时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:文化聚焦


45 本世纪初美国最成功的记者之一艾达·塔贝尔

BYLINE=Paul Thompson

       I'm Shirley Griffith.
       VOICE TWO:
       And I'm Ray Freeman with the Special English program, People in America.  Every week we tell about a person who was important in the history of the United 1 States.  Today we tell about reporter Ida Minerva Tarbell.        (((THEME)))
       VOICE ONE:
       Ida Minerva Tarbell was one of the most successful magazine writers in the United States earlier this century.  She wrote important stories at a time when women had few social or political 2 rights.
       Ida Tarbell used her reporting skills against one of the most powerful 3 companies in the world.  That company was Standard Oil. Ida Tarbell charged that Standard Oil was using (1) illegal 4 methods to hurt or destroy smaller oil companies.
       She (2) investigated 7 these illegal business dealings and wrote about them for a magazine called McClure's.  The reports she wrote led to (3) legal 5 cases that continued all the way to the (4) Supreme 8 Court of the United States.       (((MUSIC BRIDGE)))
       VOICE TWO:
       Ida Tarbell was born in the eastern state of (5) Pennsylvania in November, Eighteen-Fifty-Seven.  Her family did not have much money.  Her father worked hard but had not been very successful. When Ida was three years old, oil was (6) discovered in the nearby town of Titusville.  Her father entered the oil business.  He (7)struggled as a small businessman to (8)compete with the large oil companies.
       Ida's mother had been a school teacher.  She made sure that Ida attended school.  She also helped the young girl learn her school work.
       Ida wanted to study science at college.  Most people at that time thought it was not important for young women to learn anything more than to read and write.  Most people thought educating women was a waste of money.
       Ida's parents, however, believed education was important...even for women.  They sent her to Allegheny College in nearby Meadville, Pennsylvania.  She was nineteen.
       VOICE ONE:
       Those who knew Ida Tarbell in college say she would wake up at four o'clock in the morning to study.  She was never happy with her school work until she thought it was (9)perfect.
       In Eighteen-Eighty, Ida finished college.
       In August of that year, she got a teaching 9 job in (10)Poland, (11)Ohio.     It paid five-hundred dollars a year.
       VOICE TWO:
       Miss Tarbell learned 10 that she was expected to teach (12)subjects about which she knew nothing.  She was able to do so by reading the school books before the students did.  She was a (13) successful teacher, but the work, she decided 11, was too difficult for the (14)amount she was paid.  So she returned home after one year.  A small newspaper in the town of Meadville soon (15)offered her a job.
       Many years later, Ida Tarbell said she had never considered being a writer.  She took the job with the newspaper only because she needed the money.  At first, she worked only a few hours each week.  Later, however, she was working sixteen hours a day.  She discovered that she loved to see things she had written printed in the paper.  She worked very hard at becoming a good writer.
       VOICE ONE:
       Miss Tarbell enjoyed working for the newspaper.  She discovered, though, that she was interested in stories that were too long for the paper to print.  She also wanted to study in France.  To earn money while in Paris, she decided she would write for American magazines.
       Ida Tarbell found it difficult to live in Paris without much money.  She also found it difficult to sell her work to magazines.  The magazines were in the United States.  She was in Paris.  Some of her stories were never used because it took too long for them to reach the magazine.  Yet she continued to write. Several magazines soon learned that she was a serious writer.
       VOICE TWO:
       A man named Samuel McClure visited Miss Tarbell in Paris.  He owned a magazine named "McClure's."  Mister 12 McClure had read several of her stories.  He wanted her to return to the United States and work for his magazine.  She immediately understood that this was a very good offer.  But she said no.  She (16)proposed that she write for "McClure's" from Paris.
       Ida Tarbell wrote many stories for "McClure's."  She did this for some time before returning to the United States.  Her writing was very popular.  She helped make "McClure's" one of the most successful magazines of its day.       One of her first jobs for the magazine was a (17) series 15 of stories about the life of the French (18)Emperor (19)Napoleon.  The series was printed in "McClure's Magazine" in Eighteen-Ninety-Four.  It was an immediate 13 success.  The series was later printed as a book. It was very popular for a number of years.
       VOICE ONE:
       Her next (20)project was a series about the life of American President Abraham Lincoln.  She began her research by talking with people who had known 16 him.  She used nothing they told her, however, unless she could prove it was true to the best of her (21)ability.
       "McClure's Magazine" wanted a short series about President Lincoln.  But Ida Tarbell's series lasted for one year in the magazine.  Like her series about Napoleon, the President Lincoln stories were immediately popular.  They helped sell more magazines.  She continued her research about President Lincoln. Through the years, she would write eight books about President Lincoln.
       (((MUSIC BRIDGE)))
       VOICE TWO:
       Miss Tarbell's reports about the Standard Oil Company are considered more important than any of her other writings.  Her nineteen part series was called "The History of the Standard Oil Company. "McClure's Magazine" (22)published it beginning in Nineteen-Oh-Two.
       Her reports showed that Standard Oil used illegal methods to make other companies lose business.  One method was to sell oil in one area of the country for much less than than the oil was worth. This (23)caused smaller companies in that area to fail.  They could not sell their oil for that low a price and still make a (24)profit. After a company failed, Standard Oil would then increase the price of its oil.  This kind of unfair (25)competition was illegal.
       VOICE ONE:
       Miss Tarbell had trouble discovering (26)information about the Standard Oil Company.  She tried to talk to businessmen who worked in the oil business.  At first, few would agree to talk. They were afraid of the Standard Oil Company and its owner, John D. Rockefeller.  He was one of the richest and most powerful men in the world.
       Miss Tarbell kept seeking information.  She was told by one man that Rockefeller would try to destroy "McClure's Magazine."  But she did not listen to the (27)threats.  She soon found (28)evidence 18 that Standard Oil had been using unfair and illegal methods to destroy other oil companies.  Soon many people were helping 19 her find the evidence she needed.
       VOICE TWO:
       Ida Tarbell's (29)investigations into Standard Oil were partly (30)responsible 21 for later legal action by the (31)federal 22 government against the company.  The case began in Nineteen-Oh-Six.  In Nineteen-Eleven, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against Standard Oil because of its illegal dealings.  The decision was a major one.  It forced the huge company to (32)separate 23 into thirty-six different companies.
       John D. Rockefeller never had to appear in court himself.  Yet the public felt he was responsible for his company's illegal actions.  The (33)investigative work of Ida Tarbell helped form that public (34)opinion.  That investigative work continues to be what she is known for, even though some of her later writings defended American business.  She died in Nineteen-Forty-Four.
       (((MUSIC BRIDGE)))
       VOICE ONE:
       A picture has (35)survived from the long ago days when Ida Tarbell took on the giant Standard Oil Company.  It shows John D-Rockefeller walking to his car.  It was taken after his company had lost an important court battle. He is wearing a tall black hat and a long coat.  He looks angry.
       Several people are watching the famous man from the behind the car.  One is a very tall woman.  Mister Rockefeller does not see her.
       If you look closely 24 at the picture, you can see the face of Ida Tarbell.  She is smiling.  If you know the story, her smile clearly says, "I won."       (((THEME)))
       VOICE TWO:
       This Special English program was written and produced by Paul Thompson.  I'm Ray Freeman.
       VOICE ONE:
       And I'm Shirley Griffith.  Join us again next week at this time for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program, on VOA.

