时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:高级英语 上


2.Hiroshima - The "Liveliest" City in Japan


Jacques Danvoir

“Hiroshima! Everybody off!” That must be what the man in the Japanese stationmaster's uniform shouted, as the fastest train in the world slipped to a stop in Hiroshima Station. I did not understand what he was saying. First of all, because he was shouting in Japanese. And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say. The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken. Was I not at the scene of the crime?

  The Japanese crowd did not appear to have the same preoccupations that I had. From the sidewalk outside the station, things seemed much the same as in other Japanese cities. Little girls and elderly ladies in kimonos rubbed shoulders with teenagers and women in western dress. Serious looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them, and bobbed up and down repeatedly in little bows, as they exchanged the ritual formula of gratitude and respect: "Tomo aligato gozayimas." Others were using little red telephones that hung on the facades of grocery stores and tobacco shops.

  "Hi! Hi!" said the cab driver, whose door popped open at the very sight of a traveler. "Hi", or something that sounds very much like it, means "yes". "Can you take me to City Hall?" He grinned at me in the rear-view mirror and repeated "Hi!" "Hi! ’ We set off at top speed through the narrow streets of Hiroshima. The tall buildings of the martyred city flashed by as we lurched from side to side in response to the driver's sharp twists of the wheel.

  Just as I was beginning to find the ride long, the taxi screeched to a halt, and the driver got out and went over to a policeman to ask the way. As in Tokyo, taxi drivers in Hiroshima often know little of their city, but to avoid loss of face before foreigners, will not admit their ignorance, and will accept any destination without concern for how long it may take them to find it.

  At last this intermezzo came to an end, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall. The usher bowed deeply and heaved a long, almost musical sigh, when I showed him the invitation which the mayor had sent me in response to my request for an interview. "That is not here, sir," he said in English. "The mayor expects you tonight for dinner with other foreigners on the restaurant boat. See? This is where it is.” He sketched a little map for me on the back of my invitation.

  Thanks to his map, I was able to find a taxi driver who could take me straight to the canal embankment , where a sort of barge with a roof like one on a Japanese house was moored . The Japanese build their traditional houses on boats when land becomes too expensive. The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.

  At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes. This done, I entered one of the low-ceilinged rooms of the little floating house, treading cautiously on the soft matting and experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks.

  He was a tall, thin man, sad-eyed and serious. Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the station returned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony .

  The introductions were made. Most of the guests were Japanese, and it was difficult for me to ask them just why we were gathered here. The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited as I was. "Gentlemen," said the mayor, "I am happy to welcome you to Hiroshima."

  Everyone bowed, including the Westerners. After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.

  "Gentlemen, it is a very great honor to have you here in Hiroshima."

  There were fresh bows, and the faces grew more and more serious each time the name Hiroshima was repeated.

          "Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar to everyone,” continued the mayor.

  "Yes, yes, of course,” murmured the company, more and more agitated.

  "Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for its--- oysters".

  I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie .

  "Hiroshima – oysters? What about the bomb and the misery and humanity's most heinous crime?" While the mayor went on with his speech in praise of southern Japanese sea food, I cautiously backed away and headed toward the far side of the room, where a few men were talking among themselves and paying little attention to the mayor's speech. "You look puzzled," said a small Japanese man with very large eye-glasses.

  "Well, I must confess that I did not expect a speech about oysters here. I thought that Hiroshima still felt the impact of the atomic cataclysm ."

  "No one talks about it any more, and no one wants to, especially, the people who were born here or who lived through it.

"Do you feel the same way, too?"

  "I was here, but I was not in the center of town. I tell you this because I am almost an old man. There are two different schools of thought in this city of oysters, one that would like to preserve traces of the bomb, and the other that would like to get rid of everything, even the monument that was erected at the point of impact. They would also like to demolish the atomic museum."

  "Why would they want to do that?"

  "Because it hurts everybody, and because time marches on. That is why." The small Japanese man smiled, his eyes nearly closed behind their thick lenses. "If you write about this city, do not forget to say that it is the gayest city in Japan, even it many of the town's people still bear hidden wounds, and burns."

Like any other, the hospital smelled of formaldehyde and ether. Stretchers and wheelchairs lined the walls of endless corridors, and nurses walked by carrying nickel-plated instruments, the very sight of which would send shivers down the spine of any healthy visitor. The so-called atomic section was located on the third floor. It consisted of 17 beds.

  "I am a fisherman by trade. I have been here a very long time, more than twenty years, "said an old man in Japanese pajamas. “What is wrong with you?”

