时间:2018-12-08 作者:英语课 分类:常春藤解析英语


Dancing Underwater 优雅的水上芭蕾

by Suzanne Cowan

Synchronized 2 swimming is a sport that always makes a splash.


Synchronized swimming (花式游泳) must be seen to be understood. It _(1)_ groups of swimmers who perform dance routines in the water. The swimmers twist, flip 3, and raise their arms and legs together, making patterns and creating a spectacle as a whole. Their _(2)_ are timed to go together perfectly 4. Especially from a distance, it is a strangely fascinating sight.

Synchronized swimming is a _(3)_ new sport. It was first performed in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century. As a _(4)_ of swimming, dance, and gymnastics, it was eventually given the nickname "water ballet." Its popularity jumped in 1984, when synchronized swimming became recognized as an _(5)_ sport of the Summer Olympics. Participation 5 in the Olympic Games is only _(6)_ to female synchronized swimmers. But although it is a sport dominated by women, there are some male synchronized swimmers who _(7)_ national competitions.

Although synchronized swimming looks graceful 6, it is a sport that requires great strength, skill, and timing 7. Synchronized swimmers train for many hours every day to make sure that they have the endurance and flexibility 8 necessary to _(8)_ striking routines. Some synchronized swimmers do perform solo routines, but most work in pairs or small groups. Performing as part of a larger group _(9)_ an extra level of difficulty as it requires the swimmers to be in sync with each other and with the music.

If you ever see several people _(10)_ their arms at the same time in a pool, don't run for a lifeguard because you think they are drowning. They might be practicing a synchronized swimming routine.

(A) adds (B) official (C) involves (D) waving (E) combination (F) open (G) carry out (H) movements (I) relatively 9 (J) take part in


1. It involves groups of swimmers who perform dance routines in the water.


a. 空格前有代名词 it,后有名词词组 groups of swimmers(成群的游泳者),可知空格内应置入第三人称单数形的及物动词或及物动词词组。

b. 符合上述的选项有 (A) adds(增加)和 (C) involves(包含,需要),然仅 involves 置入后符合语意,表这项运动由成群的游泳者在水中表演舞蹈动作,故选 (C)。

c. involve vt. 包含,需要

例: Good management involves a careful division of labor 10.


2. Their movements are timed to go together perfectly.


a. 空格前有所有格 their(他们的),其后有复数 be 动词 are,可知空格内应置入复数名词。

b. 选项中为复数名词的仅有 (H) movements(动作),且置入后符合语意,表他们的『动作』非常整齐划一,故选之。

3. Synchronized swimming is a relatively new sport.


a. 空格前有不定冠词 a,其后有形容词 new(新的),可知空格内应置入副词以修饰 new。

b. 选项中为副词的仅有 (I) relatively(相当地),置入后亦符合语意,表花式游泳是种『相当』新颖的运动,可知 (I) 为正选。

c. relatively adv. 相当地;相对地

例: Because of my tight schedule, I can only stay here for a relatively short time.


4. As a combination of swimming, dance, and gymnastics, it was eventually given the nickname "water ballet."


a. 空格前有不定冠词 a,后有介词 of,可知空格内应置入子音起首的单数名词。

b. 在剩下的选项中,为子音起首的单数名词仅有 (E) combination(结合、组合),置入后亦符合语意,表『结合』游泳、舞蹈和体操,花式游泳最终获得『水上芭蕾』的昵称,故选之。

5. Its popularity jumped in 1984, when synchronized swimming became recognized as an official sport of the Summer Olympics.


a. 空格前有不定冠词 an,后有名词 sport(运动),可知空格内应置入元音起首的形容词。

b. 符合上述的选项有 (B) official(正式的)和 (F) open(开放的),惟 official 置入后符合语意,表花式游泳被列入夏季奥运的『正式』比赛项目,故选 (B)。

6. Participation in the Olympic Games is only open to female synchronized swimmers.


a. 空格前有 be 动词 is,后有介词 to,可知空格内应置入形容词或分词。

b. 符合上述的选项有 (D) waving(挥舞的)和 (F) open(开放的),惟 open 置入后符合语意,并形成下列用法:

be open to...  对……开放

例: The health club is only open to its members.


c. 根据上述,可知 (F) 为正选。

7. But although it is a sport dominated by women, there are some male synchronized swimmers who take part in national competitions.


a. 空格前有关系代名词 who,代替其前的复数先行词(名词)swimmers(泳者),其后则有名词词组 national competitions(国家级比赛),可知空格内应置入及物动词或及物动词词组。

b. 符合上述的选项有 (G) carry out(执行、完成)和 (J) take part in(参加、参与),惟 take part in 置入后符合语意,故选 (J)。

c. take part in...  参加∕参与……

= participate in...

例: Henry participated in the triathlon.


8. ...to make sure that they have the endurance and flexibility necessary to carry out striking routines.


a. 空格前有不定词 to,后有名词词组 striking routines(惊人的表演动作),可知空格内应置入原形及物动词或动词词组。

b. 符合上述的选项仅有 (G) carry out(执行、完成),置入后亦符合语意,表以确保有足够的耐久力和柔软度来『执行』这种惊人的表演,故选之。

c. carry out...  执行∕完成……

例: Through teamwork, we were able to carry out the mission.


