时间:2018-12-31 作者:英语课 分类:6 蓝色海湾之谜 Blue Bay Mystery



The Lifeboat

How do we get ready, Lars?” asked Benny, as they stood on the deck 1.

“First, we start to pack the biggest lifeboat,” said Lars.

“We love to do things like that!” said Jessie. Her eyes were very bright. “What do we pack?”

“We must take a lot of food,” said Lars. “Then we’ll not have to live on bananas.”

“Bananas!” cried Benny. “I’d like to live on bananas!”

“Believe me, you could,” said Lars smiling. “They grow wild. Just put up your hand and pick a banana whenever you want one.”

“Oh, boy!” said Mike. “Come on, let’s go!”

Mr. Alden looked at the children. Then he said, “Lars, you tell us all exactly what to do. You be the boss.”

“Very good,” said Lars. “I’ll do that. Be sure to take shoes, and not little thin ones. You’ll be walking over sharp stones and shells 2. Don’t take any best clothes, but sport clothes. I’ll pack the food we need.”

“Oh, Lars, let me pack the food with you!” begged Mike.

“And me too,” shouted Benny. “It won’t take a minute to pack my clothes.”

“All right, all of you can help. Come to the galley 3 when you are ready.”

Captain Brown laughed. “Don’t forget seven blankets,” he said.

“Is it very cold on the island?” asked Violet 4.

“No, it is very hot,” said the Captain. “You sleep on top of the blankets.”

Each one went to pack his small bag. Then they ran to the galley.

“Isn’t it exciting?” said Mike. “I think this is nice!”

“I hope it will be,” said Lars. “Now here is some dry milk.”

He gave Mike a lot of little boxes to put in the big box.

“Let’s have some beans, Lars,” said Benny. “We all like beans.”

“Just what I was going to say,” said Lars. He was down on the floor beside the box. “Beans will do instead of bread. We can’t take any bread.”

“I don’t like bread very well anyway,” said Mike.

“Ho-ho!” said Benny. “I’ve seen you eat ten slices of bread at a time.”

“And you, too!” cried Mike.

“Careful, boys!” said Henry. “Have a good time, but don’t fight.”

Jessie looked over the cans and boxes. “Let’s take some cereal,” she said. “That will last a few days.”

“Here is some sea biscuit,” said Lars. He gave Mike two tin boxes.

“Sea biscuit?” said Mike looking at the picture on the box. “I don’t call those sea biscuit. I call them crackers 5.”

“Even so, Mr. Mike, those are called sea biscuit,” said Lars.

“O.K.,” said Mike. “You call them sea biscuit, and I’ll call them crackers. Then I will know what I mean.”

“Matches,” said Henry quietly. He put some in the big box.

“Good!” said Lars. “We will need a fire, because we will catch fish and cook them.”

“We will need dishes,” said Jessie.

“Not too many,” said Lars. “We can use leaves for plates. But take a big spoon and some knives. A hatchet 6, too, to cut trees.”

At last the big box was ready. The children went back to their deck chairs.

“Watch, now,” said Lars. We will soon see the island. Look out there, over the rail. It will look like nothing at first.”

The children watched. For a long time they saw nothing but blue sea.

Lars saw the island first, but he said nothing. He looked at all the children to see who saw it first. Suddenly Henry went to the rail. “Is that land, Lars, or is it nothing?” he asked.

“It is land,” said Lars smiling. “Soon we will see the green palm 7 trees and the big round bay 8. I told you it looked like nothing at first.”

Everyone went to the rail and watched the green spot. An hour or so later, they could see white sand around the edge 9. They could see the waves on the beach.

The Sea Star came nearer and nearer. They could see big palm trees bending over the water. The ship stopped. The crew 10 began to let the lifeboat down into the water. They put in the seven blankets and the big box. The family and four sailors went down a ladder into the lifeboat. They all sat down.

Another lifeboat was fastened to their boat for the sailors’ return to the ship.

Lars said to Henry, “You sit on this seat and watch how I use the rudder.”

“All right, sir,” said Henry.

Captain Brown called, “You can expect us in two or three weeks. But don’t worry if we are late.”

“I hope you will be late,” said Mike. “It will be so much fun on the island that we won’t want to leave.”

“I hope so,” said the Captain, laughing. “And you all mind Lars. He knows best.”

The men untied 11 the rope, and the lifeboats started out on the big ocean. The boat tipped and rocked.

“Should we be afraid, Lars?” asked Violet.

“No, Miss Violet, not afraid, but we are all going to get very wet. Wet from head to foot.”

“All right,” said Benny. “But why will we get wet? Do you think we’ll fall out of the boat?”

“No,” said Lars. “You won’t if you sit still. But when we land, you will all have to help. You will have to step out into the water.”

Jessie said, “That will be all right, Lars. All our clothes will dry in a short time in this heat.”

The family looked back at the Sea Star. It was getting farther 12 and farther away. They all waved at Captain Brown. Then Henry saw that Violet had a large cloth bag in her hand.

“What’s in that big bag, Violet?” he asked.

“A secret,” said Violet.

“Oh, tell us!” said Benny.

“Oh, no, Benny,” said Violet. “That is what a secret is. You don’t tell anybody.”

“Don’t bother her, Ben,” said Mike. “Violet can have a secret if she wants to. I don’t even want to know, myself.”

