Maura: We can say, when you feel afraid, that you have shivers down your spine 1.
Harp 2: Yes, shivers down your spine.
Maura: And a shiver is usually something that you feel from cold air and you kind of, you move around and it’s like a cold feeling that comes over you.
Harp: Yeah, it’s a little bit like you’re body’s shaking a little bit because of something surprising.
Maura: Yeah, and your spine is down your back, so you feel a cold breeze and you kind of get goose bumps all down your back.
Harp: Yeah. So shivers down your spine is the same idea as heebie-jeebies. It’s when you get this feeling that you’re scared or that you’re uncomfortable. It’s just not pleasant.
Maura: Yeah. I think the idea of having shivers down your spine comes from thinking that you’ve seen a ghost or had an experience like that because sometimes we associate, especially in the dark, a sudden cold breeze that comes from nowhere and passes by you is possibly a spirit in front of you, so then you get shivers down your spine.