9. Performing as part of a larger group adds an extra level of difficulty as it requires the swimmers to be in sync with each other and with the music.


a. 空格前有动名词 Performing(表演),作主词,之后有名词词组 an extra level of difficulty(额外的困难度),可知空格内应置入第三人称单数的及物动词或动词词组。

b. 符合上述的选项仅有 (A) adds(增加、添加),置入后亦符合语意,表一大群人一起表演更是『增加』花式游泳的困难度,故选之。

c. add vt. 增加、添加

add A to B  将 A 加到 B 上

例: Mr. Collins, do you have anything to add to your statement?


10. If you ever see several people waving their arms at the same time in a pool, ...


a. 空格前有知觉动词 see(看)及名词词组 several people(几个人),可知空格内应置入原形动词作受词补语(表已发生的事实);或接现在分词作受词补语(表进行的状态);亦可接过去分词作受词补语(表被动的概念)。

b. 符合上述的选项仅有 (D) waving(挥舞),故选之。

c. wave one's arm/hand  挥手臂∕挥手

例: Harry 11 waved his hand to get the teacher's attention.



1. spectacle n. 奇观,壮观(的场面)

make a spectacle of oneself  出洋相

= make a fool of oneself

例: Simon got drunk and made a spectacle of himself at the party.


2. be timed to V  选好∕设定好时间做……

例: The alarm is timed to go off at eight o'clock.

(闹钟被设定在 8 点响起。)

3. from a distance  从远方,从远处

例: The letters of that neon sign are so big that they are visible from a distance.


4. be/become recognized as...  被公认为……

例: The book is recognized as one of the greatest works of literature of this century.


5. dominate vt. 在……中占主要地位;支配

例: The boxing champion dominated the fight from beginning to end.


6. striking a. 惊人的;引人注目的

例: The girl's likeness 12 to her mother was striking.


7. extra a. 额外的,另外的

an extra + 数字  额外的……

= an additional + 数字

例: We need an extra 10 volunteers for the charity event.

(我们还需要 10 名义工加入这项慈善活动。)

8. sync n. 同步,同时

in sync with...  与……同步∕协调

例: Justin's movements were in sync with the music.



1. underwater adv. 在水中,水面下地

2. synchronized swimming   花式游泳

synchronize 1 vt. & vi.(使)同时发生

3. perform vt. 演出,表演

4. routine n.(一套固定的)舞步∕动作

5. twist vi. & vt. 旋转,扭转

6. flip vi. & vt. 翻转

7. pattern n. 样式,模式

8. perfectly adv. 完美地

9. gymnastics n. 体操;体育

10. nickname n. 绰号

11. water ballet n. 水上芭蕾

12. popularity n. 普及,流行

13. participation n. 参加,参与

14. competition n. 比赛,竞赛

15. graceful a. 优美的

16. timing n. 精确计时;时机的选择

17. endurance n. 耐久力;忍耐

18. flexibility n. 灵活度;弹性

19. solo a. 单独(表演)的

20. lifeguard n. 救生员

21. drown vi. 溺水;溺毙


1. as a whole  整体看来

2. in pairs  两个一组地;成对地

3. at the same time  同时



花式游泳是相当新颖的运动,20 世纪初才在加拿大首度表演。花式游泳结合游泳、舞蹈和体操,最终获得『水上芭蕾』的昵称。它在 1984 年被列入夏季奥运的正式比赛项目时,开始大受欢迎。夏季奥运的花式游泳比赛只开放给女性选手参加。虽然花式游泳以女性参赛为主,但在一些国家级的比赛中也可见到男性选手参赛的身影。



标准答案: 1. (C) 2. (H) 3. (I) 4. (E) 5. (B) 6. (F) 7. (J) 8. (G) 9. (A) 10. (D)


1 synchronize
v.使同步 [=synchronise]
  • The sound on a film must synchronize with the action. 影片中的声音必须与动作配合一致。
  • You must synchronize your Inbox before selecting additional folders. 在选择其他文件夹前,您必须同步您的收件箱。
2 synchronized
  • Do not use the synchronized keyword in Managed Objects. 不要在管理对象上使用synchronized关键字。 来自互联网
  • The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane's propeller. 风门的调速与飞机螺旋桨的转动精确同步。 来自辞典例句
3 flip
  • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
4 perfectly
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
5 participation
  • Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术要求有观众的参与。
  • The scheme aims to encourage increased participation in sporting activities.这个方案旨在鼓励大众更多地参与体育活动。
6 graceful
  • His movements on the parallel bars were very graceful.他的双杠动作可帅了!
  • The ballet dancer is so graceful.芭蕾舞演员的姿态是如此的优美。
7 timing
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
8 flexibility
  • Her great strength lies in her flexibility.她的优势在于她灵活变通。
  • The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old.人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。
9 relatively
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
10 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
11 harry
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
12 likeness
  • I think the painter has produced a very true likeness.我认为这位画家画得非常逼真。
  • She treasured the painted likeness of her son.她珍藏她儿子的画像。
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