Three days later, just as I bend over to pick up the grubby little sneakerGrayer has hurled into the Xes' marble entryway, the front door slamsbehind me with a loud bang. I jerk upright, still holding his shoe. Shit.I heard you! You said 'Shit.' You
Hi, this is Alexis at the Parents League. I'm just calling to follow up on the uniform guidelines we sent over . .. The blond woman volunteering behind the reception desk holds up a bejeweled finger, signaling me to wait while she continues on the ph
The following Monday on my way to meet Mrs. X, I make a quick stop at my favorite stationery store to stock up on Post-its. Today my Filofax only has two Post-its: a tiny pink one imploring me to BUY MORE POST-ITS and a green one reminding me that I
Hi, Grayer! I say, smiling down at the top of his blond head. He's wearing a white oxford button-down Polo shirt, untucked on one side, containing the evidence of a morning hard at work: finger paint, what looks like glue, and one lone macaroni. How
My grandmother greets me in her entryway in a linen Mao Tse-tung outfit and pearls. Darling! Come in. I was just finishing my tai-chi. She gives me a kiss on both cheeks and a solid hug for good measure. Honey, you're damp. Would you like to shower?