时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:高级英语 上


1.The Middle Eastern Bazaar

The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds --- even thousands --- of years. The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic - arched gateway of aged brick and stone. You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavernwhich extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngsof people entering and leaving the bazaar. The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. The din of the stall-holder; crying their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy.

  Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, deadens the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo. The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers, overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere, follow suit .

  One of the peculiarities of the Eastern bazaar is that shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods do not scatter themselves over the bazaar, in order to avoid competition, but collect in the same area, so that purchasers can know where to find them, and so that they can form a closely knit guild against injustice or persecution . In the cloth-market, for instance, all the sellers of material for clothes, curtains, chair covers and so on line the roadway on both sides, each open-fronted shop having a trestle trestle table for display and shelves for storage. Bargaining is the order of the cay, and veiled women move at a leisurely pace from shop to shop, selecting, pricing and doing a little preliminary bargaining before they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down.

    It is a point of honour with the customer not to let the shopkeeper guess what it is she really likes and wants until the last moment. If he does guess correctly, he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining. The seller, on the other hand, makes a point of protesting that the price he is charging is depriving him of all profit, and that he is sacrificing this because of his personal regard for the customer. Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customer coming and going at intervals .

  One of the most picturesque and impressive parts of the bazaar is the copper-smiths' market. As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear. It grows louder and more distinct, until you round a corner and see a fairyland of dancing flashes, as the burnished copper catches the light of innumerable lamps and braziers . In each shop sit the apprentices – boys and youths, some of them incredibly young – hammering away at copper vessels of all shapes and sizes, while the shop-owner instructs, and sometimes takes a hand with a hammer himself. In the background, a tiny apprentice blows a bi-, charcoal fir e with a huge leather bellowsworked by a string attached to his big toe -- the red of the live coals glowing, bright and then dimming rhythmicallyto the strokes of the bellows.

    Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls engrave with delicate and intricate traditional designs, or the simple, everyday kitchenware used in this country, pleasing in form, but undecorated and strictly functional. Elsewhere there is the carpet-market, with its profusion of rich colours, varied textures and regional designs -- some bold and simple, others unbelievably detailed and yet harmonious. Then there is the spice-market, with its pungentand exotic smells; and the food-market, where you can buy everything you need for the most sumptuous dinner, or sit in a tiny restaurant with porters and apprentices and eat your humble bread and cheese. The dye-market, the pottery-market and the carpenters' market lie elsewhere in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar. Every here and there, a doorway gives a glimpse of a sunlit courtyard, perhaps before a mosque or a caravanserai , where camels lie disdainfully chewing their hay, while the great bales of merchandise they have carried hundreds of miles across the desert lie beside them.

  Perhaps the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar, apart from its general atmosphere, is the place where they make linseed oil. It is a vast, sombre cavern of a room, some thirty feet high and sixty feet square, and so thick with the dust of centuries that the mudbrick walls and vaulted roof are only dimly visible. In this cavern are three massive stone wheels, each with a huge pole through its centre as an axle. The pole is attached at the one end to an upright post, around which it can revolve, and at the other to a blind-folded camel, which walks constantly in a circle, providing the motive power to turn the stone wheel. This revolves in a circular stone channel, into which an attendant feeds linseed. The stone wheel crushes it to a pulp, which is then pressed to extract the oil .The camels are the largest and finest I have ever seen, and in superb condition – muscular, massive and stately.

  The pressing of the linseed pulp to extract the oil is done by a vast ramshackle apparatus of beams and ropes and pulleys which towers to the vaulted ceiling and dwarfs the camels and their stone wheels. The machine is operated by one man, who shovels the linseed pulp into a stone vat, climbs up nimbly to a dizzy height to fasten ropes, and then throws his weight on to a great beam made out of a tree trunk to set the ropes and pulleys in motion. Ancient girders girders creak and groan , ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes oozes down a stone runnel into a used petrol can. Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards, taut and protesting, its creaks blending with the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding-wheels and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels.





