时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:六人行—第1-5季


The One With Ross抯 Wedding Parts I and II

Part I Written by: Michael Borkow
Part II Teleplay by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan & Scott Silveri
Part II Story by: Jill Condon & Amy Toomin
Part I Transcribed 1 by: Eric Aasen
Part II Transcribed by: Aaron D. Miller 2

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey and Chandler are getting ready for the flight to London and Monica comes running in.]
Monica: Guys, hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours! It could take time to get a taxi! There could be traffic! The plane could leave early! When we get to London, there could be a line at customs! Come on!! (She runs back to her apartment.)
Chandler: Six-hour trip to London. That抯 a lot of Monica.
[Cut to the girls?apartment, Monica is putting things into her purse as Phoebe and Rachel watch.]
Monica: Passport, check! (As she puts away each item, she says check.) Camera, check! Traveller抯 cheques, check!
Rachel: Who are you saying "check" too?
Monica: Myself. Y択now for remembering to pack a thing. Yeah, you do a good thing, you get a check! (pause) My mom does it, I never realized it was weird 4.
Phoebe: Yeah, my mom used to put her head in the oven. Well, actually, she only did it the one time. But it was pretty weird.
Ross: (entering) Hey!
Monica: Hey!
Ross: Hey! Are you ready yet?
Monica: Yep! You got the tickets?
Ross: Oh! Got 慹m right here, (Pats his coat pocket) check!
[Cut to the guys?apartment.]
Joey: It抯 all London, baby! Here we go. (He takes a picture of a less than enthused Chandler and starts towards the girls?apartment.)
Chandler: You got your passport?
Joey: Yeah, in my third drawer on my dresser. You don抰 want to lose that.
(Chandler glares at him. At first Joey doesn抰 know why, it takes him a little bit to figure it out.)
Joey: Ohh!! (Runs to his room.)
Chandler: There it is.
Opening Credits
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, continued from earlier, Monica is telling Phoebe where everything is.]
Monica: Okay, if you need the vacuum, it抯 in my closet on the left-hand side. Ah, the garbage bags are next to the refrigerator?
Phoebe: Okay, okay, but Rachel抯 gonna be here too, can抰 I just ask her this stuff?
Monica: Yeah, okay, give that a try!
Chandler: (entering, with Joey) All right! Let抯 do it!
Joey: Woo-hoo!!
Ross: Yeah, cheerie-o!
Joey: London baby!
Chandler: Okay, 慶ause that抯 not gonna get annoying.
Joey: (louder) London baby!!
Chandler: Hey, y択now what? I was wrong.
Ross: Well, we抮e all here! I guess we should get going!
Phoebe: Ohhh, I wanna come over there and give you a hug and wish you luck on your wedding, but I don抰梒an抰 get up.
Ross: Oh, I抣l-I抣l come hug you.
Phoebe: Great! Yeah, could you bring me the newspaper?
Ross: Yeah. (He does so and Phoebe hugs him.)
Phoebe: Oh, have a great wedding!
Ross: Thanks.
Phoebe: Oh, hey, Chandler I wanna hug you too!
Chandler: Hey! (Trots over)
Phoebe: Oh, and great! You might as well bring me my book, it抯 on the counter in your apartment.
Chandler: Oh. (Goes and gets Phoebe抯 book as Rachel comes in from her room.)
Ross: (to Rachel) So, we抮e off.
Rachel: Have fun!
Ross: Thanks! (They hug.) Ugh, I can抰 believe you抮e not gonna be there!
Rachel: Oh, I know.
Ross: So-so come! Why don抰 you come?
Rachel: What?!
Ross: To London! Come to London. Please? It抣l mean so much to me.
Rachel: Yeah, well, I gotta work, I抦 sorry.
Ross: Why-why can抰 you take a couple of days off?
Rachel: Because, I can抰! Ross, I told you, no. I can抰.
Ross: This is my wedding.
Monica: All right, y択now what? We really are late! Let抯 go! Let抯 go! Let抯 go!!
Ross: Fine. You抣l-you抣l watch it on video when we get back.
Chandler: (entering, with Phoebe抯 book.) Here you go Phoebe! Here you go Phobo! Phewbedo! Phaybobo.
Phoebe: (laughs) Thank you.
(Chandler kneels down with his arms spread waiting for his hug.
Phoebe: Thank you. (She pats him on his head.)
Ross: All right, let抯 go! Bye, Pheebs!
Joey: Bye, Pheebs!
(They all start out, Rachel gives each one a kiss, and says "bye." In the hall, Joey says?
Joey: London baby!! (And Rachel slowly closes the door, sadly.)
Phoebe: Oh, do you need a hug? You don抰 have to bring me anything!
(And with that, television history is made as, for the first time ever, an entire show moves it抯 entire production to an entirely 5 different country to make a single episode. We get shots of Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Big Ben, and the London Marriott as Joey and Chandler exit.)
[Scene: Street in front of the London Marriott, Joey and Chandler exit. Joey is carrying a video camera and is shooting Chandler.]
Joey: Come on! Do something!
Chandler: I am, I抦 ignoring you.
Joey: Okay, here! (Gives him the camera.) I wanna be the on camera guy. All right, first stop, Westminster Abbey. (Joey folds out his "pop-up" map of London. All of the major landmarks 6 pop-up like in a pop-up book.)
Chandler: Oh, what the hell is that?
Joey: It抯 London, baby! All right, the hotel抯 here. (Points to the map.) Wait. No, we wanna go?No. I know. (Sets the map down.) I抦 gonna have to go into the map. (So Joey literally 7 steps into the map.)
Chandler: Okay, if you see a little version of me in there? Kill it!
Joey: I got it! (Picks up the map and starts walking.) Here we go.
Chandler: Okay. Listen-listen, we抮e not gonna have to walk this way the entire time are we?
Joey: Shhh! (Pause) Man, you made me lose it! (He goes into the map again.)
[Scene: Another street, somewhere along the River Themes, Ross, Emily, and Monica are walking to where they抮e gonna get married. Emily is relating the troubles with the caterer 8.]
Emily: 卆nd that was all before 10 o抍lock. The caterer rang and said it was going to be Chicken Kiev instead of Chicken Tarragon. And then the florist 9 phoned to say there aren抰 any tulips. Oh, and the chilliest 10 has carpel-tunel syndrome 11. We抮e not gonna be?
Ross: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Emily, (Gives her the time-out signal.) honey, okay?
Emily: Well, up yours too!
Ross: What?! No! No! That抯-that抯 time-out!
Emily: Sorry.
Ross: Sweetie, you gotta relax. Everything抯 gonna be great, okay? Come on. Come on.
Monica: Chicken Kiev?
Ross: Um-hmm! Doesn抰 that sound delicious at the last minute?
Monica: Yeah, y択now, but something like salmon 12 which would be so much more elegant than the chicken. And, you wouldn抰 have to worry about the salmonella. (Ross pushes her.) So, I can抰 wait to see this place you抮e getting married!
Ross: Yeah. Yeah. Yes, this place is beautiful. Emily抯 parents got married here.
Emily: I still can抰 believe they抮e tearing it down. It really is the most lovely building you抣l ever see. I mean it抯 over?(She stops suddenly, when she sees that demolition 13 has already started.) Oh my God!
Monica: It抯 nice.
