时间:2018-11-27 作者:英语课 分类:VOA中级美国英语



在这一课里, 我们要学习形容词比较级, 像是: "比较高", "比较好" 等等. 现在我们先听一段对话, 内容是说亨利跟他表妹苏珊在电话里话家常.我请两位英文老师用正常速度念这段对话, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?
F: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?
M: Everyone's fine. But actually 2, I'm feeling 3 a little tired these days.
F: You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used 4 to be.
M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger 5 than ever 1. What's your secret 6?
F: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet 7.
You should too.
M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.
F: No, Henry. You should start now.
M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice 8.

现在我们把整段对话再听一遍. 可是英文老师念得比较慢, 你注意听, 看看能懂多少.

M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?
F: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?
M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.
F: You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.
M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret?
F: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet. You    should too.
M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.
F: No, Henry. You should start now.
M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

在刚才那段对话里有不少比较级用法, 现在我挑出几个例子, 请英文老师用慢速度再念一遍给你听:

F: Never better.
F: You're getting older.
F: You are heavier than you used to be.
M: Everyone gets older.
M: You look younger than ever.
M: When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.


听了刚才那段对话, 也许你已经注意到在英文里形容词比较级就是在一般短的形容词后面加上 e-r, 比方 "高" 是 tall, t-a-l-l, tall, "比较高" 就是 taller, t-a-l-l-e-r,taller.下面我们给你举一些例子比较亨利和苏珊两个人谁老,谁年轻,谁胖,谁瘦, 谁高,谁矮等等. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Henry is older; Susan is younger.
F: Henry is older; Susan is younger.
M: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.
F: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.
M: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.
F: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.
M: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.
F: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.

如果把 "亨利比较老; 苏珊比较年轻 " 这句话简化为 "亨利比苏珊老", 在英文里就必须用 than, t-h-a-n, than 这个字; 整句话就是 Henry is older than Susan. 下面我们来作换字练习, 多学学这个句型. 首先老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新的比较级形容词,请你把形容词代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 老师会念出正确作法, 你自己比较一下看作对了没有. 现在我们开始.

M: Henry is older than Susan.
M: fatter
F: Henry is fatter than Susan.
M: weaker
F: Henry is weaker than Susan.
M: heavier
F: Henry is heavier than Susan.
M: busier
F: Henry is busier than Susan.

刚才那些句子都是以亨利为主词, 下面这些句子是以苏珊为主词; 还是把她和亨利作个比较, 比方 "苏珊比亨利年轻" 等等. 还是请你跟刚才一样作代换练习.

M: Susan is younger than Henry.
M: thinner
F: Susan is thinner than Henry.
M: shorter
F: Susan is shorter than Henry.
M: stronger
F: Susan is stronger than Henry.
M: healthier
F: Susan is healthier than Henry.
现在我们再来学习形容词比较级. 首先由老师提出一个问句, 接着他又提出一个词组作主词, 请学生用这个主词来回答问题, 然后老师又提出一个词组作受词, 请学生用 than 这个字把受词用进句子里. 首先我给你举一个例子.

M: Which table is longer?
M: this table
F: This table is longer.
M: that one
F: This table is longer than that one.

好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生作练习的时候也跟着作.

M: Which table is longer?
M: this table
F: This table is longer.
M: that one
F: This table is longer than that one.
M: Which dress is shorter?
M: the blue dress
F: The blue dress is shorter.
M: the red one
F: The blue dress is shorter than the red one.
M: Which car is newer?
M: the green car
F: The green car is newer.
M: the brown one
F: The green car is newer than the brown one
M: Which house is older?
M: the big house
F: The big house is older.
M: the small one
F: The big house is older than the small one.
M: Which city is warmer?
M: Washington 10, D.C.
F: Washington, D.C., is warmer.
M: New York
F: Washington, D.C., is warmer than New York.
M: Which day is colder?
M: today
F: Today is colder.
M: yesterday
F: Today is colder than yesterday.
M: Whose room is bigger?
M: Peter's
F: Peter's room is bigger.
M: Mary's
F: Peter's room is bigger than Mary's.
M: Whose cup is smaller?
M: Linda's
F: Linda's cup is smaller.
M: Peter's
F: Linda's cup is smaller than Peter's.
M: What is faster?
M: the airplane 11
F: The airplane is faster.
M: the car
F: The airplane is faster than the car.
M: What is slower?
M: the train
F: The train is slower.
M: the airplane
F: The train is slower than the airplane.