  中东集市的特点之一是经销同类商品的店家,为避免相互间的竞争,不是分散在集市各处,而是都集中在一块儿,这样既便于让买主知道上哪儿找他们,同时他们自己也可以紧密地联合起来,结成同盟,以便保护自己不受欺侮和刁难。例如,在布市上,所有那 1些卖衣料、窗帘布、椅套布等的商贩都把货摊一个接一个地排设在马路两边,每一个店铺门面前都摆有一张陈列商品的搁板桌和一些存放货物的货架。讨价还价是人们习以为常的事。头戴面纱的妇女们迈着悠闲的步子从一个店铺逛到另一个店铺,一边挑选一边问价;在她们缩小选择范围并开始正儿八经杀价之前,往往总要先同店主谈论几句,探探价底。



   在这里,你会看到许多精美的锅碗瓢盆,上面雕刻着各种精细复杂的传统图案,也能看到一些当地人日常使用的质朴无华的厨房用具,虽无花纹图案,但造形美观,经济实用。 再走一处便是地毯市场。这儿有各种质地的地毯,它们色彩斑炯,花纹图案富有地方特色--有的简单粗犷,有的精巧和谐得令人吃惊。再往前走便是香料市场,这里充满各种浓烈的异香奇味;接下来是食品市场,在这里,你可以买到豪华酒宴上所需的任何山珍海味,也可以与徒工、脚夫一道坐进小饭馆里去吃那不能登大雅之堂的面包和奶酪。集市里有棚顶的街巷纵横交错,有如一座迷宫,鳞次栉比地坐落其间的有印染市场、陶器市场和木器市场。随便走到哪儿,你都有可能透过某个门洞瞥见一个洒满阳光的庭院,那也许是个清真寺的院子,也许是个商旅客栈的院子。在那儿,总会有几头骆驼旁若无人地卧着嚼草料,而在骆驼的身边则总是堆放着它们穿越沙漠,从几百英里以外的地方驮运而来的大捆大捆的货物。





Bazaar (n.) : (in Oriental countries)a market or street of shops and stalls(东方国家的)市场,集市


cavern (n.) : a cave,esp.a large cave洞穴,山洞(尤指大洞穴,大山洞)


shadowy (adj.) : dim;indistinct模糊的;朦胧的


FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: cornflowerblue" color=white>harmonious (adj.) : having musical tones combined to give a pleasing effect;consonant(音调)和谐的,悦耳的/harmoniously adv.


throng (n.) :a great number of people gathered together;crowd人群;群集


conceivable (adj.) : that can be conceived,imagined 可想象的,想得到的


din (n.) : a loud,continuous noise喧闹声,嘈杂声


would-be ( adj.) : intended to be预期成为……的;将要成为……的


muted (adj.) : (of a sound)made softer than is usual(声音)减弱的


vaulted ( adj.) : having the form of a vault;arched穹窿形的;拱形的


sepulchral(n.) : a cave,esp.a large cave洞穴,山洞(尤指大洞穴,大山洞)


shadowy (adj.) : suggestive of the grave or burial;dismal;gloomy坟墓般的;阴森森的


guild ( n.) : any association for mutual aid and the promotion of common interests互助会;协会


trestle (n.) :a frame consising of a horizontal beam fastened to two pairs of spreading legs,used to support planks to form a table,platform,etc.支架;脚手台架;搁凳


impinge (v.) : strike,hit,or dash;have an effect撞击,冲击,冲撞;对……具有影响


fairyland (n.) : the imaginary land where the fairies live;a lovely enchanting place仙境;奇境


burnish ( v.) : make or become shiny by rubbing;polish擦亮;磨光;抛光


brazier ( n.) : a metal pan,bowl,etc.,to hold burning coals or charcoal,as for warming a room or grilling food火盆;火钵


dim ( v.) :make or grow unclear(使)变暗淡;(使)变模糊


rhythmic /rhythmical ( adj.) :having rhythm有韵律的;有节奏的/rhythmically adv


bellows ( n.) :(sing.&p1.)a device that produces a stream of air through a narrow tube when its sides are pressed together(used for blowing fires,etc.)(单复同)风箱


intricate ( adj.) :complex;hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships;full of elaborate detail错综复杂的;精心制作的


exotic ( adj.) :strange or different in a way that is striking or fascinating奇异的;异常迷人的


sumptuous ( adj.) :involving great expense;costly lavish豪华的;奢侈的;昂贵的


maze ( n.) :