Emily: Oh. Oh. (She starts running towards the building.)
[Cut to inside.]
Emily: (running in, with Ross) Oh. Oh my God. How can this be happening? What are we going to do?
Ross: It抯 all right! Everything抯 gonna be all right.
Emily: How抯 it gonna be all right?!
Ross: Uh-huh, I see that.
Monica: (entering) Okay, I talked to the guy with the shovel 14 and I found out what happened.
Ross: What? What?
Monica: They torn it down a few days early.
[Scene: Westminster Abbey, Joey and Chandler have successfully navigated 15 the streets of London and are approaching the Abbey.]
Joey: All right! Westminster Abbey! Hands down, best Abbey I抳e ever seen. Hey! (Pushes Chandler in front of the camera.) Okay. What do you think of the Abbey, Chandler?
Chandler: I think it抯 great. It抯 great. Y択now, they抮e thinking of changing the name of this place.
Joey: Really? To what?
Chandler: To Put the Camera Away!!!
Joey: Man, you are Westminster Crabby. (He starts chasing Chandler towards the Abbey.)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is trying to move off of the couch as Rachel enters.]
Phoebe: Oh. Oh.
Rachel: Oh, honey! Don抰 get up! What do you need?
Phoebe: Oh, no. Oh, nothing.
Rachel: Come on! I am here to take care of you! What do you need? Anything.
Phoebe: Okay, I have a wedgie.
Rachel: Okay, that is all you.
Phoebe: So-so, what do you want for lunch?
Rachel: Oh, I don抰 know. I guess we have to eat.
Phoebe: Yeah, I do. What抯 the matter?
Rachel: I抦 just bummed 16 about the way I left things with Ross. I shouldn抰 have lied to him about having to work. He seemed so mad at me.
Phoebe: Eh, don抰 be so hard on yourself. If someone I was still in love with was getting married?
Rachel: (interrupting) Still in love with?!
Phoebe: Yeah!
Rachel: I抦 not in love with Ross!
Phoebe: Oh. No. No. Good! Yeah, me neither.
Rachel: Phoebe, I抦 going to Ross抯 wedding because he is my ex-boyfriend and that would be really uncomfortable. Not because, I抦 still in love with him! I mean, hey, y択now, I like Ross as much as the next guy, y択now? Clearly I have feelings for him, but feelings don抰 mean love! I mean, I still have loving feelings for Ross. Yeah! But, I have, I have continuing feelings of love, but that doesn抰 mean that-that I抦 still in love with him. Y択now? I-I have sexual feelings for him, but I do love him桹hh! Oh my God! Oh my梬hy didn抰 you tell me?!!
Phoebe: We thought you knew!
Rachel: We?!
Phoebe: Yeah, we all know! We talk about it all the time!
Rachel: You all know? Does Ross know?
Phoebe: Oh no, Ross doesn抰 know anything.
Rachel: Oh, I can not believe you didn抰 tell me!
Phoebe: Well, because we thought you knew!! It抯 so obvious! God, that would be like telling Monica, "Hey, you like things clean."
[Scene: A park in London, Joey and Chandler walk up to a souvenir stand.]
Joey: Hey!
The Vendor 17: So, what are you guys in the market for? We抳e got uh, scarves, tulip post cards...
Joey: Check this out? Huh? (Joey has this big tall hat with a British flag on the front of it.) Yeah. That抯 the stuff. What do you think?
Chandler: Well, I don抰 have to buy that, "I抦 with stupid" T-shirt anymore.
Joey: Well, I like it. Here you go. (He pays for the hat.)
Chandler: All right, look, you抮e not really gonna buy that are you? Don抰 you think you抳e embarrassed me enough for one day?
Joey: Oh, I embarrass you?
Chandler: How can I answer that when I抦 pretending I don抰 know you?
The Vendor: He抯 just jealous. You抣l fit right in; all Londoners wear them!
Chandler: Oh really? Then how come no one here is wearing them?
The Vendor: (looks around) They抮e all tourists.
Chandler: All right, look, if you insist on wearing that, in public, y択now, you抮e gonna spend the rest of the afternoon all by yourself.
Joey: Oh yeah? (Puts the hat on.) If you抮e gonna make me choose between you and the hat? I choose the hat.
The Vendor: Good choice.
Joey: Thanks.
Chandler: Okay, wait. All right, that抯 it, okay, I抦 out of here. I am not going to be embarrassed anymore! (He trips over a box, falls into a flower stand and walks away trying to be cool.)
[Scene: The hotel, Ross抯 room, Emily is entering.]
Emily: Hello?
Ross: Hey! I just spoke 18 to your dad, and you know what? He seems to think we抣l be able to find a new place for the wedding.
Emily: We don抰 have to.
Ross: Whoa-whoa-what? You found a place?
Emily: No. But, Monica and I were talking, and-and I was so upset about the hall being knocked down, and she suggested that we put the wedding off for a bit.
Ross: She said what?
Emily: She said, "If I抦 not gonna be happy getting married somewhere that we find in a day, well then we should just postpone 19 it."
Ross: Postpone it? Emily, do you think Monica realises how much our parents spent on this wedding? Do you my sister抯 teeny-tiny little brain comprehends that people took time out of their lives to fly thousands of miles to be here, huh? (He puts his pants on backwards 20.) This isn抰 right.
Emily: I realize that people are going to be disappointed. But, I抦 sure they抣l come back when we can do it right.
Ross: I can抰 ask people to do that? Would you ask people to do that? (Holds out his pants)
Emily: Don抰 you point your pants at me! (She throws them on the floor.) We have no choice! Anywhere that抯 half-decent would抳e be booked months ago, Ross don抰 you understand? This is our wedding I抦 talking about.
Ross: The only thing I understand is; postponing 21 it is not an option. This is when we抮e getting married.
Emily: So what are you saying? It抯 now or never?
Ross: No. I抦 saying it抯 now. (He starts putting on his pants, backwards again.)
Emily: Or?
Ross: There抯 no 憃r?in mind. What is wrong with these pants?!!
Emily: It抯 not the pants. It抯 you that is backwards. And if, and if you don抰 understand how important this is to me, well then, perhaps we shouldn抰 get married at all! (She storms out.)
Ross: (chasing her, trying to zip up his pants. His got them on right now.) No, wait! Emily! No, wait, stop! Emily, please?He catches something important in the zipper 22 and howls like a little boy and falls to the floor.)
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is on the couch as Rachel returns carrying a bunch of shopping bags.]
Phoebe: Hey!
Rachel: (depressed 23) Hi.
Phoebe: So, did shopping make you feel any better about Ross?
Rachel: Manhattan does not have enough stores.
Phoebe: Well, I think I can help you get over him.
Rachel: You can?
Phoebe: Yeah. I just need you to bring me some photos of Ross.
Rachel: Um-hmm.
Phoebe: And a small piece of chocolate.
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: And a glass of tepid 24 water. (She gathers up all of these things.)
Rachel: Ooh, is this one of those things where you throw it in a bag with some graveyard 25 dirt and hang it from a north-facing tree?
Phoebe: Uh, only if you have the hiccups 26 too. Yeah, the pictures are for you, the water and the chocolate is for me. I just didn抰 feel like getting up. Okay, I抦 gonna show you a picture of Ross. Okay? And you抮e going to remember all of the bad things about him. All right? Really focus on his flaws.