  "Something inside. I was in Hiroshima when it happened. I saw the fire ball. But I had no burns on my face or body. I ran all over the city looking for missing friends and relatives. I thought somehow I had been spared. But later my hair began to fall out, and my belly turned to water. I felt sick, and ever since then they have been testing and treating me. "

The doctor at my side explained and commented upon the old man's story, "We still hare a handful of patients here who are being kept alive by constant care. The others died as a result of their injuries, or else committed suicide . "

  "Why did they commit suicide?"

  "It is humiliating to survive in this city. If you bear any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will encounter prejudice on the part of those who do not. No one will marry the daughter or the niece of an atomic bomb victim. People are afraid of genetic damage from the radiation." The old fisherman gazed at me politely and with interest.

  Hanging over the patient was a big ball made of bits of brightly colored paper, folded into the shape of tiny birds. "What's that?" I asked.

  "Those are my lucky birds. Each day that I escape death, each day of suffering that helps to free me from earthly cares, I make a new little paper bird, and add it to the others. This way I look at them and congratulate myself of the good fortune that my illness has brought me. Because, thanks to it, I have the opportunity to improve my character."

Once again, outside in the open air, I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I'd prepared in advance for interviews with the patients of the atomic ward. Among them was the question: Do you really think that Hiroshima is the liveliest city in Japan? I never asked it. But I could read the answer in every eye.

(from an American radio program presented by Ed Kay)



(节 选)











  到场的宾客们被互相介绍了一番。他们大多数都是日本人,我也不好开口去问为什么要请我们来这儿聚会。在场的少数几位美国人和德国人看来也同我一样有些局促不安。 “先生们,”市长开言道,“我很高兴欢迎你们到广岛来。”



  大家又开始鞠躬。随着广岛这一名字的一次次重复,大家的面容变得越来越严肃起来。 “广岛,大家知道,是一座大家都很熟悉的城市,”市长接着说道。












  “因为那些东西使人伤感,因为时代毕竟在前进。”小个子日本人面带微笑,一双眼睛在厚厚的镜片后面眯成了一条缝。“假如您要描写这座城市的话,千万别忘记告诉人们这是日本最快乐的城市,尽管这里的市民许多人身上还带着暗伤和明显的灼伤。”※ 和其他任何一家医院一样,这家医院里也弥漫着甲醛和乙醚的气味。长得看不到尽头的走廊墙边排列着无数的担架和轮椅,穿廊而过的护士手中都端着镀镍的医疗器械,使得来这儿的健康人一看便脊背发凉。所谓原子病区设在三楼,共有十七个病床。








  他的病床上方悬挂着一个由许多叠成小鸟形状的五颜六色的纸片结成的大纸团。 “那是什么?”我问道。





reportorial ( adj.) :reporting报道的,报告的


kimono ( n.) :a loose out garment with short,wide sleeve and a sash。part of the traditional costume of Japanese men and women和服


preoccupation ( n.) :a matter which takes up an one's attention令人全神贯注的事物


oblivious ( adj.) :forgetful or unmindful(usually with of or to)忘却的;健忘的(常与of或to连用)


bob ( v.) :move or act in a bobbing manner,move suddenly or jerkily;to curtsy quickly上下跳动,晃动;行屈膝礼


ritual ( adj.) : of or having the nature of,or done as a rite or rites仪式的,典礼的


facade ( n.) :the front of a building;part of a building facing a street,courtyard,etc.(房屋)正面,门面


lurch ( v.) :roll,pitch,or sway suddenly forward or to one side突然向前(或向侧面)倾斜


intermezzo ( n.) :a short piece of music played alone.or one which connects longer pieces插曲;间奏曲


gigantic ( adj.) :very big;huge;colossal;immense巨大的,庞大的,其大无比的


usher ( n.) :an official doorkeeper门房;传达员


heave (v.) :utter(a sign,groan,etc.)with great effort or pain(费劲或痛苦地)发出(叹息、呻吟声等)


barge ( n.) :a large boat,usually flat-bottomed,for carrying heavy freight on rivers,canals,etc.;a large pleasure boat,esp. one used for state ceremonies,pageants,etc.大驳船;(尤指用于庆典的)大型游艇


moor ( v.) :hold(a ship,etc.)in place by cables or chains to the shore,or by anchors,etc.系泊;锚泊


arresting (adj.) :attracting attention;interesting;striking引人注目的;有趣的


beige ( adj.) :grayish-tan米黄色;浅灰黄色的


tatami ( n.) :[Jap.]a floor mat woven of rice straw,used traditionally in Japanese homes for sitting on,as when eating[日]日本人家里铺在地板上的稻草垫,榻榻米


stunning ( adj.) :[colloq.]remarkably attractive,excellent[口]极其漂亮的;极其出色的


twinge ( n.) :a sudden,brief,darting pain or pang;a sudden.brief feeling of remorse,shame,etc.刺痛,剧痛;痛心,懊悔,悔恨,内疚


