时间:2018-12-26 作者:英语课 分类:2010年ESL之就医和人际交往



06 Traveling for Singles


singles cruise – a vacation of several days on a very large boat, designed onlyfor people who are not in a romantic relationship and are looking for a partner

* We enjoyed dances every night on the singles cruise. They were a greatopportunity to meet people.

on the make – looking for a sexual relationship, perhaps with many differentpeople in a short period of time

* Stay away from Blake. He says he’s looking for a serious girlfriend, but reallyhe’s just on the make.

to take (one’s) pick – to have many choices; to be able to decide what onewants from a group of things

* Our store has more than 100 flavors of ice cream. Which one would you like?

Take your pick!

fling – a romantic relationship that is not serious and lasts for a only a shortperiod of time

* Many college students go to Florida for spring break, hoping to enjoy a oneweekfling.

to mingle – to interact with other people socially whom one does not know well,especially at a party

* They spent the evening drinking champagne and mingling with other people atthe party.

tour – an organized trip to see many different things in an area, usually with aguide

* Would you like to see pictures from our tour of Alaska?

to match – to put two or more things together as a group because they havesimilar or complementary characteristics; to recommend that two people begin aromantic relationship with each other

* The computer matched us because we both enjoy going to folk concerts andeating Greek food, but other than that we really have nothing in common.

to get better acquainted – to become more familiar with another person; tolearn more about another person

* Are you sure you want to get married so soon? Why don’t you two wait a fewmonths and use that time to get better acquainted?

stuck with – forced to have or be with someone or something

* Our Ferrari needs a new transmission, so we’re stuck with this horrible old caruntil the mechanic can fix it.

adventure – an exciting experience in which one tries many new things that onehas never had or done before, especially exploring an unknown area

* Traveling alone through Europe for a year after high school was anunforgettable adventure.

the great outdoors – nature; natural, undeveloped areas that are far from citiesand towns

* On the weekends, they like to go hiking and boating in the great outdoors.

worse case scenario – the worst thing that one can imagine happening

* I know you’re nervous about moving to another country, but worse casescenario, you can always move back home if you hate it there.

what do you have to lose – a phrase used to mean that one should dosomething because there are no negative consequences (results) and there maybe some positive consequences

* What do you have to lose? Just go ahead and call her!

peace of mind – tranquility; calmness; a feeling of relaxation, satisfaction, andcomfort, without any stress

* Every evening after a stressful day at work, Ross tries to regain his peace ofmind by drinking a cup of herbal tea and listening to classical music in front of thefireplace.

to look out for (someone) – to try to make sure that another person is okay,warning him or her of any dangers or problems

* Please look out for your little brother at school.

to marry (someone) off – to find a husband or wife for someone; to arrange amarriage for someone

* Would you rather marry your daughter off to a millionaire, or hope that she findstrue love?

to get (something) through your thick skull – an informal, rude phrase usedwhen one is frustrated that another person does not understand somethingbecause he or she is too stupid or slow

* Why can’t you get it through your thick skull that I don’t want to buy yourcompany’s products? Please stop coming to my apartment!

ray of sunshine – sunlight; a person who is very happy; most often usedsarcastically to describe someone who is not very cheerful or upbeat

* In the movie Pollyanna, the main character is a little ray of sunshine who makeseveryone in the town feel happier and more cheerful______________


1. What does Samantha mean when she says, “I’m not interested in having afling”?

a) She doesn’t want to be in a non-serious relationship.

b) She doesn’t want to go on a cruise.

c) She doesn’t want a boyfriend.

2. How is Ray trying to look out for Samantha?

a) He’s trying to help her fall in love.

b) He wants her to relax on vacation.

c) He’s interested in her physical appearance.




The word “fling,” in this podcast, means a romantic relationship that is not seriousand lasts for a only a short period of time: “He was hoping for a one-weekendfling, but he was surprised when he found himself falling in love with the woman.”