Rachel: I can do that. I certainly did it when we were going out.
Phoebe: Okay. Umm, before we get started, I just wanna say for the record that I love Ross, I think he抯 such a great guy. Here. (Hands her the picture, Rachel grabs it out of her hand.) Okay, now, close your eyes. And imagine that you抮e with Ross okay and imagine that you抮e kissing him. And you抮e-you抮e running your hands all over his body. And then you run your hands through his hair, but eew-oh gross it抯 some kind of grease, it抯梪ck! Hah?
Rachel: I don抰 know, his uh, his hair never really bothered me that much, and y択now it was always more crunchy than it was greasy 27.
Phoebe: Okay, this is going to be harder than I thought. Umm, let抯 try some uh, aversion therapy.
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: Okay?
Rachel: All right.
Phoebe: So uh, now look at the picture?
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: All right, and umm?(She grabs the picture and smacks 28 her in the head.)
Rachel: Ow!
Phoebe: Okay, how do you feel now?
Rachel: Well, I like you less!
[Scene: Chandler and Joey抯 hotel room. Chandler is watching TV as Joey returns, still wearing his hat.]
Joey: Hey.
Chandler: Hey. (He nods at the hat.)
Joey: Oh. (Takes off the hat.) Sorry!
Chandler: No-no-no, y択now what? I really shouldn抰 have said that you were embarrassing me, I mean that really wasn抰 cool. And if it makes you feel any better, I抳e had a really lousy day.
Joey: Me too.
Chandler: Yeah?
Joey: Noo!! I抳e had the best day ever! Dude, check this out!
Monica: (entering) Hey!
Joey: Sh-shh-shh! (He motions for her to watch something he has taped.)
[Cut to the tape Joey made in front of some famous place in London with a rather famous English-type person.]
Joey: (on tape) Okay, so say hi to my friend and tell him that you like the hat.
Fergie: (Yep, Sarah, the Duchess of York) Okay, so umm, what抯 your friend抯 name?
Joey: (on tape) Oh, Chandler.
Fergie: Hi Chandler! (Waves)
Chandler: That抯?That抯 was?
Monica: Oh my God!
Joey: That抯 Fergie baby!!
Fergie: Joey says you don抰 really like his hat, but I think it抯 kinda dashing.
Chandler: How did you? How? How?
Joey: Well, I was trying to figure out how to get to Buckingham Palace, right? So, I抦 in my map and-and?Ross enters) Hey!
Monica: Hey!
Ross: Hi. I understand you had a little talk with Emily.
Monica: (laughs) Yes, I did! And you are welcome!
Ross: Am I?! And was it your idea to postpone the wedding?!
Monica: Umm?
Chandler: I抦 gonna go to the bathroom.
Joey: Wait up! (They both run to the bathroom.)
Ross: Hey-hey, since you抮e the 慺ix-it?lady, here抯 a pickle 29, what do you do when the bride says she doesn抰 want to have the wedding at all?
Monica: She said that?!
Ross: Yeah.
Monica: Why?!
Ross: I don抰 know, I told her it was stupid to put off the wedding just because the hall was gone and she liked flipped 30 out.
Monica: Oh my God. You抮e even dumber than I am!
Ross: Excuse me?
Monica: Ross, how long have you been planning this wedding?
Ross: I don抰 know. A month?
Monica: Emily has probably been planning it since she was five! Ever since the first time she took a pillowcase and hung it off the back of her head. That抯 what we did! We dreamed about the perfect wedding, and the perfect place, with the perfect four-tiered wedding cake (Starting to cry), with the little people on top. (Ross gets thrown a box of Kleenex from the bathroom and he gives her one.) Thanks. But the most important part is that we had the perfect guy who understood just how important all that other stuff was.
Ross: I had no idea. And that-that pillowcase thing, I thought you guys were just doing the flying nun 31.
Monica: Sometimes we were.
Ross: Come on. You gotta help me figure out what to do. Okay?
Monica: Okay.
Ross: Come on. (They leave and Chandler sticks his head out.)
Chandler: That was pretty intense huh?
Joey: Yeah. (Pause) Hey, I hope Ross didn抰 think that we just went in there because we were uncomfortable being out here!
Chandler: (glares at him) I hope he did!
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the phone rings and Phoebe answers it.]
Phoebe: Hello.
Joey: (on phone) Hey, Pheebs! It抯 Joey!
Phoebe: Hey, Joey! Hey! Ooh! Ooh! I just say someone on the梩hat looks just like you on the subway. And I was gonna go over and say 慼i!?but then I figured, he doesn抰 care if he looks like you.
Joey: That just cost me four bucks 32. But uh listen, I just called to see how the chick and the duck are doing?
Phoebe: Ohh, they抮e having a great time with their Aunt Phoebe! Aunt Rachel hasn抰 been helpful at all. So, do you miss me?
Joey: Kinda, but I抳e just been having way too much fun.
Phoebe: So you抮e not homesick yet?
Joey: No, I don抰 think so.
Phoebe: All right, the seven of us miss you.
Joey: Who抯 seven?
Phoebe: Y択now, me, Rachel, the birds, the babies?
Joey: Ahh, the babies miss me?
(There is a knock on Rachel and Phoebe抯 door.)
Phoebe: Ooh, the pizza guy抯 here!
Joey: What? You ordered pizza without me?!
Phoebe: Yeah. But y択now we were thinking about you, y択now we ordered the Joey Special.
Joey: Two pizzas?!
Phoebe: Yep! Okay, gotta go, talk to you later.
Joey: Wait, well, where did you get it from?!
(Phoebe has already hung up, leaving Joey in the dark. So Joey decides to watch some TV and turns on a rerun of Cheers, with the theme song playing. At first, he抯 happy, but as the song progresses Joey gets depressed and homesick.)
[Scene: Ross and Emily抯 planned wedding place, Monica is dragging Emily in.]
Emily: Monica, why have you brought me here of all places?!
Monica: You抣l see.
Emily: I tell you, this wedding is not going to happen.
(At that Ross plugs in some Christmas lights to light the place up.)
Emily: Oh God.
Ross: Okay? But-but imagine a lot more lights, okay? And-and y択now fewer bricks, and-and-and flowers, and candles?
Monica: And the musicians, look, they can go over here (Points to a little alcove), okay? And the chairs can face this way (Points), and?(Points to Ross) You go.
Ross: But-but, if you don抰 love this, we抣l do it in any other place at any other time. Really, it抯 fine, whatever you want.
Emily: It抯 perfect.
Ross: And, I don抰 know, if it starts to rain?
Emily: Well then we抣l get wet. (They kiss.)
Monica: Ohh. And I don抰 even have a date.
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is in her bedroom.]
Rachel: Pheebs?
Phoebe: Yeah?
Rachel: Do you remember where the duck food is?
Phoebe: Yeah, it抯 in the guys?apartment under the sink. Why?
Rachel: (enters with a bag packed) Because I抦 going to London.
Phoebe: What?! What do you mean you抮e going to London?
Rachel: Yeah, I have to tell Ross that I love him. Now honey, you take care, you don抰 have those babies until I get back. (Kisses her stomach.)
Phoebe: I桼achel, you can抰 go! Ross loves Emily!