slay ( v.) :(slew或slayed, slain,slaying)kill or destroy in a violent way杀害;毁掉


linger ( v.) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end苟延;历久犹存


agony ( n.) :very great mental or physical pain(精神上或肉体上的)极度痛苦


inhibit ( v.) :hold back or keep from some action,feeling,etc 抑制(感情等);约束(行动等)


spinal ( adj. ) :of or having to do with the spine or spinal cord脊背的;脊柱的;脊髓的


agitated ( adj.) :shaken;perturbed;excited颤抖的;不安的,焦虑的;激动的


reverie ( n.) :a dreamy,fanciful,or visionary notion or daydream梦想;幻想;白日梦


heinous (adj.) :outrageously evil or wicked;abominable 极可恨的,极可恶的,极坏的


cataclysm ( n.) :a violent and sudden change or event.esp. a serious flood or earthquake灾变(尤指洪水、地震等)


demolish ( v.) :pull down,tear down,or smash to pieces拆毁,拆除;破坏,毁坏


formaldehyde ( n.) :[chem.]a colorless,pungent gas,HCHO, used in solution as a strong disinfectant and preservation,and in the manufacture of synthetic resins,dyes. etc.[化]甲醛


ether ( n.) :[chem.]a light colorless liquid made from alcohol,which burns and is easily changed into a gas(used in industry and as an anaesthetic to put people to sleep before an operation)[化]醚;乙醚


humiliate ( v.) :hurt the pride or dignity of by causing to be or seem foolish or contemptible使受辱,使丢脸


genetic (adj.) :of or having to do with genetics遗传的


短语 (Expressions)

have a lump in one’s throat:   a feeling of pressure in one’s throat (cause by repressed emotion as love,sadness,etc.)如哽在喉,哽咽(因压制激动的情绪所致,如爱、悲伤等)

       例: Many British people had a lump in their throat on hearing the death of Dianna.许多英国人在听到黛安娜王妃的死讯时如哽在喉。


on one’s mind:   occupying one’s thoughts(esp.as a source of wor- ry,)占领某人的思绪,一直在想的(尤指忧虑的来源)

       例: The thought that is always on my mind is whether to go broad or not.我一直在思考的一个问题是究竟要不要出国。


rub shoulders with:   (infml)meet and mix with(people)与(人们)联系,交往

       例: The foreign visitors said that they would like to rub shoulders with ordinary Chinese people.那些外国游客们说他们愿意与中国老百姓有来往。


set off:   start(a journey,race,etc.)开始(旅行,赛跑等)

       例: If you want to catch that train we’better set off for the station immediately.你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。


flash by/alorig/past/through:   move very quickly in the specified direction急速向某方向运动

       例: The train flashed by at high speed火车疾驰而过。


sink in:   (of liquids)go down into another substance;be absorbed (指液体)渗入,被吸收(fig.)(of words,etc.)be fully absorbed or un- derstood:penetrate esp.gradually(指话语等)完全理解

       例: Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in.把这种软膏搽在皮肤上,让它渗进去。 The scale of the tragedy gradually sank in.这一悲惨事件涉及的范围已逐渐完全清楚了。


by trade:   way of making a living,esp.a job that involves making sth.;occupation以…为谋生之道(尤指以制造某物为业)

       例: be a butcher,carpenter,tailor,etc.by trade做肉商、木匠、裁缝等


a Xian
added value
aggregate value of an invention
aircraft target towing boat
allergic thyroiditis
Anglo-Saxon deity
application for reshipment
avalanche alarm
beam centring
bibos frontaliss
British Open
Broom, River
budgetary view point
Campo Belo do Sul
cardinal symptom
cinder spout
copying tool
cost dear
cry at
delay base
denumerable outcome variable
donatio divortii causa
double line stream
drawing of an intermediate step
electronic distribution
electronic flash
eriodictyon oil
escaping tendency
Euphorbia tongchuanensis
family columbidaes
freezing core
generalized moment
gor blimey
housing management
hyperbolic positioning system
kelp bed,seaweed bed
magnetic annealing effect
military technological economics
multiple piston load
nominal values
occupancy problems
one-pipe drop down feed heating system
opioid analgesic
Oyster Skerries
possible worlds
random coiling polymer
restricted function
rigging-angle gear
rotary air compressor
shock action
sinus ethmoidei anteriores
sonobuoy indicator equipment
subcarrier reset pulse
swarmed with
taste for
Toona calantas
truck frame
twisting torque
two-engine speed
ultrasound diathermy
vertical take off
Vigreaux column
watered plug
weather stripping