A “fling” can also be a fun period of time when one has no worries and justenjoys oneself: “She decided to make her last month in New York a fun fling,without working or worrying about money.” As a verb, “to fling” means to throwsomething strongly, but not necessarily very far: “When the students got home,they flung their books onto the table and turned on the TV.” Finally, the verb “tofling (words)” can be used to describe saying something angrily, without thinking about the consequences: “Louise flung horrible words at her husband and feltbad about it afterward.”


In this podcast, the verb “to match” means to recommend that two people begin aromantic relationship with each other: “This website claims to match people whowill fall in love with each other.” The verb “to match” also means to put two ormore things together as a group because they have similar or complementarycharacteristics: “Please match each word in the list with its definition.” This useof the verb most often relates to the color of something: “Does this skirt matchthis blouse, or is it a different shade of green?” When talking about money, “tomatch” means to contribute the same amount of money as someone else: “Thebusiness will match all private donations made to the foundation by February 15,up to $5,000.”



Single people can choose among many different types of travel experiences thatare “targeted at” (aimed at; intended for) people who are looking for a romanticrelationship and want to have a good time while they do it. A singles cruise canbe a good “starting point” (something to begin with), but those cruises “attract”

(generate interest from) singles with many different interests and experiences.

Other travel experiences are designed to help singles meet other singles who aremore similar to themselves.

Some singles tours focus on a specific sport or hobby. For example, a singlestrip could focus on skiing or “kayaking” (paddling a small, one-person boat) in aparticular area. A single person who “signs up” (registers for) for one of thosetrips knows that the other singles on that trip will share his or her interest in skiingor kayaking. Other singles tours might focus on a particular culture or language,or maybe even the food of a different country.

Still other travel experiences target singles by “restricting” (putting limitations on)who can participate. For example, the trips might be only for singles of a certainage or of a certain religion. Other singles travel experiences are designed onlyfor singles who make a certain amount of money or have a certain amount of“wealth” (money; financial value).

The tours often arrange special events to help the singles “get to know eachother” (become more familiar) more quickly. For example, a tour might includeseveral dinners and dances or “receptions” (quiet parties for people to meet eachother) where singles are “encouraged” (told it would be a good idea to dosomething) to introduce themselves to each other and begin looking for“potential” (possible) romantic partners.


Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – a; 2 – a


Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 569: Traveling forSingles.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 569. I’m your host, Dr.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.

Go to our website at www.eslpod.com and download a Learning Guide for thisepisode, it will help you improve your English even faster. You’ll be glad you did!

This episode is called “Traveling for Singles.” It’s dialogue between Ray andSamantha talking about someone who is going on a vacation by themselves.

Let’s get started.

[start of dialogue]

Ray: I have a great idea for your next vacation. You should go on a singlescruise.

Samantha: I’m not going on a singles cruise. Everybody will be on the make.

Ray: That’s the point, isn’t it? You can take your pick of single guys. Whatcould be better?

Samantha: I’m not interested in having a fling!

Ray: You’ll never meet anybody if you don’t get out there and mingle. Look,here’s a 10-day tour through Asia and the tour company will even match you withsomeone before the trip. You can use the time on the tour to get betteracquainted.

Samantha: That sounds awful. What if I don’t like the person I’m matched with?

I’m stuck with him for 10 days, and we’ll both be miserable.

Ray: Okay, here’s something you’ll like – a single’s adventure vacation. You canenjoy the great outdoors, while you get to know the single guys on the tour. Theworst case scenario is that you don’t meet a guy you like. You’ll still have a greatvacation. What do you have to lose?

Samantha: My peace of mind! Okay, you’re my brother, and you’re trying to lookout for me, but leave me alone and stop trying to marry me off. I’m happy beingsingle. Can’t you get that through your thick skull?

Ray: Sure, you’re happy. That’s why you’re always such a ray of sunshine!

