时间:2018-12-17 作者:英语课 分类:河北加拿大版初中英语读物


Unit 8

[00:02.90]Save Your World!What Is Garbage?Garbage is everything that you throw away.

[00:13.06]What do we do with garbage?We bury or burn most garbage.

[00:19.54]Burying garbage is quick and easy but uses a lot of land.

[00:26.07]Most land near cities and towns is already used.

[00:31.71]There's no place to put garbage.Sometimes,buried garbage pollutes our water.

[00:40.25]When rain falls on garbage,

[00:44.33]it runs through the garbage and then into rivers,lakes and oceans.

[00:50.68]When we burn garbage,we pollute the air.

[00:55.43]What are the "three Rs"?In North America and other parts of the world,

[01:02.69]people have started to make less garbage.

[01:07.37]How?First,they buy fewer things.They try to buy only what they really need.

[01:16.02]When you buy fewer things,you throw away fewer things.

[01:21.79]Second,they reuse 1 things.They use things,and then they use them again!

[01:30.04]Third,they recycle things.They make old things into new things.

[01:37.10]In North America,people call these the "three Rs":reduce,reuse and recycle.

[01:45.35]The three Rs help us remember that garbage is a problem!

[01:51.91]Jenny:When you "bury" something, you put it under the ground.

[01:57.05]Brian:What does "burn" mean? "Burn" and "fire" go together.

[02:03.01]Danny:Garbage is a world dirty.

[02:09.67]But what can we do? word "use" in "reuse"?In English,"re" means 2 "again.

[02:22.13]"How do you "retell"a story?

[02:26.08]You tell it again!How do you "redraw" a picture?

[02:31.82]You draw it again!A Poster about Pollution

[02:40.57]Jenny:The school yard cleanup went well.

[02:44.62]The school yard looks beautiful now.

[02:48.99]Brian:Yes.There was so much rubbish before.

[02:53.45]Thinking about it makes me mad.Danny:It makes me a bit sad.

[03:00.40]People shouldn't litter.The world would be so much nicer.

[03:06.96]Jenny:That's not all A lot of thatgarbage could be recycled.

[03:13.12]We found metal,glass,plastic and lots of paper.

[03:19.39]I take out the garbage.

[03:27.75]Sometimes I find things in it that should be recycled.

[03:33.21]I always take them out and keep them.

[03:37.65]Jenny:Everyone should do that.

[03:41.31]Then there would be a lot less pollution in the world!

[03:46.77]Brian:I have an idea Let's make a poster about littering and recycling!

[03:53.43]Jenny:I'll get a big piece of paper and some markers.

[03:58.47]Danny:We can put the poster up in the classroom.

[04:03.33]Then everyone can read itStop Pollution!

[04:09.57]We have a nice,clean school yard.

[04:13.73]Let's keep it that way.Don't litter!

[04:18.46]Always put your garbage in a garbage can.Never throw it on the ground.

[04:25.09]Recycle!Stop and think before you throw something out:

[04:30.94]Can I use this again?

[04:34.49]Can this be recycled?Together,we can keep our world clean!

[04:41.34]What Are Hazardous 3 Wastes?"Hazardous" means dangerous.

[04:48.52]Some hazardous wastes are poisons--they make people sick.

[04:55.05]Some explode very easily,or burn very easily.

[04:59.02]Hazardous things usually have these labels:"poison,"

[05:07.67]"caution," "warning"or"danger."What can we do about hazardous wastes?

[05:16.63]Buy less of them!Try not to buy bleach 4.Try to use fewer batteries 5.

[05:24.57]And when you take out the garbage,don't take out your hazardous wastes!

[05:31.94]Hazardous wastes in your garbage are bad for the environment.Why?

[05:38.18]Because we usually bury or burn our garbage.

[05:43.46]When we bury or burn hazardous wastes,

[05:48.00]they can make people and the environment sick.

[05:52.44]Many countries have laws about hazardous wastes.

[05:57.17]The laws say you can't bury or burn hazardous wastes with other garbage.

[06:03.65]Many cities in North America keep their hazardous wastes in special places.

