美国文化脱口秀 第273期:怎么跟老外解释火锅?
时间:2019-02-15 作者:英语课 分类:美国文化脱口秀
美国文化脱口秀 第273期:怎么跟老外解释火锅?
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- 1 美国文化脱口秀 第273期:怎么跟老外解释火锅?
中国 vs 外国的火锅
Hotpot: 火锅
Words and phrases: 词语、短语
Let's have some hotpot: 我们吃火锅吧!
Mother-in-law: 婆婆
Cook as you eat: 边吃边煮
Fondue: 奶酪火锅
A pot of melted cheese:一锅融化的芝士
Olive oil: 橄榄油
Dip bread in it: 把面包放在里面蘸
A bit much for me: 对我来说太腻了
Pot: 锅,汤锅
Soup/broth: 汤、烫头
Stew 1: 熬、炖的东西
Mandarin 2 duck: 鸳鸯
Half and half: 鸳鸯锅
Half spicy 3 and the other half non-spicy: 一半辣、一半不辣
Different levels of spiciness 4: 不同程度的辣
It numbs 5 your tongue: 让舌头麻木
Sichuan peppercorn: 四川花椒
Dried chilli pepper/dried chillis: 辣椒干
To dip the food quickly in the soup: 涮
Pull the food out: 把食物捞出来
Net: 网勺
Sliced beef: 牛肉片
Fatty beef: 肥牛
Marbled beef: 雪花牛肉
Lamb: 羊肉 (美国人常用)
Mutton: 羊肉 (英国人更常用)
Slices: 片
Intestines 6: 肠子
Brains: 脑子
Organs: 内脏、器官
Sweet breads: 内脏 (高级西餐中形容内脏的词)
I'm not fooled: 骗不了我
Tripe/stomach lining 7: 肚子
Balls: 丸子
Fish balls: 鱼丸
Meat balls:肉丸
shrimp 8 balls: 虾丸
Mushroom balls: 香菇丸
Soup balls: 撒尿牛肉丸
Cheese stuffed balls: 芝士夹心丸
Spam: 午餐肉 (spam有杂七杂八的意思。垃圾邮件的英语是spam, 午餐肉也是spam)
Processed food: 加工食品
Greens: 绿叶菜
Sprout: 豆苗
Potato: 土豆
Black fungus: 黑木耳
Mushroom: 菌菇
Needle mushroom: 金针菇
Sauce: 酱料
Peanut better:花生酱
Sesame paste:芝麻酱
Sesame oil:麻油
Fragrant: 很香
Coriander/cilantro: 香菜
Some people think cilantro tastes like dish soap: 有些人觉得香菜的味道像洗洁精
Soy sauce:酱油
Pickled Fermented tofu: 腐乳
Dried hotpot: 干锅
- The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
- There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
- Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue.大约有十亿以上的人口以华语为母语。
- Mandarin will be the new official language of the European Union.普通话会变成欧盟新的官方语言。
- The soup tasted mildly spicy.汤尝起来略有点辣。
- Very spicy food doesn't suit her stomach.太辣的东西她吃了胃不舒服。
- For that extra spiciness, add powdered nutmeg to taste. 至于要得到那种额外的香味,酌量加入肉豆蔻粉。 来自互联网
- Aside from a graph a thermometer will be used to show spiciness. 除了文字标记以外,还将用温度表图像形象地表达辣度。 来自互联网
v.使麻木,使麻痹( numb的第三人称单数 )
- Patients inhale a topical anesthetic that numbs their nasal passages and throat. 病人吸入一种局部麻醉药,能够麻醉他们的鼻道和喉部。 来自互联网
- SATIATION-Numbs them out, they feel nurtured by the numbing experience. 满足感-自我麻木,他们希望生活在麻木中。 来自互联网
n.肠( intestine的名词复数 )
- Perhaps the most serious problems occur in the stomach and intestines. 最严重的问题或许出现在胃和肠里。 来自辞典例句
- The traps of carnivorous plants function a little like the stomachs and small intestines of animals. 食肉植物的捕蝇器起着动物的胃和小肠的作用。 来自辞典例句
- The lining of my coat is torn.我的外套衬里破了。
- Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.用苔藓垫在铁丝篮里很漂亮。