Rachel: Yeah, I know, I know, I know he does. But I have to tell him how I feel! He deserves to have all the information and then he can make an informed decision.
Phoebe: That抯 not why you抮e going! You抮e going because you hope he抯 gonna say, "Yeah, I love you too, Rach. Forget that British chippy."
Rachel: Ohh桪o you think he will?!
Phoebe: No! Because he抯 in love with the British chippy! Look, Rachel, if you go, you抮e just gonna mess with his head and ruin his wedding! Y択now, it抯 too late! You missed you抮e chance! I抦 sorry, I know this must be really hard, it抯 over.
Rachel: Y択now what? No. It抯 not over until someone says, "I do." (Exits)
Phoebe: I do! I do! I do! (Chases her into the hall, but Rachel doesn抰 stop.) I do! (Gives up.) Ugh, like I can really chase you. I抦 carrying a litter.
Commercial Break
[Scene: Moving Shot towards The Waltham House. A phone is ringing.]
Housekeeper 33: The Waltham Residence.
Phoebe: Oh...yes..is this..umm..Emily抯 Parents?house.
Housekeeper: This is the housekeeper speaking. And by the way, young lady, that is not how one addresses oneself on the telephone. First one identifies oneself and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak.
Phoebe: (In a British accent) This is Phoebe Buffay. I was wondering, please, if-if it抯 not too much trouble, please, umm, might I speak to Miss Emily Waltham, please?
Housekeeper: Miss Waltham, is at the rehearsal 34 dinner and it抯 not polite to make fun of people. Goodbye.
Phoebe: No no no, I抣l be nice, I swear!!! Could you just give me the number for where they are?
Housekeeper: I抦 afraid, I抦 not at liberty to divulge 35 that information.
Phoebe: Ok, somebody is on their way to ruin wedding okay. And I have to warn somebody, alright. So if you don抰 give me that number then I抦 going to come over there and kick your snooty ass 3 all the way to New Glocken..shire.
Housekeeper: Hangs up.
Phoebe: Hello, Hello. Ohh, OHH, she knew I could kick her ass.
[Scene: Rehearsal dinner hall. Ross and Emily are standing 36 in the reception area. Monica arrives with her parents.]
Monica: Hey.
Ross: (Ross hugs his mom and dad)Hi. Mom. Dad.
Mrs. Geller: Sweetheart. Oh sorry were late, my fault, I insisted on riding the tube.
Mr. Geller: (embarrassed) Judy, the kids..
Mrs. Geller: Jack 37, that抯 what they call the subway.
Mr. Geller: Ohh, I thought that you....
Ross and Monica: Dad, dad. We got it!! We Got It!!!
Emily: Ohh, here comes my dad and stepmum. Mister and Misses Geller, this is Steven and Andrea Waltham.
Mr. Waltham: (Shaking everyone's hand.) Hello. Hello. How do you do? How do you do? Very nice to meet you. (Looking over at his wife.) Darling it抯 the Gellers. (She pays no attention she抯 talking on a cellular 38 phone.) (Louder) Darling, it抯 the Gellers. (She抯 still not responding.) She抯 very self-absorbed, you know. I should never have married her.
Mrs. Waltham: (Looking evilly at her husband) Sorry, what?
Mr. Waltham: It抯 the Gellers!
Mrs. Waltham: Where?
Mr. Waltham: Well there抯 one (pointing towards Jack) and there抯 another (pointing towards Judy).
Mrs. Waltham: Lovely to meet you.
Mr. Waltham: Terribly nice of you to offer to pay for half the wedding. (He hand a multipage bill to Jack.)
Mr. Geller: Ohh forget it. Too hell with tradition, we抮e happy to do it.
Mrs. Geller: We know how expensive weddings can be, besides this may be the only wedding we get to throw (patting Monica on the shoulder.).
Monica: Ha ha, a joke that抯 funny in all countries.
(Ross quickly directs the families to their tables.)
[Scene: Chandler and Joey are standing by the kitchen entrance. A waiter comes out.]
Waiter: Sir? (Looking at Joey.)
Joey: What抯 in it?
Waiter: Goat cheese, water chestnuts 39, and panchetta. (Joey Looks down disgustingly at the food.)
Joey: (Looking up at the waiter)That抯 not food...No, I don抰, no...(Taps Chandler on the shoulder.) Everything's different here...I want to go home. I...I miss my family. I miss the coffee house. I can抰 even remember what Phoebe looks like.
Chandler: Joey, it抯 been three days, okay.. Your just a little homesick, Okay. Would you just try to relax. Just, just try to enjoy yourself.
Joey: (Pointing at Chandler.) Your different here too. Your mean in England. (Chandler throws his hands up to his head in frustration 40. They walk away from each other.)
[Camera pans to the Geller family table. Ross, Rachel, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are there.]
Mr. Geller: (Looking at ht wedding bill.) What the hell!!!
Ross: what抯 up, Dad?
Mr. Geller: This bill for my half of the wedding. it抯 insane.
Mrs. Geller: How could it be so much? The receptions at their house.
Mr. Geller: (Pointing items out on the bill.) Flowers, liquor, recarpet first floor. New guest bath, landscaping. I抦 paying to remodel 41 this guys house. (Angrily gets up.) I抦 going to give that son on a bitch, a piece of my mind.
Ross: (Holding him back.)Dad, dad, please. Look I don抰 want anything to upset Emily tonight. Alright, she's had a hard enough couple of days as it is. (Picks up the bill.) Now here, here, let me go talk to him, okay?
Mr. Geller: And you tell him no one takes advantage of the Gellers.
Mrs. Geller: Ooh, Jack....(He looks over to her) Sometimes I forget how powerful you can be. (They embrace and kiss passionately 42.)
Monica: (Looking nauseous from her parents kissing.) And I抦 going to go get drunk. (Gets up to get a drink.)
[Scene: An airport in New York.]
Rachel: (Running to the ticket counter) Ooh, ooh, ooh,ooh,ooh. (Slightly out of breath) Hi.
Ticket Agent: (Cheerfully.) Hello.
Rachel: (Faking cheerfulness.) Hello. Umm, when is your next flight to London?
Ticket Agent: (looking at her computer terminal) There抯 one leaving in thirty minutes.
Rachel: Ohh, good.
Ticket Agent: And I do have one seat left.
Rachel: Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ticket Agent: The last minute fare on this ticket is twenty seven hundred dollars.
Rachel: (looking through her wallet.) Ohh, I just don抰 think I have enough left on my credit card.
Ticket Agent: Well you can split it with another credit card.
Rachel: Ohh, okay, how about five. (She hands her all the credit cards.) Ohh, thank you.
Ticket Agent: I抦 just going to need to see your passport.
Rachel: (Looking through her purse.) Okay, you know what? I don抰 have it, but I can tell you exactly where it is on my night stand, and...okay. But you know what? I have my drivers license 43 and I have a twenty. (She slides it across the counter.)
Ticket Agent: (Slides the twenty back and tosses her credit card onto the counter.)
[Scene: The Rehearsal dinner hall. Ross is at the Walthams?table discussing the bill.]
Ross: Look, face it, my father is not going to pay for the build-in barbecue and believe me you can kiss you gazebo goodbye. Now I might be able to get you the new lawn.
Mr. Waltham: Ahh, then you have to give us the lawn ornaments 44.