[end of dialogue]

Ray says to Samantha, “I have a great idea for your next vacation. You shouldgo on a singles cruise.” Someone who is “single” is someone who is not married,typically. A “cruise” is when you go on a very large boat, and usually it travels forthree days or seven days. For example, here in Los Angeles you can go on acruise from here down to Mexico and back in three or four days. Cruises arepopular ways that some people like to take their vacation – not me, but somepeople. “Singles cruises” are cruises were everyone is single, or most of thepeople are single, and the idea is that it will help you find a boyfriend or agirlfriend.

Samantha says, “I’m not going on a singles cruise. Everybody will be on themake.” The expression “to be on the make” (make) means that you are lookingnot just for a relationship but specifically for a sexual relationship, not necessarilya permanent one. Ray has a different opinion of life; he says, “That’s the point,isn’t it?” meaning that’s the purpose of the single cruise. “You can take your pickof single guys (meaning men).” “To take your pick” means that you have manychoices. You can decide what you want, and choose from many different things;in this case, from many different men. Ray says, “What could be better?”

meaning there is no better situation for you than to have the choice of all of thesesingle guys.

Samantha says, “I’m not interested in a fling (fling)!” A “fling,” as a noun, is aromantic relationship but not a serious one, one that you do not think will lastvery long. “Fling” actually has several different meanings in English; you knowwhere to find those, in the Learning Guide.

Ray says, “You’ll never meet anybody if you don’t get out there and mingle.” “Toget out there” means to go out where other people are; in this case, to go out andtry to meet men. “To mingle” (mingle) means to interact socially with otherpeople, even if you don’t know them very well, usually at a party. Someoneinvites you to a birthday party and you don’t know most of the people there, youcan go and talk to them. You would mingle, go from one person to the next, veryinformally, and have conversations. Ray says, “Look, here’s a 10-day tour through Asia and the tour company will even match you with someone before thetrip.” A “tour” is an organized trip to see different places, usually with what wewould call a “guide,” a leader that explains everything to you. This is a 10-daytour through Asia, and the tour company matches you with someone. “To match”

(match) two people or two things means to put them together. There arecompanies on the Internet, for example, where you can try to meet someoneelse, and you can describe the person you want to meet. The company thentries to match you, to find someone who fits or who matches that description.

“Match” has other meanings as well in English. Guess where you can findthose? That’s right, in the Learning Guide. I knew you knew the answer!

This tour is going to match Samantha with someone before the trip. So they’regoing to say you should talk to this man. Ray says, “You can use the time on thetour to get better acquainted.” The expression “to get better acquainted” meansto become more familiar with another person, to learn more about someone else.

Samantha, however, is not interested; she says, “That sounds awful (terrible).

What if I don’t like the person I’m matched with?” What if she is matched withsomeone she doesn’t like? Then, she says, “I’m stuck with him for 10 days, andwe’ll both be miserable.” “To be stuck with (someone or something)” is a phrasalverb meaning to be forced to have to be with someone, or to be forced to have tohave this situation. “To be stuck with (someone)” means here that she wouldhave to be with this person even if she doesn’t want to be. Usually it’s a negativething when someone says “I’m stuck with this,” or “I’m stuck with her.” It meansyou’re not very happy. Samantha says, “then we’ll both be miserable,” we’ll beterrible, we’ll feel bad.

Ray says, “Okay, here’s something you’ll like,” he’s going to give her anotheridea for her vacation. It’s a single’s adventure vacation. “Adventure,” in general,means an exciting experience where you do many new things. Maybe you willclimb a mountain or you will hike – that is, walk – a long distance through theforest. I’m not sure; I have never been on an adventure vacation. Ray says,“You can enjoy the great outdoors.” “The great outdoors” is a term that meansnature, the world outside of the cities and the towns. He says, “You can enjoythe great outdoors while you get to know the single guys on the tour.” So youcan meet single men on this tour. He says, “The worst case scenario is that youdon’t meet a guy you like.” “The worst case scenario” is the worst thing that canhappen, the thing that would be more terrible than anything else. So Ray issaying that it can’t be that bad, because the worst thing that could happen is thatshe doesn’t meet a man. Ray says, “You’ll still have a great vacation. What doyou have to lose?” The expression “What do have to lose?” means that youshould do something because there are no negative consequences or results, and there might be something good: “Call the girl you met today at the party andask her out on a date. Ask her to go to coffee with you. You have nothing tolose.” If she says no, well, then, you’ll probably never see her again – unless theparty was at your office, in which case – hmm – maybe that’s not a good idea!