[06:10.31]Some have ways to burn

[06:13.86]it at very high temperatures:900 to 1,100 degrees centigrade 6.

[06:22.41]Some places put wastes two kilometres under the ground.

[06:28.18]That's deep!Danny:I don't understand!Why don't we call it "hazardous garbage"?

[06:37.32]Jenny:Because a"waste" can be a liquid or a solid 7.

[06:42.68]"Garbage" is usually solid,like paper or plastic,

[06:48.42]but many hazardous wastes are liquids.

[06:53.78]FASCINATING FACTDo you think a river can burn?

[06:59.84]A city in the U.S.had a river that did!

[07:04.80]It had so much hazardous waste that it caught fire.

[07:10.37]It took days to put the fire out.Riding in Rubbish!

[07:19.43]Danny has been working all afternoon.

[07:23.98]First,he fixed 9 the broken car he found.

[07:28.34]Then he washed the glue off his hands,face and legs.

[07:33.69]Now,he looks at the other garbage for recycling.

[07:39.15]"There are a lot of interesting things here,"he says.

[07:45.03]"I think I'll make something out of this garbage!

[07:50.60]"Danny sees a very big cardboard 10 box."Somebody got a new television,"

[07:58.64]he says,"and they threw out this box.It's so big that I can fit inside it!

[08:07.89]I know I can make something with this."He looks for other things to use.

[08:15.05]He finds five big, round pieces of plastic.

[08:20.79]They are the lids 11 from ice cream pails 12.

[08:25.23]"I know,"says Danny,"I will make a car.

[08:30.09]This cardboard box will be the car's body.

[08:35.13]These ice cream lids will be the wheels.

[08:40.70]"Danny glues four wheels onto the cardboard box.

[08:46.05]"I have one more lid 8.I know!It will be the steering 13 wheel.

[08:53.42]I can hold onto it and drive the car.

[08:58.59]"Danny finds many other things for the car.

[09:03.35]He uses old metal cans for the headlights of the car.

[09:09.09]He finds pieces of wood to sit on.Finally,

[09:15.15]Danny rings up Jenny and Brian."Come over to my house," he says."

[09:22.73]I'll take you for a ride in my new car!Where do you want to go?

[09:30.59]"Global 14 WarmingWhat is global warming?

[09:36.76]"Globe" means "world."You know what "warm" means.When something"warms,"

[09:43.52]what happens to its temperature?It goes up!

[09:48.56]Global warming is about the temperature of the world going up.

[09:54.73]What is carbon 15 dioxide 16?

[09:59.46]Global warming comes from a special kind of pollution:too much carbon dioxide.

[10:07.92]Carbon dioxide is a gas,like oxygen.

[10:13.56]About 0.03 percent of the Earth'satmosphere is carbon dioxide.

[10:21.22]But people are putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Why?

[10:28.48]Because we drive cars and use factories.Cars and factories make carbon dioxide.

[10:37.31]Is this a problem?Yes!Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a big problem.Usually,

[10:47.08]some of the sun's heat leaves the Earth.

[10:51.52]But carbon dioxide keeps the sun's heat hear the Earth.

[10:58.00]It traps 17 the heat.What's wrong with a warmer Earth?Here's what might happen.

[11:06.46]The ice at the North and South Poles might melt 18.

[11:11.92]The oceans would rise.They would cover cities on the coasts of continents.

[11:18.97]Some places on Earth would be too dry.Some places would have too much rain

[11:26.45]Many people,plants and animals would die.


[11:34.65]The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmospherehas

[11:38.62]increased forty percent since the 1800s.

[11:45.38]When you "trap"someting,it can't go away.It stay.