Ross: I go back there with lawn ornaments, he抯 going to laugh in my face.
Mrs. Waltham: This is ridiculous. I mean we had an agreement. (Ross looks frustrated 45. She begins to scream at her husband.) Will you say something, Steven?! Please!!!
Mr. Waltham: Don抰 take that tone with me. (She looks evilly at him.) All-all right you can. (He looks over at Ross and Shrugs 46.)
[Scene: The Girls apartment. Phoebe is dialing the phone and Rachel runs in the door.]
Rachel: (Running to her room.) Hi, Pheebs.
Phoebe: (Looking relieved. She puts down the phone.) Oh thank god. Oh, you changed your mind. Oh, look I know you probably want to be alone, and you don抰 want to talk about it, that抯 fine. I just want you to know, I think you are doing the right thing and...
Rachel: (Running back out the door with her passport.) Bye, Pheebs.
Phoebe: (Trying to get up.) Wait!! Where are you going?! What are you doing?! No!! Wait!! (Not able to get up.) God!! Why am I always pregnant when she does that?!
[Scene: The Rehearsal Dinner Hall. Chandler, Joey, Ross, Emily, Monica, and all the bridal party are seated at the table. Chandler gets up to make a toast.]
Chandler: I抎 like to toast, Ross and Emily. Of course, my big toast will be tomorrow at the wedding, so this is kind of my little toast or Melba toast, if you will. (No one in the room laughs. He starts to get flustered 47.) Okay. I known Ross for a long time. In fact, I knew him when he was going out with his first girlfriend. (Ross looks embarrassed.) And I thought things were going to work out for him..Until the day he over inflated 48 her. (He laughs. Jack looks at Judy and no one in the room laughs.) Ohh, Dear God.. (A cellular phone rings.)
Mrs. Waltham: Hello, Waltham Interiors.
Phoebe: Oh, hi, Mrs. Waltham. I need to speak with ether one of the best men, or Ross抯 sister Monica.
Mrs. Waltham: Who is this?
Phoebe: Oh, I抦 Phoebe Buffay. I抦 one of Ross抯 best friends.
Mrs. Waltham: Well, if you抮e on e of Ross抯 best friends, why aren抰 you here?
Phoebe: Yeah, um, I can抰 fly. I抦 having my brother抯 babies.
Mrs. Waltham: Oh, am I on the radio?
Phoebe: No..umm, could I talk to one of them? It抯 very very important.
Mrs. Waltham: No, I抦 bored with you now. I抦 going to cut you off. (She hangs up.)
Phoebe: Ohh! Okay, I抦 going to have to kick her ass too.
Chandler: (Continuing his toast.) And I抦 sure we抮e all very excited that Ross and Emily are getting married at Montgomery Hall. I mean to think, my friend getting married in Monty Hall. (No reaction from the people.) Ohh, come on!! Monty Hall!! Lets make a Deal!! Come on, you people!! All right, forget it!! Congratulations, Ross and Emily. (He sits down.)
Joey: Hey, best man number two, Joey Tribbiani. Now I抦 not good with the jokes like Chandler here. Boy...but ahh, I just want to say congratulation to the happy couple. I first met Ross in this coffee house back home...Home...New York City...Where everybody knows my name. Well anyway, I love you guys. (pointing at everyone.) But not as much as I love America. (Looking at Chandler.) Could we please..go home now?
(One of the bridesmaids, Felicity, puts her arm around Joey.)
Felicity: (Putting her arm around Joey.) Are you going home? I was hoping to get to know you better.
Joey: (Putting his arm around her.) I抦 not going anywhere, sweetheart.
[Scene: Later that evening at the rehearsal dinner. Chandler and Monica are sitting on a sofa. Chandler is covering his face in embarrassment 49 because of the toast.]
Monica: I was laughing. (Patting him on the knee.)
Chandler: Out loud?
Monica: Well I didn抰 want everyone to think I was stupid.
Chandler: So how are you doing?
Monica: My mother抯 driving me crazy, but Ross is getting married. I抦 happy. (A drunken man approaches.) I抦 not going to let anything spoil that.
Drunk Man: I just want to say that Ross is a wonderful young man.
Monica: Well, thanks, we like him.
Drunk Man: My god!! You must have been a teenage when you had him. (Monica stares straight forward after the comment. Chandler tries to console her by patting her on the shoulder.)
(Ross and Emily抯 parents are seated at a table. Ross is between them and they are discussing the wedding bill.)
Mr. Geller: There抯 no way in hell, I抦 paying for it.
Ross: Look, were down to just one point. Could we please, maybe just settle it after the wedding.
Mr. Geller: All-right fine, but I just want to say, I抦 not paying for your wine cellar. You thieving, would be speaking German if it weren抰 for us, cheap little man. (Emily抯 stepmum looks shocked. Jack and Judy get up and leave.)
(Chandler抯 trying to console Monica.)
Chandler: The guy was hammered, okay? There抯 no way, you look like Ross抯 mother.
Monica: Then why would he say it?
Chandler: Because he抯 crazy. Okay? He came up to me earlier and thanked me for my very moving performance in Titanic 50.
Monica: Oh, my mother抯 right. I抦 never going to get married.
Chandler: Ahh, you know what? That is....Who wouldn抰 want you?
Monica: Ohh, Please?! I抦 a single mom, with a thirty year old son!!
[Scene: The airport. Rachel runs up to the ticket counter.]
Rachel: Hi, I抦 back. Listen, I need to...
Ticket Agent: Hello.
Rachel: Hello. I need to get on the 11 o'clock flight.
Ticket Agent: Oh I抦 afraid that plane has already pulled away from the gate.
Rachel: Okay, you know what/ You抮e going to have to call that plane and tell them to swing around and come and pick me up.
Ticket Agent: I can抰 do that.
Rachel: Sure, you know what? Come on, we抣l just tell them that there was like a problem with like the "engine".
Ticket Agent: I抦 afraid I抦 going to have to ask you to step aside, Miss.
Rachel: Look, If I don抰 get to London!! He is going to marry that other girl!!!
Ticket Agent: I can抰 imagine why.
Rachel: All right, you know what? I am not leaving here, until you call that plane back!! (She pounds her hand on the counter twice. The ticket agent counters by placing the closed sign on the counter and tapping it twice.)
[Scene: Chandlers hotel room. Ross bursts into the room.]
Ross: (Screaming) I抦 getting married today!! Whoo-hoo!!
Chandler: (With the covers pulled up to his chin.) Morning, Ross.
Ross: I抦 getting married, to..day!!
Chandler: Yeah you are!!
Ross: Ahh, whoo-hoo!!(He runs back out the door.
Monica: (Comes up for below the covers and looks concerned.) Do you think he knew I was here? (Chandler quickly looks at Monica not knowing what to say.)
Commercial Break
[Scene: Chandlers hotel room. Chandler and Monica are lying in the bed together talking. There抯 an awkward air between them. They are both clutching the covers in from of them.]
Chandler: Well I抳e-I抳e never done that with you before.
Monica: (In am uneasy voice.) Nope. (She chuckles 52 uneasily.)
Chandler: So, ahh, how are ya? How ya...How ya... You okay?
Monica: Yep, yep...You?
Chandler: Yes...Yes..Uh-huh, You?(Looking over at her. She looks back.) We did you.
