视频简介: 艾丽斯芒罗,2013年诺贝尔文学奖得主。艾丽斯于1931年7月10日出生。她是2009年布克国际奖获得者,三次获加拿大总督奖。主要作品有《快乐阴影的舞蹈》、《女孩和女人的生活》、
What do you think about it? Make way for the fastest man alive. What's up? Who do we love? Put it on me .I am a princess and this is my tiara.
《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵谈戒烟 David Letterman - Jim Parsons Kicks the Habit Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons tells how hequit smoking and took up running as he nears his 40th birthday. 他在剧中他塑造了一个拥有两个博士学位、
According to experts, Americans love zombies because they represent whatever happens to be their greatest fear at the time. 专家称,美国人之所以喜欢丧尸,是因为它们代表的恰好是美国人此时此刻内心的极度恐惧。 Yo
The pair reminisced about how much they enjoyed working on the iconic sitcom, which ended nine years ago, and Perry, 43, admitted, If I had a time machine, I would like to go back to 2004 and not have stopped. 离《老友记》剧终已时隔九年,
奥巴马访南非 并会见曼德拉家人 President Obama to Meet Privately with Mandela Family Obama continues trip in South Africa as former president Nelson Mandela remains in hospital. 美国总统奥巴马抵达南非后,慰问了南非前总统
Why The Empanada Is New York's New Go-To Snack Nuchas, the Times Square empanada food truck, gives us a tour of their truck. Empanada(肉馅卷饼)是纽约食品文化的一种标志,Nuchas是泰晤士广场上销售肉馅卷饼的流动餐车。今
巴宝莉CEO出任苹果首位女总裁 剑指中国市场 Burberry CEO to join Apple Angela Ahrendts was at the top of the fashion tree. Now she's leaving to lead Apple's retail arm. Jim Boulden explains. 苹果宣布任命奢侈品牌巴宝莉(Burb
Prince Harry on Baby George: Will 'Make Sure He Has Fun' The prince speaks publicly about being an uncle for the first time since meeting his nephew. 近日哈里王子第一次见到刚刚出生的侄子乔治,随后在一次慈善舞会上难掩喜
1. Facebook went public and Edward snowden went private. 脸书爆料个人信息,爱德华斯诺登爆料政府信息。 新闻背景知识:2013年10月社交网站巨头Facebook 提出1项可以把使用者资讯及照片拿来打广告的新政策
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- 英语新闻视频:张靓颖在美国奥普拉脱口秀飙歌
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