除了变化规则的形容词比较级之外, 在英文里有很少数几个形容词比较级的变化是不规则的. 比方 "好" good, g-o-o-d, good 变成 better, b-e-t-t-e-r, better; "坏"bad, b-a-d bad 变成 worse 12, w-o-r-s-e, worse. 现在我们来作换字练习. 首先学学 better 的用法. 由老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新名词, 请你代换到原来的句子里. 比方老师说: This student is good,but that student is better. 接着老师给你一个名词 teacher 请你作代换练习, 正确答案应该是 This teacher is good, but that teacher is better. 现在我们开始作练习.每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: This student is good, but that student is better.
M: teacher
F: This teacher is good, but that teacher is better.
M: dictionary 13
F: This dictionary is good. but that dictionary is better.
M: report 14
F: This report is good, but that report is better.

下面我们用同样的方式来练习 worse 的用法.

M: This school is bad, but that school is worse.
M: college 15
F: This college is bad,but that college is worse.
M: university 16
F: This university is bad, but that university is worse.
F: library
F: This library is bad, but that library is worse.

另外两个变化不规则的形容词是 many, m-a-n-y, many. 跟 much, m-u-c-h, much.这两个字的比较级都是 more, m-o-r-e, more. 现在我们给你举一些例子, 先比较 much 跟 more. 句子的内容还是把苏珊跟亨利作个比较, 比方苏珊赚的钱比较少, 亨利赚得比较多等等. 每个句子老师念两次,请你听一次, 跟着老师重复一次.

M: Susan doesn't earn 17 much money; Henry earns 18 more.
F: Susan doesn't earn much money; Henry earns more.
M: Susan doesn't drink much coffee; Henry drinks more.
F: Susan doesn't drink much coffee; Henry drinks more.
M: Susan doesn't eat much meat; Henry eats more.
F: Susan doesn't eat much meat; Henry eats more.

下面几个句子是比较 many 跟 more. 请你还是跟刚才一样练习.

M: Henry doesn't read many books; Susan reads more.
F: Henry doesn't read many books; Susan reads more.
M: Henry doesn't have many records 19; Susan has more.
F: Henry doesn't have many records; Susan has more.
M: Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.
F: Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.



Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose 20 some weight. So he is on a diet. He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little sugar because it will make him fat. He also does exercises everyday 21. He swims, and he runs about two miles 22 a day. Now he is stronger than before. Henry's cousin, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger and thinner than he is. She exercises everyday. She doesn't eat much meat. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health 9.

等一会儿, 英文老师还会用慢速度把整段文章念一遍. 现在我们先把今天测验的三个问题念给你听.

M: What does Henry want to be?

M: What is Henry doing to get in shape again?

M: Compare 23 Henry and Susan.

现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把刚才那段文章念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案.

Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight. So he is on a diet. He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little sugar because it will make him fat. He also does exercises everyday. He swims, and he runs about two miles a day. Now he is stronger than before. Henry's cousin, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger and thinner than he is. She exercises everyday. She doesn't eat much meat. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 你回答之后, 老师会给你念正确答案, 你自己比较一下看是不是作对了. 在你比较的时候只要意思对了就行, 不必每一个字跟老师的答案一样.

M: What does Henry want to be?
F: He wants to be thinner.

M: What is Henry doing to get in shape again?
F: He tries not to eat too much. He eats very little sugar. He does exercises. He swims
  and runs.

M: Compare Henry and Susan.
F: Henry is fatter and older. Susan is younger, thinner and healthier.