Samantha answers the question “What do you have to lose?” by saying “Mypeace of mind!” “Peace (peace) of mind” means tranquility, calmness, the feelingof relaxation, of satisfaction. Samantha says she wouldn’t be very relaxed on asingles adventure vacation. She says to Ray, “Okay, you’re my brother, andyou’re trying to look out for me.” “To look out for (someone)” is a phrasal verbmeaning to make sure the other person is okay. If you have a young brother orsister you want to protect them; you want to look out for them. Samantha says,however, “leave me alone (stop bothering me) and stop trying to marry me off.”

“To marry (someone) off” is another phrasal verb meaning to try to find ahusband or wife for someone, to arrange a marriage for someone. A father maytry to marry off his daughter, who is still living at home and doesn’t have a job.

Probably won’t be very successful, however! Or, you may try to marry off yourolder brother, who doesn’t do very well with women.

Samantha says, “I’m happy being single. Can’t you get that through your thickskull (skull)?” When you say to someone “to get something through their thickskull,” you’re saying that you are frustrated with the other person who doesn’tunderstand something because they’re too stupid or too slow. The “skull” is thelarge bones in your head that keep your brain in. When we say someone has a“thick skull,” we mean they’re not very smart. So this is an informal, very rudething, not a nice thing to say to someone. “Why can’t you get that through yourthick skull” means that you are stupid and you don’t understand what I am sayingto you.

Ray says, “Sure, you’re happy (you’re happy being single Samantha). That’swhy you’re always such a ray of sunshine!” “To be a ray (ray) of sunshine”

means to be a very happy person. But usually we use this expressionsarcastically, trying to make a joke, and that’s what Ray is doing here. Samanthais not a very happy person, she just insulted him, so Ray is making a joke, saying“you’re such a ray of sunshine.” It really means you are not very happy; you’renot very cheerful.

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed.

[start of dialogue]

Ray: I have a great idea for your next vacation. You should go on a singlescruise.

Samantha: I’m not going on a singles cruise. Everybody will be on the make.

Ray: That’s the point, isn’t it? You can take your pick of single guys. Whatcould be better?

Samantha: I’m not interested in having a fling!

Ray: You’ll never meet anybody if you don’t get out there and mingle. Look,here’s a 10-day tour through Asia and the tour company will even match you withsomeone before the trip. You can use the time on the tour to get betteracquainted.

Samantha: That sounds awful. What if I don’t like the person I’m matched with?

I’m stuck with him for 10 days, and we’ll both be miserable.

Ray: Okay, here’s something you’ll like – a single’s adventure vacation. You canenjoy the great outdoors, while you get to know the single guys on the tour. Theworst case scenario is that you don’t meet a guy you like. You’ll still have a greatvacation. What do you have to lose?

Samantha: My peace of mind! Okay, you’re my brother, and you’re trying to lookout for me, but leave me alone and stop trying to marry me off. I’m happy beingsingle. Can’t you get that through your thick skull?

Ray: Sure, you’re happy. That’s why you’re always such a ray of sunshine!

[end of dialogue]

You can take your pick of great scripts here at ESL Podcast. That’s becausethey’re all written by Dr. Lucy Tse.

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thank you for listening. Comeback and listen to us next time on ESL Podcast.

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse,hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan, copyright 2010 by the Center for EducationalDevelopment.

标签: ESL英语
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