1 reuse
  • There are some ways to reuse the wastes.有很多废品再利用的方法。
  • The use and reuse of urban land.城市土地利用与再利用。
2 means
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
3 hazardous
  • These conditions are very hazardous for shipping.这些情况对航海非常不利。
  • Everybody said that it was a hazardous investment.大家都说那是一次危险的投资。
4 bleach
  • These products don't bleach the hair.这些产品不会使头发变白。
  • Did you bleach this tablecloth?你把这块桌布漂白了吗?
5 batteries
n.电池;(蓄)电池(组)( battery的名词复数 );一系列;排炮;层架式鸡笼
  • to replace the batteries 更换电池
  • He is certain that this TV set will operate on batteries. 他肯定这个电视机可以用电池。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 centigrade
  • The temperature in this room is twenty degrees centigrade.这个房间里的温度是摄氏20度。
  • It's at 10 degrees centigrade.气温是10℃。
7 solid
adj.固体的,结实的,可靠的,实心的;n.固体,实心;adv. 一致地
  • Water may change from a liquid to a solid.水可以由液体变为固体。
  • I know that James is a solid type of person.我知道詹姆斯是个可信赖的人。
8 lid
  • She shut the lid down.她扣上了盖儿。
  • Put the lid on the garbage can.把盖子盖在垃圾筒上。
9 fixed
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
10 cardboard
  • She brought the shopping home in a cardboard box.她将买的东西放在纸箱里带回家。
  • There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.在那个抽屉里有块硬纸板。
11 lids
lift improvement devices 轻重机改进装置
  • She felt the tears burning against her closed lids. 她感到灼热的泪水在紧闭的眼中涌动。
  • I fear they have flipped their lids. 我怕他们是发疯了。
12 pails
n.桶,提桶( pail的名词复数 );一桶的量
  • Families upstairs have to carry pails to the hydrant downstairs for water. 住在楼上的人家得提着水桶去楼下的水龙头打水。 来自互联网
  • We brought some spades, pails and saplings with us. 同学们拿着铁锨、水桶和小树苗上路了。 来自互联网
13 steering
  • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. 他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
  • Steering according to the wind, he also framed his words more amicably. 他真会看风使舵,口吻也马上变得温和了。
14 global
  • A global environmental meeting is going to be held here.一个全球环境会议将在这里举行。
  • The report takes a global view of the company's problems.这份报告对公司的问题作了综合性的论述。
15 carbon
  • Diamonds are pure carbon.钻石是纯净的碳。
  • Carbon is an element,while carbon dioxide is a compound.碳是一种(化学)元素,而二氧化碳则是一种化合物。
16 dioxide
  • The oxygen and the carbon combine to form carbon dioxide.氧和碳化合,形成二氧化碳。
  • Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.二氧化碳太多是道致温室效应的最主要原因。
17 traps
n.随身携带物,随身行李;圈套( trap的名词复数 );(对付人的)计谋;(练习射击用的)抛靶器;(捕捉动物的)夹子v.诱骗( trap的第三人称单数 );使受限制;困住;使(水与气体等)分离
  • The stock market is full of traps for the unwary. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。
  • No. Not in regular government pay and employment, to lay traps? 没有这种想法。不是受雇于政府、接受正规津贴、陷害他人么? 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
18 melt
  • If you warm ice,it will melt into water.如果你给冰加热它会融化成水。
  • It is easy to melt ice.融化冰很容易。
accelerated development
adjusting wheel
Amex process
beam-power amplifier
bills discounted with collateral securities
bounded variation mapping
Cai Lun
calculated altitude
cetane index
coded extension character
cross inoculation group
cross-channel promotion
decimal fixedpoint constant
defined as
direct links
double T
electrically-alterable ROM
electronic balancer
field spacing
fitting of constant
flight surgeon
for the fun of the thing
functional escalation
gas jet vacuum pump
genus Ommastrephes
graphic arts films
grateloupia taiwanensis
ground lifter
Hemsleya cissiformis
hi there
high strength plaster
house load
HTTP errors
impregnating varnish
inductive communication
initial orbit
keep off the spot
line patrol
linear topological space
magnetic hand scanner
milk can
Millon-Nasse test
partial-select output
pause dwell
positive-rule variant
power fail recovery system
recombination electroluminescence
reversible magnetic process
rough wall
securities agency
sister act
special truck transport
support a charge
target true motion radar
template explicit specialization
tobacco smalls
torch bearer
tractus peduncularis transversus
traveling detector
triple reduction gear
tube platform
turn-draw device
understanding psychology
vehicle and passenger ferry
velocity receptor
Vine Grove
wire strike
wrongful arrest
zoned format