1 ever
  • Have you ever been to hangzhou?你曾经去过杭州吗?
  • I will be young and strong and beautiful for ever.我将永远年轻、强壮,永远漂亮。
2 actually
  • he looks young, but she's actually 50.她看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了。
  • Actually,that's not quite right.实际上,那不完全对。
3 feeling
  • I am feeling better now.我现在觉得好些了。
  • I'm feeling kind of tired.我感到有点累。
4 used
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。
5 younger
  • My younger brother hides behind the door. 我弟弟躲在门后。
  • She is older than me but my other sisters are younger. 她比我大,其余都是我妹妹。
6 secret
  • Their secret is out.他们的秘密泄露了。
  • Last night,we held a meeting in secret.昨晚,我们秘密地举行了一次会议。
7 diet
n.饮食,节食,议会&vt.照规定饮食&vi. 忌食
  • Are you on a diet again?你又在节食了吗?
  • You need a balanced diet.你需要均衡的饮食。
8 advice
  • After all my advice, he still went his own way.在我苦口婆心地相劝后,他仍然一意孤行。
  • You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.你应该征求你的律师对这件事的意见。
9 health
  • Are you in good health?你的身体好吗?
  • I wish you good health and a long life.祝您健康长寿。
10 Washington
  • His birthplace is Washington,but he lives in San Francisco.他出生于华盛顿,但住在旧金山。
  • They, together with my father,have gone to Washington.他们和我父亲一起去华盛顿了。
11 airplane
  • OK.May I know the types of airplane?请问是什么机型?
  • How many times have you traveled by airplane? 你坐过几次飞机?
12 worse
  • I have even worse news for you.我有更坏的消息告诉你。
  • The weather got worse during the day.白天天气更坏了。
13 dictionary
  • I have a new dictionary.我有一本新字典。
  • This is a very good dictionary.这是一本非常好的词典。
14 report
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon.今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • I shall report to you.我将向你汇报。
15 college
  • The college drama society is going to put on a play.大学戏剧协会正准备上演一个剧目。
  • I was hot on playing basketball when I was in college.我上大学时热衷于打篮球。
16 university
  • She teaches English at the University of Wales.她在威尔士大学教英语。
  • I'm going to enter a university.我要上大学。
17 earn
  • Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.现今谋生很容易。
  • I expect it to earn its cost in less than three years.我希望它在3年内赚回成本。
18 earns
v.赚得( earn的第三人称单数 );挣钱;生(利);获(利)
  • The singer earns a colossal amount of money. 那歌手现在可赚大钱了。
  • She earns more since she repackaged herself as a business consultant. 自从把自己重新包装成商业顾问以来,她的收入增加了。
19 records
n.记录( record的名词复数 );经历;(有关过去的)事实;最好的成绩v.记录,录音,拍摄( record的第三人称单数 );标明;发表正式(或法律方面的)声明;演奏音乐供录制
  • Accurate records must be kept. 必须保存准确的记录。
  • The dial records very slight variations in pressure. 该刻度盘能显示很微小的压力变化。
20 lose
  • I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.我不走运,打牌总输。
  • I can always lose myself in a good book.一本好书会使我爱不释手。
21 everyday
  • Sweeping the floor is his everyday work.扫地是他的日常工作。
  • He practices speaking English everyday.他每天练习说英语。
22 Miles
n.英里( mile的名词复数 );很多;一英里赛跑;大面积
  • Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里约等于五英里。
  • a fortress town enclosed by four miles of ramparts 由四英里长的城墙围着的设防城镇
23 compare
  • How does your new house compare with your old one?你的新房子和你的旧房子比起来怎样?
  • It is hard to compare.很难比较。
age variation
atmic mes
automatic continuous sugar cooker
biologically effective dose
Bloody Caesars
buccal raphe
centimeter-gram-second system (cgs)
cerebral respiration
cestrotus apicalis
chebulic myrobalan
compatibility test unit
complete automatic
cry on
Cullinan diamond
darkening agent
department of social security
drawing limits
earnings on invested capital
entropion uveae
flame arrestor
flash(distillation) column
follicular colitis
for conscience' sake
frequency-response calibration
fuel supporting casting
gateway page
gleyic chernozems
gulamental plate
Harry Stack Sullivan
hexagonal ogdohedron
hove-to condition
infrared line
jigging chamber
journey time
lability energy
magnetic-tooth transducer
mandibular cheek teeth (or lower cheek teeth)
Martes martes
monkey sort
multifacet rotating prism
pipes of Pan
pointwise uniformity
polymerization reaction engineering
presenting part
question format
radio wave method
random dyeing
rectilinear evolution
related discipline
rope spear
run year
running axle stand
specific conductivity of wood
spy aeroplane
steam flush method
steam proof
subfamily melolonthidaes
supiori (soepiori i.)
systemic mastocytosis
tapered pin
Thladiantha globicarpa
traffic growth rate
upsetting thermometer
weighted array
zone of proximal development (zpd)