Monica: Well...I抎 better get going.
Chandler: Oh yea yea, absolutely.
Monica: (Scoots towards the side of the bed.) Could you not look?
Chandler: I don抰 want to look.
[Scene: The Virgin 53 Atlantic flight to London that Rachel is on.]
Rachel: Ohhh.(she rhythmically 54 taps her hands on the magazine on her lap.)
Passenger: Ahh, ahh, excuse me.
Rachel: Yeah?
Passenger: If you抮e planning on doing that throughout the entire flight. Please tell me now. So that I could that a sedative 55...or perhaps slip you one.
Rachel: Oh. I抦 sorry. I抦 very sorry. Sorry. (She hums and sighs happily.) It抯 just, I抦 ahh, I抦 kinda excited. I抦, ahh, going to London to ahh, tell this guy that I love him and... (He puts his headphones on to ignore her.)
[Scene: Joey enters his hotel room. The phone is ringing.]
Joey: Hello?
Phoebe: (Angrily.) Hey, were the hell have you been?!
Joey: Hey. I spent the night out. I met this cute bridesmaid. She is so...
Phoebe: I don抰 want to hear about her!!
Joey: Ahh Pheebs, you know you抮e still my number one girl.
Phoebe: No! No, we have an emergency. Okay? Rachel抯 coming to London.
Joey: Ohh great!!!
Phoebe: No it抯 not great. No, she抯 coming to tell Ross that she loves him.
Joey: (Confused.) But, he loves Emily?
Phoebe: I KNOW THAT!!! You have to stop her!! She抯 going to ruin the wedding!!
Joey: Okay.
Phoebe: All right, so, okay...
Joey: Hold on. Hold on. (Picking up a note pad and writing and reading the message aloud.) Rachel coming. Do...Something.
Phoebe: Okay, so I抦 done my part, okay. It抯 your responsibility now, okay. The burden is off me, right?
Joey: Right!
Phoebe: So tell me about this girl?
(The guys hotel room. Joey抯 there. Chandler comes out of the bathroom in a robe.)
Joey: Hey.
Chandler: Hey.
Joey: Have you seen Monica?
Chandler: (Very defensive 56.) I抦 not seeing Monica.
Joey: (With a confused look on his face.) What?
Chandler: What?
Joey: Look we抳e got to find her. Phoebe just called!! Rachel抯 coming to tell Ross she loves him!!
Chandler: Oh my god!
Joey: I know! That抯 why we got to find Monica!! You know where she is?
Chandler: No!! Okay!! What抯 with the third degree?! Why don抰 you just shine a light in my eyes?! (Joey looks totally confused.)
[Scene: The plane. Rachel's telling her story to the passenger on her left. The one on her left is still wearing his headphones.]
Rachel: ...And so then I realized. All this stuff I had been doing. proposing to Joshua, lying to Ross about why I couldn抰 come to the wedding. Was all just a way of...
Passenger: (Frustrated he takes his headphones off.) Oh, oh oh!! I抦 sorry, can I interrupt? You know I just want to say..That you are a horrible, horrible person.
Rachel: Ehh, pardon me?
Passenger: You say you love this man, yet you抮e about to ruin the happiest day of his life. I抦 afraid I have to agree with you friend Pheebs.. This is a..this is a...terrible, terrible plan.
Rachel: But he has to know how I feel!
Passenger: But why? He loves this...this Emily person. No good can come of this.
Rachel: (Sighing) Well I-I think your wrong.
Passenger: Oh-no.(He bites his fist at her.)And by the way, it seems to be perfectly 57 clear that you were on a break. (Rachel gasps 58 and doesn抰 know what to say. He puts his headphones back on.)
[Scene: The church where Ross and Emily are to be married. Judy, Andrea, and Monica enter together.]
Mrs. Geller: (Looking around at the chapel 59.) Oh my God! It抯 like a fairyland.
Mrs. Waltham: I know, it抯 horrible isn抰 it?
Monica: Well, I love it. I only hope my wedding looks this good.
Mrs. Geller: I just hope...
Monica: (Angrily.) You can let some of them go by!(Judy and Andrea go to the front of the chapel. Joey approaches Monica.)
Joey: (Whispering.) Pisst, Monica. Alright, we really need to start looking out for Rachel. I抣l cover the front door. You watch that big hole at the back of the building and I got Chandler covering Ross.
Monica: (Awkwardly.) Why would I care where Chandler is? You know uhh...You know sometimes I don抰 even like Chandler.
Joey: Okay. (They both walk off to watch for Rachel.)
(Ross and chandler are standing next to the alter. Ross is practicing for the wedding.)
Ross: (Using a slightly different inflection for each.) I do. I do. I do.
Chandler: Oh yea, your right. It抯 the second one.
Ross: (Very Nervous)Really?
[Scene: Joey抯 in the front entrance watching for Rachel. The bridesmaid he met at the rehearsal dinner come in.)
Felicity: (In a sexy voice.)Hello Joey.
Joey: Hey, Felicity.
Felicity: Umm, I thought about you all day.
Joey: Yeah.
Felicity: Um-hum. Talk New York to me again.
Joey: (In a New York accent.) Fuggetaboutit. (She giggles 60.) How you doin?
Felicity: Mmm. (She pushes him up against the wall and they begin to kiss.)
Joey: Oh, yeah.
(Back in the chapel. The parents are still fighting over the bill. Ross is refereeing 61.)
Mrs. Geller: There抯 nothing to discuss. We抮e not paying for your wine cellar.
Mr. Waltham: (Pleading.) You-you have to meet me in the middle here.
Mr. Geller: (Forcefully.) Hey, you keep pushing me on this, my foots going to meet the middle of your ass.
Ross: Dad!! (Emily comes running in.)
Emily: What-what抯 going on?!
Ross: Nothing, nothing. Everything's under control.
Mr. Waltham: You want a piece of me, sir? Is that what your saying? (Pointing at Jack and poking 62 him) You want a piece of me?
Ross: (Stepping in between them.)Okay! Okay! That抯 it!! Parents!! Parents!! Back away!! All right, this is our wedding day! From now on everyone gets along, and if I hear one more word. NO GRANDCHILDREN! (Pointing at his mother.) That抯 right!!
Mr. Geller: Okay, okay.
Mr. Waltham: Sorry old boy, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. (Them all walk away. As he leaves he mutters to Jack.) I could kill you with my thumb, you know.
Emily: What was all that about?
Ross: (Sighing.) It was...This disagreement over...(She sighs. Ross notices her in her wedding dress.) My god. You...you look beautiful.
Emily: (Giggles.) Ohh...(She realizes that she抯 in her gown.) Oh! You were not meant to see me before the wedding. It抯 bad luck.
Ross: You know what, I think we抳e had all the bad luck we抮e going to have. (He hugs her.)
(The front entrance. Joey and the bridesmaid are up against the wall kissing. Rachel comes in the door and walks by Joey unnoticed. She walks into the chapel and sees Ross and Emily kissing. She looks as though she wants to cry. Emily walks away and Ross turns and sees Rachel standing there.)
Ross: My God. Rachel! (He walks towards her, grasps her hands and kisses her on the cheek.) Your here. I can抰 believe it. (She giggles.) What happen? Why are you here?
