音乐咖啡厅:Why Do I Feel So Sad-Alicia Keys
- 1 音乐咖啡厅:Why Do I Feel So Sad-Alicia Keys
一夜成名并非易事, 尤其在强手如林的美国歌坛。十几岁就声名鹊起的歌手Britney Spears 从小就开始在迪斯尼登台演出,积累了丰富的舞台经验。而2001年倍受瞩目的创作女歌手Alicia Keys 的成功则又一次证明了“幸运总是降临到有准备的人身上”。
出生于纽约市哈莱姆区的Alicia Keys从五岁起开始学钢琴,她的妈妈鼓励她,“除了钢琴课,其它的你都可以放弃”。在曼哈顿专业表演艺术学校的时候,她遇到了一位耐心的老师,对她进行了悉心的声乐指导。虽然主攻艺术,她的其它学科也毫不逊色。1998年,16岁的她提前从高中毕业,被著名的哥伦比亚大学录取。经过考虑,她决定暂缓大学的课程而与Arista Records 签约,全力投身于音乐。
2001年无疑是Alicia Keys尽情展露才华的一年。6月,她发行了首张个人专辑“Songs in A Minor”。 MTV Music Video Awards 的最佳新人、Billboard 的最佳女歌手、最佳新人、最佳R&B/Hip-Hop 女歌手等荣誉不得不使人对这位尤其擅长黑人灵魂乐的新生代才女刮目相看。
这首“Why Do I Feel So Sad?” 讲述了面对与朋友分手时的悲哀和无奈。早就知道感情多变、世事无常,原本一颗麻木的心应已不知伤痛为何物,但 “我为何如此悲伤?”这样的对比反问使心中的酸楚和失落表达得更为深切,耐人寻味。
Friends we've been for so long
Now true colors are showing
Makes me wanna cry oh yes it does
Cuz I had to say goodbye
By now I should know
That in time things would change
So it shouldn't be so bad
So why do I feel so sad
How can I adjust
To the way that things are going
It's killing me slowly
Oh I just want it to be how it used to be
Cuz I wish that I could stay
But in time things must change
So it shouldn't be so bad
So why do I feel so sad
You cannot hide the way you feel inside I realize
Your actions speak much louder than words
So tell me why oh
By now I should know that
That in time things would change
So it shouldn't be it shouldn't be so bad
So why do I feel so sad
By now I should know
That in time things must change
So it shouldn't be so bad
So why do I feel so sad
By now by now I should know
That in time things must grow
And I had to leave you behind
So why do I feel so sad
If it couldn't be that bad
Tell me why
By now I should know
That in time things would change
So it shouldn't be so bad
So why do I feel so sad