时间:2018-12-26 作者:英语课 分类:2010年ESL之日常生活



02 A Homeowners’ Association


what possessed 2 you (to do something) – an informal phrase used to asksomeone why he or she has done something that seems irrational 3, illogical,strange, and unexpected

* What possessed you to buy a boat? You don’t even live near the water!

homeowners’ association – an organization of the people who own houses orcondos in a particular area, creating and enforcing rules about what people canand cannot do with their property, and maintaining common areas

* The homeowners’ association is going to vote on whether we should build alarge pool for all the members to enjoy.

waste – using too much of something; using more of something than necessary,especially when talking about time, money, and other resources

* A lot of the company’s financial waste occurs in the sales department, wherepeople sometimes secretly use the company’s money for personal expenses.

to have a say – to make sure that one’s opinion and beliefs are heard, especiallywhen a group is making a decision; to be represented in a group or organization

* The new manager invites everyone in the department to have a say in thedecision-making.

dues – money that one must pay to be part of an organization, usually paidmonthly or quarterly (four times a year)

* The soccer players pay dues of $50 per month, and the funds are used toreserve soccer fields and pay for uniforms.

special assessment 4 – money charged by a homeowners’ association or asimilar organization as a one-time fee in addition to the money that membersnormally have to pay

* The condo building needs a new roof, but none of the condo owners want topay the special assessment that will be needed to pay for the replacement 5.

bylaws – an official document that is written when an organization is created,describing why the organization exists, what it does, who runs it, how memberscan join, and more

* According to the bylaws, we’re supposed to elect a new president every threeyears.

to step up – to volunteer or agree to do something, especially when nobody elsewants to do it because it is unpleasant or difficult

* The police are asking for anyone who saw the robbery to step up and give themany information that may be helpful in catching 6 the thief.

admirable – something that other people think is good or impressive; somethingor someone that other people look up to and wish they could be like

* It’s really admirable how you helped your friend when her husband died.

mismanagement – poor management; running a project, company, ororganization in a way that is inefficient 7, ineffective, and/or dishonest

* The team leader’s mismanagement caused the project to fail.

to do battle – to fight; to argue with; to be in opposition 8 to

* Nutritionists are doing battle against soda 9 companies and fast-food restaurants.

entrenched 10 – having a very strong position or opinion, especially if one has beenin that position or held that opinion for a long time

* Why do you have such a deeply entrenched opinion? The latest scientificresearch no longer supports that theory.

to look kindly 11 on – to favor or appreciate; to like something; to think thatsomething is good or beneficial

* American taxpayers 12 don’t look kindly on public officials who make a lot ofmoney without producing good results.

tough questions – challenging, difficult questions that other people do not wishto answer because they are embarrassing or reveal something that wasinappropriate

* The President of the United States has to be prepared to answer toughquestions about his policy decisions.

talk about – a phrase used to give emphasis to whatever comes next; a phraseused to show that something is a very good example of something else

* Talk about a long day! I was in the office from 4:45 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. withouta break!

thankless job – work that is important and must be done, but is not popular orappreciated* Collecting the garbage is a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.

don’t I know it – a phrase used to show that one agrees with what anotherperson has said and doesn’t really need to be told about it, because one isalready very familiar with it from personal experience

* - Raising kids is hard work.

* - Don’t I know it! We have five children under the age of seven!

glutton 13 for punishment – someone who likes to do things that have negativeconsequences; someone who chooses to do something even though he or sheknows it will be very difficult or unpleasant

* - If you don’t like math, why did you decide to major in engineering?

* - I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.



1. Why did Emiliano decide to lead the homeowner’s association?

a) Because he thinks the dues should be less.

b) Because he doesn’t think the group is doing a good job.

c) Because he thinks it will look good on his résumé.

2. Why is Cuca concerned about Emiliano’s decision?

a) Because she thinks it will be very difficult.

b) Because she doesn’t think he has enough time for it.

c) Because she doesn’t think he’ll do the job very well.



duesThe word “dues,” in this podcast, means money that one must pay to be part ofan organization, usually paid monthly or quarterly: “Philippe wants to join thecommunity band, but he doesn’t have enough money to pay the dues.” Thephrase “due to” means “because of”: “The game was cancelled due to rain.”