Rachel: Well I just came...(She touches him near his heart. She抯 almost in tears.) I just needed to tell you...(Looking into his eyes. She takes a deep breath.) Congratulations. (He hugs her. She can barely hold back the tears.)
[Scene: Camera fades to one of the band members playing guitar at the wedding. The chapel is full of guest. A groomsmen escorts a bridesmaid down the isle 63. Joey is waiting with Mrs. Waltham to escort he down the isle. A cellular phone rings.]
Mrs. Waltham: (Answering the phone.) Hello, Waltham Interiors.
Phoebe: Mrs. Waltham. Hi. It抯 Phoebe again.
Mrs. Waltham: (Throws her head back in disgust.) Why?!
Phoebe: Yea. Can I please, please, please talk to one of the best men? This is going to be the last time I promise.
Mrs. Waltham: (Slapping the phone into Joey抯 chest.) Joey there抯 a girl on the phone for you.
Joey: (Smiling.) Ohh great!! (Putting the phone to his ear.) Hello. (He begins to escort her down the aisle 64.)
Phoebe: Did you stop Rachel?
Joey: No, but it抯 okay. She just came in and gave him a hug, that it.
Phoebe: So nothing got ruined?
Joey: No.
Phoebe: Oh that抯 so great! Ohh, so what抯 going on now?
Joey: Ah, I抦-I抦 walking down the aisle...Still walking. (Mrs. Waltham takes her place.) I抦 about to pass the bridesmaid I hooked up with last night. (Looking at the bridesmaid.) Hey! (Talking to Phoebe.) I told her "Hey." And now I抦 at the front with Ross. It抯 Phoebe. (He shows Ross the phone.) He looks pretty mad. Uh...I抎 better go.
Phoebe: No!! wait, wait, wait!! Oh please, hold it up so I can listen. (Joey looks at Ross and holds the phone above Ross抯 shoulder.)
(Chandler escorts Monica down the aisle.)
Chandler: What we did last night was....
Monica: Stupid.
Chandler: Totally crazy stupid. (He nods his head at the people seated.)
Monica: What were we thinking?
Chandler: I抦 coming over tonight though, right?
Monica: Oh yeah. Definitely.
(They quickly take their places and Here Comes the Bride Begins to play. Everyone seated looks back. Emily is being escorted up the aisle by her father. She kisses him on the cheek and takes her place by Ross抯 side.)
Minister: Friends. Family. We are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous 65 union of Ross and Emily. May the happiness we share with them today be with them always. Now Emily, repeat after me. I, Emily...
Emily: I, Emily...
Minster: Take thee Ross...
Emily: Take thee Ross...
Minster: As my lawfully 66 wedded 67 husband, in sickness and in health, till death parts us.
Emily: As my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death parts us.
Minster: Now Ross, repeat after me. I Ross...
Ross: I Ross...
Minister: Take thee, Emily...
Ross: Take thee, Rachel...(All his friends have looks of shock on their faces. He realizes what he said. Quickly he says.) Emily. (A slight chuckle 51.) Emily.
Minister: (Looking and feeling awkward. he looks towards Emily.) Uhh...Shall I go on?
(Rachel looks all around as if all the eyes in the chapel were looking at her as the picture fades to black.)
Closing Credits

(用不同的录音手段)转录( transcribe的过去式和过去分词 ); 改编(乐曲)(以适应他种乐器或声部); 抄写; 用音标标出(声音)
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。
  • Every telephone conversation will be recorded and transcribed. 所有电话交谈都将被录音并作全文转写。
  • Every miller draws water to his own mill.磨坊主都往自己磨里注水。
  • The skilful miller killed millions of lions with his ski.技术娴熟的磨坊主用雪橇杀死了上百万头狮子。
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
n.陆标( landmark的名词复数 );目标;(标志重要阶段的)里程碑 ~ (in sth);有历史意义的建筑物(或遗址)
  • The book stands out as one of the notable landmarks in the progress of modern science. 这部著作是现代科学发展史上著名的里程碑之一。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The baby was one of the big landmarks in our relationship. 孩子的出世是我们俩关系中的一个重要转折点。 来自辞典例句
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
n. 备办食物者,备办宴席者
  • My wife went to a lot of trouble; she called a caterer. 我太太花了很多心血,她找了专办派对的人来。
  • The wedding reception has been organized by an outside caterer. 婚宴由外界的饮食公司承办。
  • The florist bunched the flowers up.花匠把花捆成花束。
  • Could you stop at that florist shop over there?劳驾在那边花店停一下好不好?
adj.寒冷的,冷得难受的( chilly的最高级 )
  • Relations between the girl and her parents dipped to their chilliest. 那女孩与她父母的关系降到最冷点。 来自互联网
  • The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome. 该研究所表示,引起这种综合症的是一种尚未确认的病毒。
  • Results indicated that 11 fetuses had Down syndrome. 结果表明有11个胎儿患有唐氏综合征。
  • We saw a salmon jumping in the waterfall there.我们看见一条大马哈鱼在那边瀑布中跳跃。
  • Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment?现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
  • The church has been threatened with demolition for years. 这座教堂多年来一直面临拆毀的威胁。
  • The project required the total demolition of the old bridge. 该项目要求将老桥完全拆毁。
  • He was working with a pick and shovel.他在用镐和铲干活。
  • He seized a shovel and set to.他拿起一把铲就干上了。
v.给(船舶、飞机等)引航,导航( navigate的过去式和过去分词 );(从海上、空中等)横越;横渡;飞跃
  • He navigated the plane through the clouds. 他驾驶飞机穿越云层。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The ship was navigated by the North Star. 那只船靠北极星来导航。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I was really bummed out that there were no tickets left. 没有票了,我非常恼火。
  • I didn't do anything last summer; I just bummed around. 去年夏天我游手好闲,什么正经事也没做。
  • She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。
  • He must inform the vendor immediately.他必须立即通知卖方。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.在未获悉详情之前我得从缓作出决定。
  • She decided to postpone the converastion for that evening.她决定当天晚上把谈话搁一搁。
  • He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
  • All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。
v.延期,推迟( postpone的现在分词 )
  • He tried to gain time by postponing his decision. 他想以迟迟不作决定的手段来争取时间。 来自辞典例句
  • I don't hold with the idea of postponing further discussion of the matter. 我不赞成推迟进一步讨论这件事的想法。 来自辞典例句
  • The zipper is red.这条拉链是红色的。
  • The zipper is a wonderful invention.拉链是个了不起的发明。
  • When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。
  • His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。
  • She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.她把嘴伸到水龙头底下去喝那微温的水。
  • Her feet firmly planted on the tepid rough brick of the floor.她一双脚稳固地立在微温而粗糙的砖地上。
  • All the town was drifting toward the graveyard.全镇的人都象流水似地向那坟场涌过去。
  • Living next to a graveyard would give me the creeps.居住在墓地旁边会使我毛骨悚然。
n.嗝( hiccup的名词复数 );连续地打嗝;暂时性的小问题;短暂的停顿v.嗝( hiccup的第三人称单数 );连续地打嗝;暂时性的小问题;短暂的停顿
  • I cannot find a rhyme to "hiccups". 我不能找到和hiccups同韵的词。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Can we rhyme 'hiccups'with 'pick-ups'? 我们能把‘hiccups’同‘pick-ups’放在一起押韵吗? 来自辞典例句
