时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:文化聚焦


                    08  一位赛车手在上周的比赛中身亡

BYLINE=Paul Thompson

(Start at 1'01") American (1)automobile racing 3 (2)driver Dale Earnhardt died last week. He was killed during ond!of the most famous races in the United States, the Daytona Five-Hundred. He was forty-nine years old. Shep O'Neal has more.
Dale Earnhardt was killed when his race car hit a wall while traveling more than two-hundred-eighty kilometers an hour. He was very near the finish of the Daytona Five-Hundred Mile Race at the Daytona International(3)Speedway in Daytona, Florida. Earnhardt was trying to block the paths of the drivers behind him. He was in third place. The two cars ahead of him were driven by his son Dale and Michael Waltrip. Waltrip won the race.
The Daytona Five-Hundred is an extremely popular race in the United States. It is supported by the National Association for Stock Car Auto 2 Racing, known as (4)NASCAR. Thousands of people attend NASCAR races. Millions more watch them on television.
NASCAR races began in the southern United States after World War Two. Many of the first drivers had used their cars to (5)transport illegal (6)alcohol. Then people began to pay money to watch them race. Leadess of auto racing organizations formed NASCAR in Nineteen-Forty-Seven. They did so to support the races, (7)publish rules and organize the sport.
Since then, NASCAR races have become extremely (8)popular. Many of the top drivers are famous throughout the United States. In addition to Dale Earnhardt, they include Richard Petty 4, Bobby Allison, Cale Yarborough and Darell Waltrip. They have become heroes to people who follow the races. These men have also earned millions of dollars racing cars.
Everyone knows it is extremely dangerous to race cars at speeds of more than two-hundred-eighty kilometers an hour. NASCAR is trying to make the sport safer. All racing cars have special (9)devices to protect drivers. They also have special devices that prevent fires.
However, race officials say it is impossible to protect a driver who crashes into a wall. The sudden stop almost always results in death. Race officials are looking for a vay to (10)design a wall that would protect the crowds, and still prevent the sudden stop that results from a crash.
Dale Earnhardt was one of the most successful and best loved drivers in NASCAR history. NASCAR officials say they will (11)investigate his accident to find ways to make the race safer in the future.


TITLE=AMERICAN MOSAIC #807 - Foreign Student Series, Part 24: Health (12)Insurance
 BYLINE=Nancy Steinbach

Our VOA listener question today comes in an e-mail from China. Zhang Mei-zhen asks about the health insurance required of every foreign student who attends an American college or university.
Most full-time 6 students at American universities must have health insurance. This is because health costs in the United States are high. Colleges are not able to pay the costs if students suffer serious (13)accidents or sickness.
Many American colleges have health centers where doctors and nurses treat students' medical problems. This (14)service may be included in the cost of attending college. Health insurance is usually needed for extra services.
Students may already be protected under their parents' health insurance (15)policies. If not, many colleges offer their own insurance plans.
For example, students at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor 5 are treated without charge for minor 7 medical problems at the university health center. But the university suggests that students buy its health insurance plan. It costs about eight-hundred dollars a year. The insurance pays for hospital services, (16)emergency room care and visits to doctors. It also pays for laboratory tests and x-rays. And it pays ninety percent of the!cost of drugs ordered by a doctor. The plan does not pay for birth control, care of the teeth or (17)eyeglasses. And it does not pay for (18)preventive care such as injections that prevent disease.
Students at Boston College in (19)Massachusetts are required to have their own health insurance plan or to buy the college accident and sickness insurance. The college plan costs about five-hundred dollars a year. It pays for any medical care needed within a time period. It does not pay for eyeglasses, hearing aids, or dental treatment.
Students can also buy independent insurance policies from insurance companies. The (20)details of such policies are different, depending on where the student lives. Usually, these policies pay for doctor visits, (21)treatment of (22)injuries and hospital costs.
Sometimes foreign students do not understand the need for health insurance, especially if they do not need such insurance in their own countries. However, people in the United States are responsible for their own medical costs. These can be extremely high in cases of serious illness or accidents. The (23)purpose of health insurance is to make sure that these costs will be paid for.


TITLE=AMERICAN MOSAIC #807 - Grammy Awards
BYLINE=Nancy Steinbach

The National Academy of Recording 8 Arts and Sciences presented its forty-third yearly Grammy Awards last week. Shirley Griffith tells us about the Grammies and some of the songs that won this year.
The Grammy Awards recognize excellent musical recordings 9 and the musicians who create them. The award is a small statue. It is shaped like the early record player called a (24)gramophone 10. The word "grammy" is a short way of saying gramophone.
Members of the Recording Academy choose the best work each year. This year, one-hundred awards were given at a (25)ceremony in Los Angeles, California.
The Song of the Year is an award for the best songwriter. The winner this year was the group U-Two for writing the song "Beautiful Day." The song also won the (26)Grammy for Best Single Record of the Year.
The Grammy for best Album of the Year went to the rock group Steely Dan for the album "Two Against Nature." It also won the award for best Pop Vocal 11 (27)Album. A song on that album won the Grammy for best Pop Duo or Group. We leave you now with that song, "(28)Cousin Dupree."