When something is “due,” it must be submitted or returned by a particular dateand time: “Do you know when our history essays are due?” Or, “Library booksare due three weeks after you check them out.” As an adjective, “due” meanssomething that is owed to a person or should be given to a person: “With all duerespect, I have to disagree with you.”

to step upIn this podcast, the phrase “to step up” means to volunteer or to agree to dosomething, especially when nobody else wants to do it because it is unpleasant or difficult: “If we can’t get anyone to step up and organize this year’s communitypicnic, we’ll have to cancel it.” The phrase “to step down (from a position)”

means to resign or to stop working in a particular position: “The CEO decided 14 tostep down from his job for personal reasons.” The phrase “to step on(someone’s) toes” means to do something that another person wanted to do orwas supposed to do: “I’m sorry I took Fiona to the new exhibit at the zoo. I didn’tknow you wanted to do it. I certainly didn’t want to step on your toes.”



Homeowner’s associations, also known as HOAs, are common in communitieswhere there are many similar homes or “condos” (apartments that are owned, notrented). In general, they are responsible for trying to maintain the “value” (howmuch something can be sold for) of the property by controlling what people canand cannot do with their homes or condos.

Homeowner’s associations are responsible for operating and maintaining any“common areas” (shared spaces; areas used by all people in an area), such asparking lots, community centers, gyms, pools, and “landscaped” (with niceplants) areas. Normally the monthly HOA dues that property owners pay areused to pay for “custodians” (people who clean) and basic maintenance and“repairs” (fixing broken things). However, if the HOA needs to make a “major”

(very large or significant) repair, members might have to pay a specialassessment to make sure the HOA has enough money for that repair.

HOAs also “establish” (create) and “enforce” (make sure people follow) rulesabout what property owners can and cannot do with their homes and co-ops. Forexample, an HOA might “restrict” (place limits on) which colors people can use topaint their homes or what can be seen on their “decks” (outdoor areas attachedto the home) and in their “carports” (covered areas where cars are parked).

Many HOAs believe that homes in the area might “lose value” (no longer be ableto be sold for as much money as before) if people begin painting them uglycolors or putting a lot of old, broken cars in the carports.


Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – b; 2 – a


Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 553: AHomeowners’ Association.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 553. I’m your host, Dr.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.

Go to our website at eslpod.com and consider supporting this podcast bybecoming a member of ESL Podcast and getting our Learning Guides for theseepisodes, or by making a small donation.

This episode is called “A Homeowners’ Association.” It’s a dialogue betweenCuca and Emiliano using some information about being in a situation, perhaps adifficult situation, when you are in an organization of homeowners. Let’s getstarted.

[start of dialogue]

Cuca: What possessed you to agree to become the head of the homeowners’


Emiliano: I’m just tired of all of the waste and not having a say. Our dues keepgoing up and there seems to be special assessments 16 every year. I’m not evensure the association is following the bylaws anymore. I just felt I had to step up.

Cuca: That’s really admirable, but I hope you know what you’re getting into.

There’s been a lot of mismanagement, and you’ll have to do battle with someentrenched members. They’re not going to look kindly on the tough questionsyou’ll be asking.

Emiliano: Believe me, I’m not looking forward to it, but it’s got to be done.

Cuca: Talk about a thankless job.

Emiliano: Don’t I know it. I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment!

[end of dialogue]

Our dialogue begins with Cuca asking Emiliano, “What possessed you to agreeto become the head of the homeowners’ association?” The expression “what possessed you to (do something)” is an informal phrase we use to ask whysomeone did something that seems strange, unexpected, even irrational orillogical. We might also say, “Why on earth did you (do something)?” Cuca says,“What possessed you to agree to become the head (the leader) of thehomeowners’ association?” A “homeowners’ association” is an organization ofpeople who all own houses or condominiums in a particular area, and thisassociation enforces some certain rules that everyone has to follow on thisproperty. Homeowners’ associations also take care of what are called “commonareas,” places everyone can use, such as a pool for example.

Cuca doesn’t seem to understand why Emiliano wanted to be head of thehomeowners’ association. Emiliano said, “I’m just tired of all of the waste and nothaving a say.” “Waste” is using too much of something, using more of somethingthan is necessary, especially when we’re talking about money or time or otherresources. Emiliano is tired of all the waste and “not having a say,” meaning notbeing able to give your opinion or your ideas. This is especially true when we’retalking about a group or an organization; you want everyone to have a say,meaning be able to participate, give their opinion. Emiliano says, “Our dues keepgoing up.” “Dues” (dues), as a noun, is money that you have to pay to anorganization to belong to it. “Due” (due) has several different meanings inEnglish however; take a look at the Learning Guide for thoseEmiliano says, “There seems to be special assessments every year.” An“assessment” is money that people in the organization – in the homeowners’ association have to pay, usually in what we call a “one-time fee,” meaning youpay it once, but it’s not something you normally have to pay. So if thehomeowners’ association was going to put in a brand new pool, it might have aspecial assessment to pay for the pool. You would only pay it once; it wouldn’tbe part of your regular yearly dues, that’s why we say it’s a “special assessment.”

