口腔临床英语对话 第7期:牙科手术(2)
时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:口腔临床英语对话
口腔临床英语对话 第7期:牙科手术(2)
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- 1 口腔临床英语对话 第7期:牙科手术(2)
What is the chance of the pulp 1 dying,Doctor?
You can't be absolutely sure in these cases,but I'm very confident (sure) that everything will be OK.
你的情况不一定是牙髓坏死, 我有信心一切会弄好的。
When the pulp of a tooth dies as a result of a deep cavity, the tooth will become infected.
当蛀牙的洞太深,使得牙髓坏死, 牙齿就会受到感染。
What happens when a tooth is infected?
A toothache or swelling 2 will eventually develop in a tooth that's infected.
A tooth might become infected many weeks or months after the decay has been removed.
Would there be any pain?
There might not be any pain if the infection is mild or if it finds a way to drain (if a fistula develops).
假如感染轻微的话, 或者找到引流的通道的话, 就不会疼。
If the infection doesn't put pressure on a nerve there won't be any pain.
Sometimes my tooth is sensitive to cold.
I'll put a lining 3 under the amalgam 4 to insulate the tooth against sensitivity to cold.
那么, 我在银汞下面垫上东西,使得牙齿决不会对冷有反应。
As you know, large fillings are sometimes sensitive to cold because metal is a good conductor of temperature changes.
你是知道的, 填补进去的东西要是很大的话,那么,有时对冷是有反映的,因为金属是良导体,对于温度的变化是敏感的。
The tooth may be sensitive to hot and cold foods for a while in spite of the insulation 5.
尽管有了绝缘物, 吃冷热的东西时可能在短暂时间内会有反应的。
Don't worry; the sensitivity will disappear in a week or two.
不用担心,在一,两周内这种反应是会消失的。 把你的牙齿轻轻地要紧。
Close your teeth gently. Does the filling feel high?
It feels fine.
Now tap your teeth together and slide your jaw 6 from side to side.
现在把你的牙齿轻轻地咬在一起, 然后把颌往两侧移动。
Good. That's it. The filling is finished.
好。 就是这样, 补好了。
Thank you, Doctor.
Don't chew on that side of your mouth for at least 8 hours. That will give the filling a chance to harden.
至少在八个小时内不要用你嘴巴的这一边咬东西, 这样补上的东西就会有时间变的结实。
I'll polish it during your next appointment.
As I said before, there's a small chance that the pulp will die because of deep decay.
就像我先前所说, 因为蛀牙洞深了, 牙髓还是有坏死的可能。
If you get a toothache in that tooth we can still save it by doing a root canal treatment.
假如你这颗还痛的话, 我们还是可以进行根管治疗把它保住。
Don't worry. I don't think that you'll have any trouble.
不用担心, 我认为你不会有什么麻烦摸的。
1 pulp
- The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。
- The company manufactures pulp and paper products.这个公司制造纸浆和纸产品。
2 swelling
- Use ice to reduce the swelling. 用冰敷消肿。
- There is a marked swelling of the lymph nodes. 淋巴结处有明显的肿块。
3 lining
- The lining of my coat is torn.我的外套衬里破了。
- Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.用苔藓垫在铁丝篮里很漂亮。
4 amalgam
- To counter this myth,we explained that we're really an amalgam of little guys.为了打破这个神话,我们解释说,我们确实是由一群小小的老百姓所组成的混合体。
- American literature is to our eyes a curious amalgam of familiar and strange.我们认为,美国文学把我们所熟悉的和陌生的东西奇妙地结合起来了。
5 insulation
- Please examine the insulation of the electric wires in my house.请检查一下我屋子里电线的绝缘情况。
- It is always difficult to assure good insulation between the electric leads.要保证两个电触头之间有良好的绝缘总是很困难的。