时间:2018-12-19 作者:英语课 分类:Entertainment

Amber 1:  Hello, I'm Amber, and you're listening to bbclearningenglish.com.
  In Entertainment today, we listen to an interview with the Oscar-winningactress, Renee Zellweger. She talks about her new film 'Miss Potter'.
  'Miss Potter' tells the life story of Beatrix Potter - one of the most famouswriters of children's books ever! Her best-loved book, 'The Tale of PeterRabbit', has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide since it was firstpublished in 1902!
  'Miss Potter' reveals a determined 2 woman who struggled for the right to anindependent life and to find a publisher for her books. She was also an activeconservationist (she worked to protect the natural environment) and she usedthe money she made from her books to buy 14 farms and 4,000 acres of land inthe beautiful Lake District in the north of England - and she left this to anorganisation called the National Trust when she died.
  Quite a life story! And as you'll hear, this is what impressed Renee when shefirst read the script for the film. It made her want 'to participate in', to take partin, the film. As you listen, try to catch the expression Renee uses at the end ofthe extract to describe how she couldn't wait to start work on the film.
  Renee Zellweger'This is a beautiful story and I would love to participate in this – love to. And after I read it, itwas very, very hard to believe that this was this woman's life experience and that it was not fiction. I couldn't believe it, and then, of course, I couldn't believe that someone was going tomake a film that was so simply told and beautiful and not sensationalised at all, and yet, it wasstill so compelling and emotional. I was beside myself to get started and to dig into it and tolearn more.'
  Amber:  Renee Zellweger says she was 'beside myself' to start work on the film – ifyou are 'beside yourself' to do something, you want to do it very much andimmediately! She was also delighted that the script for the film was not'sensationalised at all'. If something is 'sensationalised', it is exaggerated andemphasises the most shocking aspects of a subject. And she says that BeatrixPotter's life seemed so fascinating, she could not believe it was not fiction – animaginary story.
  As a girl, Renee Zellweger adored reading, especially fantasy books. She grewup in the United States, in Texas, but her mother is from Norway and her fatheris Swiss. So how much was she aware of her European heritage when she wasgrowing up? As you listen, try to catch the adjective she uses at the end of theextract to describe her close, loving family.
  Renee Zellweger'Oh tremendously aware of it – it was a big part of my identity as a child growing up. I wasvery aware that I might see things just a little bit differently because of my experiences beinga bit different – my parents served as a window to the rest of the world. So my brother and Iwere very fortunate in that respect. But we were far apart from the rest of our family - it wasjust the four of us in America, very close-knit.'
  Amber:  Renee Zellweger describes her family as 'close-knit' – loving and supportive.
  And she says her parents were like a 'window to the rest of the world' becausethey came from different countries.
  Finally, we asked Renee to talk about Bridget Jones - the character she is best-known for playing. Renee was nominated for an Oscar for the leading role inthe massively popular 2001 film 'Bridget Jones's Diary'. What does Reneethink makes the 30-something, single, Bridget Jones such a hugely popularcharacter? As you listen, try to catch what she thinks is so 'inspirational' orattractive about Bridget Jones.
  Renee Zellweger'I think she's inspirational because she is imperfect, and she reveals that she's imperfect, andshe kind of seems to accept that she's imperfect. And despite being imperfect, she seems tosucceed. And maybe it's because she's imperfect that she succeeds. And, in truth, when weembrace our own experiences, we do better don't we?'
  Amber:  So Renee believes Bridget Jones is popular because she shows us that we dobetter in life if we accept that we are not perfect – that we're imperfect - and ifwe value all our experiences. Good advice!
  Now here's a list of the language we focussed on in the programme today.
  an active conservationistto participate into be beside yourselfsensationalisedfictionclose-knitinspirationalimperfect

1 amber
  • Would you like an amber necklace for your birthday?你过生日想要一条琥珀项链吗?
  • This is a piece of little amber stones.这是一块小小的琥珀化石。
2 determined
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
accumulative value
air nozzle
american tv series
automatic calculator
bang at
Black Cats
bulk carrier safety
central processing system
combination starter
compensatory error
creatine phosphoric acid
D. P. L.
davit cleat
decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle
diagenetic facies
equation governing the motion
feedback information
feedback type current transformer
final approach point (fap)
financial statement audit
financial worries
finite-wordlength effects
german americans
hydrometric current-meter
idle balance
II Peter
initial public offering
it works for me
learning control system
liquefied carbon dioxide tank vehicle
Martian magnetosphere
mechanical hand
mental restriction
mohavite octahedral borax
multicolor emission
mundick (pyrite)
neon-tube transformer
news of the world
nine-inch equivalent
non-aquifer area
nonleaded gasoline
oil-industry analysts
Osborne, L.
plan sheet
Poa botryoides
polysphondylium pseudocandidum
propane dewaxing process
push button for bell
raiotelephone call
readjustment of investment structure
reclamation depot
recover loans
self draught beam
self sealing capacitor
snappy spring cover
softball court
standard reinforced fillet weld
strong structure
submarine earthquakes
thrust one's oar into
twin-screw extruder
vertical auger drill
visceral lesion
wood lathe
would you like