Sometimes cities will make their homeowners (people who own homes in thecity) pay a special assessment if they are, for example putting in new light polesor improving the roads. There are special assessments that property owners(people who own a home) have to pay. Emiliano says, “I’m not even sure theassociation is following the bylaws anymore.” The “bylaws” (bylaws) are theofficial rules for an organization. Usually when you create an organization, or anew business organization, you create bylaws that tell you what you’re going todo, how your company is organized, and so forth 17. Sometimes the state willrequire you to have bylaws for your organization. Emiliano says, “I just felt (I justthought or believed) I had to step up.” The phrasal verb “to step up” means tovolunteer or agree to do something, especially when nobody else wants to do itbecause it’s unpleasant or it’s a difficult job.

So, Emiliano wanted to step up; he wanted to volunteer and do the difficult work.

Cuca says, “That’s really admirable.” Something that is “admirable” is somethingthat you can “admire,” that is, that you have a good impression of, that you thinkis very good. It’s admirable, Cuca says, that you are stepping up to be the headof the homeowners’ association, “but,” she says, “I hope you know what you’regetting into,” meaning I hope you understand what this involves, what thisrequires you to do. “There’s been a lot of mismanagement, and you’ll have to dobattle with some entrenched members.” A couple of things there: “There’s beena lot of mismanagement.” “Management” is running an organization;“mismanagement” is doing a very bad job at running an organization or abusiness or a company. Mismanagement – not doing it very well, not managingvery well. “To do battle” means to fight, to argue with, to be in opposition tosomething or someone, usually someone. “I’m going to do battle with my boss” means I’m going to have an argument with my boss; we’re going to disagree witheach other about something.

Cuca says Emiliano will have to do battle with some entrenched members.

“Entrenched” means having a very strong opinion or position about something,especially if you’ve had that position or opinion for a long time and you don’t wantto change it. That would be an entrenched position. So an “entrenchedmember” would be other people in the organization who will not want to changetheir mind. Cuca says, “They’re not going to look kindly on the tough questionsyou’ll be asking.” “To look kindly on” means to understand, appreciate, to thinkthat it is good, to like something: “The girl looked kindly on the boys who openedthe door for her so she could walk in.” “People don’t look kindly on a governmentthat is full of waste and mismanagement.” In this case, Cuca’s saying that theseother members are not going to like the tough questions Emiliano will be asking.

“Tough” means difficult or challenging; so “tough questions” would be things thatmay be difficult for the other person to answer, or perhaps embarrassing.

Emiliano says, “Believe me (meaning trust me), I’m not looking forward to it, butit’s got to be done (it has to be done).” Cuca says, “Talk about a thankless job.”

The phrase “talk about” is used to give emphasis on whatever comes next; it’sused to show that this is a particularly good example of something else. Forexample: “I went to see the new Star Trek 18 movie. Talk about great sciencefiction!” I’m saying that this movie is an example of great science fiction. In thedialogue Cuca says, “Talk about a thankless job.” “Thankless” is when nobodythanks you; so a “thankless job” is a job that is difficult but nobody appreciates it,nobody says “thank you.” In this case, the thankless job is being head of thehomeowners’ association, what Emiliano is doing.

Emiliano says, “Don’t I know it.” The phrase “don’t I know it” is an informal wayof saying that you agree with someone, with what someone else has said,because you also have personal experience with it. Emiliano is saying that heknows it’s a thankless job. He says, “I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment!”

The expression “to be a glutton (glutton) for punishment” means that you aresomeone who likes to do things that have a negative consequence; somethingthat you do even though you know it’s very difficult or very unpleasant. The word“glutton” actually comes from “gluttony,” which is when you eat too much or drinktoo much; usually that’s what gluttony is. So a glutton is somebody who normallyeats too much or drinks too much. But here, they’re “a glutton for punishment,” meaning they get too much punishment; they somehow want to have this extrapunishment. It’s meant to be a joke, of course; although I’m sure for Emiliano itwas no joke! Emiliano should have listened to Cuca, just as all husbands shouldlisten to their wives – like I do!

