音乐咖啡厅:Narrow Daylight-几米阳光Diana Krall
- 1 音乐咖啡厅:Narrow Daylight-几米阳光Diana Krall
有漂亮金发与抑郁的眼睛,还有着危险的过去,自弹自唱时,传递的歌声与琴声却完全属于自己。Diana Krall,给你最真的爵士感动!
Artist: Diana Krall
Song: Narrow Daylight
Narrow daylight entered my room
Shining hours were brief
Winter is over
Summer is near
Are we stronger than we believe?
I walked through halls of reputation
As the camera clings to the common thread
Beyond all vanity
Into a gaze to shoot you through
Is the kindness we count upon
Hidden in everyone?
I stepped out in a sunlit groove 2
Although deep down I wished it would rain
Washing away all the sadness and tears
That will never fall so heavily again
Is the kindness we count upon
Hidden in everyone
I stood there in the salt spray air
Felt the wind sweeping 3 over my face
Ran up through the rocks to the old
wooden cross
It's a place where I can find some peace
Narrow daylight entered my room
Shining hours were brief
Winter is over
Summer is near
Are we stronger than we believe
歌手介绍Diana Krall:
今年三十三岁、爱吃日本料理的黛安娜 克瑞儿出生於英属哥伦比亚的纳奈摩镇,父亲是位会计师、而母亲是小学教师兼图书管理员,克瑞儿是家里两个女儿的老大。虽然家庭与音乐毫无关连(除了她的曾曾姑婆曾在纽约演出过轻歌剧之外),但是由於父亲收集为数众多的爵士唱片,尤其是Fats Waller那些自弹自唱的录音,让小克瑞儿极端崇拜,很自然地引领她将来朝著Singer-Pianist的演出模式走去。
97年的《Love Scenes》延续上一张爱的主题,也是以爵士三重奏的方式来诠释三、四十年代较不为人熟知的歌曲,除了情若兄妹的Malone外,参与《Only Trust Your Heart》演出的贝斯手Christian McBride也再度与克瑞儿合作,他们三重奏的模式在舞台上的表现,默契已经纯熟到彷佛有如心电感应,音乐上的交流更是完美无瑕,而克瑞儿的歌声听来也更加自然流畅,几乎没有刻意的矫揉造作,一如从心底深处发出的吟唱,这张精彩的专辑同样再度入围葛莱美奖。
克瑞儿能以这几张专辑与音乐演出,便为爵士世界掀起令人兴奋的涟漪,她的魅力的确完全凭藉於本身的实力,著名的爵士乐杂志「Down Beat」曾举办读者票选活动,克瑞儿甚至超越Ella Fitzgerald而排名第三,但是她却说:“那真是愚蠢的行为!”因为克瑞儿成名了,仍未丧失她小镇女孩的天性,“我不会考虑我自己要像Sarah Vaugan或是Cassandra Wilson那样成为传奇性的伟大人物,我只是唱歌,用我能够且拥有的方式去唱。”
至此,戴安娜已拥有广大的乐迷。99年【温柔眼神When I Look in Your Eyes】,两年间雄据告示牌杂志爵士专辑榜冠军达74周,仅北美地区便已销售超过百万张,且成为25年来首位葛莱美年度最佳流行专辑奖项提名的爵士艺人,结果她以【温柔眼神】荣获爵士乐最佳演唱奖。近两年她的名气迅速窜升,许多演艺界红星包括哈里逊.福特、艾尔顿.强、史汀都对她赞赏有加,连前美国总统柯林顿,也曾公开赞扬她的绝佳歌声。
- He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes.他因反对女性主义而声名狼藉。
- I was shocked by her infamous behaviour.她的无耻行径令我震惊。
- They're happy to stay in the same old groove.他们乐于墨守成规。
- The cupboard door slides open along the groove.食橱门沿槽移开。