(1) illegal [ i5li:^El ]adj.违法的
(2) investigate 6 [ in5vesti^eit ]v.调查, 研究
(3) legal [ 5li:^El ]adj.法律的, 法定的, 合法
(4) Supreme Court最高法院
(5) Pennsylvania [ pensil5veinjE, -niE ]n.宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名)
(6) discover [ dis5kQvE ]vt.发现
(7) struggle [ 5strQ^l ] vi.努力, 奋斗, 挣扎
(8) compete [ kEm5pi:t ]vi. 竞争
(9) perfect [ 5pE:fikt ] adj.完美的
(10) Poland [ 5pEulEnd ]n.波兰(中欧国家)
(11) Ohio [ Eu5haiEu ]n.俄亥俄州(美国州名)
(12) subject [ 5sQbdVikt ]n.科目, 学科
(13) successful [ sEk5sesful ]adj.成功的
(14) amount [ E5maunt ]n.数量
(15) offer [ 5CfE ] vt.提供
(16) propose 14 [ prE5pEuz ]vt.建议
(17) series [ 5siEri:z ]n.系列
(18) emperor [ 5empErE ]n.皇帝
(19) Napoleon [ nE5pEuljEn, -liEn ]n.拿破仑
(20) project [ 5prCdVekt ]n.计划
(21) ability [ E5biliti ]n.能力
(22) publish [ 5pQbliF ] vt. 发表
(23) cause [ kC:z ] vt.引起
(24) profit [ 5prCfit ]n.利润
(25) competition [ kCmpi5tiFEn ]n.竞争, 竞赛
(26) information [ 7infE5meiFEn ]n.信息
(27) threat 17 [ Wret ]n. 威胁
(28) evidence [ 5evidEns ]n.证据
(29) investigation 20 [ in7vesti5^eiFEn ]n.调查
(30) responsible [ ris5pCnsEbl ]adj.有责任的
(31) federal [ 5fedErEl ]adj.联邦的
(32) separate [ 5sepEreit ] v.分开
(33) investigative [In`vestI^eItIv]adj.研究的
(34) opinion [ E5pinjEn ]n.看法
(35) survive [ sE5vaiv ]v.幸存