(1)   automobile[ 5C:tEmEubi:l, 7C:tE5mEubil, 7C:tEmE5bi:l ]n.汽车(=motor    car,car)
(2)   driver[ 5draivE ]n.驾驶员n.[计] 驱动器, 驱动程序n.[机]起子, 主动轮, 传动器
(3) speedway[5spi:dweI]n.机器脚踏车的竞赛场, 高速公路
(4) NASCARabbr.National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing (美国) 全国汽车比赛协  会
(5) transport[ trAns5pC:t ]n.传送器, 运输, 运输机, 激动, 流放犯, 狂喜vt.传送, 运输, 放逐
(6) alcohol[ 5AlkEhCl ]n.酒精, 酒
(7) publish[ 5pQbliF ]v.出版, 刊印vt.公布, 发表
(8) popular[ 5pCpjulE ]adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的
(9) device[ di5vais ]n.装置, 设计, 图案, 策略, 发明物, 设备[计]安装设备驱动程序
(10) design[ di5zain ]n.设计, 图案, 花样, 企图, 图谋, (小说等的)构思, 纲要v.设计, 计划,
(11) investigate[ in5vesti^eit ]v.调查, 研究
(12) insurance[ in5FuErEns ]n.保险, 保险单, 保险业, 保险费
(13) accident[ 5AksidEnt ]n.意外事件, 事故
(14) service[ 5sE:vis ]n.服务, 服务性工作, 服役, 仪式vt.保养, 维修adj.(军队)服现役的,
(15) policy[ 5pClisi ]n.政策, 方针
(16) emergency[ i5mE:dVnsi ]n.紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件
(17) eyeglass[5aI^lB:s]n.镜片, [复]眼镜
(18) preventive[ pri5ventiv ]adj.预防性的
(19) Massachusetts[ 7mAsE5tFu:sits ]n.麻萨诸塞州
(20) detail[ 5di:teil, di5teil ]n.细节, 详情vt.详述, 细说
(21) injury[ 5indVEri ]n.伤害, 侮辱
(22) treatment[ 5tri:tmEnt ]n.待遇, 对待, 处理, 治疗
(23) purpose[ 5pE:pEs ]n.目的, 意图, 用途, 效果, 决心, 意志vt.打算, 企图, 决心
(24) gramophone[ 5^rAmEfEun ]n.留声机
(25) ceremony[ 5serimEni ]n.典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 报幕员
(26) Grammy[`^rAmI]n.格莱美奖(美国镀金唱片奖,一年一度地奖励录音工业中有特别  成就的奖,如奖给灌制唱片方面成绩卓著者的奖)
(27) album[ 5AlbEm ]n.集邮本, 照相簿, 签名纪念册
(28) Cousin[ ku:zAN ]库辛(Victor, 1792-1867, 法国哲学家、教育改革家; 折

1 mosaic
  • The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
  • The image mosaic is a troublesome work.图象镶嵌是个麻烦的工作。
2 auto
  • Don't park your auto here.别把你的汽车停在这儿。
  • The auto industry has brought many people to Detroit.汽车工业把许多人吸引到了底特律。
3 racing
  • I was watching the racing on television last night.昨晚我在电视上看赛马。
  • The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。
4 petty
  • The removal of petty restrictions has made life easier.对一些琐碎规定的取消使生活更自在了。
  • It was petty of her not to accept the apology.她气量太小,连道歉也不接受。
5 arbor
  • They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea.他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。
  • You may have heard of Arbor Day at school.你可能在学校里听过植树节。
6 full-time
  • A full-time job may be too much for her.全天工作她恐怕吃不消。
  • I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.既要照顾家庭又要全天工作,我不知道她是如何对付的。
7 minor
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
8 recording
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
9 recordings
n.记录( recording的名词复数 );录音;录像;唱片
  • a boxed set of original recordings 一套盒装原声录音带
  • old jazz recordings reissued on CD 以激光唱片重新发行的老爵士乐
10 gramophone
  • The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary.电话和留声机是同一时代的产物。
  • Gramophone records warp in very hot weather.天气太热时,唱片会弯翘。
11 vocal
  • The tongue is a vocal organ.舌头是一个发音器官。
  • Public opinion at last became vocal.终于舆论哗然。
all - terrain vehicle
Amble's method
arthropod bites
barrage cell
blast cupola
Canadian Transport Commission
castro dei volsci
cell-counter with electric-resist detecting method
cheilotrichia (empeda) liliputina
commutater end head felt pad
disodium colour
Ferri diffuser
flat policy
flight discipline
Franzen's index
get butterflies in one's stomach
grashof double-rocker
Grewia falcata
heavy-duty cutter
hovercraft dredger
hydroxytyramine hydrobromide
incident sound
initial assessment
iso-iec 11172-2 decoder
jugular lymph sac
key sth in
lamp blown glass
last use
layer of sugar
longitudinal arch of foot
longyearbyen (longyear city)
loss one's capital
low-level flight
Luisia morsei
molecular stability
molten mass
much ado about nothing
nitrocellulose-nitroglycerine mixture
parallel control
permanent set in fatigue
podzol type of soil formation
port arch
port opening
primary bubo
quarter pounder
rate of flame propagation
repetition distance
ribbon structure
rifled barrel
Sierra Blanca
sprue stopper
tangent friction force
the crock of gold
tipping pitman
Tom Joneses
transit rule
transposed teeth
tropic lower low water
turning mechanism
tympanic trephine
Urtica thunbergiana
wastewater purification plant
wearing apparels