adj. 多脂的,油脂的
  • He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven.昨天他买了强力清洁剂来清洗油污的炉子。
  • You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻的气味。
掌掴(声)( smack的名词复数 ); 海洛因; (打的)一拳; 打巴掌
  • His politeness smacks of condescension. 他的客气带有屈尊俯就的意味。
  • It was a fishing town, and the sea was dotted with smacks. 这是个渔业城镇,海面上可看到渔帆点点。
  • Mother used to pickle onions.妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。
  • Meat can be preserved in pickle.肉可以保存在卤水里。
轻弹( flip的过去式和过去分词 ); 按(开关); 快速翻转; 急挥
  • The plane flipped and crashed. 飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。
  • The carter flipped at the horse with his whip. 赶大车的人扬鞭朝着马轻轻地抽打。
  • I can't believe that the famous singer has become a nun.我无法相信那个著名的歌星已做了修女。
  • She shaved her head and became a nun.她削发为尼。
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
  • You can sharpen your skills with rehearsal.排练可以让技巧更加纯熟。
  • They refused to divulge where they had hidden the money.他们拒绝说出他们把钱藏在什么地方。
  • He swore never to divulge the secret.他立誓决不泄露秘密。
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
  • She has a cellular telephone in her car.她的汽车里有一部无线通讯电话机。
  • Many people use cellular materials as sensitive elements in hygrometers.很多人用蜂窝状的材料作为测量温度的传感元件。
n.栗子( chestnut的名词复数 );栗色;栗树;栗色马
  • A man in the street was selling bags of hot chestnuts. 街上有个男人在卖一包包热栗子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Talk of chestnuts loosened the tongue of this inarticulate young man. 因为栗子,正苦无话可说的年青人,得到同情他的人了。 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
  • He had to fight back tears of frustration.他不得不强忍住失意的泪水。
  • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
  • Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.雇用了工人来改造和扩建农场建筑。
  • I'll remodel the downstairs bedroom first.我先要装修楼下那间房间。
  • She could hate as passionately as she could love. 她能恨得咬牙切齿,也能爱得一往情深。
  • He was passionately addicted to pop music. 他酷爱流行音乐。
  • The foreign guest has a license on the person.这个外国客人随身携带执照。
  • The driver was arrested for having false license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被捕。
n.装饰( ornament的名词复数 );点缀;装饰品;首饰v.装饰,点缀,美化( ornament的第三人称单数 )
  • The shelves were chock-a-block with ornaments. 架子上堆满了装饰品。
  • Playing the piano sets up resonance in those glass ornaments. 一弹钢琴那些玻璃饰物就会产生共振。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧
  • It's very easy to get frustrated in this job. 这个工作很容易令人懊恼。
  • The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们出行的愿望。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.耸肩(以表示冷淡,怀疑等)( shrug的名词复数 )
  • Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany shrugs off this criticism. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼对这个批评不以为然。 来自互联网
  • She shrugs expressively and takes a sip of her latte. 她表达地耸肩而且拿她的拿铁的啜饮。 来自互联网
adj.慌张的;激动不安的v.使慌乱,使不安( fluster的过去式和过去分词)
  • The honking of horns flustered the boy. 汽车喇叭的叫声使男孩感到慌乱。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • She was so flustered that she forgot her reply. 她太紧张了,都忘记了该如何作答。 来自辞典例句
adj.(价格)飞涨的;(通货)膨胀的;言过其实的;充了气的v.使充气(于轮胎、气球等)( inflate的过去式和过去分词 );(使)膨胀;(使)通货膨胀;物价上涨
  • He has an inflated sense of his own importance. 他自视过高。
  • They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity. 他们对自己的集体身份似乎都持有一种夸大的看法。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She could have died away with embarrassment.她窘迫得要死。
  • Coughing at a concert can be a real embarrassment.在音乐会上咳嗽真会使人难堪。
  • We have been making titanic effort to achieve our purpose.我们一直在作极大的努力,以达到我们的目的。
  • The island was created by titanic powers and they are still at work today.台湾岛是由一个至今仍然在运作的巨大力量塑造出来的。
  • He shook his head with a soft chuckle.他轻轻地笑着摇了摇头。
  • I couldn't suppress a soft chuckle at the thought of it.想到这个,我忍不住轻轻地笑起来。
轻声地笑( chuckle的名词复数 )
  • Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers. 父亲在读幽默报纸时总是低声发笑。
  • [Chuckles] You thought he was being poisoned by hemlock? 你觉得他中的会是芹叶钩吻毒吗?
  • Have you ever been to a virgin forest?你去过原始森林吗?
  • There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。
  • A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically. 一只鸽子沿着屋顶大摇大摆地走,有节奏地咕咕叫。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Exposures of rhythmically banded protore are common in the workings. 在工作面中常见有韵律条带“原矿石”。 来自辞典例句
adj.使安静的,使镇静的;n. 镇静剂,能使安静的东西
  • After taking a sedative she was able to get to sleep.服用了镇静剂后,她能够入睡了。
  • Amber bath oil has a sedative effect.琥珀沐浴油有镇静安神效用。
  • Their questions about the money put her on the defensive.他们问到钱的问题,使她警觉起来。
  • The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.政府急忙布置了防卫措施抵御空袭。
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
v.喘气( gasp的第三人称单数 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要
  • He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps. 他倚着栏杆,急促地喘气。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • My breaths were coming in gasps. 我急促地喘起气来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The nimble hero,skipped into a chapel that stood near.敏捷的英雄跳进近旁的一座小教堂里。
  • She was on the peak that Sunday afternoon when she played in chapel.那个星期天的下午,她在小教堂的演出,可以说是登峰造极。
n.咯咯的笑( giggle的名词复数 );傻笑;玩笑;the giggles 止不住的格格笑v.咯咯地笑( giggle的第三人称单数 )
  • Her nervous giggles annoyed me. 她神经质的傻笑把我惹火了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I had to rush to the loo to avoid an attack of hysterical giggles. 我不得不冲向卫生间,以免遭到别人的疯狂嘲笑。 来自辞典例句
  • I've spent too much time in my career refereeing staff/line disputes. 办事人员和第一线人员常常发生争执,我为解决这种争执花费了许多时间。 来自辞典例句
  • Unfair refereeing in yesterday's match made the news again. 昨天的比赛中又爆出了“黑哨”丑闻! 来自互联网
  • He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea.他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。
  • The boat left for the paradise isle of Bali.小船驶向天堂一般的巴厘岛。
  • The aisle was crammed with people.过道上挤满了人。
  • The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐带领我沿着通道到我的座位上去。
  • The lively dance heightened the joyous atmosphere of the scene.轻快的舞蹈给这场戏渲染了欢乐气氛。
  • They conveyed the joyous news to us soon.他们把这一佳音很快地传递给我们。
  • Lawfully established contracts shall be protected by law. 依法成立的合同应受法律保护。 来自口语例句
  • As my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death parts us. 当成是我的合法丈夫,无论疾病灾难,直到死亡把我们分开。 来自电影对白
adj.正式结婚的;渴望…的,执著于…的v.嫁,娶,(与…)结婚( wed的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She's wedded to her job. 她专心致志于工作。
  • I was invited over by the newly wedded couple for a meal. 我被那对新婚夫妇请去吃饭。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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