1 united
  • The whole nation is closely united.全国人民紧密团结。
  • The two men were united by community of interests.共同的利益使两个人结合在一起。
2 political
  • He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.因为政治原因他被迫离开自己的祖国。
  • In ideas those two political parties are worlds apart.那两个政党在思想上有巨大分歧。
3 powerful
  • The UN began to get more and more powerful.联合国开始变得越来越强大了。
  • Such are the most powerful voices of our times!这些就是我们时代的最有力的声音!
4 illegal
  • I don't want to get mixed up with any illegal organization.我不想与任何非法组织有牵连。
  • It's illegal for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.在英国,不满17岁的人驾驶车辆是违法的。
5 legal
  • He is my legal adviser.他是我的法律顾问。
  • This is partly a political and partly a legal question.这个问题部分是政治问题,部分是法律问题。
6 investigate
  • Police investigate the cause of car accident.警察调查车祸的原因。
  • The government of the United States began at once to investigate the case.美国政府立即开始调查此案。
7 investigated
v.调查( investigate的过去式和过去分词 );审查;侦查;研究
  • The crime is presently being investigated by the police. 警方目前正在调查这起案件。
  • He has carefully investigated the allegations. 他对这些指控作了详细调查。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 supreme
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
9 teaching
  • We all agree in adopting the new teaching method. 我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。
  • He created a new system of teaching foreign languages.他创造了一种新的外语教学体系。
10 learned
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
11 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
12 mister
  • Mister Smith is my good friend.史密斯先生是我的好朋友。
  • He styled himself " Mister Clean ".他自称是“清廉先生”。
13 immediate
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
14 propose
  • Did he propose marriage to you?他向你求婚了吗?
  • I propose resting for an hour.我建议休息一小时。
15 series
  • The students have put forward a series of questions.学生们提出了一系列问题。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
16 known
  • He is a known artist.他是一个知名的艺术家。
  • He is known both as a painter and as a statesman.他是知名的画家及政治家。
17 threat
  • Never submit to a threat.永远不要屈服于威胁。
  • There was a threat of typhoon.有刮台风的兆头。
18 evidence
  • The first signs of spring are in evidence.春天的最初迹象已显然可见。
  • From the evidence I must conclude that you are wrong.从证据看,我敢断定你错了。
19 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
20 investigation
  • In an investigation,a new fact became known, which told against him.在调查中新发现了一件对他不利的事实。
  • He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation.他根据自己的调查研究作出结论。
21 responsible
  • He must be responsible to me for this matter.这件事他必须对我负责。
  • The police are responsible for the preservation of law and order.警察负责维持法律与秩序。
22 federal
  • Switzerland is a federal republic.瑞士是一个联邦共和国。
  • The schools are screaming for federal aid.那些学校强烈要求联邦政府的援助。
23 separate
  • Are they joined together or separate?它们是合在一起还是分开的?
  • Separate the white clothes from the dark clothes before laundering.洗衣前应当把浅色衣服和深色衣服分开。
24 closely
  • We shall follow closely the development of the situation.我们将密切注意形势的发展。
  • The two companies are closely tied up with each other.这两家公司之间有密切联系。
A A Milne
a head of cattle
autumn equinox tide
be called on
Berlin black
billie jean moffitt kings
binary colour
body builder,body-builder
bolt rope
Chiffonnier's disease
circulating oil bath
claims settlement
coordinated audit
cylinder tube
data analysis language
dibenzyl sulfone
Dien Bien Phu
dirty pool
do you want
dorsal fascia of hand
dual winding convergence magnet
eimeria suis
fossae cerebri lateralis
freeze substitution method
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
gross requirement
in terms of something
influence coefficient method
international rubber hardness degrees(IRHD)
legacy protocol
matrix retainer
medium transportation truck company
more haste, less speed
multi-cellular glass
natural gas purifying treatment
no bit
node of Ranvier
non-audit engagement
operational characteristic curve of turbine set
placenta and ovum scoop
principle of tax administration
ready-money crop
reduction to flux
refreshment boat
resistance spot weld
selected curve
significance of digit position
single determination
Start the Week
steam cracking
storage spaces
summer fog
sure-thing principle
ta chuan
telicota ohara formosana
temperature coefficient of resistivity
to and for
transformer locomotive
uniform of the day
wayside signaling
wear plate leakage
Wilson Pirrie rudder gear
working contact