Fun Fact: Alligators Can Regrow Teeth 有趣的事实:短嘴鳄可以再长牙齿 Fun fact about alligators: they can regrow any of their eighty teeth up to fifty times. Which is pretty impressive, especially compared to us relatively dentally chal

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Why Dont Humans Have Spots Or Stripes? 为什么人类身上没有斑点或条纹? Have you ever wondered why we humans dont have spots or stripes? Well, maybe you havent, but it is interesting that so many creatures are multicolored but we are not

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Has Earths Gravitational Pull Been Changing? 地球的引力改变过吗? Don, why are you slouching? Dont you know its bad for you? 唐,为啥你无精打采?你不知道这对你不好? Did you know that about 200 tons of debris strike the

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The animated mock documentary Surf's Up is a delightfully rendered summer diversion in which a tiny Rockhopper penguin named Cody Maverick aspires to be a surfing champion. Young Cody (voiced by Shia LaBeouf) is discovered in his native Shiverpool by

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Astronomers And Cancer Researchers Work Together To Fight Cancer 天文学家和癌症研究者共同抗击癌症 At first glance, astronomers and cancer researchers may not seem to have a lot in common. After all, astronomers spend their time gazing

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Killer Cats: Cats Kill Up To 3.7 Billion Birds Each Year 杀手猫:猫每年杀死37亿只禽类 Its time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: 又到了《科学一刻》听众来信时间了。一位听众写道: De

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Heart Rate: What A Babys Heart Rate Should Be 婴儿的心率应该为多少呢? Picture new parents cooing at their baby on the couch. The babys quiet and calm, and everyones at rest. So their heart rates are low, maybe 60 or 70 beats a minute for

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How Did Dogs Become Mans Best Friend? 狗是如何让成为人类最好的朋友的呢? Weve all heard the phrase dog is mans best friend. But how did dogs get to be so friendly with humans? It turns out that dog domestication wasnt simply a matter

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Years Ago, The Year Was 400 Days Long 多年前,一年长达400天 Don: Yaeuml;l, do you notice the days changing length over the course of the year? 东:雅瑶,你有注意到一年中每一天的长度在改变么? Yaeuml;l: Sure, Don, it s

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Tips For Predicting Baseball Scores 如何预测棒球比赛成绩? If youre a true sports fan, youve probably lost sleep wondering if jet lag affects the performance of your favorite teams. 如果你是铁杆体育迷,你可能会通宵熬夜,想

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Why Cashews Arent Sold In The Shell 为何腰果不带壳销售 Part of the fun of eating almonds or pecans is cracking the shell and getting the nut. But, some nuts, like cashews, are almost always sold shelled and roasted. Why arent cashews sold in

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Where Does The Brain Process Moral Decisions? 大脑的哪个部分与做道德决策有关呢? Yaeuml;l And Don Try An Experiment 雅艾尔和唐在做实验 Don: Yaeuml;l, suppose theres a trolley thats about to run over five people. Do you flip

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When Good Bananas Go Bad 当香蕉开始腐坏 Have you ever wonder why bananas seem to go bad so quickly? And why do they develop those brown spots? 你是否曾好奇过为什么香蕉特别容易坏掉,并长出棕色的斑点呢? Well, those

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Can Oxygen Be Toxic? 氧气有毒吗? In order for us to live we must have oxygen, so how can it be bad for us? Today we explain how oxygen can be toxic. 氧气是我们生存所必需的,所以它怎么会对我们有害呢?今天我们来解释

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What Animals Are Most Like People 什么动物和人类最像 Once again we go to the mailbag. A listener writes: 我们又一次打开邮箱。一位听众写到 Dear A Moment of Science, Besides chimps, which animals do you think are the most like

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Think Positive And Feel Positive 积极的想法与豁达的心态 When youre in a stressful situation, are you confident or insecure? Do you react positively or negatively? 当你身处压力时,你是自信满满还是不知所措?是行动更积

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What Does Ecstasy Do To Your Brain? 摇头丸会对大脑产生怎样的作用? If youve read or heard the news youve probably heard about a drug called ecstasy, or e for short. Favored by users for its intensely pleasurable high, and condemned by

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Marine Animals Have Interesting Sleeping Habits 海洋生物有趣的睡觉习惯 Many people know that marine mammals, like whales, porpoises and dolphins, breathe air, like we do. But, many people dont know that marine mammals have developed some i

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Fruit Flies Love Alcohol! 果蝇喜欢酒精! When human females are pregnant, theyre advised to stay away from alcohol, for fear of harming the fetus. And most parents refrain from giving their infants bottles full of whiskey or beer, for obvious

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