Then they all looked at the island. It came nearer and nearer. There were great rocks on one side. Palm trees were hanging over the edge. All around the water was blue, blue.

“I never saw such a lovely blue!” cried Jessie.

“You never will,” said Lars. “They say this is the bluest bay in the world. We call it Blue Bay. Now take off your shoes and throw them in the middle of the boat. Be ready to jump out and pull the boat up on the sand!”

The waves were high now. Every wave took the boat nearer shore. Lars gave a last pull on the oars 13. “Now!” he shouted.

Everyone jumped over the side into the water. Mr. Alden surprised them all. He helped on the heavy end of the boat. Lars said, “Now!” The sailors gave a great pull as everyone helped. The boat slid up on the sand.

“Wonderful!” said Lars. “That was a fine landing 14!”

They were all soaking 15 wet.

“Not for long,” said Benny. “We’ll be dry in no time. The sun is so hot.”

“I don’t want to get dry,” said Mike. “I like to go in and out of the water.”

The sailors climbed into the other boat and rowed back to the ship.

“Come here a minute,” said Lars. “Benny, Mike and everyone come here!” He did not smile. When everyone was there, he said, “You must not go into this water any time you like.”

“I know why,” said Henry. “Sharks!”

“Right!” said Lars. “I suppose you have read about them.” He was surprised. “I will show you a fine place later, but we must get right to work. Now first thing! We must make a place to sleep tonight. We haven’t much time.”

The family stood on the beautiful white sand. They looked all around.

“What a beautiful place!” said Violet softly 16.

There were palm trees as far as they could see. Lovely flowers grew all over the trees. The flowers were bright red and yellow and white. The children saw trees and flowers and butterflies. But Lars and Mr. Alden saw banana trees, breadfruit trees and coconuts 17. As they looked, a great flock 18 of blue birds rose in the air. Their big bills were bright orange. They did not make a sound.

“They can’t sing,” said Lars. “They are just pretty.”

Then suddenly Mike shouted as loud as he could, “Two houses! Look! Two houses!”


  • Let's have a walk round the deck.我们去甲板上散步吧。
  • The sea wind swept over the deck.海风席卷过甲板。
n.(贝、卵、坚果等的)壳( shell的名词复数 );外壳;炮弹;(人的)表面性格
  • We collected shells on the beach. 我们在海滩拾贝壳。
  • But at last the shells cracked, one after another. 最后,蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The stewardess will get you some water from the galley.空姐会从厨房给你拿些水来。
  • Visitors can also go through the large galley where crew members got their meals.游客还可以穿过船员们用餐的厨房。
  • She likes to wear violet dresses.他喜欢穿紫色的衣服。
  • Violet is the color of wisdom,peace and strength.紫色是智慧的,和平的和力量的颜色。
adj.精神错乱的,癫狂的n.爆竹( cracker的名词复数 );薄脆饼干;(认为)十分愉快的事;迷人的姑娘
  • That noise is driving me crackers. 那噪声闹得我简直要疯了。
  • We served some crackers and cheese as an appetiser. 我们上了些饼干和奶酪作为开胃品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I shall have to take a hatchet to that stump.我得用一把短柄斧来劈这树桩。
  • Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.别用斧头拍打朋友额头上的苍蝇。
  • That woman had her husband in the palm of her hand.那女人牢牢地控制住她丈夫。
  • Palm trees grow all around the island.岛上到处长着棕榈树。
  • I enjoy the view of the bay in the starlight.我喜欢星光下的海湾风景。
  • Dogs sometimes bay at the moon.狗有时会朝着月亮吠叫。
  • Sight along the edge to see if it's straight.顺着边目测,看看直不直。
  • She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.她住在森林的最边缘。
  • A captain controls his ship and its crew.船长管理他的船和船上的船员。
  • The captain kept his crew at a distance.船长与他的船员总保持一段距离。
松开,解开( untie的过去式和过去分词 ); 解除,使自由; 解决
  • Once untied, we common people are able to conquer nature, too. 只要团结起来,我们老百姓也能移山倒海。
  • He untied the ropes. 他解开了绳子。
  • I can throw the ball farther than you can.这个球我能比你扔得远。
  • The farther hill is five kilometres away.那座更远的小山在五公里以外。
n.桨,橹( oar的名词复数 );划手v.划(行)( oar的第三人称单数 )
  • He pulled as hard as he could on the oars. 他拼命地划桨。
  • The sailors are bending to the oars. 水手们在拼命地划桨。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Owing to engine trouble,the plane had to make a forced landing.由于发动机出了毛病,飞机不得不进行迫降。
  • When are we landing?我们什么时候着陆?
  • That coat is soaking—take it off. 上衣湿透了—脱下来吧。
  • I tried to squeeze the water out of my soaking skirt. 我用力拧掉我那件湿透了的裙子上的水。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He speaks too softly for her to hear.他讲话声音太轻,她听不见。
  • She breathed her advice softly.她低声劝告。
n.椰子( coconut的名词复数 );椰肉,椰果
  • We found a bountiful supply of coconuts on the island. 我们发现岛上有充足的椰子供应。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Coconuts provide "meat", drink, oil, soap and fiber for fishing line. 椰子提供“肉类”,饮料、油脂、肥皂和做钓(鱼)丝的纤维。 来自百科语句
  • A flock of customers were waiting for the store to open.一群顾客在等候着商店开门。
  • A few sheep have been lost from the flock.羊群里少了几只羊。
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