时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:圣经旧约 以西结书

46" 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: The gate of the inner court facing east is to be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it is to be opened.
2The prince is to enter from the outside through the portico 1 of the gateway 2 and stand by the gatepost. The priests are to sacrifice his burnt offering and his fellowship offerings. He is to worship at the threshold of the gateway and then go out, but the gate will not be shut until evening.
3On the Sabbaths and New Moons the people of the land are to worship in the presence of the LORD at the entrance to that gateway.
4The burnt offering the prince brings to the LORD on the Sabbath day is to be six male lambs and a ram 3, all without defect.
5The grain offering given with the ram is to be an ephah, and the grain offering with the lambs is to be as much as he pleases, along with a hin of oil for each ephah.
6On the day of the New Moon he is to offer a young bull, six lambs and a ram, all without defect.
7He is to provide as a grain offering one ephah with the bull, one ephah with the ram, and with the lambs as much as he wants to give, along with a hin of oil with each ephah.
8When the prince enters, he is to go in through the portico of the gateway, and he is to come out the same way.
9" 'When the people of the land come before the LORD at the appointed feasts, whoever enters by the north gate to worship is to go out the south gate; and whoever enters by the south gate is to go out the north gate. No one is to return through the gate by which he entered, but each is to go out the opposite gate.
10The prince is to be among them, going in when they go in and going out when they go out.
11" 'At the festivals and the appointed feasts, the grain offering is to be an ephah with a bull, an ephah with a ram, and with the lambs as much as one pleases, along with a hin of oil for each ephah.
12When the prince provides a freewill offering to the LORD -whether a burnt offering or fellowship offerings-the gate facing east is to be opened for him. He shall offer his burnt offering or his fellowship offerings as he does on the Sabbath day. Then he shall go out, and after he has gone out, the gate will be shut.
13" 'Every day you are to provide a year-old lamb without defect for a burnt offering to the LORD ; morning by morning you shall provide it.
14You are also to provide with it morning by morning a grain offering, consisting of a sixth of an ephah with a third of a hin of oil to moisten the flour. The presenting of this grain offering to the LORD is a lasting 4 ordinance 5.
15So the lamb and the grain offering and the oil shall be provided morning by morning for a regular burnt offering.
16" 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: If the prince makes a gift from his inheritance to one of his sons, it will also belong to his descendants; it is to be their property by inheritance.
17If, however, he makes a gift from his inheritance to one of his servants, the servant may keep it until the year of freedom; then it will revert 6 to the prince. His inheritance belongs to his sons only; it is theirs.
18The prince must not take any of the inheritance of the people, driving them off their property. He is to give his sons their inheritance out of his own property, so that none of my people will be separated from his property.' "
19Then the man brought me through the entrance at the side of the gate to the sacred rooms facing north, which belonged to the priests, and showed me a place at the western end.
20He said to me, "This is the place where the priests will cook the guilt 7 offering and the sin offering and bake the grain offering, to avoid bringing them into the outer court and consecrating 8 the people."
21He then brought me to the outer court and led me around to its four corners, and I saw in each corner another court.
22In the four corners of the outer court were enclosed courts, forty cubits long and thirty cubits wide; each of the courts in the four corners was the same size.
23Around the inside of each of the four courts was a ledge 9 of stone, with places for fire built all around under the ledge.
24He said to me, "These are the kitchens where those who minister at the temple will cook the sacrifices of the people."

1 portico
  • A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel.小教堂入口处宽敞的柱廊相当壮观。
  • The gateway and its portico had openings all around.门洞两旁与廊子的周围都有窗棂。
2 gateway
  • Hard work is the gateway to success.努力工作是通往成功之路。
  • A man collected tolls at the gateway.一个人在大门口收通行费。
3 ram
(random access memory)随机存取存储器
  • 512k RAM is recommended and 640k RAM is preferred.推荐配置为512K内存,640K内存则更佳。
4 lasting
  • The lasting war debased the value of the dollar.持久的战争使美元贬值。
  • We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles.我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。
5 ordinance
  • The Ordinance of 1785 provided the first land grants for educational purposes.1785年法案为教育目的提供了第一批土地。
  • The city passed an ordinance compelling all outdoor lighting to be switched off at 9.00 PM.该市通过一条法令强令晚上九点关闭一切室外照明。
6 revert
  • Let us revert to the earlier part of the chapter.让我们回到本章的前面部分。
  • Shall we revert to the matter we talked about yesterday?我们接着昨天谈过的问题谈,好吗?
7 guilt
  • She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。
  • Don't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork.别因为功课责备孩子而使他觉得很内疚。
8 consecrating
v.把…奉为神圣,给…祝圣( consecrate的现在分词 );奉献
  • Participant of Consecrating Wat Ling Khob Amulet. WLK佛牌(光辉之佛)加持的参与者。 来自互联网
9 ledge
  • They paid out the line to lower him to the ledge.他们放出绳子使他降到那块岩石的突出部分。
  • Suddenly he struck his toe on a rocky ledge and fell.突然他的脚趾绊在一块突出的岩石上,摔倒了。
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ogival nose
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