( n.) :a confusing,intricate network of winding pathways 迷津;迷宫;曲径


honeycomb ( v.) :fill with holes like a honeycomb使成蜂窝状


mosque ( n.) :a Moslem temple or place of worship清真寺;伊斯兰教堂


caravanserai /caravansery ( n.) :in the Orient.a kind of inn with a large central court,where caravans stop for the night东方商队(或旅行队)的客店


disdainful ( n.) :feeling or expressing disdain;scornful and aloof;proud轻视的,轻蔑的;傲慢的/disdainfully adv.


bale ( n.) :a large bundle大包,大捆


linseed ( n.) :the seed of flax亚麻籽


somber ( adj.) :dark and gloomy or dull阴沉的;昏暗的


pulp ( n.) :a soft,moist,formless mass that sticks together浆


ramshackle ( adj.) :1ikely to fall to pieces;shaky要倒塌似的,摇摇欲坠的 .


dwarf ( v.) :make small or insignificant;make seem small in comparison使矮小;使无足轻重;使(相形之下)显得渺小;使相形见绌


vat ( n.) :a large tank,tub,or cask for holding liquids大缸;大桶


nimble ( adj.) :moving or acting quickly and lightly灵活的;敏捷的/nimbly adv.


girder ( n.) :a large beam,usually horizontal,of timber or steel.for supporting the joists of a floor,the framework of a building.the superstructure of a bridge,etc•大梁


trickle ( n.) :a slow,small flow细流;涓流


ooze ( v.) :flow or leak out slowly,as through very small holes 渗出;慢慢地流


runnel ( n.) :runnel a small stream;little brook or rivulet;a small channel or watercourse小溪;小沟;小槽


glisten (v.) :shine or sparkle with reflected light, as a wet or polished surface;flash(湿的表面或光滑面)反光;闪耀,闪光


taut ( adj.) :tightly stretched,as a rope(绳子等)拉紧的,绷紧的


短语 (Expressions)

thread one’s way:   move through carefully or slowly,changing direc- tion frequenfly as moving小心,缓慢地挤过(不断地改变方向)

       例: Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of people.她慢慢挤过熙熙攘攘的人群往回走。


follow suit:   to do the same as someone else has done赶潮流,学样

       例: Many young girls are fond of following suit at present.时下许多年轻女孩热衷于赶潮流。


narrow down:   reduce the number of缩小(范围,数字等)

       例: Please narrow down the topic of your speech to avoid waste of time.请缩小你讲话的主题以免浪费时间。


beat down:   bargain with(seller),causing seller to lower price(与卖主)往下砍价

       例: It is necessary to know how to beat down the price when bar- gaining.在与卖主讲价时应该知道怎样压价。


make a point of:   regard or treat it as necessary认为……是必要的

       例: The teachers make a point of setting strict demands on the students.老师们认为为学生制定严格的要求是很必要的


take a hand:   join to help帮助,帮忙

       例: When you meet troubles we are gladt0 take a hand ourselves.当你遇到困难时我们愿意帮助你。


throw one’s weight on to (sth.):   use all one’s strength to press down使劲压在(某物)上

       例: he doctor throws his weight on t0 the patient’s chest,but it does not work.医生使尽全身力气压住病人的胸口,但是无济于事。


set…in motion:   set sth.going;launch使…一运动,移动

       例: Before the gasoline is discovered,people use diesel oil to set the engine in motion.在发现汽油之前,人们使用柴油来发动引擎。


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END line
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HTTP Live Streaming
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Ikuribisi R.
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Malaprop Mrs.
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