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed.

[start of dialogue]

Cuca: What possessed you to agree to become the head of the homeowners’ association?

Emiliano: I’m just tired of all of the waste and not having a say. Our dues keepgoing up and there seems to be special assessments every year. I’m not evensure the association is following the bylaws anymore. I just felt I had to step up.

Cuca: That’s really admirable, but I hope you know what you’re getting into.

There’s been a lot of mismanagement, and you’ll have to do battle with someentrenched members. They’re not going to look kindly on the tough questionsyou’ll be asking.

Emiliano: Believe me, I’m not looking forward to it, but it’s got to be done.

Cuca: Talk about a thankless job.

Emiliano: Don’t I know it. I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment!

[end of dialogue]

Today’s admirable script was written by Dr. Lucy Tse. Talk about a greatscriptwriter!

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thank you for listening. Comeback and listen to us next time on ESL Podcast.

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse,hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan, copyright 2010 by the Center for EducationalDevelopment.

1 glossary
  • The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary.正文附有一个详细的词汇表。
  • For convenience,we have also provided a glossary in an appendix.为了方便,我们在附录中也提供了术语表。
2 possessed
  • He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房门。
  • He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。
3 irrational
  • After taking the drug she became completely irrational.她在吸毒后变得完全失去了理性。
  • There are also signs of irrational exuberance among some investors.在某些投资者中是存在非理性繁荣的征象的。
4 assessment
  • This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价。
  • What is your assessment of the situation?你对时局的看法如何?
5 replacement
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。
6 catching
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
7 inefficient
  • The inefficient operation cost the firm a lot of money.低效率的运作使该公司损失了许多钱。
  • Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.他们的通讯系统效率非常差。
8 opposition
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
9 soda
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
10 entrenched
  • Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising.电视看来要在全国广告媒介中牢固地占据头等位置。
  • If the enemy dares to attack us in these entrenched positions,we will make short work of them.如果敌人胆敢进攻我们固守的阵地,我们就消灭他们。
11 kindly
  • Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.她的邻居都说她和蔼可亲、热情好客。
  • A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。
12 taxpayers
纳税人,纳税的机构( taxpayer的名词复数 )
  • Finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。
  • She was declaiming against the waste of the taxpayers' money. 她慷慨陈词猛烈抨击对纳税人金钱的浪费。
13 glutton
  • She's a glutton for work.She stays late every evening.她是个工作狂,每天都很晚才下班。
  • He is just a glutton.He is addicted to excessive eating.他就是个老饕,贪吃成性。
14 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
15 transcript
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
16 assessments
n.评估( assessment的名词复数 );评价;(应偿付金额的)估定;(为征税对财产所作的)估价
  • He was shrewd in his personal assessments. 他总能对人作出精明的评价。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Surveys show about two-thirds use such assessments, while half employ personality tests. 调查表明,约有三分之二的公司采用了这种测评;而一半的公司则采用工作人员个人品质测试。 来自百科语句
17 forth
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
18 trek
  • We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
  • It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
active carbon treatment
Afghanistan syndrome
an evening of bridge
analysis of simulation experiment
autogenic therapies
auxiliary prostigmal seta
average holding time
branchial chamber
brings forward
catch reversing gear
central mountain
conveyance power of water
copper acetate arsenite
coumara nut
course of pursuit
depletion of ozone layer
detonated dynamite
diagnostic monitor
die ring
diesel railcar
dipladenia bolivienses
Diplococcus lanceolatus capsulatus
diving mitten
eccentrically loaded footing
elastic-plastic drive
emergency analysis
environmental requirements
explosive-driven machine
facultative endorsement
file virtualization
finger pianos
flaked soap
full compatibility
genetic condition
genus atherinopses
give me a hand
gravity observation of Earth tide
human histochemistry
ice pilot
impersonation attack
irregular doublet
lead pig
magnetohydrodynamic stability
Marcus Hook
megaselia fasciventris
microscopic cross section
motorcycle radio
muonium chemistry
Nikolaas Tinbergen
oberea nigriventris
pneumatic moudling machine
positizable operator
preparatory meeting
pressure fluid
quasi public corporation
quick-acting mechanism
randomly located sample
remote terminal concentrator
rid oneself of debt
rotating drum multistage crystallizer
secret writings
ultrasonic guides for the blind
vagus pulse
volume magnetostriction