时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:剑桥英语之商务英语


Three gift giving

Dialogue one

We have repaired a dinner party at \ the Great hotel.. I would like you to come.

Mr Smith. Do you have time to have appointment with our manager, Mr Zhang?

I would like to see him too..

We have repaired a dinner party at \ the Great hotel.. I would like you to come.

Thank you.. I will.

The Nay 1 may come to pick you up at 6 p.m..

I see.. see you later.

Have a good rest .

Dialogue two

Beijing’s cooking has a long history and it’s the most tipical type in Chinese Cooking.

So how day will you come to Beijing?. I hope you enjoy the famous Chinese cooking.. Do you like it?

Chinese cooking is wonderful. I hardly eat the delicious .

Beijing’s cooking has a long history and it’s the most tipical type in Chinese Cooking.

Ia it? You know Beijing Duck is also very famous in America.

I’ve reserved seven person table at Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. It’s the first duck restaurant in Beijing.

Thank you.

Dialogue three.

Please call me when you have finished your order.

Welcome to our hotel. How many guests do you have?

Three.Please give us a table near the window..

OK, this way please.

Would you please show at your menu?

Here you are.

What’s the speciality 2 in your restaurant?

It’s all written here. Please read this page.


Please call me when you have finished your order.

Dialogue four

Today I invited you to enjoy this seafood 3. Please make yourself at home.

Welcome , George..

Thank you for attending us.

Today I invited you to enjoy this seafood. Please make yourself at home.

Excuse me. What business are you leaving after America.?

I’ve many Chinese arts and crafts 4..

What arts and crafts are you interested in this time?

I hope to import some silk in Hangzhou to America. Can you help me?

Sure , I certainly help you do it.

Dialogue five

Thank you for holding such colourful Chinese cooking dinner..

Nice to meet you, Mr Johnson..

Nice to meet you , too. Thank you for holding such colourful Chinese cooking dinner..

It’s my pleasure. Please have it here.

Thanks .

I was so busy yesterday that I was not able to go to the airport. I’m very sorry..

It doesn’t matter.

I wish you get luck with your business.

Cheers to yourself..

Cheer to everyone.

Dialogue six

Hope this cooperation will go smoothly 5.;Cheers.

I hope the dishes here will bite your liking 6. Please have some now..

Thank you . I got your general reception since I arrived in Beijing. I really appreciate that.

Don’t mention it. If you need our help.please don’t hesitate to tell us .

All right.

Hope this cooperation will go smoothly.;Cheers.


Dialogue seven

What would you like to drink?

Peter, please have a seat here..

I’m so glad to see you.

Me too. What would you like to drink?Beer or Chinese Maotai?

I’d like some Maotai. I heard it is the best one in the world .

Please , here you are.

Thanks .Oh, it’s really wonderful.No wonder it’s so famous.

It’s great that it is your liking .Drink as much as possible.

Dialogue eight

It is Pill twice since site taste smelen sound.

Please have some when it’s not getting cold.

Thanks , It’s delicious . It is Pill twice since site taste smelen sound.

If it is too your liking , please have some more.

OK, I will.Thanks.

Dialogue nine

What would you like to have, Western food or Chinese food?

What would you like to have, Western food or Chinese food?

Well, how about beefsteak?

OK, waiters We’ll have two beefsteak please. What would you like to drink?

I’d like some orange juice . How about you , Xiaoling?

It’s the same as yours.. Yes , please wait a while.

Dialogue ten

Would you mind giving me some net kens 7.

Please have some more affine will you?

Then I’ll have some more. Would you mind giving me some net kens.

OK, here you are. How about you?

No, thanks.. It’s delicious.

I’m so glad that it is your liking .

Dialogue eleven

If you are free, you and your son are welcome to my home for dinner.

Marry lin , are you available tomorrow?


If you are free, you and your son are welcome to my home for dinner.

Thank you for your invitation.

I would like you to have some typical Chinese food. I don’t know anything not you liking.

No, Every Chinese dishes is delicious for me.

Well, I’ll wait for you at the parking place.

Dialogue twelve

I want to show you something.

Hello, How about having lunch together ?

OK, no problem.

What do you like to eat?

How about Chinese food?

I have enough western food..

OK, where do we meet?

Could you come to my office ? I want to show you something.

What is it?

It’s a secret.. Please come to my office

Dialogue thirteen

Please accept it .

Here is a local speciality from China.

Don’t be so polite.

It’s just the sold . Please accept it .

Thanks a lot.

I wonder if you like it.

How beautiful silk it is! Thank you indeed.

It’s my pleasure.

Dialogue fourteen

May I open it now?

I hear you’ll go back to America..

Yes , thank you for your consideration.

I’ll think your proposal 8 and contact you soon..

This is the gift for you from my general manager Mr Zhang. Please take it .

Thanks a lot.May I open it now?

Please .

What a nice bracelet 9 !

It’s great that you like it .

Then I’ll take it , Thanks a lot.

Dialogue fifteen

It will be a great honour if it become a good memory.

Just a small gift , Please take it .

It is silk .

Yes , it’s silk produced by the Shanghai Textile 10 our Company that you visited yesterday.

It will be a great honour if it become a good memory for you.

Thank you for sending me so beautiful gift.

You are welcome .

Thank you for your consideration. You just lost the negotiation 11 .I hope we’ll have more chance to cooperate 12 with each other.

1 nay
  • He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable,nay,unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。
  • Long essays,nay,whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。
2 speciality
  • Silk is the speciality of this village.丝绸是这村子的特产。
  • His speciality is English literature.他的专业是英国文学。
3 seafood
  • There's an excellent seafood restaurant near here.离这儿不远有家非常不错的海鲜馆。
  • Shrimps are a popular type of seafood.小虾是比较普遍的一种海味。
4 crafts
n.工艺( craft的名词复数 );行业;飞机;飞行器
  • traditional crafts like basket-weaving 像编篮子之类的传统工艺
  • an arts and crafts emporium 工艺品商店
5 smoothly
  • The workmen are very cooperative,so the work goes on smoothly.工人们十分合作,所以工作进展顺利。
  • Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly.这句话只要动一两个字就顺了。
6 liking
  • The word palate also means taste or liking.Palate这个词也有“口味”或“嗜好”的意思。
  • I must admit I have no liking for exaggeration.我必须承认我不喜欢夸大其词。
7 kens
  • Dominie Deasy kens them a'. 迪希先生全都认得。 来自互联网
8 proposal
  • I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.我觉得我们应该接受他的建议。
  • They could not gain over anyone to support their proposal.他们无法争取到支持他们建议的人。
9 bracelet
  • The jeweler charges lots of money to set diamonds in a bracelet.珠宝匠要很多钱才肯把钻石镶在手镯上。
  • She left her gold bracelet as a pledge.她留下她的金手镯作抵押品。
10 textile
  • Japan imports textile materials from Britain.日本从英国进口纺织材料。
  • He haunted textile mills, and learned all he could.他常到纺织厂去,尽可能多学点东西。
11 negotiation
  • They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.经过一星期的谈判,他们的食糖生意成交了。
  • The negotiation dragged on until July.谈判一直拖到7月份。
12 cooperate
  • We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future.希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。
  • I hope you can cooperate on this matter.我希望你在这件事上能给予合作。
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