hoping that he would get the money.

[-1:59.00]8.The lawyer was brief and to the point

[-2:00.00]The lawyer said little and only what was necessary.

[-2:-1.00]Language points:

[-2:-2.00]1.Present at the meeting were Clare Flower,Tom Goode,

[-2:-3.00]the lawyer and the detective,

[-2:-4.00]who was introduced to everyone as the lawyer's assistant.

[-2:-5.00]2.When everyone had taken his/her place,the lawyer spoke as follows.

[-2:-6.00]take one's place  take place     take the place of

[-2:-7.00]Take your places for the next period.

[-2:-8.00]Great changes have taken place.

[-2:-9.00]She's ill.I will take her place.

[-2:10.00]3.It only remains for me to pass all the money that she had to the right person.

[-2:11.00]It only remains for sb.to do sth.

[-2:12.00]It only remains for him to say that he agrees to the plan.

[-2:13.00]Everything has been done,It only remains for them to come and enjoy the meal.

[-2:14.00]4.the lawyer was brief and to the point.

[-2:15.00]to the point  off the point

[-2:16.00]Your advice was very much to the point.

[-2:17.00]He did not speak for long,but he spoke very much to the point.

[-2:18.00]The student got low marks for his composition,as much of it was off the point.

[-2:19.00]5.She instructed in her will that if that were to happen,

[-2:20.00]all the money should go to an organization for helping the blind

[-2:21.00]called "Helping Hand".

[-2:22.00]were to(should) +v     should/would +v.

[-2:23.00]If were to do it,I would do it in a different way.

[-2:24.00]If he were to receive the cheque,he wouldn't pass it to you

[-2:25.00]Nothing would happen to us if the police officer should come earlier.

[-2:26.00]If they were to ask for my,permission,I should say"no"to them.


  • The priest prepared the body for burial.牧师给死者作安葬准备。
  • The Premier's burial was a solemn occasion.总理的葬礼是个庄严的场面。
  • We never lack food and clothing if we're willing to work.如果我们愿意工作,就不会缺吃少穿。
  • He's quite willing to pay the price I ask.他很愿意照我的要价付钱。
  • He wrote many books during his lifetime.他一生著作甚多。
  • During his lifetime his work was never published.他的作品在他的有生之年从未出版过。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • I want to check with my secretary before I sign the papers.在签署这些文件前,我要与我的秘书商议。
  • The lawyer read all the papers relating to the case.律师阅读了与该案有关的全部文件。
  • Teachers always judge their students on the final examination.老师常根据期末考试来评价他们的学生。
  • He put up a good show in the final examination.他在期末考试中表现得不错。
adj.假装的;徒有外表的;传说的;号称的v.假装( pretend的过去式和过去分词 );伪装;(尤指儿童)(在游戏中)装扮;自诩
  • He pretended that resigning was part of his long-term career strategy. 他假装辞职是他长远事业规划的一部分。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He politely pretended not to have heard this remark. 他有礼貌地假装没有听到这句话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
  • They have added a new scene at the beginning.在开头他们又增加了一场戏。
  • The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film.片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
  • Make sure that you get it down and his signature on it.你一定要把它记下来,并让他在上面签字。
  • Each person's signature is unique.每个人的签名都是独一无二的。
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